The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

Diversify Your Revenue and Stop Working 80 Hours a Week with Nicole Aucoin, Healthy Steps Nutrition

Nicole Aucoin Season 2 Episode 24

Nicole is the founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition. She has worked in the nutrition and fitness arena for over 10 years helping thousands of clients achieve their goals. Her program is currently run at hundreds of gyms and nutrition practices worldwide. Nicole is the author of Nourish, the how-to guide to starting and growing a nutrition business from the ground up.

On this episode, Nicole and Dan rap about a few topics that every gym and studio owner can relate to, including creating a sustainable business model so that you're not working 80 hours a week, diversifying your revenue stream, and creating goals and smashing them. This episode is full of steps you can implement immediately! Please enjoy this conversation with Nicole Aucoin.

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Dan Uyemura :

Welcome to The gymOS Podcast. I'm your host Dan Uyemura, the CEO of Pushpress. Each episode I bring the best and the brightest in the business world straight to your gym and we tease out actionable steps and strategies that you can implement immediately become a better business owner. What is up ladies and gentlemen of the fitness world? Dan Uyemura here on The gymOS Podcast. Back at it again. Today we're going to talk to Nicole Aucoin of HSN, Healthy Steps Nutrition. And before we get too deep into it, we're not going to talk that much about nutrition even though that is her main gig there. We're talking about scaling your gym, and we're coming at it from the lens we both own gyms and we both have seen this from the lens of all kinds of gym owners. And one thing that we feel a lot gym owners are failing to do is set up the right processes and systems and mindsets required to scale. And this is super important to you unless you want to work 80 hour weeks for the rest of your life, being the only person that everyone comes to you for every problem at your gym. It's important to understand how scaling works. You need to put systems in place processes in place, technology in place and people in place in a way that they can succeed in taking things off your plate, making your gym run more efficiently, giving your customers more value. And giving those people an opportunity to earn a professional wage along the way which will keep them they're doing just that. So sit back and relax. And check out another episode of The gymOS Podcast where once again we're talking to Nicole Aucoin of Healthy Steps Nutrition. Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome back to The gymOS Podcast, most of you guys, you guys just catch these episodes as they come one at a time. And you don't really understand this, but I do these in batches. So I'll go through phases where I'll do like 14 episodes in a week, get it off my plate, and then move on to actually running PushPress. This is my first one and the next batch that I'm doing, and I expect this to be super rusty, but I'm pretty stoked, because I've gotten Nicole Aucoin here who's a friend of the family as a guest, and I know she's gonna keep me on track, as I probably veer off, left and right and stumble into this podcast. So if any of you guys out there are running your own podcast, you'll probably get what I'm saying. Like if you haven't done it for a while you feel a little rusty when you're coming back. So that's where we are today. I like being super honest and upfront. And let's kick it off here. Nicole, why don't you quickly introduce yourself to our guests. I'm sure most people already know you, but if they don't like let's let's let everyone know who you are.

Nicole Aucoin :

Awesome. Well, first of all, thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. First. One back into the podcast gaming this new batch. So excited to be here. My name is Nicole Aucoin, founder of Healthy Steps Nutrition. I'm a registered dietitian and CrossFit gym owner. And we really focus on nutrition and building nutrition into the boundaries foundation of our gym. So I believe something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn't be complicated and focus on nutrition and fitness to help empower people to make healthy choices and take control of their health. Awesome.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, yeah, they're working on some great stuff over there. And we're not going to dive directly into the nutrition stuff. What I want to talk to you about will probably, you know, make you bring nutrition up a few times. But the topic that I want to talk to you today about is about scaling a gym, okay? And scaling in such a way that actually makes sense for gym owners because it's easy to say like, Hey, man, why don't you just scale your gym, but if you don't have the resources or the education to do so, not possible. So you own a gym. I used to own a gym, we talked to gym owners all all day long we understand what it's like to run a gym. So if a gym owner right now is listening, and they're thinking like man, I'm doing everything like, Glassman told me, I need to clean the toilet. So I'm cleaning the toilets, and I'm coaching and I'm programming and I'm ordering the retail products and I'm trying to be a nutrition coach and I'm, you know, I'm and I'm doing everything and it's driving me crazy. And I have no vacations and I'm working 86 hours a week. Is that a sustainable business model for gyms, like how do you see how do you see this?

