2B Bolder Podcast : Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech

Career Podcast Featuring Stephanie Wettstein, Director of Internal and Executive Communications : Women In Business

Stephanie Wettstein Season 1 Episode 10

​On episode #10 of the 2B Bolder podcast, guest, Stephanie Wettstein, Director of Internal and Executive Communications for Cambia Health Solutions shares her career journey ​describes her role and responsibilities​.​

Stephanie, a communications professional for 23 years in various industries including high-tech and health care shares key insights and talks about specific characteristics and skills you need to develop and focus on to be successful​.

The 2B Bolder Podcast is designed to provide you first-hand access to some amazing women. Guests will include women from leading enterprise companies to startups, women execs, to coders, account execs, engineers and innovators.

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Host Mary Killelea:   0:00
Hi there. My name is Mary Killelea. Welcome to the 2B Bolder podcast. Providing career insights for the next generation of women in business in Tech to be bolder was created out of my love for technology and marketing. My desire to bring together Lifeline is women and my hope to be a great role model and source of inspiration for my two girls and other young women like you, encouraging you guys to show up to be bolder and to know that anything you guys dream of, it's totally possible on to be bolder. You're gonna hear inspiring stories of how successful women some I know, some I just want to bring to you guys and they're gonna talk about their careers in business and tech, and they're gonna tell us their stories about their passion in their journey and they're challenges. And we're gonna learn some of their advice along the way, too. So sit back, relax and enjoy the conversation. Today on the show is a dear friend I've known for over 15 years. I have admired her ability to have a successful career while being a dedicated mom. She is hardworking, ambitious, intelligent and caring. She's been a communications professional for 23 years in various industries, including high tech and health care. My guest today is Stephanie West Stein, director of internal and executive communications for Camby, a health solutions staff. It's great to have you on the show.

Stephanie Wettstein:   1:15
Thanks for having me. I love that you're doing this. What a cool idea.

Host Mary Killelea:   1:17
Thank you. All right, so let's start off the conversation. Can you tell me about Kambia Health Solutions? What they do and then also your role and responsibilities at the company.

Stephanie Wettstein:   1:30
Sure. Yeah. So can be Health Solutions is actually a parent company where the we have four Blue Cross Blue Shield regions plans when an organ one in Washington, one in Utah and Idaho. We have the four health plans, but then we have a lot of other companies, health and wellness companies to give you a kind of flavor. Of the other types of companies we have is one of them is called Health Spark. And what health park is sort of a, um it's a place where where people can go to see costs for different procedures, medical procedures, very trance, apparently so they could actually look up there, Doctor find reviews on that doctor and then also be able to compare prices for different treatments and different things that they need to have done. So it supports kind of overall cause of the company, which is Thio be a catalyst for transformation, making the health care system more person focused in economically sustainable. That's actually our mission statement that any employee could tell you It's a very active vision, admission that we have in the company.

Host Mary Killelea:   2:37
What is your role in responsibilities there?

Stephanie Wettstein:   2:39
So my role is that I am on our strategic communications team, which is basically our corporate communications team. And there's quite a few functions on that team, including PR and brand and Stakeholder communications. And my piece of it is Internal communications and executive to make it so there's there's some really good synergy, actually, between those two things. Um, Executive communications means that I work with our executive leadership team on their internal and external communications. So that would be speeches and keynotes in panel discussions. Um, but then also internally, any sort of emails or communications that they send out, um, I'm the one that would be writing them and and working with, um on those things. Um, I work specifically quite a bit with our CEO because he has asked to speak quite a bit. He's a pretty big thought leader in the space. And so that's where really probably about 50% of my time goes. And then internally, I have a great team that I work with where we are responsible to put out all of the communications internally to all 5000 of our employees that also across four states. So it's all of its art. We have two weekly publications that we send out managers and all employees. We have management calls. We have webinars ... T

Host Mary Killelea:   4:05
that must take some orchestration and, like you said, strategic vision to keep everyone aligned to the vision internally and as well as when you take your external communications. Yeah,

Stephanie Wettstein:   4:18
it does. And, um, we, uh, everything, of course, still kind of ladders up to the cause so that our our mission that we all look to you, so we think in terms of as the internal communications team. How do we support our employees so that they can help to realize our vision? So what is the communication that we can put out to them that will help them to understand what our business objectives, what are their role in accomplishing the objective? Um, you know, our big focuses around consumers and making sure that we're communicating extra link to them as well as, well, just even their billions statements, you know that they're understandable and there not hard to read. So how can we support employees that are helping to do that or even our customer service people who are on the front lines with our customers? How do we give them the information they need help make their job easier?

