Big Deal Energy

Manifesting and Intuition for Multi-Passionate Entrepreneurs with Laura Michelle Powers

Laura Khalil Episode 66

“I think what a lot of people do is they try to step up [to manifest something] and maybe they don’t get an immediate response so they retract again. Instead just hold it, because sometimes you have to release the old patterns for a little bit before the new one will fully come in. The Universe will ask if you’re sure you want it and if you are ready. That’s ok, and if you want to hold the space it will shift with you.” - Laura Powers 

Are you using manifestation and your intuition to its full potential? As a multi-dimensional human being, today’s special Brave By Design guest shares the behind-the-scenes of the amazing life she has built for herself. She reveals how she got to where she is right now, and the way she helps others do the same with her books, podcasts, courses and insight in the psychic world. 

Laura Michelle Powers is a celebrity psychic who has been featured by Will Ferrell’s “Ron Burgundy Podcast”, Buzzfeed, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, Motherboard Magazine by Vice, and many other media outlets. She is a clairvoyant, psychic medium, writer, actress, model, producer, writer, and creative entrepreneur.  Ever since she was a child, Laura has seen and sensed ghosts and spirits and she has learned how to manage those experiences, using this ability to connect with the angelic and other realms.  She now uses her experience communicating with angels, spirits, and other energy beings to help her clients better understand and change their lives.

Laura offers so much wisdom in this episode, and whether you are looking to uplevel your personal life or your career, the special gifts that are inside of each of us can be activated to do this starting now. 

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What You’ll Hear In This Episode: 

  • Laura’s experiences growing up and how her psychic abilities led her to having intense feelings followed by actions of repression [1:58]

  • How to start tapping into your intuition the way creating time and space to listen and allow your intuition to guide you [8:14]

  • The way that angels and spirit guides will help guide you on your highest path [12:59]

  • How to identify and listen to your intuition and identify if something is out of alignment [18:22]

  • Why Laura believes so strongly that if you have a gift you should use it [25:07]

Additional Links & Resources:

Laura’s Personal Website & Podcast

All of Her Books

Laura’s Instagram, Facebook & Twitter

To Book Laura

The Messaging Shift to get prospects to stop, drop and run to work with you --> Free Messaging Walkthrough and Guide

Laura Michelle Powers:

I think a lot of people do is they tried to step up and then maybe they don't get an immediate response and then they like retract again or like, okay, instead of like, just hold it. Sometimes you have to release the old pattern for a little bit before the new one will fully come in. Because the universe is like, are you sure you want this? Are you sure you're ready? Like, and that's okay. If you hold that face, it will shift with you.

Laura Khalil:

Welcome to brave by design. I'm your host, Laura Khalil. I'm an entrepreneur, coach and speaker. I love thinking bake, exploring the power of personal development and sharing the best strategies from thought leaders and pioneers in business to empower ambitious women and allies to bravely rise and thrive. Let's get started. Everyone, welcome to this episode of brave by design. I cannot wait for you to meet our guest today. Laura Michelle powers is an entertainer, celebrity psychic, actress, model host, singer, writer, and speaker. You heard that right. She is a host of film and television podcasts behind the scenes of Laura powers and hosts healing powers podcast, which focuses on healing and spirituality, and has landed her in the top 100 podcasts of Apple podcasts. Yeah, no big deal. Oh, by the way, by the way, you know what else Laura is. She's the author of eight books. You travel full time for your clients. That includes celebrities, millionaires, billionaires, including television appearances, media appointments, just because you love traveling more, I want to welcome you to brave by design. Thank you so much for having me. It's

Laura Michelle Powers:

my pleasure to connect with another fabulous Laura.

Laura Khalil:

I know Laura's of the world we're taking over. And so one of the things like I'm sick like so honestly, personally, I'm like, I want to go all in on the psychic track here like I'm super. But I want to talk about something that we don't talk about a lot. And I know you have so much experience in is that you are a multi dimensional human being. As I said in your intro, you are doing a number of things in your life. And we're often told you can't do all these things. That's too much. You'll never make it. And so Laura, I would love to start the episode by just addressing that. Tell us your story. How

Laura Michelle Powers:

did you get here? Sure. So ever since I was little, I've been both very creative and very psychic. I wouldn't describe myself as psychic because I thought since ghosts growing up, so I was very much like the kid in the sixth sense. I saw ghosts, I couldn't always tell if someone was alive person or not. I mean to lead to confusion. So

