Entrepreneurial Minds

The Marketing Combination: Exploring The Various Aspects With Alfredo Smith

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 12

Entrepreneurial Minds checks in on Panama with its twelfth episode, where we speak with Alfredo Smith the owner and editor of Element magazine, which specializes in contemporary culture and creative industries. He is also the founder of ADN Concierge, an experiential and lifetime marketing company. Alfredo shares with us all about project management and the process of creating a team. Join us for conversations about choosing your journey, the right track, and sharing stories from around the world.

spk_1:   0:02
welcome to entrepreneurial mines. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which was too greedy. Businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them. What stops them and would inspire some in order to identify. Are there common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents? Here's your next episode. Alfredo Smith. Thank you so much for having me this beautiful office. We're surrounded by so much our work and you need details. This seems like a great place for creative companies to work out of afraid of is the owner off an editor Off Element magazine, which specializes in contemporary culture and creative industries. And he's also the founder of a D N Concert, an experiential in lifetime marketing company. Afraid Oh, such a pleasure to be here with you. Thank you to get started. We're in Panama City. Can you tell us a little bit about the startup scene in Panama?

spk_0:   1:11
Okay. You know something about a nice kind of like like like a guy's one about the sand. Did you ever feel we are like, a biggest more? For there is so have different needs different clients who have different connection and working that give me something from one for another one. For that reason, every day, every year people has something on. People asked are offering something for the people for the reason we have different kinds of interpreting your spirit, but you can be out like a biggest company. You can be a like a biggest boutique when you have a biggest boutique where you are, because you are like your service for biggest client. But you're a small complaint does its way that you can be in Panama because every time Mark please change. You needed something different. You have to be uttered to get that opportunities. And you have to be really to Shane's just service using the same skills that you have. I know what you are getting thing all the time.

spk_1:   2:21
So do you feel that the work that you're doing it can be scalable outside of Panama? However, what you're doing is like hyper local.

spk_0:   2:32
No, because the global market is changing the same way you know millennials now, but they have the same that I am. Things go jump. People looking for something tryingto to go inside the market. The glory. Morty saying That way you have detailed Thomas. Now they have a kind of off or seven years. You can your hearing on the map. You see your laptop and you get most of Europe and you will stay working this a way. I was I would be. I can be, too. But make My coworkers are there in the office. I am the side of the city, working the same time together how hard this is for me. It's the same symbol for Julie to Montana for you and your living. This difference is it's more about what kind of service for crying you're a blow to you. What kind of injuries? A question for you, do you? This is only different,

spk_1:   3:38
and so to color on what you're saying. Events. Immense management. It requires a lot of project management than team management on you. Mentioned about having employees that are are outside of the office that are working virtually. Can you tell me about some tips and advice about managing teams with a lot of moving parts, especially if you have a team that's partly virtual

spk_0:   4:05
Yeah, the registration that you have to to go in front is minus people, because just service is your name and your service depends off people. You can war just you. You need a team. Sometimes your permanent team. That's something you have to connect. We are. Another service is I know small companies and our professions originals that you have to combine the same A cop like a like a like a receipt, like a coffee mix like milk makes makes coffee and make sure you needs you. You can have something else. We're We're ready. Chef, you have two shoes. Your name? Really? You have to choose the way that you could. The time, the way of the use you choose. I'll make something does. Is this saying the were service and market? I have to find people that knows what they have. Thio offered for Valium for free. McKay's like first I am. I have to find people with the knowledge about the lifetime or the ground. We have offered something because every time that you didn't do it more focus in details if you want. If you don't have the details, Jim Warren marketing or you can warn experience marketing service is because Spiritus. It's like a synonymous offs Details because people that are looking for experience people isn't looking for brass like so I trimmed it. People are looking for land rounds. Okay, Dr. Winter is okay, but we need spirit with the brat. If you If you have that team with the knowledge off the feeling of detail you got bored with this 1st 1 is gonna have the same show upto to find people iss The name is he needs to learn because you want to teach. You have to share. You went discharge. You experience. You want someone that wants to receive that? Sometimes we find one just morning. That is easy way Everyone wants money. But Julie people that that's morning Once married, they were doing toe to show that they have to stow over people that they wanted toa toa receive information experience on knowledge from people on the most important people that wants to be inside on the part of the networking.