Host Mary Killelea:   5:07
That's great to see that you go to those level of details because I think those level of details are the front lines, you know, And those air so important with first impressions or even just general satisfaction from a consumer base. Absolutely.

Stephanie Wettstein:   5:22
Yeah, and they often, I mean, they have the hardest jobs, you know, and and they are. I have to say our customer service people are the most caring, and they absolutely approach their jobs with their hearts. They go above and beyond for members to help them. And so they're not just, ah, a voice on the phone we actually have. They developed relationships with our members where if a member has a good day, sometimes will call in

Host Mary Killelea:   5:46
Thio because of a representative that they

Stephanie Wettstein:   5:48
know to say,

Host Mary Killelea:   5:49
I had a good day. So

Stephanie Wettstein:   5:51
it's It's cool that we love to hear those stories because then we can communicate those out to the rest of our employees to the people that work in I T. Or in the different apartments or finance that everyone loves to hear the stories. So as much as we can, you know, even just highlight our own employees to other employees, we try and do that.

Host Mary Killelea:   6:08
That's awesome. All right, so let's take a look at your career path and some of the previous rules that you've had over the years and that led you to here.

Stephanie Wettstein:   6:16
It seems like it's been long, but also just going by so so fast. I was lucky enough where I started with a PR agency called Wagner Ekstrom, who ah, had the Microsoft account for and still death, but for years and years. And so I started my career as a 24 year old, Um, never having done public relations before. I had a degree in sociology, and I wasn't

Host Mary Killelea:   6:39

Stephanie Wettstein:   6:39
what I was gonna do with that.

Host Mary Killelea:   6:40
But, um, I

Stephanie Wettstein:   6:42
just thought it sounded interesting. And so I got on a very lowest account level possible and learned the business of public relations working with a company like Microsoft, which was just unbelievable. So I just got to learn. You know, what his public relations and how do you work with reporters and and then kind of grew from there because there's a lot of different areas within communications. There's PR. But then, of course, there's also with Microsoft. We did product reviews and helped the client's kind of put together review guides that reporters and reviewers could then use to review the products. And then they would report on it positively like a

Host Mary Killelea:   7:17

Stephanie Wettstein:   7:17
Reports type thing, or worked with industry analysts to make sure that they we're out there talking positively about Microsoft product. So it was a very sort of it was such a way to learn the art of communications. But in a very tactical and strategic way where this is what you do to launch a product. This is what you do to create top stories for company. So it was just a huge learning Graham in place. And so I worked there for, um, I want to say 10 years and just continued Thio kind of rise up through the account team, always working on Microsoft camp, but on different parts of the Microsoft account. So I got to learn different products, different ways to launch, but then also working with clients and understanding the importance of building relationships with those clients

Host Mary Killelea:   8:06
and so

Stephanie Wettstein:   8:06
that that really is kind of the foundation than that I've used through every well that I've had and using those skills. I was lucky enough Thio, then quit and work part time. And I, um, I started my own consulting business so that I could have some more flexibility so I could be home with my two girls and being ableto be with them as much as I could. So I worked out of my home part time and just took on work when, when I could take it on. But that way I also kind of kept play foot in the door. And so I did that for about eight years. So I was able to learn. Our social media came up

Host Mary Killelea:   8:42
and I was able to

Stephanie Wettstein:   8:43
kind of keep up with the time. So that then, when I re entered my career, um, I was able to do that, which I also feel very lucky that I did, and I actually went back to Wagner. It's room and worked there for a couple more years and then realized I needed something else other than technology and high tech. And so I wanted I got health care would be good because that felt very personal to me. And so I was like enough to get the job I have now. It can be and I've been there for almost six

Host Mary Killelea:   9:11
years. What are some of the differences between high tech and health care when it comes to PR or communications?

Stephanie Wettstein:   9:21
I think what health care what I've enjoyed is that there's more of an opportunity for storytelling and to be able Thio, get some really amazing stories that you can get out there. For instance, one of My favorite things to do is to talk about our work around palliative care, which is helping people in their families when they're dealing either with a serious illness or end of life. Some people think it's like hospice in this adjustment of life, but it isn't. It's actually whenever if you get a diagnosis around a chronic condition or you have a serious injury or something, that's going to kind of really put you on a journey through the health care system, that might not be very easy. This is an extra layer of care that doctors and people are trained in to really focus in on. What does the patient in their family need in this? It doesn't matter what the institution needs weapons, the what does the person and what they need. And some of the stories that come out of that when you get to that level of you kind of take off all of the bureaucracy of it,

