The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

Mike Doehla, CEO and Founder of Stronger U Nutrition

January 20, 2020 Mike Doehla Season 1 Episode 4

Dan Uyemura, PushPress CEO, and Nick Reyes, PushPress CHO, travel to New York to sit down with Mike Doehla, the CEO and Founder of Stronger U Nutrition, to discuss how his company is changing the nutrition industry.

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the gym OS podcast. Helping fitness professionals become better business owners. One episode at a time. Part of the purpose of Jim OS podcast is to introduce you to business concepts That's gonna help you become a better business owner. But another big part of this podcast is to introduce you to a lot of people in the community who are doing big things and can help you in your gym. Help your community. All of us here you included, are on a mission to try and make the world a better place. And Mike's been making a pretty big dent. We recently flew out to New York, got to meet Mike and sat down on record this podcast, which I'm excited to share with you today. Okay. All right, let's kick this off to start. We're gonna go around the room and just talk about what we're drinking. I'm having a French toast. Double I p a. Michael. Were you drinking

spk_1:   0:57
water? Like a like a good nutrition

spk_0:   1:00
person? I'm having some black tea that I over overflows the coffee maker with cool. I just want to illustrate that Mike was actually drinking water. Yeah, Yeah,

spk_1:   1:11
I wanna I wanna be on my best behavior for this thing. So

spk_0:   1:14
we tried for one whole meal. I did not. So, anyways, this is Dan Way Mara, CEO of Push Press. Nick Raise, Chief Happiness officer pushed for us

spk_1:   1:23
and Mike Dolan, CEO and founder of Stronger You Nutrition?

spk_0:   1:27
Yeah, Super cool. So we flew up to New York specifically to meet Mike here. Um, kicking ass. He's he's CEO of stronger you Nutrition counseling, coaching program? Yeah, that the best way. Describe it. Um, we're gonna let Mike talk a little bit about that himself into super interesting guy. Very humble. Totally the type of guy that we could fly to New York and hang out with. I was telling Mike yesterday we got it when we spurs, madam. Like, I feel like we've known for 10 years. Super easy to talk to you. Um, but let's let Mike, why don't you go ahead and explain what you do?

spk_1:   2:00
Yes. Oh, my back story. I guess I'll I'll start there, and I'll make it kind of quick. I am a, uh I was a fan. A CrossFit. I was across fitter. I wanted to start a gym so I did that. I built a gym in my garage at home, but 500 square feet. Nice. Pretty orange walls. New equipment on black Friday sales. This is, I believe 2013 didn't really work out. Nobody really cared to work out in my cold garage. I didn't really know what I was doing. I was just kind of winging it. Ah, year later, I realized that what I thought people really needed was nutrition help. And that was what where my strengths were. It was where my abilities really were was in connecting with people via the Internet, in person, trying to solve their food problems and basically being a dhe to their CrossFit training that they could get even better at some local places around us. So almost five years in 30,000 clients, it's pretty crazy. 75 staff members, pretty much all word of mouth huge. Part of our growth was thanks to the CrossFit community. We helped so many gyms with their their members nutrition and really saved them from having another job. I know a lot of CrossFit owners have like 10 jobs, so if we can come in and help you know we'll do again.

spk_0:   3:21
Very cool. Very cool. So you said 30,000 clients? Yeah.

spk_1:   3:24
We've battled over 30,000 clients in about 50 countries.

spk_0:   3:28
That's awesome. Um, so 11 thing I noticed last night we were talking Is you mentioned you used to be a banker? Yeah, and then Ah, h h r. Yeah. How did you find your way into nutrition from that? Seems like the opposite side of the world.

