Hashtag Realtalk with Aaron Bregg

Episode 61 - A Closer Look at Digital Forensics

January 25, 2022 Aaron Bregg Season 4 Episode 1

In this first episode of 2022 I am reaching into my distance security past and invited a former colleague, Mike Ahrendt, to join Natasha Young and myself to take a close look at digital forensics.

Mike has worn many security hats, including recent leadership roles, but his heart lies in the SOC.  Mike shares some insightful stories and answers from tough questions from Natasha!

Talking Points:

  • What is the difference between Public Sector vs Private Sector?
  • How come some companies don't prioritize digital forensics investigations?
  • Why can't forensics data be subjective (hint: legal reasons and hack journalism)?
  • Why can more incidents be public (hint: brand damage)?
  • Should there be more government regulations in this area?
  • What is the problem with the current Threat Intel pipeline?

Reference Links:

To learn more about the FBI's Infragard initiative visit their website here.

Episode Disclaimer:

The views and opinions in this episode are my own and not a reflection of my employer or my awesome leaders. If you want the official stance of my employer on the incident from 2016 then use DuckDuckGo and research the issue from 2016. Stay safe and stay informed!!