Host Mary Killelea:   10:20
and you

Stephanie Wettstein:   10:21
really get down to having having facilitating a conversation between the provider who was trained in having these conversations and a family member to simply sit down, look each other in the eye and have that providers say what is important to you and the reaction that people in the family have. It's so heartwarming and it's so amazing. It makes you realize, God, if if nothing else, health care should be personal, everything should be this way. All of our interactions with their health care should be this way. So being able to use that as an example in the work that we've done in that and the reason we're is that we've raised in that area. It's been so, um so wonderful to have the opportunity to tell stories around that health care is that kind of personal thing. It's also really, um it's not very good right now. I mean, there's so much broken about the system and so um, so there's so much good that still needs to be done now. The thing that I would say that I miss about high tech is that there's almost a formula in the way that you d'oh communications for high tech, where it's yeah, you're still wanting to storytelling. You're still wanting to, you know, as much as you can reach the, um, the heart even more than the mind when you when you have communication and you put messaging out there. But but high tech is more about the the cool with being feature, and you know that the different parts of it and you can talk about the benefits of it. But it's still really just about launching a product.

Host Mary Killelea:   11:47

Stephanie Wettstein:   11:47
so, you know, there is that kind of formula bit that you take. And so, in some ways, sometimes I miss that formula. And I wish that, like in my current

Host Mary Killelea:   11:54
job, I'm trying

Stephanie Wettstein:   11:55
to kind of apply that a little bit more in the way that you create a top story campaign. Are you? You know, there's kind of a way that you that you do things that I'm seeing now where I can kind of start blending what I learned from high tech into healthcare and being able to kind of combine the two.

Host Mary Killelea:   12:11
That's great. What is a typical day? Looks like for you?

Stephanie Wettstein:   12:15
Well, um, I can I can use the example of what I'm doing right now. So, um, I would say with both executive and internal, um, and trying to kind of juggle both of those things. I actually just want to say it was. Maybe on Thursday, um, I was putting together two different presentations for our CEO and our CEO for a sale conference that we're having. It was an internal event, but it was very much a very orchestrate, a sort of formal event that we had. So I helped them with both of their presentations and at the same time was writing a memo that we needed to prepare and send out to all employees about the Corona virus. And that has continued. That work has continued. I was still working on that memo last night and got that out. And now today of the working on, um, employee communications around what we're doing, um, for our employees, but also for remembers, to prepare for the virus.

Host Mary Killelea:   13:15
So that's a lot to take on both executive and internal. I mean, I would think there's benefits toe having the same person doing both, but both seem like a full time job.

Stephanie Wettstein:   13:25
Yeah, they are. So, thankfully, I have an amazing team

Host Mary Killelea:   13:28

Stephanie Wettstein:   13:29
there's no way I could do this on my own. So I have someone helping me with executive

Host Mary Killelea:   13:33
indications, and

Stephanie Wettstein:   13:34
then I have a full team doing internal and Also, there's been opportunities to be able to bring in other people to help with executive communications to because there is so much. Um, there's so much crossover in this so much energy there in terms of what our CEO is saying externally, there's we want him to be saying the same thing internally and so having that kind of one person and I could be that Central 10.2 to be able to make sure that there's message consistency and that our employees are also hearing the same thing and even being able to update our employees on, you know, our CEO without giving the keynote and being able to share that for them or through his monthly communication that I work with him on and the team on to be able to put out to talk about where he is been and what he's been saying. So so there is a lot of synergy there, so it's who does make sense, really for one person to be in this role. But then I also, um, work with other people in our Stratcom team that work with other executives that are out there speaking and so there's a sort of center of excellence around executive communications. Where then I can also make sure that they all know all my counterparts. They're helping their executives with their communications. They know what Mark is saying, what our CEO is saying. So so there's also consistent be within all of our leaders. So we're all kind of they're all playing are singing from the same song book, so to speak.

