The Agent of Wealth

How to Use Sustainability to Practically Add Value to Your Home With Erin Shine

September 20, 2022 Marc Bautis Episode 123

Have you noticed your energy bill increase? You’re not alone. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Short Term Energy Outlook, the average price of electricity is expected to increase 3.3% in 2023, and prices are already 7.5% higher today than they were in 2021. And energy isn’t the only thing pinching the wallets of Americans – costs at the gas pump, grocery store (and more) are up. If you’re looking to save, you may want to consider some home improvements. In this episode of The Agent of Wealth Podcast, host Marc Bautis is joined by Erin Shine, founder of, a company that ​​creates wealth and prosperity through building of modern, sustainable and high quality homes within reach of household incomes.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What it means to be net zero, and what it means to live in a net zero home.
  • Low cost DIY projects you can do to improve your home’s efficiency.
  • How sustainable upgrades add value to your home in the short- and long-term.
  • Useful tips to keep in mind when considering to install solar energy to your home.
  • How Erin Shine created the concept of Attainable Home.
  • And more!

Episode Transcript & Blog | | Schedule an Introductory Call | Bautis Financial: 7 N Mountain Ave Montclair, New Jersey 07042 (862) 205-5000