EQUUS Film and Arts Fest

Meet the Herd: Conversations with Victoria Esquivel and Bernice Ende

January 29, 2020 With Lisa Diersen, Festival Founder and Director, Hosted by Julianne Neal; Special Guests Victoria Esquivel and Bernice Ende Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode, Lisa and Julianne discuss the current movement of maturity in the equine world. From presentations on Training the Mature Rider with Victoria Esquivel to panel discussions with Lady Long Rider, Bernice Ende, the mature female rider is one of the underserved population when it comes to horses. This episode showcases more of the EQUUS Film and Arts Fest team.

Excerpt from End of the Trail:
"There are many reasons why I ride, here are four. To encourage female leadership. To discover, learn and grow." Bernice Ende, Lady Long Rider

Bernice Ende's Blog

Contact Victoria Esquivel at ecuestres@msn.com.

To learn more about Julianne and her partner Bruce Anderson, tune in to "Whinny Tales: Horse Stories, Pony Legends and Unicorn Yarns," the official podcast of Nature's View and The Marley Project.  You can find Whinny Tales on all of the major podcast directories. You can also visit www.naturesview.us or www.equusfilmfestivalcamden.com to find out more about their Camden Tour Stop for the festival.

For more information about the festival or for links to the films and literature, visit equusfilmfestival.net. Follow us on social media at EQUUS Film Festival. To see the EQUUS films, visit www.filmfestivalflix.com.