The Blockchain Debate Podcast

Announcing The Blockchain Debate Podcast

December 16, 2019 Richard Yan

Each episode invites two industry experts to debate a blockchain related motion.

The debate winner will be determined based on changes in pre-debate and post-debate motion poll results.

For example, if according to Twitter polling, 30% agreed with motion A before the release of the debate, and 35% agree afterwards, then the "for" debater effected a net +5% conversion, and therefore won.

Episode #1 is expected to drop in a week!

Host: Richard Yan (@gentso09)


Hi everyone. My name is Richard Yan and I am a blockchain industry practitioner. I'm excited to introduce to you The Blockchain Debate Podcast, a new program that brings on experts to come together and debate topics in the blockchain space. Here are some example topics: Will Bitcoin attain store of value status? Does blockchain solve any real-world problems besides possibly enabling a digital alternative to gold? What are the arguments for Ethereum maximalism? It seems that the industry's future can go down very different paths and each path has its own group of hardcore believers. While they can't all be right, perhaps by hearing the experts debate, the rest of us can compare their reasoning and see the future a bit more clearly. In each episode we'll set a motion, also known as the debate's topic, and get one expert to debate for each side. The two guests will challenge each other's positions and put their opponents' reasoning under the microscope for all to see. It is the intellectual equivalent of a wrestling match. This will be a conversation where consensus is optional, but proof of thought is required, if you will. So whether you are a builder or investor, whether you consider yourself blockchain savvy or blockchain curious, if you want to better predict the future of blockchain and want to hear all relevant arguments before making up your mind, this podcast is for you. With that said, I look forward to having you join us soon. In the meantime, subscribe to our Twitter@blockdebate, and my personal Twitter handle is@gentso09. See you soon on The Blockchain Debate Podcast- consensus optional, proof of thought required.