Host Mary Killelea:   14:56
When you look at what type of skills are required to do the job that you do, um, it sounds like building relationships is key in that

Stephanie Wettstein:   15:07
it absolutely 100% of yes,

Host Mary Killelea:   15:10

Stephanie Wettstein:   15:10
totally hit the nail on the head. It's all about relationships, and that's where I was staying in early in my career is able to learn how to establish relationships with clients. Well, how you establish those relationships. You kind of get in their head

Host Mary Killelea:   15:21
on, and

Stephanie Wettstein:   15:21
you try and figure out what is important to this person. What are their days? What's keeping them up at night? How are they saying things? What do they want to say? You know, it's really and that's where, actually, my sociology degree

Host Mary Killelea:   15:32
really kind of makes sense. So

Stephanie Wettstein:   15:35
so and I'm just like I just Naturally, I'm really fascinated with people and what makes them tick. And and so, um, so learning to do that. And then that just becomes second nature. But that is absolutely it is. It's building relationships not only with the people you work with, but then and then also for internal communications, trying to understand what employees need. But yes, with that executive, it's really what's important to them. What do they want a say in? How can I help them say it in a way that is going to sound very authentic and genuine? Um, and some of it isn't just getting in their heads that understanding their hearts

Host Mary Killelea:   16:12

Stephanie Wettstein:   16:13
and where are their passions and how did they want to say things and what's really going to be meaningful for them, so that you can set them up to say it so that the audience can start concede kind of what their heart is about to.

Host Mary Killelea:   16:26
So how does someone who, who's trying to develop these skills go about it? Are there are there recommended classes or areas of expertise someone should pursue to hone in on these kind of skills, like for speech writing or consumer folk messaging or or media presentations.

Stephanie Wettstein:   16:42
I can only relate to, you know, my own experience, but for me, it really helps starting in a pure agency. It's such a great training ground and you learn so fast all different types of, um, media and how you use them. And again the relationship only skills. Um, but it also is writing, writing. Writing is so incredibly important, whether it's writing a blogger or, you know, we used to write press releases not as much anymore. But it's that capturing what those key messages are and how do you read it and have a new one until it makes sense. And even now what we're doing is is not getting It's even being that kind of that sort of average day, like like you are the person that can help your client or your executive communicate in a way that, yes, they need to convey what's important to them, but also being ableto see it from someone else's perspective and to say, you know, Okay, look, let's get all the acronyms out

Host Mary Killelea:   17:38
of this, because that doesn't

Stephanie Wettstein:   17:40
mean anything. That's not gonna make any sense. This you know, the average employer, the average person that would be reading this. And so So how do you say in the way that's going to make sense to you so that you can then help them make help? It makes us the other, so it's really writing. But then I also kind of gut feel. It's like what means something to you and trusting that what means something to you is, well, you probably need to help your client understand so that you can help him coho communicate it out in a way that makes sense.

Host Mary Killelea:   18:07
Let's just a little bit now you're on a couple different executive leadership teams Tell us about each of those what your involvement is and how you identify those.

Stephanie Wettstein:   18:16
You know, you get to a point in your career where you want to be a little more in touch with the community. Some of it is networking, some of it again, his relationship building. It's, I think, the more that you can try and get out a side of the four walls that you work in because that could be so all consuming. It just helps toe make you see things from a broader perspective. And so, um, I found two organizations that, um are just meaningful to me. One of them is March of Dimes. And so I was on the executive leadership team for the march for babies that happens every year in March, and so that that was an organization that Kambia is very involved in as well. But also just I was just always so thankful that I have healthy

Host Mary Killelea:   19:01
babies. And

Stephanie Wettstein:   19:02
so it's it's the way that you feel like you can give back. But you can also just become, you know. Then you build those relationships and you get to know people that are also on the in the organization. But on the Executive Leadership Team, with you to that all come from all different types of you know, areas of the community in the business community. So you get Thio have exposure to that while doing something that's also meaningful to you and then the other organization. This is leukemia and lymphoma society, and I've been on their executive leadership team for the Light the night event, which is super meaningful to me. Um, I lost my best friend to, ah, blood cancer, and so that's it's been very I needed to give back in some way. So that organization is I'm really approaching it more from a very personal perspective, but also has helped me, you know, kind of rod my perspective and meet people. I wouldn't have met and getting relationships that I wouldn't have met. That just helps to kind of, you know, overall help me as a human being, but then also broadens. My, you know, helps me to be a better professional.

Host Mary Killelea:   20:10
I congratulate you on your participation on those because, you know, everyone's got busy lives with work, family and making the time to dedicate ah, to participate in these leadership teams or even volunteering any capacity. It really does take effort. So kudos to you. Uh, when it comes to networking, what advice would you give to those listening? What's one the value of it and tell you how is it helped you?