spk_1:   3:42
Yes. So I was I was trying to figure my whole thing out, right? Like I was I was fortunate. I was, you know, pretty athletic, growing up. Very, you know, always move. Didn't really have any any band relationship with food. So I didn't deal with real obesity problems myself. But I was like, I describe myself as the skinny fat guy, right? Like, I wanted to build some muscle, but I had some body fat to lose, so I tried all kinds of different things. I was, you know, trying to eat, quote unquote clean, whatever that means. Tried to do paleo try to do this, try to do that. And then after a while you start to find the common denominator in a lot of these problems. You don't really eat as much as you think you did or you over eat too much and you're just not eating the right distribution of food. And you start to really find the science behind the nutrition and the practical application. And I think that's like That's the sweet spot for most people. Is finding like what you're supposed to do, how to do it and why you should do it and just learning, getting certified, having you know, some really great coaches myself kind of set me up to help other people,

spk_0:   4:45
Doctor. And you said, you have how many coaches working stronger you now about 70 70 coaches? Jeez s. So it's all one on one

spk_1:   4:55
all one on one. No temple. It's nothing like that's when you sign up. You get a coach that is your person.

spk_0:   5:02
Cool. Um, you had kind of mentioned the concept of a relationship with food. I first heard of that term maybe 18 months ago, and it kind of changed my mind because I realized I had a pretty fucked up relationship with food when I was tired, I wanted to eat when I was me and my wife were fighting. I would like, wanted eat, you know, just like And I was like, Why did I behave that way? Still don't know today, but it's probably deeper That's out of my school waken refer. But can you elaborate more on that? Because I feel like a lot of people I don't really see don't really realize that there's a relationship with food and they behave a certain way around food.

spk_1:   5:41
Yeah, so it's It's interesting and we have to, like, backtrack like hundreds of thousands of years. Like if you think about what food is for, it's too. Help the human race survive so they can reproduce and just live on. And now we're just in this, like this environment that is way too easy. Toe ovary. There's more stress than ever. We move too little, and a lot of times we're searching for happiness and fulfillment. And food is the easiest, cheapest and sometimes most pleasurable option there is. And we don't you know, unfortunately, really respect food for what it is. And I'm not here to say, like food is only fuel. Yeah, that's basically what it is. But food food is also enjoyment. It's cultural. It's everywhere we go. And when you can really tighten up that relationship with it and respect it is when it's just a really freeing moment, you can just say, OK, I need to do this. I probably shouldn't do that. This, you know, Cookie makes sense sometimes, but a whole roll of them doesn't. And it's just when you can kind of figure out how how that makes you feel and how your decisions are. You know, influenced from it is it's like, Dude, that's like the thing that I wish everybody could just get Oh, get super deep. Sorry.

spk_0:   6:59
No, no, You're seeing or thinking like what's What's mine look like? Like what? Where do I have these holes in here where, like, I have this unhealthy, you know, balance. Like I know it's there and it starts to feel like I'm the worst one here for sure. Absolutely. I don't know. It s Oh, So

spk_1:   7:15
you did have salad today? I had some french fries. So has a

spk_0:   7:18
French fry. You know, there was one trip to L. A. That I literally had a burger for every single meal. Yeah, you know, um, I'll Never Only I'll never live it down. Yeah, that did happen. You guys all right, So probably have gonna have a lot of gym owners listening to this. Let's frame some stuff in the context that's useful for gym owners because most your most your product is more for their clients, as opposed to the gym owner themselves. Right? Um, how can you see a gym owner approaching his client base and kind of introducing some of these topics? You talk about making a change in how their clients see their nutritional slash food relationship.

spk_1:   7:54
So I think as ah, like outside of the gym owner, because they're probably well aware of this, is the importance of nutrition. Is is the customer or the member of the gym? A lot of people think they can outwork bad diets, and very few people can do that. So typically, most gym owners or trainers in a gym have a member that's there for an hour a day. That's 4% of your day. What happens outside of that, Jim is kind of out of their control, and it has a lot more impact, usually negative on their physique, their health, their well being than the positive of that Jim experience. So this is almost like a compliment to that. And that's like what a lot of the gym owners we work with say is like finally, the people that you know, they bust their butt in the gym, they go home and they sabotage themselves. And that's done. Because now they know you guys were there watching their back when they leave us. And that's like, the coolest thing is to have, like that 12 punch of fitness nutrition. Just take care of these people that couldn't figure out why they weren't getting the results.

