Clyde Christian Bible Church

PRE:Christmas Part 2: PRESENTS

December 24, 2019 Clyde Christian Bible Church

Wrapping up a two week miniseries, we look at how our second PRE word, Presents, tell us how to respond to the arrival of the Messiah.  Don't be rude: follow the examples of the magi, shepherds, Simeon & Anna, Zechariah & Elizabeth, Joseph & Mary, Little Drummer Boys, and Friendly Beasts.  Open your gift like a rejoicing child... and then bring Him something in return.  But what present should we bring, to lay before the King (pa rum pa pum pum)?

PS: If you ever find yourself worshiping at Clyde Christian Bible Church, maybe avoid licking your fingers, putting your hand over the mouth of the glass, belching, or saying Happy Holidays.  Actually... maybe that last one is fine!

PPS: Big thank you to Darcey for perfectly interrupting the sermon to give Chris a giant stuffed stegosaurus!