Clyde Christian Bible Church

A Portrait of Purpose (Easter 2017): Acts 5:11-16

April 16, 2017 Clyde Christian Bible Church
There have been many issues faced by the Church in Acts so far, but through a partnership between the Presence of God and His followers (particularly Peter), they have overcome each time. Today's passage (which may seem to be a strange one for Easter Sunday) is sandwiched between two stories of struggles for the early church. It is a reminder that God's plans are advancing.In this little story, we examine the purpose of the Church (Ekklesia). Although the answer may seem obvious, it is still challenging, and still requires the gracious guiding presence of God. We examine the steps to becoming the Presence of Jesus, and the purpose of those who follow Him.At Easter, we remember that He is in the business of bringing healing to the hurting, water to the thirsty, and life where there is death. And He uses you and I to accomplish this miracle.Stick around until the end to hear a bonus track: Because He Lives, with Angie and Barb!