spk_0:   8:58
Yeah, we've actually at Ken's Athletic Club. Got a little bit of data like behind. Um, just a member survey, like at 18 months perceived value dropped fairly sharply with our clients. Yeah. Um, and then what we realized was that without nutrition, when on Lee you have fitness, Lee that you introduced them into CrossFit. You almost always looks like 100% chance. You're gonna get results for about 18 months, right? Pr everything. You're gonna lose way, but at some point, you don't change your line nutrition habits and the gate of the gains or the loss is what everyone home they start to

spk_1:   9:36
be. Gains are there,

spk_0:   9:37
and so is they. Stop. They don't see the value in your fitness program because there's no underlying nutrition support, right? So it's super critical, I think.

spk_1:   9:46
And then what's the risk they might drop? Jim,

spk_0:   9:50
go look for the next best thing. That orange theory. They goto go do something else, right? Yeah. So, yeah, I'm curious about one thing. Like something that I always had a suspicion with at my gym. But I never actually took a survey or followed up. I mean, I don't know people be even honest and survey, But I always felt when people left the gym, they tell me that they were doing all the right things because that's what they should tell me. But I had a suspicion not everyone did. Most people didn't like from what you see with having these coaches that are connected to somebody Maur 24 hours a day potentially, do you feel a that that is the case with normal people, like they think they're eating 2000 calories, but they're eating 3500 and or do you think like having that coach stops or can break that behavior.

spk_1:   10:33
Yeah. I mean, I was waiting for you to finish talking because I'm so excited about this part because that's it. People overeat. It's There's this myth out there that, you know you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough. That's bullshit. That will never happen. I used the example of If you chained me to a tree for a week, I'm going to lose weight. My body is not gonna go into starvation mode, so we kind of go into that as trainers with trust, right? I think my clients doing the right thing, but if they're not losing way somewhere, they're making a mistake. So tracking what you're eating with accuracy and honesty, no matter how difficult that is, is extremely important for for our clients and our members. We have to know what they're eating because if something's not going the way it should, based on whatever perception they have around food, we know what it is. And we can pinpoint that in a matter of a week or two and solve years of problems,

spk_0:   11:30
right? It's kind of like I'm in some some business coaching classes or groups, and I feel like it's kind of the same idea. Like I'm working with somebody who's helping me accelerate my growth because they're stopping me from fucking up as I'm fucking up. Yeah. You know, um, another question I had, like, this one's personal because I've worked with nutrition. People have one major problem with it. I'm curious if it carries over to your clients and like, I go out to eat or something and I need to record my food, log my food, and it's just like I'm just guessing. Yeah, you know what I mean? And I feel like like the burden of recording food down to as close to whatever unit of measure you're eating. It's so overwhelming for me as a person. Maybe it's my mental state of mind, you know? I see things that I always fail. I always give up. Yeah. Do you guys have strategies for that? Or do you find that there's a presenter? Clients that are like that and they're just failures? Or how does that work? Yeah, So most

spk_1:   12:34
people like, if I were to ask you, Do you want to track your food? You would say no and I'm the same way. I don't love doing it. And I I like to do, you know, like we talked about yesterday. I'll have a tune up every once in a while. So all kind of like cruise around in lifestyle mode, which is heavily influenced by my education of tracking for a while. So I think it's important to realize what the value is of it, and I use the money analogy all the time. If you go broke every single time you get paid, it's because you're spending too much money. If you refuse to track and figure out what those things are, then you have to be okay with going broke every single time. And that's kind of how this works. If somebody doesn't want to track, it's good to know the value of tracking. It's good to know that you don't have to be perfect and nobody cares if you're perfect. You just have to be close most of the time, and that doesn't mean bring a food scale to a restaurant. I think that's personally ridiculous. I don't tell our clients Studio to do that. I'll tell them another way is just order something that you can probably eyeball type in a few things into my fitness power, whatever app you like and log it and go about your day. It really doesn't add that much more trouble, but it adds so much more control. And I think the value that control provides far outweighs the friction of the year. The negative side of tracking food. I mean, it's Do you want to get better? Do you not? Is it worth it for you? I mean, most people that we can get to track are very, very happy that they did it.

spk_0:   14:04
So even if they're just eyeballing, they're tracking, it's better than no tracking.