spk_1:   6:53
So how do you identify that during the interview process that these people are gonna be a good match for your company?

spk_0:   7:01
Just turn it off to know half your self polish because in this new calf. So companies like soon biggest boutiques George, Tomorrow you you can hold your company and you can have a different book with the same spirit of Smith's isn't. So is you. If you want a toe fat people that 3% your ground your name you'll have to know you first to find people that have similar anything seeming a something that content with just your style Because you don't offer this certain just certain says you over your study your name, your experience your your you will say you think you put your name if you find something like you are a happy guy like me You got a world with smart people So we accept people, people, people that love lives love our people ones that have that kind of passion about the war we're gonna make It is my words. My words make me laugh. I don't I don't come here every day to work Come, became your toe. Deliver something for my plan. I loved war for McClane. My 1st 1,000,000 It wasn't my fault. My first boss. It wasn't me in there. When I just do the war for Met mechanics, um for black massing on our company before my my uncle Funny old thing. I say it don't work for my balls. I work for my clay because my client's going off like my, like my call ship university every day, every time I was looking for information. If you want to find people like you, you have to know what you want, what you were looking now and looking all time people that one toe there and they're looking for something being around them.

spk_1:   9:14
So you mentioned that when you're when you're looking for people to bring onto your team that you're looking for certain and similarities in terms of the values that you share, that they share the same values Have you found in your career as running your company where there were differences in the way that people work that will we be beneficial to your business

spk_0:   9:39
indifferently? No. You can make it. I don't use like they pay for, like a newspaper toe cancer. Cancer. I used. I used to find people in the way of the life. All thanks. Like I don't wantto request off people. I want to find people. And when you find people you can't commit indifference business in the bar in the meeting with your client with a partner every time you have to be really to front people, when you find that people that you feel that that feeling that you can get something for the people, you can offer something for the people people do, is you against you can say I found I got some somebody special on that people that the person has something special to offer My God from God.

spk_1:   10:41
So it sounds like you're not putting out ads with the bacon. See, with the particular requirements. You're kind of going about your business and your everyday life, and you're finding people that are compatible to you, which seems like a little bit of a different approach that other companies might take where you know they are looking for a personality match. But they really you know, the reason that they will put the vacancies out there in that way is to make sure this skill set is that

spk_0:   11:05
so Brian's friends from applying and for someone old time actually also receiving and perfect for people you know what I am looking for someone. People know that I have a company. People know that I am a worker guy on time they send to me. It is my friend. She's my friend. She's my Mieze. She wants war. You have something You know, A lot of people you can help me is away them something I saved that it provides only soon. Once I opened the box and read that the performance okay would be blaming each of you a lot of times. Now it's more than that, the way I received, like Mrs, for What's up? Hello? I am My friend told me that you have a menacing my friends. You have Castellan Bunny. I'm marketing somebody. I am the designer. I am. The more I work hard, the fresh question, their requests that the people What do you need? What you're looking for when it's what kind of war you need. When the people telling you like why don't you? You're for it. I am. I answered them. Whatever it is you wherever it's not ask you where is a tool where there's no knowledge? Do you need to know what? Do you know what can what kind of service you can offer to me for my client. If you don't know that, I can help to you. Because whatever it is not a profession. You need to know. What can I received for a new first? If you tell me that for seven. Okay, I'm family. Best painting. Okay. Could be I would have clearly it when I need big thirst. You tell me you have the best of you. You have knowledge about liking. Your service is okay. You are the best way because I have a company that we need it. We are serviced out. You need to find people like four messages on WhatsApp. You need, sir, are like a recommendation from friends. Well, when I any meaning in denying I told I tell you, my friends so I know I'm looking for someone with that kind Excuse. I always need to know. What do you offer? What do you know to what do you want to look for? Someone. You can get a title like doctor, but you're really bashed. Your questions like trouble. Okay, Could be a tourist agency, but I have a different line connecting with this tour in service. Also, you need some one like you. I can't issue my skills connecting with your times. That waiter. Fine. I'm request people