Stephanie Wettstein:   20:40
Yeah, and this is the area where I think we could all be better. I I definitely could do better. And I think it's an area that terrifies me

Host Mary Killelea:   20:48
as an introvert. So

Stephanie Wettstein:   20:50
I'm in this sort of field where is dominated by extroverts, and I could be extra vert when I needed to be when I need to be. But really, I'm an introvert. And so if I have to force myself to get out there, and certainly these two organizations and being on their boards have helped to do that. So it's just seeking out those sort of opportunities where you can meet, you know, people and, um and I think, you know, a little bit safer Way is like on lengthen. That's a nice way to be ableto networking to meet people. But again, it all comes down to a relationship and and getting to know people. So it's just finding those ways that feel safe to you. Like, you know, you only have to put the kind of the boundaries around it, too, because it's not like you can devote a ton of time to be ableto network and get yourself out there. But finding those one or two, if it's organizations or if it's, you know, meetings or you know something that you can find in the community in the business community to be able to get you out there so that you can start meeting people because then once you start meeting people kind of start it can snowball, too. And so then you have to kind of really pick and choose where you want to focus in on.

Host Mary Killelea:   21:55
If you're applying for a job in communications, what kind of things should they highlight on their resume? Writing, writing,

Stephanie Wettstein:   22:02
writing for sure, I think, um, you know, if there's if they are interested in it, certainly if they have any skills around social media, that's something that companies are really looking for. People to know how to dio, um and do well. And most companies don't really know how to do that. And so, um, definitely social media, definitely writing, I think, um, why emphasize running to is that there's so much self publishing that companies could dio on their own on their websites. And so if there's always a need for people who can write up a blawg or be able to, you know, capture a re captain event or do something that could be used internally for employees on the website, But then also, um, it's a different industry now, in terms of their so many publications that are holding, it's just not, you know, everything is online now and, um, editorial staff have been continuing to be laid off, and and there's so much reduction in them being able to afford on staff writers. And so there's also a great opportunity for companies to be able to write contributed and Beilein pieces that can be submitted into publications and outlets that that they're hungry for. So if you can find someone that can write something like that, both write it for an executive

Host Mary Killelea:   23:22
who were right,

Stephanie Wettstein:   23:22
it just kind of under the company headline that it's hugely beneficial.

Host Mary Killelea:   23:30

Stephanie Wettstein:   23:30
then I think it's just being relatable and being personable and showing that you can build relationships and that, you know, you're just there's a lot. There's kind of this big need now to where there's a lot of around authenticity in June. You in this and so the more you can just kind of offer who you really are is another thing that I think can help set you apart.

Host Mary Killelea:   23:50
So we touched on it just briefly there in that answer. But technology has evolved so much, I mean, even, you know, I guess when we started out you and I in our careers, it was pre social media. And so how is social media and even technology impacted your role?

Stephanie Wettstein:   24:10
It's absolutely, completely impacted

Host Mary Killelea:   24:12
it, Yeah.

Stephanie Wettstein:   24:13
Um, and that's where I thought. You know, there's there's quite a few women that at the same time that I quit and started, you know, my own doing, consulting of stuff who who just went full time, full time mom. And then they trust when they tried to re enter the workforce. It was incredibly hard for them because they had missed out on learning about social media and then about health, publishing and about all of the, you know, tools and technology that was out there. And so it's a super hard thing to try and learn all at once, because it really has fundamentally changed how we do PR. So, for instance, you know there's there. So you know, you still at some point maybe issue a press release. But that's not really, you know, as effective anymore. It really is being able to, um, you know, your own blogged or pitches story that, you know, you're able to maybe in package together and include a a byline article or, you know, something like that. But then Also, you have to think about how are you going to whatever that announcement is, um, or event that you're doing or anything, or even for us. When an executive is on stage speaking, what's the social amplification strategy for it? So what are the tweets gonna be? What's your Facebook post gonna be? What's the link in? How are you going to be able to really time capture what's happening on stage? And then also, how do you coordinate with the event that's happening in that hashtag to make sure that you are, you know, really thinking from a company brand perspective as well as the brand and thought leadership around that executive or leader who's speaking, How do you kind of make sure that it's orchestrated in a way that it's amplifying it on all channels? And then what is your so publishing model gonna be? What is that blood that's gonna go on to your website? But then, you

Host Mary Killelea:   25:55
know, reflects that

Stephanie Wettstein:   25:57
has become very like it's very complex. It's also opened up doors and in different ways to think about PR in communications that we didn't have before.

Host Mary Killelea:   26:07
Well, then, I think it's opened up the expectations from the consumer. I mean, they want transparency. And so the companies that don't get that, I think, really are seeing the results of it.

Stephanie Wettstein:   26:20
Yeah, there's a different appetite and there's a different cadence. And there's a different expectation, like you bed of how people want to get their information, um, and and how they want it And in a very I mean it all have to be so much more real time than it used to be.

