Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories

Episode 31 - Dr. Sue Carter Collins - "Greatness is Your Birthright and Fear is an Opportunity for Growth."

April 16, 2020 Victoria Johnson Season 4 Episode 31

Put your seatbelt on for this one - you are about to hear some TRUTH!  Dr. Sue Carter Collins has a Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice and is a specialist in resilience.  She accomplished everything she could dream of and one day found herself on the couch ready to end her life if she could not change it.  Over the next few years and much self-examination, she realized that we all have greatness as our birthright.  From the time Sue was 1 to 16 years old, her father was in prison.  Her strong mother raised her to believe in herself, but deep inside she still felt like she was less than.  Sue speaks from her heart and acknowledges that we all have fears and encourages us to use our fear as an opportunity for growth.  "Lean in and embrace it," she says, "because that is where your greatness is."

Hear her story here.  It is filled with twists and turns and pearls of wisdom - one of them is - "The greatness comes when you learn what the lesson is.  

Dr. Sue holds a Facebook group and a Sunday Evening group.  Find out more here: or email:

Check out Dr. Sue's Book available on HERE on AMAZON.

Return to Self: 5 Steps to Emotional and Spiritual Freedom

Has your life lost its sparkle? Are you wondering if “this” is all there is? Are you struggling with questions such as who am I and what do I want in life but can’t seem to find the answers? Have you been so busy thinking, being, and doing what others tell you that you’ve become disconnected from your True Self and forgotten your spiritual nature? And what about your divine purpose? Are you curious about what it is? If you could create your ideal world who would you be? What would you be? How would you show up in life? In Return to Self Dr. Sue Carter Collins describes a 5-Step transformation process that gives you all the knowledge and tools you need to recreate yourself and live the life of your dreams. Commit to working the process and you are well on the way to achieving spiritual and emotional freedom.