spk_1:   14:11
may ask you. So, um, both of the both the magazine and the experiential marketing and lifestyle marketing Really creative fields. How do you approach the creative brainstorming with your team? Where do you get your inspiration?

spk_0:   14:28
Is this? It's different in different when different clients family after him like a biliary that they have legal guidelines. I have to receive that kind of guidance on have to change or are used in this market with respect with respect with the guidance is a guy off crying with brave And with giants, I have unearthed lines that you have nothing in the ever want to do the first space until I invested in. Okay, let me know your goals. You don't know your goals. You really have for these over something for you. If you doesn't know your vote, I kind of have to you to find the girls.

spk_1:   15:20
How do you do that?

spk_0:   15:21
I mean, what's to like? What do you want? The 1st 1 Okay. All about to say I need the one. I need anyone to say. I ain't to launch something. Okay, Everybody wants to say everybody want to receive one. Okay. Bodies is there. Be financed. It. You need to tow. Stay secure. What step? You need to God's first before before sale. Okay. What do you have? Okay. Have you heard from I am the mother year poor form our bronze on the tree brown, or we will have a 1 1000 business in two months. Okay. Where do you want? Where you want to save it of any more service or whether you need you have a store, you have to grilled. Okay? People doesn't know that. You didn't do the new brownie. You girls okay, If your first goal is larger, make a position. You have to know what kind of people you're turning it, John, Do super still make an impression. Tokyo to receive the the answer on the answer. What you want is a sane Okay, The 1st 1 who have to refine the target and these find your turn it We can be more clear for your boy. Okay, We have to say this performance is for people from 25 to 4. Okay, So your people, there's no people. It's kind of like other job. Okay. What time? People? Days in boredom. You need to know the lifestyle, what they need. Whether, like whether whether usedto everything is respect. Because that kind of moment Barilla is inspiration in the world. Okay, it's for men of rumor. Buff man old and not before. Okay. What? I want to find people that love that kind of something up thing. Okay, when you close a target when you didn't find your target is really it's easy to find your first year's your boat, your boat in that one. When you find the goals, you can start the process too Nicotine. Sometimes it seems that God is like the biggest idea or something striking in the new black Black is black. The when you have one, you know what do you offer? What? What means court led ordinance in similar similar out solution. Fix out If you need a new field, you gotta think like a devoted more fine clothes in the mall. Or you can use your creativity at our and chains. Your club mixed close. It's a opportunity is how easy way to be cured in tow. Make opportunity for your situation. But you have But you know, you'll do. You need to stride the people in the party. So when you know the gold, do you can find a solution or is the same you're getting? It's a mark, for example. Make. Ryan told me I don't have a lot of money. Okay, for you could be a lot of money is 1,001,000 for me? A lot of money will be 100. You never okay for the ocean. Don't start with the brother. Start with your girl next to me. You're different. You're right. You have your money because you see, that could be we does any other? Spot it on one. We can use your values. And your your skin is your You're something. You have being honored. I do get your goals. You You have a store. You have employees. You have a brother. You have the advertising bring you have the the house off the the dissolution for temples for the foreign. That's mean. You have the hand. We have the house off the 30. You did solutions. Okay. What we need when he saw them, that means speed experience. Okay. We were goingto ask on your creativity is to your credit these tools. Okay, Spirit, that's going to be at night. We can make. Have got till 2%. For For what? For being kind people, media guy in Stargate Influencers boat and makes off all for what you want to weeks. You know your goal. Wait, Forget something. Who have we need to promote or were brown Where you brought So we need me there too? Sure information people That has the same target like we're