Nicole Aucoin :

I think we both know the answer to that is it's not sustainable, right? Like it's great linear. When you get first get started. You're super excited. You'll work those 80 hour weeks. I we've all done it. I think during the beginning of COVID we all did it again, we're working more than we ever have. But realistically, if you're looking at scaling your business, you cannot wear all the hats and you really need to figure out what do you love the most as a gym owner and what are you the best at and hold on to those things so tightly and then Everything else you need to start delegating and automating to empower your staff to take on those roles. Right?

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, I mean, I mean, speaking realistically, like, if you're truly an entrepreneur, I don't think the well maybe the 80 hour weeks can scale back, but you're never going to be working less than 40. You know, you're always going to be on the grind. The point is, like, focus your attention on the things that you do best and that you actually love to do. And start to peel like, think of it like an onion, right, like peel the things away that you aren't either good at or you don't like to do and give them to people who are actually good at them. Okay.

Nicole Aucoin :

Couldn't agree more. I think it's really tough at the beginning, because you're trying to hold on to all of the money that's coming in, right? Like you don't have any extra money to spend on hiring additional people. But as soon as you can invest a little money on those lower paying jobs, like like a cleaner, right, could we hire someone to clean the toilet so that we're not actually spending that hour two cleaning the bathrooms, then could we hire someone to handle the billng? Right, then can we hire someone to do the next thing so that you can start having more time to actually grow your business? If you're working everyday, on a day to day stuff, it's gonna be really tough to actually grow your business.

Dan Uyemura :

Right. And so I mean, a lot of these concepts are kind of out there and known and I know a lot of gym owners know that they need to wear less hats and focus on the ones that they do. What I'd like to do is try and focus hone in on some actual things that people can do walk away from this episode or something material that they can that they can that they can do. What Where do you think is the easiest places that people can start scaling their their business and or narrowing their focus?

Nicole Aucoin :

I think first you need to figure out what is the mission of your business and especially as you get bigger, it's easy to take on so many things that can provide you additional revenue streams, but is that really keeping you to the core principles of why you started your business and once you figure out and keep that in the forefront of your mind. It's easy to say yes and no to opportunities. So like we do something at HSN called the Big Three. And I know every quarter we're trying to achieve three quarterly goals and every opportunity that comes in, if it aligns with those three quarterly goals, then we move forward with it if it doesn't, like I just turned down a huge proposal to do a marketing supplement launch but that's because I was a story brand guy, this guy reached out to me but that isn't part of what our ideal business is. So we turned it down. And as an as a business owner, as a gym owner, you need to figure out okay, what is your client looking for? How can you provide a holistic approach and support them to achieve their goals and a lot of times it looks like nutrition right or doing something like personal training or having a massage therapist come in and see what kind of additional services so that you don't have to have 500 people in your gym, you have a smaller amount of people, but they're paying more per month. Right?

Dan Uyemura :

Right. That that's super important because as I was thinking about scaling, when I was thinking about how I'm going to talk about this episode, I kept taking steps back. And it all went back to I had to have an identity for my business because you can't really scale if you don't know what you stand for and what you want to do as a business. So yours was actually a step after that, like after you kind of have your identity and you know, what you want to be and you know, what your mission and goals are, you need to every quarter or every or periodically, actually have a mission statement of like what you're trying to do. Right. I was just talking to Zach for us today. And I think one of the bigger things that's holding gyms back is just simple planning strategy, right? Just monthly, quarterly annual planning of where you where you want the gym to go, and who's gonna do who's gonna run with that ball. Right?

