Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Episode 29 - Talking Multi Factor Authentication

January 05, 2021 Aaron Bregg Season 2 Episode 1

In this episode I talk with Andy Winiarski and Craig Widmaier about Multi Factor Authentication and how a password(less) future is closer and simpler than you think.  Andy is a Senior Solution Engineer and Midwest Sales Director for Yubico.

Talking Points:

  • What is Multi Factor Authentication and why should an SMB use it?
  • What is the difference between a Yubikey and a different form of MFA (SMS, RSA Key, etc.)
  • Why isn't MFA used more?
  • What does 'password(less)' mean?

This episode was sponsored by Yubico.  Yubico is a global authentication leader based of out Sweden(!) with a US office in Palo Alto.  As always a majority of the proceeds from the sponsorship go to 'At Risk' students here in Michigan!