looking for. But you know, it's due. I have to answer to people because people connect with people. Andi influencers. It's not like famous people is that if a new kind of media because off us, we're media so and what I need people, media I mean, if there are people trying our people, every Juma's me eyes in work so we can mix between what's media's let the newspaper like a scene that cash TV shows where our senior talking about like us, we if you answer, that could be that way we can change minds on Could be they could they can be over crying too. If you find I'm forest that once you're probably client is the best in everyone suffered because it's quiet and it's Amelia and you're away Is the client The target on that kind client is going to be in the future if you answer for oil on people's. So if you know your goals, remember that you can find the QWERTY, So Okay, the invitation he needs you need to bite people. You need a detail imitation. You need a sign. Do you need something that answered your needs? So? Ok, what I'm going to do if your brother is connected with the award. When you saw you, that Revis the volume just soul of her her all could be weekend just, you know, have friends calling clear career that over walls that they can write with Lassiter. Why we can discern Jews. The would like a table with the name of the people. We can just stop toe in the first that the here see dances the invitation with the value of the physical body of your problems When you're just thinking you're home A piece of wood with your name. Did you have the first spirit? Joe, you get the feeling that you were special because they put my name writing with lesser in the woods is going to be nice. Givens I want that. I want to be that they're so we we find a solution The same occur TV using anything you find solution when you find solution you But you can say it's a creativity. But when you you get the solution are requesting our worlds. So that's the way that time trying to toe teach my dish Make immigration for my team Old time Open your eyes first. Open your eyes Sica three The message off the board for example. If you have it from you and your club on your sailing for someone with a coffee machine for the capsules coffee machine, the first thing that you know you need to know is that people like coffee First time for you have to watch you after us the next time you have to ask to look for us. Okay, you are single Married You you live with friends because no, no, no, no That Ugo find the way to offer your parents so you find a single and that leaves along adrenaline to offer they they become the traditional machine you're going to offer the mother site. But you don't need toe over forms You need to see on cancer first to find a way to offer fugitivity solutions. So if the same marketing with the same different kind of business you need to see first you need to her second you need to see on the last one you want over in the same eveything the same Where you if you don't ask if you don't see it, the yuan analyze the protection do cans you can offer nothing. Nothing could be nothing. Who is? No, It's going to be creativity. You can say it's when I have a year. So why don't you? You don't know my brand Like my problem. Nothing was the mother because I have the location. The perfect venue we can put likes we can Finally. The most important singer No. Okay, that's got to be perfect for For what? What kind of girls do you have? Ideas, Junior. You don't have pretty a d s is the way you tow get creativity. But we use in the best way you if you just If you use the ideas, the answer needs Get those jobs. If you have that is like OK, it's beautiful, That flower is beautiful. The table is beauty, that place that is a good idea to use that for something.

spk_1:   26:28
I love the way that you put it, because I think that at least for me, sometimes the way that I see creativity, some kind of like Randall something that happens, you know, it's like this, like, almost like chaotic process and the way that you talk about it is the way that is really strategic creativity and this approach, that creative approach to problem solving. So I think that's really interesting. You mentioned the little bit earlier about the lifestyle influencer management that you guys do and that sometimes you work with them as part of an event, and sometimes you'll work with influencers as your clients. What role does influence or marketing playing Panama, and what have you been learning through your work?