Nicole Aucoin :

That's such an important piece of the puzzle, honestly. I love that. I think it's so fun to figure out where are we headed? What are we doing and for some people that hate doing that they want to stay in the day to day but you're never going to be To grow and scale, if you don't think ahead, think of the future, what what do you want this company to look like? And always going back to the core mission. And, you know, when I think of gym owners like we got in this business to help people, right, we got in this business to help people take control of their health and provide a service that can promote them becoming the best versions of themselves. So if we're just offering group fitness, are we able to really provide that total package to them? Probably not. So thinking about Alright, what kind of other services can I offer? And you know, when I talk to gym owners about starting nutrition programs, the first thing I ask them is, who is a good fit to help you run this program because you're not going to be able to do it yourself. You can't run the day to day operations of a nutrition program and do it effectively. Unless that's your perfect day and you're not coaching very much and your perfect days is running nutrition. Most gym owners that's not their perfect day.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah. So this is actually an epiphany that I was mentioned. To that I had yesterday I went to a chiropractor and I realized that the difference between a chiropractor the chiropractor's office, I went to probably most chiropractor offices and a fitness studio or a gym is that the chiropractor kind of had it figured out that there were all of these different revenue models that they had to employ. And they had people in place to do them. There was massage tech, there was an X ray technician, there was the adjustment person, there was a sales consultation person, like I recognized all these roles as I was going through this first day process. And one thing it made me realize is most gyms they're just selling a buffet of fitness. Right? It's like, it's just all you can eat group fitness classes, and that's it. Where do you do you see the difference there? And do you think that there's value in one versus the other? Where are you leaning in this?

Nicole Aucoin :

We got I'm moving to the towards the chiropractor, right? I'm leaning towards we have to provide a holistic support system for our clients to achieve their goals because if we don't, they're going to hit a plateau, or they're not going to lose weight. Because most people come to a gym, they want to lose weight, they're not going to see the weight loss. And then they're going to think their, your program doesn't work for them, and they're going to go find someone else. So if you're not offering other services, you're not going to provide your clients with all the support they need to achieve their goals. In some people, especially some of our clients, personal training clients, they're intimidated by that group atmosphere. So if you're not offering Personal Training, then you're missing out on additional people that want to work one on one with you that don't want to be in a group class, especially right now. Some people don't feel comfortable coming into a group class due to cobit. Right.

Dan Uyemura :

Right. Yeah, that's that's an important thing to also notice as you as you start to turn on your mind to scaling is you've got to solve problems for different people and then one person And might have multiple problems. And, and or tastes like you're saying some people might not want to be in a group class, they might want to have private training. Some people might need private training, because they're they have certain restrictions or needs of your attention that that's what they want. Right? Some people might need nutrition counseling, some people might have kids that need need training as well. Like there's all these different silos of needs, that I think go underserved in most most gyms at the boutique level, because they're just so focused on doing the base need of everything.

Nicole Aucoin :

I think there's two problems here. One is a lot of gyms don't do consultative selling services. So they just have people come in sign up online or join a free class and then they have them sign up for a membership and they're never actually really getting to know their client before there's a sale. And if you really want to build a hybrid model where people are signing up for more than one service, you have to sit down and talk to them and really figure out their why. And figure out What, what prompted them to come in here? And if they're trying to lose weight, and you're not talking about nutrition, and not talking about, like, how many times they need to be coming to your facility, getting them on a schedule, they're not going to see the results fast enough and they're not they're gonna think your program doesn't work for them, right?

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah. Why do you think? Why do you think that this is an issue in our industry? Why do you Why don't you think more gym owners are doing this?

Nicole Aucoin :

I you know, we all opened it. Same thing with me opening healthy subs. nutritionally, I opened up a private just because I just wanted to help people and I was hated the hospital system. I had no clue what I was doing in regards to a business. Right? I had no idea. I thought that I could just sit down with someone one time share all the information in the world and they would be enlightened and beyond their own. Years later, I realized, okay, people need more hand holding. They need more accountability and support. But the idea of selling is scary to people like us, scary to gym owners and you don't have a business around most gym owners do not have a business background so they don't really understand. Or they don't want to sell someone on something. They just want to provide them the service. And we all got in this business to help people and until you realize sitting down and talking to someone one on one about what they want to accomplish, what success looks like to them and why you're really not selling them, you're providing them the best options to help them achieve their goals, right. So if I'm sitting down and talking to someone, and they're telling me they want to lose weight, I'm going to talk to them about nutrition. I'm gonna talk to them about fitness and give them an option to sign up for both on day one, I don't want to resell them on nutrition later and it takes time you need someone you're going back to what we said before so many gym owners are overworked, right? Like they're playing all these different roles. They're wearing all these different hats and the idea of sitting down and talking to people one on one for 20 minutes before they sign up. They'll actually I don't have that in my schedule to do that. But if you can, if you can do it, or hire a sales person to do it that's really comfortable and can talk from experience about your programs, then you're going to be more effective in building brand advocates down the road in essentially better at scaling your business.

Dan Uyemura :

Correct. Yeah. And I think what a lot of people miss is they hear the word sales, and they hear the word selling. And it's a very achy word for most people. And what you really like, like, let's take it back, what is your mission as a gym owner, it's probably to help your community become fitter. Because there's some magic that you found and you want to share that with the world. And if you don't know how to convey that in some type of a structured process, that the customer is expecting to be honest, then you're not fulfilling your mission, because you're not providing the solution that people might need. Right? And honestly, it might what you Offer might not be the solution that they need. And you can tell them where they can find that. I did that at my gym. And you'd be surprised. He will. Once they once you do that they just want to join your gym because they trust you because you're not forcing them into the solution right. Now my first gym, we had what we literally called the no sell sale, right? Because we didn't want to be salespeople. So it was like we did the fundamentals class. We showed him how great the fitness was that we were working on, we actually structured it so all of them had improvements over two weeks that they could see. And then we just left them alone. Like we're like, congratulations, you finished fundamentals. If you want to join, let us know. See you later. And I like now that I understand how sales works. I remember distinctly seeing so many people being like what, what am I supposed to do I need to go talk to you like they were just so utterly confused. Probably, you know, 30% of the people that probably wanted to join just left like I don't know what to do and just left and I realized how much of a disservice that was So if you're listening to this and you don't like selling, it's okay like sell it. We don't have to be salespeople go back, I think was like episode five or four six or something like of our podcasts. We talked to Greg Mack, who is a fitness sales professional and he's the one who trained me how to sell and taught me that sales wasn't bad. I love, love, love and I will teach anyone the sales process that he taught me because it's not so easy. It's it's just honest.

Nicole Aucoin :

No, I think if you provide so much value before people come in, they'll seek you out because they already know you can help them. So like that's something that as a gym owner, you need to really be thinking about, right like how are you providing free help to your community. We do nutrition talks on a regular basis. We give different tips about working out strategies. We have so much free help on our website and emails that go out regularly. We do nutrition talks every single month virtually, we're doing a day in the life. I'm sure this episode is obviously not going to be aired right away, but We do a day in the life of just showing like, Hey, this is what nutrition coaches eat on a regular basis, right? We're actually doing it today, which is really awesome. Because now people are seeing getting free help with from us. And when they're ready for more, they can come to us. And I think, you know, one of the conversations I have with gym owners so much as they tell me, you know, I think giving away so much for free, how do I start charging? And you just have to clearly define, right? Like, what are the services that you're going to provide for free, and when people want to come to you for individualized help, or group help and a challenge type setting that you're charging for that and you have to value your time. But providing free help is amazing. I think it's a really great way to build yourself up as a guide, build authority, and help people understand how you can help them we there's so many CrossFit gyms within a five mile radius of our gym, and people seek us out because we provide so much nutrition support. I don't have to sell people on nutrition because they're coming to us because we offered it attrition on the fitness. I am I truly and we have more people that sign up for nutrition only then than our fitness.

Dan Uyemura :

Right on. Yeah. I mean, that fits in with one of our mantras here at PushPress. And that's, you know, help first help often be freely giving of yourself and kind of the rest. I think the rest solves itself as long as you it's a two piece thing you can't help and not make money. And I don't think you you can make money without helping right I guess you could but you've got to develop a really big brand ahead of it. You help in like you said, you draw a line in the sand of where you where you wanted to help for free. And then you've got to be able to sell you got to be able to you've got to be able to make revenue so that you can continue helping people both on both sides of that coin as well.

Nicole Aucoin :

It's so much easier when you provide free help because you're building that relationship with people. And they already know by the time they reach out to you and want to get started with you. They already know how you can help them because they aren't you've already built that relationship.

Dan Uyemura :

The other thing too is what people We'll have to realize is the society we live in today, people expect free things first, you know, with this app driven and this website driven, like how many of you have gone and looked at a website and something you want to do. And if they don't have a free trial or a free tier, you don't want to enter your credit card, not without knowing what you're getting into, right? Same with apps, like, I've built apps, and I know how much time and resources it costs to build apps. And it's I think it's almost criminal that people won't spend 199 for an app, but they won't, you know, and app developers have figured this out. And now it's like every app you want is free. And they make money once you understand the value that the app is going to bring in app purchases. So you almost have to do the same like consider your gym like a little in app purchase app, and you're letting people come in and try things for free. There's some model of the free end of it and then you're monetizing after they understand the value.

Nicole Aucoin :

I think there's a combination with providing free help and then sharing stories of successful clients and what kind of stories are you sharing with them things that we're doing with our mentoring program right now is doing it and tap as many testimonials as possible. And I'm just trying to motivate them to share stories of their clients. You know, so many gyms are struggling right now a lot of gyms are having to re close. And the more you can share stories about how you're helping your community, the more people will understand how you can help them people relate to stories. And when especially if you're a gym, trying to scale your business beyond group classes, talk about people that are doing other service. If you want to go a personal training program, get testimonials of your personal trainer clients. If you want to go grow a corporate wellness program, get a testimonial of the owner of a corporate wellness program, have him talk about how amazing your program was to help their employees. But if you're not talking about that, if you're not sharing those stories, people are not going to understand how you can help them.

Dan Uyemura :

Right. And I mean this this podcast topic was to be on scaling and I think we've talked a lot about a lot of things that kind of go into scaling. We haven't talked about scaling per se, but one of the most important things, I think, to scaling a business is process. And that's something that also isn't thought about a lot. In to me, there's three kind of basic buckets that let you scale. There's process or systems, there's technology and then there's people, right? There's a fourth bucket, which is money but I'm not going to talk about that one because in the gym space, there's no one's going to invest in your gym per se, really, right. It's, it's you got to do it with with these three bucket items, Process and Systems, Technology, which kind of is a hybrid of processing systems and people. One thing that I think often goes overlooked and what made me think about this when you're talking about testimonials, is they brought me back to when I owned a gym, and getting testimonials was like me walking up to some person every time I kind of remembered and and said, Dude, you want to you know, being a member highlight, I get a testimonial and it haphazardly happened. At that point, but what I had to quickly figure out is like, there needs to be a process. Like, I believe in manufacturing, success in a business. And it's all based on process and systems. So it's like you get them through fundamentals during the fundamentals, you show them progress, you show them what you can do. You get them through their first three months, that first few months is tailored for certain things. And like we, you know, talk about those happy moments are these manufactured moments where it's like, we've just done X, Y, and Z for you. Now the now there's an ask, right, can you review our business? Can you write a testimonial for us, you want to share this with a friend? These things have to be part of a process so they won't happen reliably.

Nicole Aucoin :

I think there's a few things that go into process. That's especially as you're building out a new program, you have to ask for feedback and be open to how to tweak things, right like your system is not going to be perfect when you first start up a program. And if you're always tweaking and refining, based on your customer feedback based on your experience, it's a really important piece of the puzzle when you're looking at scaling. Going back to those slps know, so many gym owners going to, some many gym owners are wearing so many hats. Eventually you're going to offload some of those hats, right? But when you offload them, is it easy for me to take over? Or is it really tough for me to take over? Nothing's written down. It's all in your head. Right? And that, especially with nutrition coaching is so important because in a gym atmosphere, your clients talk to each other. So you're doing something different than I'm doing it, it's going to devalue the program. So you have to have systems when you're looking at upscaling, because that goes to people, right? There's people implementing those systems. And if it's not a consistent experience, you're not going to get those great success stories. You're not going to get that great review because it's not consistent.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah. I mean, the one thing I like to I like to try and point out when it comes to this is like, look at any really successful business in the real world. And we could be talking about a McDonald's or a Starbucks or whatever. There are SOPs, systems in place that everybody follows to the exact same perfection like when do you go to a Starbucks and the coffee tastes different from day one to day three, never always stays the same doesn't matter what country you're in. So, providing a consistently excellent experience is part of having systems and procedures in place. I don't want to get down the road of slps because that's so there's so many of these big topics or things that have been on my mind lately. Things I'm trying to find solutions for for gyms. SOPs is kind of a big one because I mean, like you said, I take it back to my when I was a neophyte running a gym, I had nothing written down. And that's probably one of the reasons I didn't hire many people because I knew no one could do it. Like I did it because how could they, you know, have it written down.

Nicole Aucoin :

When I figure out SOPs when I first start, I record myself doing everything, and then I start writing it out and then I have someone else replicate what I wrote out, and I watch them do it and whatever they miss that needs to get put in right So, you know, just start it doesn't have to be super overwhelming start with the big things and then work down to the to the details and having someone else take it over. And then fill in those details is a great strategy too.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, that's how I learned to do them to like, you just you record yourself doing it, or as you're doing, you write down every step. And then you give it to someone to do and you watch what they screw up. Because where they screwed up is where you've made assumptions in your process. And then you refine it to the point where you know, it's good, and then you're done. Like, you don't have to do it anymore. Right?

Nicole Aucoin :

I would say you need to go back like SOPs should be reviewed and updated because things change like technology is added or something different is done, you found a better way you have to go back and look at these things and update them to ensure again, it's a consistent experience to what you're doing today. I would venture to I would bet that most gym owners have not looked back slps opening and closing SOPs and years right?

Dan Uyemura :

I would venture that most don't have SOPs, that's the first.

Nicole Aucoin :


Dan Uyemura :

Yep. But yes, yeah, once they're written down, you can't you can't necessarily forget it and or the person that owns that SOP has to be it's a living breathable procedure, right. So if it changes, it changes, it needs to be reflected. Cool. Well, one of my goals for this season of the gym, most podcasts keep things a little bit shorter. So I think I think we're right about that time where we should be cut off. I mean, we talked about so many high level concepts that I couldn't even jot them all down. We talked about the importance of having an identity, having missions quarterly goals, Big Three, that was a good one. A consultantive sales process. I think that is probably one of the I don't know, I wouldn't say easiest things that will not be one of the biggest things you can employ in your gym. Because just by asking questions, you're going to find out things that people need. And if you're in the business of solving people's problems, that's you got to know what their problems are, if you're going to solve them.

Nicole Aucoin :

I think it also goes back to doing goal setting session. So then the only time that you talk to new people or you know people One on One should not be just new people going back and doing goal setting sessions with their current clients actually allows you to have another opportunity to get them bought in on another service. Right? Maybe someone wasn't interested in personal training, or interested in strength training, or, or a strength program, but now their goals have changed. And now they would be interested or maybe they weren't interested in nutrition coaching, but they've hit a plateau and you've done by electric testing, and you've showed them Oh, you've hit a plateau now it's time to dial in your in your nutrition and gives you an opportunity to talk to them about getting started with nutrition coaching.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, I am. I listen to a lot of podcasts I run now a lot and I listen to podcasts because it gives me a chance to educate myself while getting some fitness and...

