The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

The gymOS Intro Season 1 Episode 1

The gymOS Podcast from PushPress is coming soon!  We will sit at the intersection of Fitness and Business, helping boutique gym owners become better business owners.  Subscribe now and get ready to dive deep into core business concepts to help your gym thrive!

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Welcome to the Gym OS podcast, helping fitness professionals become better business owners. One episode at a time. The only time better than yesterday to learn how to run a better gym today, running a highly profitable Jim is tough. If you're listening to this now, you're likely a fitness professional who suddenly found themselves playing business owner. And I'm gonna bet that you hate it when your clients come to you with some type of quick fix fitness idea. Ways to get a six pack overnight while eating all the bacon they want, and they probably saw it on a Facebook out. Or maybe some late night television as a fitness pro. You know that stuff doesn't work. It's the foundational changes that work. They have to change their diet. They have to change their workout regimen. They have to make it a habit. Turning your gym into a thriving business is no different. You're probably being sold a bunch of quick fixes to your problems. And as much as it frustrates you when your clients come to you with these quick fixes, it kills me. When my clients are buying into these quick fixes idea. There's a whole industry out there that's preying on you guys is gym owners and your problems to try and help you turn your gyms around. My name is Dan Uemura. I spent the last decade of my life first building and running gyms and then helping gym owners as the CEO of Push Press to help fix this glaring problem. I'm bringing to you the Gym OS podcast, where every episode we're gonna dive deep into the key business concepts to improve the health of your gym and help you move from a fitness professional into a business expert. If you think you could benefit from an open and honest conversation about running a better, Jim, subscribe to this podcast. Now I'm gonna take everything we've learned here it push, press and deliver them to you podcast designed to give you something actionable to do so you can make your business better little by little. After investing countless hours into the details of business for push press, I've realized that everything I've learned I can put to use for you and this makes sense because push pressing your gym are essentially the same. We're both service based businesses. We both rely on recurring monthly memberships or subscriptions to keep our business growing. We both need to provide great customer service and have a great product or also customers. They're gonna leave us for something better in the gym. OS podcast will unearth key business concepts, practices and ideologies that work from a local coffee shop to the Silicon Valley unicorn and will translate them into ideas you can use to build a rock solid Jim. You can expect me and my guest to share big ideas, crazy stories and simple hacks that will make the difference in your gym. I'm Dan Wimmer, your host, and I'll see you soon on the gym. US podcast from Push Press. Subscribe now for free and catch the first season coming January 6 2020 on Apple podcasts, Spotify and wherever you're listening to this podcast right now.