Host Mary Killelea:   26:35
So have you had mentors over the years that have helped you? And how did you go about, like building those relationships?

Stephanie Wettstein:   26:42
Yeah. And, you know, I think with yes, I have. And I've been lucky to have some really wonderful ones. You know, you can have you can have good and bad managers, and I think you can learn equally from both. So it's wind, though I think, especially when you have a manager that maybe you know, isn't as good as you've had, Then it becomes incredibly important to find mentors. Then that will help fill that need. And and I I always gravitate toward other women leaders, and once that feels like I already have a relationship with them. So? So I don't you can't really force. I think

Host Mary Killelea:   27:21

Stephanie Wettstein:   27:21
good mentor. You

Host Mary Killelea:   27:22
have to.

Stephanie Wettstein:   27:22
Really? If you have a connection with someone or if you already have a relationship, someone or you feel like you could build that relationship with them and it just feels like a natural thing, you know, then then I think that works. But when you're told you know you, you need to go get him with mentor. You think I have to go get one? And so you just go and kind of, you know, pick who you think might be a good mentor because of the position they're in or because of you know, what they're doing in the area of the company that's less effective than having it tried. It kind of creating it more organically on more naturally so that it doesn't feel force.

Host Mary Killelea:   27:54
When I got into the corporate world, I guess I kind of surprised man. I only thought that mentoring was kind of the only type of support you might have, but then there's also sponsors, so it's interesting to me that their sponsors, who kind of internally when you're out of the room and a job opportunity comes up, that sponsor speaks up for you. So that comes down to the importance of networking and, you know, building those relationships. Yeah. Yeah.

Stephanie Wettstein:   28:26
And actually, yeah, you touching a point that I didn't I didn't touch on two with. Networking is absolutely internally in your company.

Host Mary Killelea:   28:32

Stephanie Wettstein:   28:33
it is. That is that is so key. And that again just goes back to I think of it less is networking internally and more is just building relationships,

Host Mary Killelea:   28:41

Stephanie Wettstein:   28:42
But being able Thio really think about you know, when you're in a meeting with someone, just even thinking about the people that are in the room with you really taking that into account, like, really thinking, You know, who in here my feeling, like pretty connected with or that I could learn from, Or you know, that there's some sort of a similarity there, Um and then and then just reaching out to them,

Host Mary Killelea:   29:04

Stephanie Wettstein:   29:05
know, I think that I think we spend so much time with the people that we work with that being able to build relationships in that way and even just asking someone to go have coffee with you or asking them or about, you know what? What did they do and what are their challenges? And people love to be ableto at TV

Host Mary Killelea:   29:26
assets, you know, because

Stephanie Wettstein:   29:28
it's like, Oh, my God, the one wants

Host Mary Killelea:   29:30
No, You know what? What is keeping

Stephanie Wettstein:   29:33
me up at night? That's amazing. So it's not that hard to kind of create that common ground with someone or to create that sort of connection with them. But you're totally right. I mean, it's that the internal neck working that's so important.

Host Mary Killelea:   29:43
So we've touched on the fact that you you know you're working. Mom, what advice do you have for working moms out there?

Stephanie Wettstein:   29:50
Just make sure you find time for yourself in

Host Mary Killelea:   29:54

Stephanie Wettstein:   29:54
way and being patient with yourself, I think because it's so hard for for any of us that are trying to balance that Because, like I said before you, you get in these especially, um, getting these times depending on how old your kids are, too. But even just days where you feel like I am not doing anything very well right now and so I think it's finding those relying on your friends like, you know, just like you and I. There were so many, we could relate to each other because we were in similar situations. And so being able to just pick up the phone and say, Yeah, I'm not doing anything

Host Mary Killelea:   30:29
very well right now and and

Stephanie Wettstein:   30:32
asking for that help are asking for that. You know, that year that you can or being able to, um, you know, go out for a drink or or meet up with people because we also I think, 10 to get in our own heads so

Host Mary Killelea:   30:45

Stephanie Wettstein:   30:45
And we all want to be the perfect mom. Of

Host Mary Killelea:   30:48

Stephanie Wettstein:   30:48
we do. We love our Children so much, but at some point you also have to make sure that you are taking care of yourself to

Host Mary Killelea:   30:56
and giving

Stephanie Wettstein:   30:56
yourself a break.

Host Mary Killelea:   30:57
Totally agree, Totally agree. What have been some of the biggest challenges you faced in your career?

