Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Episode 27 - Data Governace and Privacy - What Do You Need To Know

Aaron Bregg Season 1 Episode 27

In this episode Matt Nelson and myself talk with Adam Rosen about Data Privacy and Data Governance.  Adam is the VP of Product Strategy for Stealthbits.

For this conversation we used the Gartner Data Security Governance Framework as our guide to talk about:

  • Where does a SMB start when it comes to data governance and privacy?
  • What are some of the biggest challenges that SMBs currently face?
  • How automation can help when IT/Security resources may be limited
  • What are some 'Gothcas' when it comes to data privacy?

Gartner Reference Link:

How to Use the Data Security Governance Framework (gartner.com)

This episode was sponsored by Stealthbits. Stealthbits is a data and credentials security company based out of Hawthorne, New Jersey.  As always a majority of the proceeds of the podcast go towards 'At Risk' students in the West Michigan area.