Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Episode 21 - How to Build a Successful Security Awareness Training Program

Aaron Bregg Season 1 Episode 21

In this special live stream podcast recording event I spoke with Tim O'Connor. Tim is the manager of Knowledge Services for Cadre Information Security. The topic of this podcast is 'How to Build a Successful Security Awareness (SA) Program.

 Talking points include:

  •  What is the first step in building a successful program?
  • The concept of a security champion when you don't have a dedicated SA team
  • What are some common misconceptions about SA programs?
  • Diagramming out a social engineering attack

 This episode is sponsored by Cadre Information Security. Cadre is a security solutions provider that focuses on network data security designs for businesses.  The company is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio.