Speak Your Piece: a podcast about Utah's history

The Youthful Workforce of the North Rim, Zion, Bryce & Cedar Breaks: "Singaway: Working and Playing for the Utah Parks Company, 1923 to 1972" (Season 2, Ep. 14)

Brad Westwood, Senior Public Historian, Utah Dept. of Heritage & Arts Season 2 Episode 14

March 1, 2021 (Season 2, Episode 14, 63 minutes) To see the Speak Your Piece  shownotes incluidng the bios of this episode's guests, click here.
From 1923 to 1972 the Utah Parks Company (a subsidiary of the Union Pacific Railroad based in Cedar City, Utah) hosted nearly every visitor that came through Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The UPC transported, guided, fed, entertained and housed tens of thousands of paying tourist each year, using primarily a workforce of young men and women, ages 16 to 26 years of age.

In this episode of Speak Your Piece, authors Ryan Paul and Janet Seegmiller, tell the story of the estimated 40,000 high school and college age students, who spent their summers working for UPC. Using hundreds of oral histories, written recollections and photographs, and other historical sources, they tell the stories of coming of age; hard work, comradery and conflict; the comical and revealing; and how tens of thousands of America's youth fell in love with Utah's and Arizona's magnificent, sublime national parks.

Singaway, Working and Playing for the Utah Parks Company, 1923 to 1972 (2019), is available only through the Zion National Park Forever Project website.

This workforce included "locals" and students from throughout Utah, and urban and rural youth from around the country,
from New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, California, Nebraska and more. All hired to serve, prepare and care for the tourist, or “the dudes (referring to both men and women)” who traveled by train and buses, to stay in Union Pacific Railroad’s lodges and Inns.

The list of seasonal jobs included mechanic assistants, gearjammers (bus drivers), bellhops, maids, wood boys, linen boys, “talents” (including dance band members, singers, piano players and more), utility workers, nurses, switchboard operators, assistant wranglers, maître d', hostesses, waitresses, bus boys, soda fountain workers, janitors, clerks, dishwashers, bakers assistants, butcher assistants and finally cooks, including pantry prep workers, fry cooks, second cooks, sous chefs and in some cases even the chef.

An exhibit regarding UPC's seasonal employees may be seen at Utah's Frontier Homestead State Park Museum.

Other Recommended Readings: (1) To understand the vital link between the national parks and America's railroads see Alfred Runte, Trains of Discovery: Western Railroads and the National Parks (4th Edition) and (2) Seegmiller and Paul mention both the wranglers and the burros who transported guests up and down the North Rim of Grand Canyon, and mentioned Marguerite Henry's 1953 book "Brighty of the Grand Canyon."