Super Saints Podcast
God created us to become Super Saints. This podcast is about our Journey to Sainthood in these times. Journeys of Faith Ministry, founded by Bob and Penny Lord is about Evangelization through communications, spreading the Good News of the Gospel especially the Lives of the Super Saints. We are all called to become Saints, and each of us has been created uniquely with special features and gifts by God. Our goal is to spend eternity in union with Our God in Heaven. We will focus on the Lives of the Saints, Prayer and testimonies from daily life that will show us how to live as a Christian here and now and become a Super Saint in Heaven Join over a hundred thousand podcasters already using Buzzsprout to get their message out to the world.. https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=706577
Super Saints Podcast
Saint Michael the Archangel
Brother Joseph
Saint Michael the Archangel
Defend us in the Battle
Our most popular audiobook
Saint Michael appeared in three places
The Cave of Saint Michael in Italy where Saint Michael claimed a cave for the
Heavenly Army of Angels in the year 496.
Discover the history and tradition of this Pilgrimage site.
Mont Saint Michel in France Mont Saint Michel,
in Normandy, France, where the Archangel claimed the mountain for himself and the Heavenly Hosts.
San Miquel Grotto in Mexico - San Miguel Del Milagro in Mexico,
where Saint Michael gave us a grotto with Miraculous waters.