The Kristen Becker Podcast

The Best Way To Build A Mountain

August 23, 2021 Kristen Becker Season 2 Episode 32

When you have a clear goal and know why you want to achieve the goal, the next step is to figure out how to achieve it. What is the best and fastest way? Listen to find out!

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Once you've identified a big juicy goal, something you're really excited to achieve the why behind it, you know what it's going to mean for you how it's going to change your life. The next thing you're probably going to do is start thinking about well, okay, what is the best and fastest way for me to achieve this goal? Now, if you followed me for any bit of time, I'm sure you've heard me say pebbles on the pile. And the reason I say this is simply because it works. In fact, I've noticed more and more over the last years and the last one or two in particular, that when people ask me, oh, wow, how'd you do this? How do you achieve that? How'd you get like this? How do you become that? I am reduced to a one word answer. And the reason I am reduced to a one word answer is because it's the most effective tool that they could take and use to achieve their own goals. And that one word is gradually. Now we live in a society where we are marketed to for instant gratification, instant mountain mountain in the box, right. And the truth of the matter is that what is effective is protocol. And let's stick with the mountain here. Because I happen to have a mountain in mind that I want to talk about, I live in Maryland. And if you want to go to Western Maryland, you have to drive through a mountain called sideling Hill. Rather than going around the mountain or over the mountain, they decided to just blow right through the middle of the mountain. And it's kind of cool, because when you drive through, you can see all the striations of all the many, many years of layers and growth and development. And they're literally, you know, different colors and different types of materials. And it's not only fun and interesting, it's wonderful analogy of how we create our own mountains, you know, that mountain being a goal, step by step protocol, right. And to that end, I highly recommend some sort of tracking and measuring system. Because this is effective for a lot of reasons. Number one, what gets measured gets improved upon you plan, you measure, you pivot, right. But also, once you get to the top of the mountain, it's sort of like having that road blown through the middle of your mountain where you can look back on your tracking and look at all the ways in which you grew you developed, you got better at something that actually empowered you to be at the top of that mountain. Now I have another example. I'm endeavoring on a new strength training protocol. And so I've been researching books to guide me and I was reading the reviews of one of the books last night. And one of the guys said, you know, a lot of people will take the main idea, and go balls to the wall on it, and then say, oh, it doesn't work. And he was like, in order for this protocol to work for you, you have to follow the directions, basically, measure your starting weight, time, your reps, you know, track in your tracking, whatever you're using to track it, the combination of timing and weight that you are using, and how you increase it and so on. And I've heard that in so many different things, you know, meditating, people say, Oh, I meditated three times, it doesn't work for me, or I have I'm in a training program for something. And the guy specifically said, you know, so many people will do this three times and say, Ah, don't work. If it's three seems to be the magic number here. I don't know why forgiving up. But you need to keep going. You need to track everything. Think about it as your mountain, right. And the tracking is when you go back and drive through that mountain and sort of look at it from the inside. See all the cool ways that you grew gradually to get to your goal to get to the top of that mountain. So pebbles on the pile. It's a great way to build a mountain. Have fun with it, and I'll talk to you in the next episode.

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