The Kristen Becker Podcast

An Unstructured Inner Freedom Meditation

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 34

My personal account of an unstructured meditation that was begun with an intention of exploring personal freedom which turned into a rather magical letting go experience. I'm sharing this in the hopes that it might inspire you to give yourself the same gift and spend some quiet time asking yourself what ya gotta do to explore the freedom of showing up in the world as your very best self. 

This is part 1 of a 3-part series on Freedom. Be sure to check out the other 2 episodes  (35 & 36). 

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Hey, everybody. I thought since it was the fourth of July yesterday, it was the most epic fourth, I had a fantastic time. It would be fitting this week to talk about independence, right? And so of course, I'm thinking about this a lot. And I basically this has no structure. I am just talking off the top of my head. I, you know, I felt like I'd say, so just let's go on a journey together, shall we? So I was thinking about this. And I started thinking about permission, right? I'm giving ourselves permission to be free. Not just free, but our most ideal, best selves. And then I was laying in bed, and this just happened this morning. And I was like, Well, let me kind of go down a path, sort of, in giving myself permission, I was doing this for myself, not for you guys. Sorry. It's just for me. But I'm, and I'm, there's a part of it, I'm not going to share because it's personal, have certain freedoms. And, and I was exploring the idea of allowing my most ideal and best self to, to show up and to really shine. And this was conscious, right? I was, you know, I suppose thinking through this. And I started thinking, Well, how do I do this? And I was like, well, I started realizing I have to peel back some layers, right? You can't force it or grip it, you know, it's kind of a letting go, sort of thing, right? And so I'm doing this. And I meditate a lot. So it's very easy for me to go into a meditative state. And I guess I would say kind of almost a trance like state. And so then at this point, I'm not imagining anything I'm not visualizing, I'm not putting any conscious effort into what's going on. But I've certainly set the initial intention, right, with what I explained a moment ago. And then I got what is basically like a phone call from someone. And at first, I was just rolling with it. I was like, chit chat, you know, this is great. And then he said, I have a gift for you. And I was very excited. I was like, Oh, yeah, gift. And he's like, you have to listen, but it wasn't really like listening. But I got what the message was right? In tuning out, I thought at first I have to tune out like all the data that's coming in the sounds, the awareness, the feelings, and tuning out kind of sounds like action, it's not really tuning out. It's more just like letting it all go putting it down, right to really open yourself up to something else. And that's when I heard the gift. And it was the sound of motorcycles, rumbling, roaring, like, I don't know if it was 10 or 20, or 100. But if you could just imagine this feeling of like, like, just rolling by, and how, in the moment you are, you feel it, you hear it, you are completely lost in that sensation while it's happening. And it was incredible. I don't think I can articulate really how incredible it was. And I was like, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. And then, you know, to reflect on that. I know what it means. I'm not sure that it's translating very well. But for me, it was very powerful message and a powerful gift. And I guess the only way I can really translate it is to be open to being that intensely in the moment, in every moment. What an amazing way that is of being right. And, and then I keep coming back to this whole idea of putting things down putting down the data that's coming in, right. And when you put down all that data, which that could be thinking ruminating, like trying too hard, whatever. There's something massively beautiful already there. Basically, if I guess how that goes. And as I mentioned, To start off, there's no structure here. I'm not I don't have a tip. But I thought that perhaps by sharing this with you, it might inspire you to do the same thing for yourself in some way. And just you have to kind of go through that door right? And give it a chance and I don't know. I don't know that's just I wanted to share it's this like, freedom but not like Land of the Free freedom, inner freedom. It's pretty, pretty awesome. And that is that and I hope that everyone has had an absolutely epic holiday weekend. I think it's a long holiday weekend and hopefully a lot of people are really still crushing it on this beautiful Monday. And I will see you again with probably some more freedom related episodes later in the week.

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