Laura Khalil:

they look like us.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Sometimes not always. But sometimes. Yeah. I mean, I would do things like call the cops on the ghosts because I thought there was an intruder in the house or I'd be like, Oh my god, there's someone in the yard. And then they walk up to the door and bust through the door. And I'm like, Oh, I guess they're not a live person. You know, things like what happened to me. So I grew up, you know, feeling very confused about the whole situation. And because other people usually didn't see what I did, I grew up thinking, Well, I'm probably crazy, like, this is probably something that's better not to talk about it. So I really kept it to myself for the most part. And then I had a very life changing moment when a family friend described a ghost that I've seen but never told anyone about. So that's when I knew I wasn't crazy, because like you can't see something if it's my hallucination. And so that was both comforting and also a little terrifying, because then I was like, Oh, this stuff is real. What do I do about all this?

Laura Khalil:

Did your parents like were they? Did they know what was going on?

Laura Michelle Powers:

No, because I kept it to myself That said, there were always weird things like calling the cops or you know, doing the things that later I'd be like, um, yeah, I don't know what happened. Or you know, or had night terrors, which I now understand was frequently I was seeing things in the psychic spiritual realm. And you know, because I would, it's not like a dream where you have a nightmare for me, it was like, I would see things in the physical space. And now I realized that it was like my psychic vision, thing, thing. But a lot of times it was intense and scary until I learned how to set up psychic protection. And so with that, I was also very creative. Like, you know, I was a child actor, I was a child model. I started writing music when I was in elementary school, like I was actually featured on the news for writing help write a song for my elementary school that became our elementary school thought like you're super



Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, and, and I really believe that it's connected, you know, so my psychic abilities, I'm constantly channeling so like when I write a song, or when I write in terms of my books as well, a lot of it's channeled meaning I have like this writer's room in my head or whatever. And so when I sit down, it's like, not just me creating it, but I have a lot of psychic information support basically. So as I've developed one, the other has also developed meaning as I've kept in and developed my psychic abilities. I've also developed more creatively, and I went through a period where it really shut down in kind of both areas actually. So had that experience with a family friend described the ghost I'd seen but never told anyone about. And it was like, Good to know. But at the same time, I was also pretty freaked out by it at that time, it was different time this is college, and the internet was there. But you know, wasn't the way that it is now where we can listen to podcasts and fine teachers and connect with communities. It just wasn't a built out and sophisticated as it is now. And so I did the only thing that I knew how to do, which is I tried to block it out. Because like, I don't want to see this, I don't want to hear this, you know, and I proceeded to live my life very analytically. And I also at that point was pretty shut down psychically and creatively both Wow, I, you know, got the like, the official job. I work for the University of Colorado, I worked in academia, I got married, I got my advanced degree in political science, like I did all the kind of really, oh, yeah, my master's degrees in poly sigh I used to work in government and politics. I was a planning Commissioner, chair of the public art committee in my town, I was a delegate for the assembly and convention, which is an elected position. I was like, I was all in that world. And then I just kind of went to this point in my life where all of a sudden, everything fell apart. And it peaked for me during the recession. So my marriage fell apart, and oh, wait, Mm hmm. The economy tanked. And my contract position I had ended, I couldn't find work, I was physically ill, like, you know, everything was bad for my perception. And, again, I had been psychically shut down. And I'll feel very creatively shut down. Like I had stopped doing a lot of the creative things that really bring me joy and passion. And so I went to a psychic to just try to figure out what the heck to do with my life. Because I was at a point where I was like, sick, I was unemployed, I didn't have any money going through a divorce. You know, I'm sad. Like, everything just was terrible. And yeah. And so I went to the psychic, just to try to figure out like, what the heck do I do in this situation, and she provided a lot of guidance. And she also basically said, like, you know, when you blocked out your abilities, which I've never told her I had, you blocked out your intuition that you need to open back up and access that. So I proceeded to start taking classes and open up psychically and everything just shifted so dramatically, once I did that. So I believe that a lot of creatives are super psychic, whether or not they recognize that fact. So for me, I started doing that. And, you know, again, master's degree, probably, so I worked in government, like this was the last thing for my mind to like, be a psychic. But I started taking the classes. And people started to say, Wow, you're like really good at this. And it sort of asked me for readings. And so it just kind of snowballed, and I had at that point kind of gone back to also from my creative work. So I was actually making my living as an actress in theater. And but then I was like, wow, I make so much more money as a psychic.