spk_1:   14:08
Oh, yeah, I think that's but that's kind of where I think people graduate to after, like, fine tuning the tracking like that's where I could be. I could look at a steak or a chicken breast or, you know, some rice on a plate and say, That's probably this

spk_0:   14:21
much. That's, um, pretty poignant concept given if if you're paying attention to all the stuff we've been talking about, it's all about in the business world in your gym. If you don't track these numbers and you're paying attention to what you're Jim's doing. How do you expect to get better? We'll surprise like if and it's funny, because this is actually analogy I use. I'm like, you can't have a client come in and tell you they want to lose weight and refused to step on a scale and refused to tell you what they're eating. Because if you don't know that they're KP eyes in terms of their nutrition in their daily life, how can you get them to lose weight? You know,

spk_1:   14:57
without data, you're just another person with an opinion. That's it.

spk_0:   15:00
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, man. I like that.

spk_1:   15:02
Yeah, I still let off a guy's laptop, and, uh, he was I was on a plane and he was creating a power point. And I was like, Oh, that's good. I'm not in that.

spk_0:   15:09
Do you like that? Yeah, thanks. That's that's not from me. Can you say that one more time? Way without

spk_1:   15:16
data? You're just another person with an opinion.

spk_0:   15:19
Right on. All right. Cool. So So, um, have you have you with stronger? You work directly with Jim's before?

spk_1:   15:28
Yeah. So we have some Ah, Semiprofessional, fine tuned relationships. We are trying to figure out some sort of affiliate program of sorts to help the gym's out a little more. But we have, like, loose relationships right now,

spk_0:   15:43
okay? And could you share with whoever's listening to this right now that the what that looks like? Like how you how you might be able to help them with what they're doing?

spk_1:   15:52
Yes. So they can, uh, if if they approach us, they say, Hey, Mike, I have, ah, the owner of this Jim, I want to help our people with nutrition. Is there something you guys could do for us? And we'll say, Yes, we will help them. We will come up with some idea on how to incentivize them. Thio mention it to their members without being like sales people. Usually we get the owners on the program so they can taste it because I don't want anyone recommending anything they don't know or try themselves so well, usually hook them up with something. They do it, they like it. And then they introduce us to the gym or to the membership. Okay, we usually have like one or two coaches per Jim, so we have that consistency and because we're so big on community, just like crossfit. And that's something I definitely got from the CrossFit community Is the important of that. That tribe.

spk_0:   16:40
And when you say one or two coaches for Jim, you mean one or two of your coaches? Yes, yes. Working with working with. Right? Right. Okay. Um and what is the rollout look like? How does it so It's usually

spk_1:   16:53
not like this grand. Like it starts on this day. Everybody must sign up. Now. It's I'm not a big fan of, like, the mass rollout of nutrition programs. I think it creates, like, a short term mindset. And we're, you know, whether you do 12 weeks, six months a year, whatever with us, we want you to learn things for the rest of your life. So we will, um, people sign up whenever they want to sign up. Usually with the code from the gym. They'll put the gym name on the form so we know where they're coming from, and then we'll just get him set up within, You know, a couple days from there.

spk_0:   17:26
Yeah. Yeah, I think that's I think that's a good way to do it like you have to be ready for help. Yeah, in order to truly receive help, right? I don't want to,

spk_1:   17:33
like, get someone like, super excited to get on board, and they're not ready and on boarding, you know, 10 15 20 people at once. It's hard to get everything like, smooth out and consistent for that. Like, it's better to do it in little cohorts,

spk_0:   17:48
right? Right. And I guess that makes more sense in the fact that you're basically letting people trick in at trickle in as they're seeing results from other people.

spk_1:   17:57
Yeah, and that's usually what happens to people will be on. And then there, there, Jim friends will be like, What the hell did you d'oh like? Six weeks later, they're like, I see you every day, and now you look like a different person, and then they're like, talk to these people and then they get on and then the other people get on and then their family members around and like, it's crazy, like we have some gyms where we have 100 100 people. Did our program its last nuts? Oh,

spk_0:   18:21
um, for those gyms, do you feel like it's impacted there? Top line bottom liner How do you think? What do you think that does for a

