Two | Ten Podcast

Finances (Save, Spend, Give)

Dr. Aimy & Dr. Carol Season 1 Episode 12

What's your financial story?

Some Statistics:

  • Total consumer debt totaled $4.144 trillion in quarter three of 2019, a 4.7% increase from quarter three of 2018. 
  • Average consumer debt per capita is approximately $12,687 (total consumer debt as of November 2019/total US population as of January 9, 2020).
  • Total revolving consumer debt was $1.083 trillion in November 2019
  • Total revolving consumer debt rose 3.8% between quarter three of 2018 and quarter 3 of 2019.
  • Average revolving debt per capita is approximately $3,299 (total consumer debt as of November 2019/total US population as of January 9, 2020).
  • One in ten adults says they carry a credit card balance over $5,000. [Source: NBC]
  • Total non-revolving consumer debt was $3.089 trillion in November 2019. 
  • Student loans totaled $1.636 trillion in September 2019. 
  • Auto loans totaled $1.189 trillion in September 2019.
  • Average loans per student equal approximately $82,170 (total student loans in September 2019/total students enrolled in public or private universities in 2019)*Resource: 


  • Making monthly calendars full of bills and income
  • Open up the mail as many people avoid opening up their mail
  • Cash envelopes for budgeted amounts
  • Every Dollar is a resource (Dave Ramsey/Rachel Cruze


-His/Her Money Podcast

-Dave Ramsey, 7 Baby Steps

  1. Save $1,000
  2. Debt Snowball, Pay off all consumer debt less the house
  3. Save 3-6 months of living expenses
  4. Invest 15% of household income in retirement
  5. Save for children’s college fund
  6. Pay off home early
  7. Build wealth and give

Tips: (Save, Spend, Give, Earn)

  • Spend less than you earn
  • Have a side hustle
  • Delay instant gratification
  • Cut bills
  • Use a coin jar
  • Automatically save from a bank account on payday or weekly
  • Side hustles (DoorDash, Uber, Poshmark, PT Job, What gifts do you have)
  • Work more hours on your regular job
  • Automatically invest each week
  • Get kids, nieces and nephews investment accounts for birthdays with $25 in them and add $5 per week or month to them.

Music Credit: Mitchell Huntley, Power of Love, “Freestyle".

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What's your financial story?

Some Statistics:

  • Total consumer debt totaled $4.144 trillion in quarter three of 2019, a 4.7% increase from quarter three of 2018. 
  • Average consumer debt per capita is approximately $12,687 (total consumer debt as of November 2019/total US population as of January 9, 2020).
  • Total revolving consumer debt was $1.083 trillion in November 2019
  • Total revolving consumer debt rose 3.8% between quarter three of 2018 and quarter 3 of 2019.
  • Average revolving debt per capita is approximately $3,299 (total consumer debt as of November 2019/total US population as of January 9, 2020).
  • One in ten adults says they carry a credit card balance over $5,000. [Source: NBC]
  • Total non-revolving consumer debt was $3.089 trillion in November 2019. 
  • Student loans totaled $1.636 trillion in September 2019. 
  • Auto loans totaled $1.189 trillion in September 2019.
  • Average loans per student equal approximately $82,170 (total student loans in September 2019/total students enrolled in public or private universities in 2019)*Resource: 


  • Making monthly calendars full of bills and income
  • Open up the mail as many people avoid opening up their mail
  • Cash envelopes for budgeted amounts
  • Every Dollar is a resource (Dave Ramsey/Rachel Cruze


-His/Her Money Podcast

-Dave Ramsey, 7 Baby Steps

  1. Save $1,000
  2. Debt Snowball, Pay off all consumer debt less the house
  3. Save 3-6 months of living expenses
  4. Invest 15% of household income in retirement
  5. Save for children’s college fund
  6. Pay off home early
  7. Build wealth and give

Tips: (Save, Spend, Give, Earn)

  • Spend less than you earn
  • Have a side hustle
  • Delay instant gratification
  • Cut bills
  • Use a coin jar
  • Automatically save from a bank account on payday or weekly
  • Side hustles (DoorDash, Uber, Poshmark, PT Job, What gifts do you have)
  • Work more hours on your regular job
  • Automatically invest each week
  • Get kids, nieces and nephews investment accounts for birthdays with $25 in them and add $5 per week or month to them.

Music Credit: Mitchell Huntley, Power of Love, “Freestyle".

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