Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Special Event - Tales from the Cyber War Trenches - Jim Kuiphof's Cloud Con GR 2020 Keynote

Aaron Bregg Season 1 Episode 24

 I am happy to share very special event, Tales From The Cyber War Trenches from Jim Kuiphof's Cloud Con GR 2020 Keynote. In this episode Jim talks about real life experiences with vulnerability management lessons learned, how do you deal with 'interesting' government warnings, a ransomware near miss and disruptive security controls.

Cybersecurity Scenarios:

  • Tick Tock, Tick Tock - Time is Running Out (A Vulnerability Management Faceplant)
  • The Russians are Coming! … to waste your SOC's time 
  • Ransomware: How Do You Find An Infected Printer At Midnight?
  • Disruptive Security Controls - Implementing Perimeter "Default Deny"

Many, many thanks to Jim and the entire security leadership team at Spectrum Health for sharing this valuable information!