spk_0:   27:16
Okay, I told you before, a market it's changing every day. You got over the same a. D s the same solution all the time. Janine toe be honor about the change in the unions and the new opportunities offered for your client solutions. If you answer people that it's not you independently with college them like impossible, But we haven't in Instagram in that time. We haven't a social media's like Now we have a newspaper had made a scene. I give you some time, including your strategy impossible and in the bus. But you haven't space to show every day that you do for your you have to find toe pay for amassing based to put something that you this time it wasn't organic forgetting nothing. It's a valuable you can say or God. Now people have the problem because we we consume unproduced content information for this. For example. In my case, I am no influencer in person like a media CAF media like I'm media. But if you request to me like I want to have a marketing seminar, I need a tow promote that. But I haven't a lot of money or I don't have I don't have the time to process the creativity for that. So we'll be you. You You can't request to me like an influencer because your marketer you know people that need me my seminar. If you accept my mind request, you're going to leave my influence or my embassy But in my day today, I am no Worf like influence. So it's war game one, like influencers actually scare off like a new profession. But it's their new professional. Now is a new name off the same profession of the past for well, because if you answer has to be like advertising agency and from whence it has to be like a pure guy, it has to know about photography. Hasn't know about writing. Has to know about the tower. That knowledge is it's a Senate got naked people that usedto your city tow cable company catcher in my way. Now I am Mark and Mark like a microchip. But why use why I started my career? My professor doesn't. Isn't the smear rebel faction grass? I think this might be the two rats in the way of the way of my career. I had to learn that he is saying like a northwestern. I am duty. I am but one. I have a friend because I used to go every day, every night for different clubs, for there isn't a lot of friends. Okay, People don't know me. I know people. I look nice. My life, my life stories in my instagram For that reason people's form. Okay, It's nice on that. Brown. Meet my need to call it with my friends. So I have to answer. I would be if you're in there, Dave Lancer, but they doesn't want just a bulls. Now, when you are interest, do you have You have to know the grounds. First, you have to have a real connection with Brad Behind the passivity. Enough. The new skin in you toes kind influencer did. You can be, like a more than promoting television, t but you never see that leash in your home. Well, you want to pay me, I want to go over your brother. Now, after two years, four years, the U. S. Has to know has to use has to be, oh, believe in the world because your follower are more connected with ju. Could be Are your friends or your funnies our families or your friends or friends or your friend and friends and friends? You have a connection. So now it's most important. What's important is that when you offer what do you say? You're content, George Continent do, uh, you are the content. So when you say I am influencer because I get money. I live for that morning. You need to be official and communicate called communication man. So you go. You can set the title off influencer because runs every day are looking for a inside looking for new friends because you need a new one. People that get collection for 40 You said That's Tyto Junior. To have a responsibility. You want to shame your life, media because I want to be perform your war in a new kind of media that I call it life mean

spk_1:   33:18
what you take on an influencer as your client. What are the kind of strategies that you used to support and manage them? What do you guys do for them

spk_0:   33:27
in the front, right in saying that when you find this solution on duty, what is a go? Okay, I want to connect way ladies. They used toe use fashion shoes on, used to hold to the club every night. So getting into fine a someone like this do as said, the new station to be over Ambassador, we're dead already in buses or influence because you can't find influence over the intern or for short then you have to think Okay, if the adversities a media, what kind of content? How we can use the media, the book over content. OK, he said the television is saying, would you find a big war where you find a massive massing being were The television show is the cop What kind of content you are going to put inside a car. Okay, she is the owner off fashion boutique. And she used to go. She always he will. Also the beach, every awakened on her favorite club is okay. Levitt singing about what kinds content can connect with the kind of life off her because she's going to be made. Most menus, if you don't do that, is going to put so the inside in the cup with a a bottom, you know, your brands, you're content. And do you find as special specific influencer with a specific profile? The solution is going to happen iss the quicker because you know, they have that. I have no one and call it with something. It was something, something in the content. Okay. She loved the book for benefits. Okay. My crew like a proper place. It's going to be in the state the easy way. But is that something that it's not enough? Because now there. If it's cool my target, like a good photograph office by a video, any experience with the Brown? Okay, Meg Graham. What we could then uses similar example. My brands connect it with words. Okay, we can go to the to the park, close my home. How far we go on a quest to refer be the Dog River to correct a special content that when they got the girl are hair in music on and they need to have seen something toe greet. Hammock plays a coke. Okay, She needs something to drink and close with her is barest store and she go to the store and order may run. It's going to be organic, not because it's prepare, but salute. Organic. Yeah, if if you know, if you don't try to be, Are gunning is the best money because people know it's not really He's a barrister.