spk_1:   18:30
Yes. So it's it's hard to say and again, like, right now, I'm gonna sound like just a person with an opinion, because I don't have the data. But I think it goes without saying that when your members air changing and they're happier and they have, like, another built in community within a community, their retention is just gonna skyrocket. Their happiness is gonna go up. Their performance in the gym is going to go up. And, you know, if you want to get, like, specific, the gym's air probably benefiting in terms of revenues and things like that as well. So I don't have the actual data. I would love to collect it, but right now it's like they're happier. Happier usually equals, you know,

spk_0:   19:08
I haven't touched

spk_1:   19:10
you. Okay, go ahead. Share

spk_0:   19:12
our nutrition programs relatively new. Um, we haven't turned a nutrition client yet. So 100% percent look at it for four months in. It's a small sample size, but yeah, I mean, they're they're having Wouldn't it be crazy if somehow stronger, you could integrate into push press and you couldn't? Yes, but not peanuts. Weird insights into conversations. Anyway, Um, hey, so one thing I heard you mention which I'm curious about, is do you do? Do you take out ads?

spk_1:   19:48
No. Well, we have. So we did one for, like, cyber Monday. Black Friday wasn't a sale. We use a firm for our, you know, like financing for our monthly payments and things that we did. 0%. But right now, we don't really do any ads. We might. By the time this is released, you might come across a stronger you add, because I think it's it's probably smart. At least get into it a little bit. But 99% of our people are coming from Ah, happy customer that used us before,

spk_0:   20:15
right? So that is one going to be one. A cornerstone concept that we will be talking about here at push breasts like ads air good for expanding your reach. But it shouldn't be your reach. Yeah, right. Can you talk about any tricks, hacks, things that you did or do two to make it that you grew to 30 fucking 1000 clients without spending any money on head?

spk_1:   20:39
I mean, it's I could probably think of a 1,000,000 different little things, but it really is like looking at nutrition and even for the fitness, you know, community there is. What you actually sell is is probably not what you think it is. I thought when I first started, we sell nutrition coaching. What we what we don't sell is nutrition coaching. We sell a better life, and a recent survey solidifies that people are better in every aspect of their life, even in terms of job performance. After our program, it's it's nuts. So when you identify those improvements, it's easy to talk about with people and have them encourage their network to get on as well. So if you could harness that, I guess that word of mouth marketing, you know, encourage people to talk about it, have a referral program. Maybe, um, have people posts, have them share their story with you so you can do member spotlights things like that. It's just highlighting the clients, making them feel happy, giving them a world class experience that they probably don't get anywhere. And to me, I'm like, so cynical about who I do business with now, because everyone from landscapers to dentist Thio. You know, Home Depot, the supermarket, every interaction sucks. And it's so easy to make an interaction good for a customer. And I don't know why not enough companies do it.

spk_0:   22:02
I just feel 100%

spk_1:   22:04
give what people expect and a little more and they're gonna If you help them out, they're gonna tell everybody. But nobody's telling people about the shitty experience they had. You know, they tell people why not to go there.

spk_0:   22:16
You know, it's funny on that note is people are so used to having shitty, mediocre experiences that when they actually get a good one, Yes, it's something remarkable, right?

spk_1:   22:26
It's crazy. It's, You know, I had my car parked outside of a restaurant a couple weeks ago. Somebody drove into the front bumper. I was like, Oh, crap. Now I gotta go to the body shop. It's gonna be a miserable, miserable experience. They're not gonna fix it, right? They're not gonna call me back. I'm gonna get there. It's gonna be a disaster. And it was nothing but a pleasant experience. I was like, Holy crap like this. This was amazing. So I need to go leave them a review it. Yeah, it was so rare. And it's like every time you give someone money for a service, it should be like that. So the

spk_0:   22:58
trick is knocked their socks off. Yeah, to me, it's so easy. It's so easy. Well, you know, and we talked about this a little bit last night. Like it's pretty easy to tell. Like with a short conversation that you truly care. Yeah. About every single one of the last being coached. If I cry on a podcast, just let's dig. Yes, it's not span. So there was one. There's a concept you actually just brought up that I will get glossed over unless I bring this up on going to service it. You did a survey. I overheard you on the phone. You did a survey where you ask people things like, has your sleep improve? Your job performance improved your sex life Improved problem?