Laura Khalil:


Laura Michelle Powers:

Oh, yeah. As I develop the psychic work, sure. And the one of the things is this sort of idea of like the starving creative, or the starving artists is one that I just I despise. And I think we really need to shift that idea and also for artists and creative to value themselves more. But it was a bit easier for me to do that within the psychic realm. And now I'm shifting into that into other areas as well.

Laura Khalil:

That is so cool. So there's something you said that I really want to key in on here for the audience. Because there's a lot of very creative people listening, there's probably also a lot of very repressed, create Apple who are listening. And you said, opening up intuition, really also helped in the creative realm. And so the question I want to ask you, is for all of us, and I say this to the listeners, guys, you can be any religion you want and tap into intuition, right? I mean, it's not this is not a religious thing. This is just listening to yourself. So how do we start? How does someone begin? If they say, okay, like, I feel like, Yeah, I was creative as a kid. But life is feeling off track right now. Where do we begin?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Gosh, I mean, the first thing is really getting touched with our body and having quiet time, introspective time. So psychically we can't kind of talk and listen at the same time. This is, from my perspective, this is like a conversation that you're having with your angels, and your spirit guides your spirit team, so to speak. And just like physical feats, we can't be like, talk and listen, well, like it's kind of one or the other. And so it's really important for us to have that quiet, introspective time, whether that's a structured meditation, whether that's you just go for a walk or swim. I mean, this can happen to like you're doing the dishes, or vacuuming or taking your shower without, you know, TV on or something. You know, people that just leave the TV on all the time. I'm like, that is the worst thing for your intuition and your creativity because you're always like this feedback noise in the back of the head so you don't you aren't able to be receptive to hear you can't even hear yourself, yourself. You're guidance. And yeah, a lot of our guidance will come in as our own thoughts. Note that there's this telepathic aspect we're receiving it and may appear or feel like it's just our thoughts. But if it's loving and positive and encouraging, it's likely guidance. Right?

Laura Khalil:

So I love that sort of stepping back and creating practices, you cannot talk and listen well, at the same time. I absolutely love that. And so, but then it's like listening, but then it's acting upon what you hear, right?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Absolutely. The listening is the first step No, and then receiving whatever guidance you get. With practice, it gets more easy to do this, but you'll start to get intuitive hits, messages, thoughts, ideas, and then taking action on those. And once you start to pick action, and it's supported, meaning good things start to happen, it gets easier and easier. So in the beginning, some of the stuff that I was guided to do was kind of terrifying. Really, oh, yeah. I mean, coming from the background that I came from, which was highly analytical, very structured very much about stability, which by the way, when I led my life, that way, everything fell apart, like it didn't go well for me. But as an example, I had gone out of this marriage, still in the recession, I don't have income. And I basically was looking for a job for so long that I ran out of unemployment. And I was like, I just had no resources. I was like, I gotta do something. And I got the message to go teach and live in China for a year. So I, you know, I can get a job teaching English, I know how to teach I have a degree like, you know, that's the least I can go work over there if I can't get a job in the United States. So that felt like a good idea. And then, and then when I was thinking of like, where do I get the training, because I needed to sign up for training to be teaching English as a second language. And I just felt to go to Spain. And I was like, okay, but again, no money, like I didn't have money, right. And, but it was such a strong message to do it. And so I started researching schools and found a school. And not only was I guided to do it, but also to go travel afterwards, I had some friends that were traveling in Europe, and I was like, okay, but like how, but right? Nevertheless, I booked a flight on a credit card, and I had a very small amount in my bank account. I had $800 total to last for like course in eating and housing in a row. I arrived there and just kind of like on faith, and I got an unexpected lump sum of money that helped me not only do that program, but also travel in Europe. So I traveled for two and a half months after. So I learned very quickly, like when I listen to this, that things unfold, and like I have to trust, but it's still every time I did it was challenging. Of course, for your angels and spirit guides, they have more knowledge about the situation about what's really going on than you do. And I also believe that when we take that leap that the net appears it is this kind of you take the action, and then the universe kind of responds.

Laura Khalil:

So let me ask you a little bit about these angels and spirit guides. Do they see our path? Like, are they like three steps ahead of us? Or are they like Laura, I know exactly like, I know, the blueprint of your life, like I can see 20 years in the future or is it just like, like how to explain that a little bit to me.