spk_1:   37:06
And now you also have to put sponsored, right? So you

spk_0:   37:09
got this. What are you getting the boot?

spk_1:   37:11
Is that so? I thought that you if it's a sponsored post, it actually has to say

spk_0:   37:17
it's a right every time it's retained. Our tell you three rules, you can put that book. He doesn't mean it's a big Well,

spk_1:   37:25
there's a lot of people, actually,

spk_0:   37:27
people know now suspect someone right? Presenting you with the contents of the singers and America. I don't I don't

spk_1:   37:37

spk_0:   37:37
all time. Did you say the the court record? A cop Juno disobeyed this painting. But you love for on Jodel need D'oh d'oh! You know want to know that it's Afghani situation Doula on juice me reminders? Sure.

spk_1:   38:00
Let me ask you in terms of when you're managing influencers, it seems like obviously it's such a cam crafted job. Thio create this image of yourself and you have to embody that you live it. Do you find that sometimes someone who has reached influence her status comes to you and like they actually because as people, we change, right? So this seems like I'm building my entire like image on one thing. But let's say tomorrow I have a different interest that people come to you to re brand or are sometimes like they unhappy with, you know, where they ended up and, you know, that now they need to find a new path.

spk_0:   38:47
Just drop to be updated. I think about that 10 years ago. Do you find the best fashion mask? Cali woke This we large new massing color, like 80 could be these same target have moved to the magazine. We're the same now. Just a day. And Carlina was a best Marcin Panama below 30 something. Tomorrow is going to be about Liza. If you don't know that if you know you're no David, you got over you. Can you can offer services like creativity or experience. Spare something because because I am paid to you for your knowledge. No, this is information. No, there is no law is content. It's not a beautiful four. Fully. It's not. Appearance around is what do you over Because remember, we are now we're boutiques. When you when you You are a college boutique. Drop the specific song you do over. You have the newest You have the last round you have. You know what is new, what people want and what People are offering it the same way because I have partners partner for bringing steam for running for billboard partner for the venue's partner for leakers from Sicily, Jr have a portfolio off partners off date, too. So that's the way that you can't find one answer. You come over soon. This If you're gonna find your providers because you have to know now, use your transport you likes.

spk_1:   40:48
Well, what I mean is, Do you ever do you ever work with someone who has built years building a profile and a following in one part based on one particular image? And then they feel like that's not me anymore, But it's bringing in money, and I already have the partnerships. So there is an inauthenticity in the way that's how they feel and the brand that they represent

spk_0:   41:15
you can use. But in the Wayne, in the middle of the time, it's going to be a fail you can use where you want. Do go save your job. Really, It's okay. I got it. I finished my Brian my client paid me. It's okay, but it's not a talkto works. You can do that, but you got to be, really, I guess after that in making half 10 years, 10 years business, I I make like they remind I want mine when they begin. I'm where I am. I don't know. I say I don't know why I did, because l think I was changing. I started like a media. After that. They offer me like a com manager, Then a chance to the magazine. But massing I committed the advertising area. They mostow. Okay, I'm not crazy. I know the secret. You have to change because the only sure in life is sent. So I'm not crazy. I have a way. Have, assuming you have to be updated. You have to Shane's with life.

spk_1:   42:34
So that leads me to my final question. Do you think it takes a particular kind of person to be an entrepreneur? Business owner?

