The Kristen Becker Podcast

The Drama & Trauma Train Parable

August 02, 2021 Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 27

Let's go on an adventure on the drama & trauma train and see what happens next!

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Today I'm posing the question, what happens next in life after you get off the drama and trauma train. And I recently had an experience where I was on the drama and trauma train, and it was not fun. And I was like, I gotta get off this train, right? I like to think of things in terms of metaphors or parables. And it's very effective. And I will tell you why in just a moment. But let's continue with the train metaphor. Now, when you're on the train, you have some options. The way I see it, One option is you can wait until the train stops at a station to pick up new passengers. And then just quietly slip away, right. But that is not always an option. So sometimes you have to jump off the train while it's going full speed down the tracks. And as you note, trains have a lot of momentum that can be very hard to stop. So this might be your only option. So you decide to jump off the train, you get some cuts and bruises, you're tumbled around, it's not really fun. But eventually you get your footing, you stand up, you look around, and then you realize, Oh crap, I am in the middle of nowhere, all by myself, What do I do next? Well, that's one way to look at it. But another way to look at it is, oh, crap, I'm all by myself in the middle of nowhere. And I can go in absolutely any direction that I want to. So you start looking around, and you see that there is this stunningly beautiful mountain, right. And you think, oh, man, I am gonna go climb that mountain and see what things look like from the top of that mountain. And you know, it's gonna feel good. So you start climbing the mountain, and then you realize, uh, huh, climbing mountains is hard. It's really hard. But I decided to get off the train, I decided to climb the mountain, I am going all the way to the top right. And then when you get to the top of the mountain, to your very, very pleasant surprise, you realize there's other people there. And you didn't notice them because they were coming up other sides of the mountain. But you can sit together on the top of the mountain, enjoy this amazingly stunning view. revel in how strong you've become from the process of climbing the mountain, share your experiences, right? This is a wonderful experience. But this is where it gets really interesting, because when I was thinking in terms of this parable, I thought you know what this happens at both micro and macro level, it can be that in one aspect of your life, you're on the train, right? In another aspect, you might be standing in the middle of the desert, looking around and wondering what you're gonna do. And then in another aspect, you won't be climbing the mountain and in another one, you might be at the top of the mountain. This brings me full circle back around to the reason that I love to work through my own challenges with parables and metaphors. Because you can be more objective. It takes you out of that feeling of being deeply entrenched in the emotional experience of wherever you are, in whatever it is that you're working through. And as you can see by this example, it's really fun because then you have some fun with it, you see things more objectively, you can kind of start seeing where you are with different things. In this case, you know which parts of your life you're on the train and in the middle of the desert by yourself or working your way up the mountain or at the top of the mountain. And to me that is very empowering, and it's very fun. It's a whole hell of a lot more fun than just feeling like you're stuck in any one situation right gives you like the big picture the bird's eye view. So have fun with that and I will talk to you again super soon in the next episode.

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