Laura Michelle Powers:

So we have freewill, which means we can choose that said there are things that are maybe more likely to happen because of our soul plan. We're our soul abilities, for example. And so it is a thing we're generally they're like, this is probably what's going to happen. And then they're trying to guide us on that highest path for ourselves. But we can choose like, we can say like, Hey, I'm afraid or I'm not going to do that. And then that will change some of the things that are coming to us. So our choice is very important because of freewill. And whatever we choose is what we're saying yes to. So I think of and describe that it's very much like a Netflix queue in terms of our lives. Like you know, whatever you watch, you get more of that in your queue, you get more. So whatever you are doing is kind of like what you're watching Netflix, that's what you get, you get more of that if you're a fear and anxiety, you get more fear and anxiety, you know, so it's important to work on our mindset to really consciously think about what are we choosing to connect and engage with in terms of relationships in terms of opportunities, and a lot of wonderful things are past our comfort zone. So that's where I think a lot of creatives struggle is we're frequently not you know, we're hitting that resistance or where, especially with value, like not valuing ourselves and we're up our value. It feels hard internally feel so hard to do that at first, but then it's easy. It's like are you choosing it for to be kind of difficult in some ways. Now are you choosing for that difficulty to stretch out in the long term, and I remember meeting an artist, this is when I was traveling, and it was before I moved to Los Angeles, but this was in Los Angeles, and he was One of these artists that like would go to Art Basel and these different things and his pieces were like 10,000 $100,000, you know, for each painting, and I was like, hey, how did you, like get to that level? Like that's, you know, really impressive. And he basically was just like, yeah, I decided it was worth that much. And then people started pay. I mean, and that might sound like strange, but it was kind of the same thing for me and my work as a psychic. So if you go and look at my psychic services, like it's 1000 for an hour, like, that's my rate, and you know, you can book a shorter session. But that's what I've decided it is, and I built up over time, but a lot of it is an energetic choice. And you you have the decision for how you evaluate yourself. And then the universe will like, reflect that back to you.

Laura Khalil:

And I love that because, one, there's a lot of things even for business, I was just on a call this morning. And I was talking to one of my business coaches about an upcoming program that I'm working on. And we're sort of, we're sort of working through the pricing, you know, like, what is the appropriate price? And, you know, I said to him, I was like, Well, you know, some people are charging $10,000 for this, some people are charging$1,000, what? And he said, Laura, just pick a price, you pick what you feel is like, it doesn't like people are making, I don't say making up numbers, but they're doing what they think is fair what they think it's worth, and that's going to attract a certain type of clients. So at the $1,000 an hour, you're not going to get the people who have a $50 question. Yeah, because that's just where they're not part of this market.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Absolutely. And that's okay. It's okay for certain people to not be your demographic. And I remember the first time I raised my prices, it was $200 for an hour. This was many years ago, but I was like, kind of heart, my throat like, Oh, that was like a big stretch for me at the time. And I remember that was the first time with my price at that point that someone booked on my website that didn't have a connection with me. Like, it had previously been people that were kind of in my circle, or who knew me or you know, I met them somewhere or something. And I was like, wow, and that was really meaningful. You know, so when you price yourself at a certain point for your art or design or whatever it is that you're offering, it may be that it's not your immediate circle, that is right now your main person, but that's okay. That's okay, ending Exactly. And expansion is an idea that keeps coming up psychically is this idea of you have a fish and like they expand to the size of their container. So like, you have a shark in like a fish tank, and they're going to be teeny, weeny. They're in the ocean. They're giant, right? It's the same genes. It's just the container. So to think about, like, Am I like, a big fish in a little tank? Or am I going to be in this big ocean? And like, allow myself to expand and be bigger and happening at different levels?

Laura Khalil:

And you decide, you decide to make a choice?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, yeah, no one is doing that for you. And what I think a lot of people do is they tried to step up, and then maybe they don't get an immediate response. And then they like, retract again, they're like, okay, instead of like, just hold it. Sometimes you have to release the old pattern for a little bit before the new one will fully come in. Because the universe is like, are you sure you want this? Are you sure you're ready? Like, and that's okay. If you hold that face, it will shift with you.