spk_0:   42:43
You better be. Do

spk_1:   42:45
you think it takes a particular type of person or personality type to be able to be a business owner in entrepreneur?

spk_0:   42:54
Okay. Is in my generation. You can say that because we born with different really rules. And so I'll say I don't want to be an employee under one's Say I am. I want to create something. I know what I say. Okay? I am. I am lost. I need to find something different. I usedto in my generation now. People born with the ship, I don't know all to work for other ones. So interpret news notice is no is no different like a business. Did you have? You can start your own money. Yes, You With who? That brand. Now you have a love stools. Easy tools to bury. So you can't say I am businessman. I have my company, but nobody's your laptop. What is your company in the past is never going to happen Because you want to say you are business Mind You have to contract 100 people for your company you have. Do you have toe Duran a big building? And you have to invest a lot of money. Because in the past, the company's biggest something now is about your service. What do you believe? Er, what do you over on? What kinds trying I never have. I never mind in my past that be like answer for poor daddy or for a mask or for cool or four different kinds of famous ground in the same one. I have no famous brand to with the 20 years in the same single. They know that, but what they want from some over is my car boys and you, right in the market. More generation. He's the biggest drunk. But you know, they claim worth in the small office. In policy they are. Could be six or seven people in the office. But the agent they traveled toe reuse. And they are marketing money, you know, on their operational when they're ready. Now, do you need the biggest situation to be entrepreneur or to be a businessman? Something I hate interrupting you, you know, because is the same. The possum is like a buster. Or if you're businessman but one turn Did you have to work? You have to feel on wake up so the same. If you decide, Toby assure you get to decide to be employees, but we'll be a owner if you have two ways you can use different tow away, but ways by I start. I used to work for months, you know, for some for well, because I want to fail with them on your father. That's the way I left. I used to love war for my my bosses, but I used to work for my client actually learning from my client on learning the fatal situation for my goal, says Hold 100 in that way. The moment off, getting opportunities toe use my skills to salt some of the problems with my mom. Now it's my money now. It's my time now it's my know how Getting learning from 10 years ago more than 10 to 12 turned visible when they started like employees. But my friends, you're my younger friends. I am 37 half friend from 26 25 22 and they have something different they born. It's seen a different war. They were with the laptop. They don't use biggest big computer. So everything's training toe be you to be your own toe. All of you. You can't decide. It's no best of the best. You're gonna be up and leave or you can be our home. But you know all we are employees for spots or something. My client are my bosses.

spk_1:   47:50
In fact,

spk_0:   47:51
my hero, you're the brilliant situation, the client, the mind, Michael workers. I am the employ of them. Joanna Molloy off everything because you have to war. If you were your employees, so is the same. Now you can say what have you got on the time? Depending on the independent. The defendant, if he decides to use, choose to offer Depend What? What? Hold for the youth, The shoes he went or for your service or what you offer for playing. Because, for example, the family looked her. I am up there, but we don't all speak out. I used to work in in the Hans off. I have to go. I have to go for my client from a separatist. I'm never going to be okay with himto free time. And you want the location is actually sees the best word to take the patient to be employed in the egg. Oh, honey, 100% Do you want Today morning? The best way is received. Your pay had moved my months. When you are owner, you forget that because it would be a him Game 5000 today. But tomorrow I have to pay bills and the Southern women workers have to pay to provide for writers. You have a real seventies. He's the same. You have to be one toe. Have a title like entrepreneur, businessman because we have the same with possibilities. You have to pay. I have to work. Yeah, I would love to. Shades. Don't forget that. We have to change every day. What? Toby update. It is safe for all of us.

spk_1:   49:46
I thank you so much. It was such a pleasure talking to you. It's such a pleasure meeting you. She best of luck in all business. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Entrepreneurial Minds by chatterbox. Our dedicated and on demand virtual executive assistant team specializes in supporting entrepreneurs and business owners with pretty much any admin task. Go to chatter, boss dot com toe, learn more.