Clyde Christian Bible Church

Giving Generosity and Receiving Unity: Acts 4:32-37

March 19, 2017 Clyde Christian Bible Church
We sometimes assume that the way our western society functions is good or normal or right. It isn't. After contrasting the conquering Europeans to the Indigenous peoples they conquered, we then turn our gaze towards the early church.Luke continually reminds us that the early church, fueled by the Holy Spirit, was made powerful through their unity. The primary way this unity was manifested was through the selfless sharing typical of the first believers. We spend this sermon examining both unity and selfless giving. They were more than a community: they were a force to be reckoned with, because they were "kardia kai psyche mia": One in both Heart and Mind. They chose to give all they had because they loved their Lord and they loved each other.See if you can find the moment where Chris projects a picture of the Oilers holding the Stanley Cup. Shouldn't be hard!