Laura Khalil:

So well, that's actually my next question to you. Because I think we have all experiences, certainly I have experienced where I will make a shift. And I'm like, Okay, now, what are you? What's going on? Nothing's happening. You know, and so people, and I will just I will acknowledge, that can be really frustrating. And it can cause us to say, Did I make the right decision? Am I making a decision from intuition and spirit? Or am I making decisions out of fear? Like, how do we begin to maybe one deal with challenges when we don't get the immediate result we're hoping for? And two? How do we know what is intuition? And how do we know what is not intuition? I guess?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah. So the first thing I'm getting to talk about is, you know, when we shift to a new level, is there anything out of alignment with that new level that may be keeping it from fully coming in for us? So this has happened for me over and over again, and I teach manifesting. So if you want to learn more about this, my book, angels of manifesting, I talked about this, and then I teach this manifesting course as well. But I had this happen several times where I'd be like, working actively on manifesting bringing something in and I just felt like it wasn't coming in. And then almost always, there was something that was not in alignment with that new level that I was trying to get to. So it could be addiction or a substance. It could be unhealthy kind of toxic or parasitic relationships. It could be beliefs. So you know, it's complex, but anytime you're wanting to bring something in or you feel like okay, I'm setting this forward as this is where I want to be. And if it's not coming in, first of all, patience is important. You know, things sometimes happen a little bit slower. And we're shifting into a new level, like it happens energetically first, and then the material



Laura Michelle Powers:

yeah, yeah, kind of like you plant the seeds. And then it takes a little while for them to throw out or whatever. But that doesn't mean nothing happening just because you can't see it on the surface, right? There's this root system being established and you know, whatnot. But so for example, I was working on wanting to do more media and more television and kind of get out there on a bigger scale. And I had been guided for a while to stop drinking alcohol. And I didn't really want to do it, you know, but it just kept coming up. Finally, I was like, Okay, I just listening going to stop in and I had been drinking like, less and less. And then like, only top shelf gluten free, like, you know. I was like, Okay, I'm done. And like, right after that several things happened. I booked a TV pilot got booked on BuzzFeed. Like, these were amazing things for my career. And it happened right after I stopped drinking.

Laura Khalil:

And it's sort of interesting, because most people would look at that. And they would say, What does one have to do with the other? Right? Yeah, like, Well, what does not drinking have to do with getting booked on you know, in media, but what I hear you saying is that that's part of the alignment process,

Laura Michelle Powers:

it's alignment, and anything that brings your energy down will shift and impact your your manifesting, or what also is another way to look at it is, I'm wanting this high level of energy, this high level of income, abundance, connection, opportunity, whatever that is, is there anything that I'm saying yes to that is not that in my life, like that Netflix queue idea. And if you are, then it's like, you're going to get mixed things in your queue, you're going to get the good things, and you're going to get some things learned. So like, what


the hell is this show? I don't want to see this show.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Exactly, exactly. So it's just really important to think about that. And then I had another period like another up leveling where the same thing was happening, like, I feel like I should have more energy, why am I not getting more media opportunities, or the thing, and I'm sharing media, because for me, I felt for a long time, that's a way for me to connect and expand and reach more people are, and it's a wonderful thing in terms of your career. And, and then it came up, like unhealthy relationships, you know, and people that are draining my energy, you know, people that are needing healing or wanting something or where you just feel exhausted afterwards, or you know, or on a client level, or customer level, those who are paying you and your prices are always like, you know, not feeling like they can or want to pay you, you know, so it can manifest in different ways. But it's important for us if it's something isn't coming in as quickly as you want to look at, okay, like what is it in my life patterns or choices that may be keeping that in, and then working in your beliefs is very powerful, important, some of the big fan of tapping, I don't know if you've heard of tapping to tell her


a little bit about tapping, we haven't talked about it on the show.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Okay, so it's kind of short. The longer name is Emotional Freedom Technique. And it's basically the principle is you tap on these pressure points, and you say, phrases that help you clear out old patterns and beliefs. And sometimes it's also saying affirmations. And I think when I first heard about it, I understood generally, I didn't really get that sometimes it feels unpleasant. So I just want to share that because you might do a tapping video, and you're like that, that's kind of stinks while you're doing it. Because you're clearing out bad programming. And so I've had moments when I do and I literally will kind of cry or like, you know, have a physical release. But I found that it's very powerful in terms of the ability to shift patterns and beliefs and release energy that's kind of held in your body. You know,

Laura Khalil:

Laura, as I've been hearing you talk, it's funny, because I'm thinking about some things from my own life. So like, one of the things I I don't know if I've talked about it that much on the show. So listeners, here you go, here's a little juicy nugget. I've really, really been wanting a romantic relationship. Yeah, for a long time. And, you know, I feel like I've felt like, Oh, I feel like I'm so ready for this. Like, I feel like I have so much to offer. I feel, you know, and I think a lot of people listening can empathize with like, Why is this not happening? Why is this happening to me, Laura? Yeah,

Laura Michelle Powers:

we all have something like that, whether it's, you know, opportunities, whether it's prayer, whether whatever that is, yeah.

