This Week in Health Tech

Extending value of EHR - Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Mobile Apps

Vik Patel and Jimmy Kim Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode of This Week in Health Tech, Vik and Jimmy discuss reasons why EHR must be extended. With a fragmented EHR market in both inpatient and even more in the outpatient setting, EHRs present challenges in interoperability, social determinants of health, patient engagement, care coordination, data analytics as per Sage Growth Partners Study. 
Vik comments on the benefits of extending EHR and take advantage of Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Mobile Apps for better patient outcomes. 
Jimmy and Vik also talk about options to extend EHR using Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud. They also talk about the example of Apple Health Records and how it presents a great option to extend EHR. 
We start out slow, however, the episode really picks up after about 5 minutes. 

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