Live to Shoot - Defending our 2nd Amendment Rights

Crazy Week for 2nd Amendment Infringement and Gun Control

Jeff Dowdle Episode 63

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In this episode we discuss  the Colorado shooting, a crazy 9th circuit ruling and calls for executive orders banning assault weapons.
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Well, welcome to the leadership podcast. And as you. If you're a regular listener, you realize that wasn't my normal opening for my show, but I thought it was important to just get the word straight from the president's mouth about what he intends to do. And as we move forward in, this has been a crazy crazy week. I've been waiting to get more information from the Colorado shin before I did my podcast. But as of the recording right now, very little has still come out. Since a few days following the shooting. It was odd that took a day or two to release the shooter's name, even though he was taken alive. But in the meantime, it didn't take long for the left to jump to the conclusion that this was based on racism. President Obama. Who Tucker Carlson's called a racist racism. Arsonists jumped to a racism when he released this statement. In his long past time for those, with the power to fight this epidemic of gun violence to do so. It will take time to root out the disaffection, racism and misogyny that fuels so many of these sinful acts of violence. President Obama said. And then the niece of the vice president even tweeted the Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest threat to our country. But once it came out that the shooter was Syrian, born immigrant. And the all the victims were white. It's been crickets. And I find it unusual since we he's in custody, he was taken alive that we haven't heard anything about motive or what weapons. He use and where he got them. There was a report that he had purchased a Ruger AR. Five five, six. A week or so prior to the shooting. There hasn't been anything on whether he went through a background check or not. And I'm guessing he did. And that is why there is no word. Because Colorado already has universal background checks, bans on magazines, over 10 rounds and red flag logs, and none of these stop this crime. And so surprisingly, the media has now been very silent on it, but Joe Biden is calling for more gun control and banning assault weapons, quote unquote. And he said he did it. He said he did it once and it worked and he can do it again. But did it really work? There was a study in 1994. Based on that, that the result. Finding said. We cannot clearly. Credit the ban with any of the nation's recent drop in gun violence, the department of justice. Funded study concluded in 2004. So should it be renewed? The band's effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best, and perhaps too small for reliable measurement. Another criminologist from Northeastern university concluded that the 1994 ban had virtually no effect. And the research wasn't Even an outlier, a comprehensive review review of available research by the Rand corporation found no qualifying studies showing that banning assault weapons. Reduce mass shootings or violent crime. Even an analysis by the liberal outlet box admitted that there's not much empirical wake behind the assault weapon bans, and that study's on assault, weapon, bans. Have generally ranged from inconclusive to unfavorable the tour ban. Right. Brad Palumbo notes that only 2.6% of all homicides are even carried out with the rifles in general, which means an assault weapon ban wouldn't have any real impact. On the first place and he's right, of course. The truth of the matter is that the effort to banning AR 15 and similar weapons. Had little to do with actual safety and everything to do with the perception of safety. After all F noted, most homicides are carried out with handguns, not rifles, even. Didn't the so-called Solon van. I would say it had totally Arlene effect on The total totality of rifles in the United States. And the public even seems to agree. A RAs mutation and reported that by a margin of fit. And this study just came out by margin by 51% to 39% that quote, stricter gun laws. Unquote. Will not prevent shootings, like the one in Boulder. And two other questions. The survey you indicated that the public is eager for another answer. And more anti-gun laws. For example, likely voter surveyed 49%, 46% said the nation does not need more gun laws. And in a second about whether it is a quote completely possible to prevent mass shootings, unquote. Significant 64% said no, including 53%. But despite all this. The left is still pushing forward for more gun control. Even though. With the Boulder shooting. All the laws that are currently being proposed in Congress, none of them would have stopped this shooting. By all the information that we have right now. Then all this happened. And then we had, and this has been just an absolute crazy week that the ninth circuit. Created. The, just the craziest decision. The young versus Hawaii. Which is a case where a gentleman had been trying to get a license to carry in Hawaii. And based on Hawaiian law. You have to have an urgent need. Where either your life is being threatened or you feel at risk to qualify for. A a. A licensed to carry. And so The ninth circuit. Finally ruled. After a careful review of history of early English and American regulation of carrying firearms openly in the public square. The court concluded that Hawaii has restrictions on the open carry of firearms reflected long standing prohibitions, and therefore the conduct they regulate is outside the historical. A scope of the second amendment. This is absolutely bizarre decision. My own PI my opinion by the ninth circuit in order to reach their conclusions, the judges in the majority decide that laws in place in Hawaii before every became a state much, even a territory took precedence over the clear and unambiguous language of the second amendment. Which declares that the ride, the people to both keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but according to the ninth circuit, those long standing traditions in Hawaii matter more than the constitution itself. So the judges looked at laws prior to the formation of this country, even. And party Hawaii becoming a Terri territory. So to me, they're saying that the constitution has no bearing. And at the fact that some of these laws were the reason we created the second amendment. Makes no sense to me. And then Senator Menendez from New Jersey just introduced Senate bill nine 74. The gun records, restoration and preservation act. And this is going to create a firearm registry. The bill allows the FBI and the ATF to collect and preserve and disclose gun records to state officials and members of the public. And. 64 members of Congress sent a letter asking Joe Biden to ban the importation of assault weapons and high-capacity magazine. Using executive orders. So things are amping up and it's time to contact our Congressman, share this podcast, spread the word. We have got to preserve our second amendment because they are coming at it. Full force from all angles. We've got the president, we've got the, the, the executive branch. We've got Congress, the legislative branch, and we also have the judicial branch, all three of them. And using their different abilities of power or attempting to infringe upon our second amendment. Right. So you know, We've got to do so at one favor from, from each of you share this podcast. With, with one person. So we can start spreading the word. About what is happening. What we have to do and how we have to stand up to this tyranny. This is just absolutely insane. Well, they're trying to put laws on the books that con blatantly violate our second amendment. Will have no bearing on reducing violent crime. And completely invalidate the second amendment and the us constitution. And they're there. They're not shy about it. You're going to keep trying. And so they know they have a short window to work in and they're just getting extremely aggressive. Like I said, this has been a crazy week and things have just been coming out. And so I'm finally getting this out. So again, You know, just a favor from you share this podcast with somebody. Give you know, subscribe to it, follow it. If you're you haven't follow me on social media. The links are in the show notes. Contact me if you have any questions or if you have something that you'd like me to cover. Or something that I'm missing. Or you disagree with me? I'd love to hear from all of you. And again, we are at a critical time in history. And. Preservation our second amendment. Is is vital. These people don't understand that all the other amendments are able to exist because of the second amendment. And if we let it go. What we know is freedom. Will soon, no longer exist. Thank you for listening. Start being an active get involved and. Continue to follow my podcast and we'll talk to you next week.

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