Laura Khalil:

And I will tell you this, I moved at the end of the year, end of 2020 into my own space, and something shifted. Yeah, something like really turned around. And it's really kind of amazing. to witness how, you know, a few months ago, you're feeling like, why is this happening? And now it's like, I got to get off these apps. Laura, coming after me. You know, you don't say but I'm joking, kind of, but like there's a big shift that's occurred is really beautiful, and it's really fun and it's but like You said sometimes we have to make a physical shift to help get more into alignment now, Laura, I have one more question for you. I mean, I have like 4000 more questions. But here's I want to ask you about because I'm super curious. So we often talk about children being very psychic or tapped in to that world. And I can tell you as a kid, one of my party tricks is that I could, I didn't know that I was doing this, but I knew when people would die. Yeah. And, and it sort of kept being revealed in these weird ways. And it kept being revealed probably like until my early 20s. And then it just was like, gone. Yeah. And so I'm curious with you, if there's some gifts, like sometimes maybe we repress things, or we don't want to deal with things, so we like push them down. But are there other things in our life where it's or psychically in our life, where it's like, you know what, you don't need that anymore? We're gonna do that. I'm just curious how you view things like that when people have a gift? And it kind of like disappears, or, or does that happen? Oh, it's

Laura Michelle Powers:

very common. In fact, I mean, even though I consciously blocked it out, I mean, it basically faded because I decided I didn't want to, and that happens frequently for kids, whether it's a conscious thing on their end or not meaning like they, they may just be like, Oh, I don't want this anymore. Or it may just be a thing of like, oh, people react strangely, when I do this, I'm just not going to kind of talk about Yeah, and then if you don't use something, you lose that kind of thing. It can gotcha kind of gradually fade out. But also kids are just, you know, they were closer to the other side, like they just are more naturally kind of connected in with that automatically. And then, you know, I would love to see change in our society where we allow for that to continue. Because when you are still connected, you know, that's a gift. And there's a reason that you have this, I don't believe we have extra parts. And I think this comes in in terms of our creativity, whatever we're gifted it or we have affinity for use it. Like there's a reason that you have that it's not just oh, that's randomly.

Laura Khalil:

Yeah, I would love to one day understand why I had that gift. It's all it's always been like a mystery in our family of like, why was the word predicting everyone's death? But I mean, it wasn't doing it that literally, of course, but it would appear in strange ways where I would be like, No, we won't see them again.

Laura Michelle Powers:

I love that. You're very, very tapped in. And again, if you connected with that, sometimes it'll manifest in very specific ways. But also you can learn to access information as a whole. So for me, it would go right, like, I'm just not, you know, something that I really want to connect with all the time. But it meant that I am clairvoyant, I see, I'm clairaudient I would hear them at times as well. And so with practice, I could learn how to access that and use it in a way that's actually helpful for me, I mean, in a way, it's helpful to know that those things are around but it's not like in real life, like that's not a tool for me. But once I learned how to use that and kind of access it at will it becomes a very powerful tool for me in terms of I can manifest much more clearly now because I can read the room like I can use that clairvoyant. I literally when I'm at a place I will sometimes it's like things are psychically highlighted or psychically kind of shadowed, like it's like this. Wow, you're not to go. Yeah, so you know, you can practice and figure out like, what are your own abilities? And how do I use them to my best advantage in life?

Laura Khalil:

Oh my gosh, I want to take every I'm reading every book from Laura, I'm taking every course. Laura, how can the audience learn more about you? Because there's so much here to dig into.

Laura Michelle Powers:

I love it. Well, thank you so much. My website for this psychic work is healing powers dotnet I have more as it relates to my my sort of creative work on Laura powers. dotnet I'm on Twitter that Laura powers Instagram at Laura powers 44 and on Facebook at healing powers and then my email is bookings at Laura powers dotnet and I teach classes all the time on you know, psychic work on manifesting book writing. I have a book writing course coming out soon. So all kinds of stuff. Sort of intuitive side and energy side as well as I'm like, hey, here are some tools for you to POC after release a book or whatever.

Laura Khalil:

I love it. Laura, thank you so much for joining us unbraid by design. My pleasure. I want to thank you for joining me and remember to subscribe through your favorite app so you can stay up to date. And I would love your review. If you've enjoyed this episode. Please leave a review and comment on Apple podcasts. You can also keep in touch with me online. You can find me on LinkedIn and I'm also on Instagram at force of badassery. All that information will be available in the show notes. Until next time, stay brave