The Kristen Becker Podcast

Why Boundaries Precede Success

Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 30

Often times we find that the floodgates of success open after we go down the sometimes rocky road of putting our foot down with people.  When you commit to yourself on this level, a lot of magical things start to happen!

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Hey, let's talk about the sometimes rocky road that precipitates success. Hey, let's talk about the sometimes rocky road that precedes success and wins in life. I recently had a conversation with my friend, Henri, he's a wonderful artist, you can look them up or he Bengal. And I've known him maybe seven years or eight years. And certainly it appeared to me that he's just wildly successful right now he's, in the time that I've known him expanded so much as an artist, he's coveted artists, you know, collectors, collect his work, he sold a painting of a rock star for$10,000 at auction, and, you know, literally supporting himself living true to himself by creating art, which I'm just like, thrilled for him. And he posted recently on social media about things really starting to exceed even his wildest dreams. And I thought, my goodness, really like, this is already amazing, what are your wildest dreams, and I'm so glad for you that they're coming through. And then we ended up having a conversation about establishing boundaries with people in life. And, and that is challenging, right when you do that, but where we went with this conversation, and what I wanted to share with you guys is that it's actually a really important part of the road that sometimes rocky road as I say, leads twos wins and successes in life. Because when you establish boundaries with people, it's usually people that are close to you, right? And but what you're really doing is more for yourself, because you're you're defining yourself, you're committing to yourself, if there's something you're not willing to give up on, or, you know, have wiggle room on, because you're like, Nope, I have decided that this is who I am, this is how I show up. You know, if you're uncomfortable with it, that's your problem with kind of this kind of stuff. What that's really doing inside is making a huge commitment and creating clarity in your understanding of who you are, why you are that way, what's important to you how you show up in the world. So if you find yourself on the sometimes rocky road, just don't be upset about it, you know, realize actually hidden get excited, like I'm to the point now where I actually literally get excited. I'm like, yeah, this is a little uncomfortable. I've already had experiences that allow me to know through my intuition that I'm absolutely on the right path. And so I felt really confident about it and enjoy it. So just keep that in mind. Think about it as you maybe have those types of experiences and reframe, you know what they mean to you, and just know you're following your intuition, your true self, you're aligning with your true self and have fun with it.

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