Stephanie Wettstein:   31:04
I think it's probably, um, figuring out how to navigate an environment. So, um, and they're different. So an agency, for instance, when you're working at an agency is figuring out what, who you need to know. You know, who do you need to network with and who do you need to get on your side? and how do you make sure that you can show up the way that you want to show

Host Mary Killelea:   31:29

Stephanie Wettstein:   31:30
And then it's the same then if you're working with a client and you're trying to figure out that environment. So, for instance, Microsoft had its own sort of culture and environment. How do you, um, as quickly as possible learn about that culture in that environment so that again you can show up in the way that you want to show up and then working internally in an internal communications? Oh, our in house communications like I am now? It's also it's They could be very complex sort of organizations, or even if it's a start up, that's a whole different thing of trying to figure out because there's fewer people. There's not much money. There's, You know, you really have to be thinking about the bottom line and the R. A y, and and so it's just kind of. I guess it's tapping into the culture as quickly as you can, and that's been something that I've had. I've been, um, I've had a lot of lessons learned, um, and successes, and so you kind of you learn as you go, How you can figure that out as quickly as you can Kind of get into that rhythm of whatever that culture is. So I think that's where I probably learned the most. Um, over my career that maybe has has been really hard. Sometimes if you haven't, if you don't never I haven't navigated the scene always

Host Mary Killelea:   32:45
and in

Stephanie Wettstein:   32:45
the right way or understood. You know, maybe who I was reporting Thio

Host Mary Killelea:   32:50

Stephanie Wettstein:   32:50
that they were one way or they were just, you know, they're just not gonna like me regardless of what I d'oh. Well, maybe, but maybe not so being being extremely self aware, I think yourself is also important. And I've had learned some really tough lessons around that.

Host Mary Killelea:   33:06
Yeah. And I think being a chameleon is something that they don't tell you in college that you need to be in order to succeed in business. But where I think women have an advantage over all because I think we are innate Lee gifted to read a room and adapt as necessary. So I think that's kind of one of those hidden strengths we don't maybe no, we have True. It's

Stephanie Wettstein:   33:38
very powerful.

Host Mary Killelea:   33:39
Yeah, it is very powerful. So what drives Ugo to be successful?

Stephanie Wettstein:   33:45
That has changed in the

Host Mary Killelea:   33:46

Stephanie Wettstein:   33:47
stages of my career. So at the beginning at the agency, I was very, very driven by climbing the ladder and getting to that next title and that next you know, the more money and you know, more people reporting to me.

Host Mary Killelea:   34:00
And so that

Stephanie Wettstein:   34:01
was, You know, I spent like, probably in my twenties and thirties, being very focused on that, and then But then, as a contractor is a consultant than that completely changes so then you don't have that. So then, at that stage, I was more motivated with simply just getting hours and getting work so that I could continue doing what I was doing on that was motivated by just my own goals of being able Thio to be able to kind of break out on my own and find those clients on my own and service them, you know, just by myself. And, you know, they're much smaller clients. Too much so is more motivated, you know, by that and being able to kind of keep my business afloat so that I could continue the flexibility that I

Host Mary Killelea:   34:36

Stephanie Wettstein:   34:37
and being able to be home with the kids. Um, and now there's, um guess there's there's advantages with coming day

Host Mary Killelea:   34:46
people, just that we

Stephanie Wettstein:   34:47
are that I am not at all about climbing. The latter. I'm more about having balance, but also learning and being, um, being a better person overall but also helping others. So I'm getting so much more satisfaction now out of maybe even taking the back seat and being able to help the other people. The other amazing leaders on my team have experiences and have opportunities they need to grow in their careers. I'm not just saying that, as you know, such a great person now, because I'm

Host Mary Killelea:   35:23
like, you know, tryingto it really is like there's a

Stephanie Wettstein:   35:26
it's almost like, you know, on when you when you become a parent and you are more excited about watching your kids open presents

Host Mary Killelea:   35:35
than opening

Stephanie Wettstein:   35:35
presents yourself. It's that kind of thing where you can feel like

Host Mary Killelea:   35:38
Oh my gosh, I

Stephanie Wettstein:   35:39
feel so good because I think I actually empowered one day

Host Mary Killelea:   35:42

Stephanie Wettstein:   35:42
I I feel like they are doing so much more than they realized that they could do, and maybe I had a part in that

Host Mary Killelea:   35:48
That's a wonderful place to be in life where you're mature enough to really get joy and fulfillment out of the success of others. Yeah,

Stephanie Wettstein:   35:57
and it's not to say that I still, you know, I would like to have, you know, experiences and opportunities to, but I just I feel like there's not I don't have as much important from that.

Host Mary Killelea:   36:07
Yeah, totally makes sense. I'm okay. So if you could tell your 20 year old self one thing, what would it be?

