The Offer Letter

E21 - How do you react to criticism?

September 20, 2021 Bow Valley College - School of Global Access Season 1 Episode 21

How do you act if someone gives you some criticism or feedback?

Are you the type that puts up their defenses quickly or one who is open to it?

Join us as coach, speaker, and consultant, Brian Horvath of the Horvath Training Institute
helps us to understand what you should say to show that you are hopefully, open to criticism.

If you need more help in your job search then check out our programs at

Make sure you also check out all that Brian does with the The Horvath Training Institute and these 2 amazing resources:

1) LinkedIn Web Class

In this free web class, discover how to leverage the world’s #1 professional network, LinkedIn. Instead of wasting time scrolling, clicking, and connecting  aimlessly, Brian will walk you through how to make the right connections on LinkedIn where 95% of the world’s recruiters are searching for someone like YOU!   Simply go to  and register for this free web class today!

 2) Your Purpose e-book

Some of the biggest questions people ask today are, “What is my purpose and how do I know if I am living it?” Discover how to know, live, and love your purpose with my free e-book, "Your Purpose: How to Know it. Live it. Love it.” 

 You can download it today for free at