Nicole Aucoin :

I love that.

Dan Uyemura :

One concept that came across in a recent podcasts I listened to was they did a study and they found that the number one driver of productivity, this this is a workplace productivity thing, but the number one driver of workplace productivity wasn't money wasn't position wasn't anything other than what I'm doing is working or makes a difference, right? And I can't remember exactly how they word it but made me realize like in a gym, it's it's the most important thing to keep someone in your gym and happy is showing them that what they're doing is making a difference to themselves, right? Setting goals, hitting goals being productive.

Nicole Aucoin :

Absolutely. Meeting with your employees individually. And I do this with every single one of our employees. I think it's so important going back to how does their piece of the puzzle, the big three for that quarter like where do they fit in? What difference are they making and one thing that I've noticed and I've read a lot of the research that that you're talking about. A big driver is also knowing that there's opportunity for Learning and Leadership and growth within a community within a business right. So if you want to be able to scale your Your business, talk to your people individually and see what are they interested in? How can they play a bigger part in your in your business? Right?

Dan Uyemura :

Yep, absolutely. All right, Nicole. Well, thank you so much. If people want to find out more about you and healthy steps nutrition, where can they go?

Nicole Aucoin :

Gym owners and coaches go to You can book a free call with me. We love helping gym owners and coaches, build stronger businesses and diversifying revenue stream so yeah, go to

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, I mean, if you guys want to talk about scaling your business, in a simple way, like something like a nutrition counseling, or nutrition coaching is a no brainer. In my opinion. It's something everyone in your gym needs. And it's something that you can hand off to another coach, let them earn more money and we'd even talk about this but one of the key things in in scaling your business is you've got to professionalize the people who are doing the work for you. So it's, it's not having a coach who makes like X dollars per hour, but who has an actual potential of having a career there. So I'm super bullish on that. I like that. I like the idea of having a nutrition coach who can make a good living, servicing your clients in a better way that keeps them members, your clients, members of your gym longer. Cool. Well, thank you so much, Nicole. I look forward to all the cool things that we're working on together. And we're going to keep keep pushing forward for this community. And thank you so much for being on The gymOS Podcast. Thanks for having me. Boom. What do you guys think, man, I love it. When I get a chance to sit down and catch up with Nicole. I get to talk to her probably a couple times a quarter. And no, no finer people in the world. Then Nicole and her husband, running HSN over there at healthy steps nutrition. I did not know this previously, but it sounds like they're working with CrossFit to put out a nutrition series. So if you haven't checked that out, do so. scaling your business super important concept. It's one of those things where you don't build the mountain. Overnight, you've got to stack, you've got to slowly and procedurally do this, take things off your plate, put them on other people's plates, and give them the tools and the support that they need to do that job for you. Make sure they're paid fairly. And make sure you got your processes and systems all set up. Well. These are some key key key tenants that you're going to have to put a lot of attention and thought into to make work for your situation in your gym. But if you're just busy putting out fires, and if you're listening this podcast you probably are, then this is the direction you have to get going towards because you can't unlock all the value that you can bring to your community and your gym members if you're dealing with every single little problem that you have in your gym. Alright, I hope you enjoyed this podcast. I hope we brought some things to light for you that made a little bit of sense that can help you unlock a little bit in your gym. If you like this, please please please do me a favor and give this podcast a like a thumbs up, write us a review, give us some love help the algorithms out there that be put this content in front of the right people who need us gym owners who are struggling at their business and need to understand how to run a more efficient gym. Until the next time. I'm Dan Uyemura, CEO of PushPress always here to help. If you have any questions about how we can help any questions about your gym, make sure you just go to push press comm start up a chat, see if you can get some useful information out of us. We're here to help and we love helping. Alright guys. Catch you later.