The Offer Letter

E38 - Tell us about a time you had to overcome a weakness

Bow Valley College - School of Global Access Season 2 Episode 6

Cookies, cake, binging Netflix, being late, or talking too loud in a library - everyone has a weakness. But is it fair for the recruiter to ask this question? What should you disclose to them especially if your weakness is not palatable?

Teresa Dukes and I talk about how you can present that weakness in the right light so the recruiter doesn't judge you like that mean librarian when you talk to your friends in the history section of the library.

Teresa Dukes is a  certified world class speaking and interview coach and  founder of Dukes consultancy and co-founder of The Interview Survival Guide. She is  an expert in Transforming Your Interview Skills so that you go from rambling and unfocussed to polished and professional and has over 20 years of corporate and public speaking experience and is well-practiced working with people at all levels from apprentices to directors. 

Learn more about Teresa on:
Interview Survival Guide: 

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