Eye on Potatoes: A Podcast on All Things Potatoes

Good Leaders Never Stop Learning

May 13, 2021 Eye on Potatoes

The Leadership Institute Alumni Summit, July 13-15, will bring together Potato Industry Leadership Institute graduates to network, refresh skills, and learn new techniques to better position themselves for success in the potato industry. All past graduates of the Institute are invited to participate in the three 90-minute workshops that will be active, engaging, fast-paced, high energy and packed with tips to put to use immediately.

Two of the three sessions will be led by Laurie Richards – a familiar face to Institute grads – as she’s taught leadership training seminars for the Institute for many years. 

Laurie and Mike Wenkel from Potato LEAF join the podcast to talk about what alumni can look forward to during this first-ever virtual summit. 

Courses will include: 

  • Refining Your Leadership Skills 
  • Refining Your Conflict Management 
  • Boosting the Team's Morale 

Registration closes June 18, 2021. For additional information visit pleaf.org.