spk_1:   23:43
We didn't ask that, but I'm just gonna guess. Yes,

spk_0:   23:47
but But the remarkable thing is, what you just alluded to was every aspect of your client's life seemed to improve. Generally speaking across the board if you don't ask those questions, people don't realize those things all right. So something me and Nick, Nick and I have been working on this whole this whole week or this. I think it's a weekend, but it's not the last two days. Is that this concept of creating the experience you want your customers to have? Right. So by asking those questions, you make them realize those things and by making them realize those things, you actually put it in their brain. That, like, this is actually happening. Was that did you do it on purpose? Was that accident story? Yes.

spk_1:   24:27
And that was only influenced after I started hearing these things. So a lot of people refer to him as the non scale victories, right? Because everyone you know, both of our clients and most people that go to cross that they want to lose weight and they want to be healthier and stuff like that. But no one's really thinking of you. Did your job get better? Did you? Is your nutrition knowledge better now? So whether you're with us or not, you're better off later. So I was like Shit, man, I need to figure this out. I need to get the data. And we had 3000 people take the survey and the It's crazy. I can't wait to share the results, but, like 90% of people are like my nutrition knowledge is more is higher, and that's a big thing. One of our like pillars is education. Strong review, stronger university, stronger you as a person. It's like the perfect little name, right. It's It's just knowing that these people wanted to come here for something like weight loss, and they just accidentally got a better life. And I think if we can set those expectations with new members and let them know like these air, some of the things you should be looking out for as you go down this journey, you're gonna be a very, very happy person. Because if they step on a scale every morning and it doesn't show them what they think it should, their day could be impacted. But if they say, you know, I woke up happier today, then I used to holy shit like that's a win, and that was something we asked. Are you happier when you wake up

spk_0:   25:49
like that's That's really powerful, especially in what you do, which is where we've kind of created this culture that that the number on the scales, the world, yeah, you know. But really, there's so much more to it than that and that's it. That's got to be a tough, like Justin measuring for a lot of people.

spk_1:   26:04
Just like it. Is it the weight on the bar bell? No, it's it's part of it. Maybe, But do you look better? You're

spk_0:   26:11
strong and you're right.

spk_1:   26:12
Who cares if it's a £300 squat? If life is better, right?

spk_0:   26:17
Yeah. Yeah. It's funny in you saying that you flash me back to my first gym where I used to tell the people who are coming into the on boarding on ramp that you're not just gonna get fitness here. You're going to get an education about how to move and why movement matters and how injury prevention concepts, and like you're gonna learn a bunch of stuff. And the fitness is just like the cake, right? And it's funny because I've kind of lost sight of that a little bit. But like as a nugget for people to take away from that are listening to this. It's like if you need to put that in front of people right away and all the time to make them understand that the value that they're getting out of your gym isn't just looking better naked, right? Right. There's the unquantifiable how you feel. But there's also like I know how to get out of the way of something coming at me without twisting ankles. Which is ironic. I think maybe

spk_1:   27:09
you need to get that across. No, it's, um it's so true and it's like what people think they're signing up for versus what they end up getting is it's pleasantly surprising for them.

spk_0:   27:25
Yeah, so what kind of like start wrapping this up? Like what I'm What I'm seeing is like there's a lot of gym owners who needs other things to help their clients right and nutrition. Everyone knows, like nutrition's, like the 90% of the progress right? And it's the one big thing that gets the least amount of attention for gym owners that want to work with you. That's easy and obvious, right? Like you're accessible. You're easy to find. Somehow I found you.

spk_1:   27:52
Yeah, I'm all over the Internet playing around

spk_0:   27:54
gonna read it, but let's say for a gym owner who's kind of like they like to do things themselves. They want to take it under their own wing. Or they have a coach on staff who knows this stuff like, Is there a path that you could recommend they take? Thio do this as easy as possible or minimalistic Lee. It's possible success, yes. So there's there's a

spk_1:   28:16
few routes, um, one they could email me and we could talk about this stuff just getting, um, but not or you can. I mean, if you want to do it yourself. There's a 1,000,000 different certifications, but to me, that's just adding another job, right? Uh, the gym owners already have enough jobs. We have the people that air that are qualified to do it. We have registered dietitians. We have a PhD who who leads our education department. Um, so that's really what I'm hoping to do is provide a solution for Jim's that isn't just adding another job, but being a kind of a partner in the whole thing,

