The Kristen Becker Podcast

The 3-Words That Help You Live Your Life More On Purpose

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 26

The easy way to create a 3-word mission statement that will change the direction of your life (promise!). No creepy rules or drill sergeants, just smooth sailing to live your life more on purpose.

This is part 1 of a 3-part series on living life on purpose. Be sure to check out the other two episodes (27 & 28).

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Hey, Today let's talk about how to create a three word mission statement for your life. It's really important because then you can live your life more intentionally more on purpose, get what you want out of it and not feel like you're being tossed around by the waves all the time. And I think that purpose is a really important word. However, it's pretty understandable that a lot of us when we hear it, you know, we're like, oh my gosh, not this again. Like, there's this creepy little drill sergeant in the back of our minds that says, You can't handle the purpose. So then we kind of say to ourselves, you know what, I can't purpose today. Today. I'm just going to subsist, right? Just two purposes too much for me today. But the problem with that is that, you know, today turns in tomorrow, next week, next year, and like your whole entire life, and a lifetime of subsisting, turns into that four letter word, which is actually eight letters, by the way, we're just settling. Ah, you know how I feel about that. But the nice thing about purpose is, when you look at it from different angles, different directions, it becomes much more interesting, less intimidating, a whole lot more work with the ball. And so all this week, we're going to be doing that. And today, we're going to begin with your personal mission statement. And wait before you say, Oh, my gosh, I'm out of here. I knew it. I knew it. Right? You're creepy drill sergeants popping up. Just stick with me here, because I'm not talking about your life purpose, you know, figuring that all out. And who's got time for that right now? Right? I'm just talking about how you want to feel in very broad strokes. And by broad strokes, I mean, it really three words. All I'm saying is, think about three words that really encapsulate the most of what you want to get out of life. And I've done this myself, and I had three words, but then after like, a couple of weeks, I changed them, which is super cool. You can do that. Your life, you can do anything you want. And so currently, my three words are growth, love, and adventure. So you can see how that really captures the core things that I want to get out of this precious gift of my life, right. But because I wake up every day with these three core things kind of in the forefront of my mind, it changes little decisions and choices that I make throughout the day. And then that empowers me to become, you know, basically the captain of my own ship, it changes little choices that I make. So just like that ship, it's going in a specific direction, more or less, not as much being tossed around by the waves or caught off guard by a storm. And just having these three words in my mind when something pops up. It helps me to look at them differently from a different angle and make different choices and do different things with it. which ultimately ends up you know, dictating where I end up with regard to a certain situation or a day in my life or a relationship or whatever. So as you can see this purpose stuff can be super stupid, simple, right? Just think about your three words. Well, if I had three words to guide how I wanted to feel what I wanted to get out of life, what would they be, and like I did you know, like the same thing that happened to me, you're going to probably change your words, that's super cool. And then write them down, put them someplace where you can see them. Think about them every day when you wake up in the morning that really, really set your intention for the day. And I can tell you from personal experience will have a massive influence on how you respond to things and the choices you make and how you navigate your day. So you achieve those three words. In my case growth love adventure. So it becomes super easy to use those three words to live your life on purpose. And if on purpose sounds too creepy drill sergeants to still then just say on course I'm living my life on course. Get your three words. Have fun with it. Check us out Wednesday and Friday, where we're going to be looking at purpose from even different angles and perspectives that are really fun, inspiring and easy to work with.

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