The Kristen Becker Podcast

Trigger Your Brain's Autopilot For Success Part 3

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 33

You can't out muscle or out willpower your self-concept but you can change it so you can achieve your goals on autopilot. 

This is part 3 of a 3-part series on How to Trigger Your Brain's Autopilot For Success. Be sure to check out the other 2 episodes  (31 & 32).

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You want to do it, you know you're capable of doing it. And yet you don't do it. Why? Well, that's what we're talking about all this week, and more importantly, some really easy hacks that we can use to trigger our own brains to automatically achieve our goals on autopilot. Now, if you haven't heard the first two episodes, go back after this one and listen to them, because each one has a unique little hack that you can use in everyday life, to reprogram your habitual mind your ofc, your orbital frontal cortex, right? To achieve your goals on autopilot to become unstoppable to have the same programming or the same agenda as your conscious mind that says, No, I really do want this for myself. No, I really do think I'm capable of this and deserve this. And if you've ever read Psycho Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell smart, excellent book, or really, any and all psychology research shows and tells us that we can't muscle we can't out willpower, we can't outperform our self concept, right? our identity of ourselves, right. And this is ingrained in our habitual mind and what is fueling our habitual mind. So take, for example, people who lose weight, right, and will use all these crazy tactics and diets and whatever. But if they don't actually upgrade their self image, their self concept, then they're going to regain that weight. And that's easily 80% or more people who will lose weight, but then regained it all if not more in a year. And it's for this reason, because they might have consistently use some force technique like willpower, but they didn't upgrade their self concept. And the good news is, it's actually easy to do. Now, in the first episode, I talked about casting votes. And if you think about it, those votes are votes for your new identity for an identity or a self concept or self image that is aligned with your goal. So our actions and our behaviors are casting votes for this self concept, right. And the self concept, ultimately is going to determine the upper or lower levels of what we achieve. In the second episode, I talked about how to engage your emotions, emotions are really powerful. So you use the techniques in the first two episodes of casting the notes of engaging your emotions. And now we're going to be aware that our self concepts at play, and this is a really easy and fun technique that you can use to gradually tweak and fine tune and update your self concept to be completely aligned with the goal that you want to achieve. I love this, it's so so so easy. All you do is you start using the two terms, I am the kind of person who, and I am not the kind of person who it's good to have one focus goal, like maybe not try to do everything at once, right. So just pick an end goal. I gave the example of weight loss, a lot of people do that you have that as goal, for example, and you're making a food choice. And you say, you're out at a restaurant, right? And you're trying to decide, should I get the pizza and fries? Or should I get this other dish that involves like vegetables and like is grilled instead of deep fried or something? And I say, Yeah, I am the kind of person who makes healthy choices, who provides my body with really healthy things are going to help it be strong and vital and work optimally. I am the kind of person who takes pride in how I feel my body, right? I am the kind of person who enjoys being vital and healthy and bringing my best self into the world. And you'll notice that I went many levels with that. So I didn't just stop and say, I'm the kind of person who orders vegetables, you know, because then your habitual minds like, No, you're not. You're the kind of person who gets french fries and pizza. Your actions have continuously created this self image model for your habitual mind, right? So you want to gradually change that. So you use the statement. I'm the kind of person who you go many layers deep. And you can use the opposite to kind of like working your abs and working your back muscles, right? If you want a six pack abs, you have to work both sides. So no, I'm not the kind of person who sabotages myself. I am not the kind of person who eat something knowing full well you know, it's going to make me heavier, it's going to make me feel lethargic, right. I'm not the kind of person who likes laying on the couch for an hour after getting fast food and feeling terrible. Use both sides the I'm a kind of person who go in many layers deep the I'm not the kind of person who going many layers deep. And as you consistently do this, you will literally upgrade your self concept to be aligned with achieving your goal and engaging your habitual parts of your mind to achieve this goal for yourself on autopilot. And to give another example again this week I've been talking about my podcast and my own habits around I'm recording the podcast. So on those days that I only recorded one episode knowing full well that I'm creating three more or two more days that week, right where I'm gonna have to sit down be a little less cohesive, right a little have a little less quality in my work because I've done it in a disjointed way. And I was casting votes. I'm the kind of person who does that who doesn't prioritize my business goals or my communication goals. In In contrast, by sitting down on one day, researching, outlining, recording, editing, and scheduling all three podcasts, I say, Yes, I am a podcaster. I am casting votes, I'm creating collateral for myself identity with the actions that I'm taking with the choices that I'm making. So all of those votes, all of that engagement of emotion is all identity, collateral. These are all the things that come together to create your self identity, which is ultimately I am the kind of person who dot dot dot

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