spk_0:   28:51
right? Yeah. I mean, we're big fans of, and we actually advocate and employ ourselves. The idea of buying back here on time has not been your and instead of trying to do more work like leverage, more people to do the work. And yes, your your cut's gonna be less. Yeah, but you're adding more. Service is without adding more work, right? And that's that's a huge thing we advocate for. Uh,

spk_1:   29:11
I mean, that was, you know, as I was growing when I quit my job in HR, I thought I was like, Cool. I can have more free time And then we got busier because I had more attention to give people, and then we had to hire more coaches. And then I was like, Crap. I need admin staff to do, like, customer service and and take phone calls and things like that. And then we need a content person. And then, you know, we have a chief experience officer now, and it's like I could do some of this stuff, but I value sleep and the growth of the business and the health and happiness of the rest of the team. Um, so, yeah, I'm all about that. Buy more time thing. I love it. It's a great concept. Steal it. You stole it from someone? Probably.

spk_0:   29:53
I absolutely. Oh, definitely. There's not many original. It's just repackaged, but that's even like nutrition.

spk_1:   30:01
It's like we know the science of nutrition. We just have to get people to apply it. So we tried to fix the things that people struggled with its almost like, reverse engineered dieting in a way,

spk_0:   30:12
and have had some great success doing it.

spk_1:   30:15
It's crazy. It's the results of our members is it's just mind blowing. If it wasn't our people, I would I would call bullshit on the results. I'd say that's not really but it's crazy because I know these people. It's so cool. I love it. So

spk_0:   30:27
So so for the people out there who are paying attention to stronger you and I know you like, What do you have coming in 2020 like what's on the horizon for people to see

spk_1:   30:36
Finally, a nap so our coaches could do their check ins better and more effectively. Our members can log and communicate with coaches are admin team, can a sign and help people better. Our management team can make more data informed decisions. Um, we have, like some educational tools coming. We want to do like more seminars around the country, so I'm just thinking of every little thing that can help people in some way. And this I can't wait for this tech to just fall into our hands. We're testing it now, and it's It's beautiful.

spk_0:   31:12
You mean making an apse? Not easy.

spk_1:   31:15
It I've been trying for four years and we've had multiple teams, and it's finally happening. So some of that is my fault with poor project management. I will own that. But now our team volume it is They're awesome dudes. I love him.

spk_0:   31:33
Maybe we can hire him. Maybe. I know when you're done. You all right? Cool. Any parting questions you have, Nick? No, no, it's been been often. Get a chance Thio to meet you. And, uh, yeah, I'm looking for May be doing it again sometime.

spk_1:   31:48
Yeah. Can I just plug my email in case anyone

spk_0:   31:51
Oh, yeah. Let's actually set that up here. Yes. Oh, it's so for anyone who needs to get it needs to get ahold of Mike at stronger. You wants to chat with him about nutrition programs at your gym and how that might help you. Um, how can I get a hold of

spk_1:   32:05
Mike at stronger you? That's the letter you dot com so might get stronger you dot com instagram m dola is my personal.

spk_0:   32:15
You know that?

spk_1:   32:16
Yeah. M Dola is M d o E h L A. That's my personal instagram and then stronger you at stronger you is the company instead.

spk_0:   32:29
So there you have it. That was super cool conversation with Mike Dola from stronger you. And like I said earlier in the intro, these guys were doing some really cool things when it comes to nutrition, helping Jim's keep track of their clients for the 23 hours that those clients aren't in the gym and generally just reshaping a lot of people's relationship with food and nutrition. And that brings to the end another episode of the Gym OS podcast from Push Breasts. I'm Dan Uemura, the CEO of Push Breasts. I'm always excited to talk to and work with Jim owners on how to help them build a better Jim. If you haven't already done so, make sure you check us out at push press dot com. We're working hard every day to bring the most streamlined and efficient Jim management software to market for you. If you haven't already done so make sure you subscribe to our podcast were available on apple podcasts on Spotify and wherever you're happening to listen to us right now, we got a ton of great stuff coming up for you in future episodes. We hope to get you there, but until then, he grinds.