Training & Assessment Professional Development

Confessions of a recovering multi-tasker

Donna Moulds Season 3 Episode 3

Multi-tasking - I used to be so proud to say I am an excellent multi-tasker but the truth is that's not really an achievement. I would pride myself on being able to do multiple things and i would constantly allow myself to be interrupted thinking I can just go back to what I was doing after I help this person and that person.

Its actually a problem I needed to overcome to be able to be more productive and do things better. I found that I worked at such a high capacity really not getting where I needed to go and pay attention to what was The One Thing that was most important.

As a recovering multi-tasker I am now having to consciously think about what I am doing and remove distractions so i can get whats important completed and let go. I have always been under the impression that it takes 21 days to create a new habit but guess what in the book The One Thing they actually have scientific evidence that is takes 66 days.

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