Stephanie Wettstein:   36:14
Just relax,

Host Mary Killelea:   36:15

Stephanie Wettstein:   36:16
know, not be so. I don't want you not to be so driven

Host Mary Killelea:   36:20

Stephanie Wettstein:   36:20
I was and I was really driven. But I think just being more balanced and just being ableto, I probably would have I would tell myself, Just stop moving so fast and just create moments where I could see more of the world around me appreciate more of what was going on around me and being able to take it in more rather than I just feel like I was so narrowly focused on on myself and on on getting to that next title and the next you know, Then when you know having kids too. I was so focused on making sure they had naps at the right time

Host Mary Killelea:   36:56
and that they were, you know, we had

Stephanie Wettstein:   36:57
a schedule and we had to stick to the schedule. And and it just feels like I wasted so much time being so overly focused on that when I should have just maybe just gone with the flow a little bit more Not been, so so, um, squarely. Kind of centered on being really alter organized.

Host Mary Killelea:   37:15
What's next for Stephanie? Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years?

Stephanie Wettstein:   37:21
You know, what kind of cool is? I have no idea. Because, you know, we're kind of at this. I I'm gonna We're gonna be empty nesters. And what, 2.5 years, then, um and it feels like I'm right on this sort of edge of a new chapter

Host Mary Killelea:   37:35

Stephanie Wettstein:   37:35
and, um, I really don't know what that's going to be. I mean, I at this point, I still am. You know, I'm happy with the opportunities that I haven't Kambia. And I'm looking for, you know, to see where that might take me. But otherwise I don't know. I

Host Mary Killelea:   37:50
really don't. I

Stephanie Wettstein:   37:51
I'll still be doing Communications will still be doing something like that. But I don't know if I'll be doing exactly this.

Host Mary Killelea:   37:57
Well, be exciting to watch. Yeah, Yeah, I don't really, Uh, do you have any good books or podcasts that you listen to and that you might recommend?

Stephanie Wettstein:   38:09
I feel like And this is something where I've tried to be a little bit more relaxed that when I read or the things that I listen to you are simply just for me. They're just, like, just help my brain have a break because with my job being the way it is that you know, I'm working this weekend and I you know, it's kind of a 24 7 thing, almost where it's hard to turn my brain off with work. And when I sleep, sometimes I dream about right working on a speech or something. So I really try in just read for pleasure and listen to audio books as well, just for pleasure. So just I am in a book club. So I'm

Host Mary Killelea:   38:46
focusing on

Stephanie Wettstein:   38:46
whatever books you come up with. So I rarely listen to podcasts or read books about communications are about business.

Host Mary Killelea:   38:52
What's your favorite book for Joy that you're reading right now.

Stephanie Wettstein:   38:56
Oh, God. Okay, well, the one I'm reading right now that I'm really loving is called gentleman in Moscow. And it's about account that is under house arrest in a fancy hotel in Russia because

Host Mary Killelea:   39:10
it's right

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:11
after the Czar. And, you know, the whole kind of that revolution that happened where they kind of took away all of the Royals. So they were either killed like the

Host Mary Killelea:   39:22
czar and his family, or

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:23
they were, like, push out the country. And

Host Mary Killelea:   39:25
so this count

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:26
happened to be put on house

Host Mary Killelea:   39:27
arrest. But

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:28
he basically lived in the hotel without going outside for, like, 26 years.

Host Mary Killelea:   39:33
And so

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:34
you're in his mind

Host Mary Killelea:   39:35
and you're

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:35
able to see, like, What

Host Mary Killelea:   39:37
is that

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:37
like? And and then what are the relationships that he build, You know, within that little, small little world that he is in within that hotel. And it's been a fascinating read.

Host Mary Killelea:   39:49
That's awesome. Yeah. All right, well, we are done. Thank you so much for being on the show. You

Stephanie Wettstein:   39:55
this fine.

Host Mary Killelea:   39:56
I'm so glad. So if someone wanted to get in touch with you or learn more about Colombia, Where can they go?

Stephanie Wettstein:   40:02
They could email at Wettstien,Stephanie at Gmail dot com.

:   40:24

Host Mary Killelea:   40:26
Thank you, Steph.

Stephanie Wettstein:   40:27
Yeah. Thank you, Mary. 

Host Mary Killelea:   40:33
Thanks for listening to the episode today. It was really fun chatting with my guest. If you like their show, please like it and share it with your friends. If you want to learn what we're up to, please go check out our website at 2BBolder.com. That's the number two little be bolder dot com.