Dr. Heather Uncensored: focus on trauma - serious, fun, healing
Dr. Heather Uncensored: focus on trauma - serious, fun, healing
Season 4 Episode 4 Hospital Error - How My Husband Died - Part 2
This episode completes the tragic story of Avi's passing by hospital error. This is Part 2.
Although the cause of his original problem was TDap vaccine we did get him well after two heart attacks and a stroke. There was nothing wrong with his brain and his heart and body were healing after we initially got him well with homeopathy and botanicals and music.
He was set to come home the day he died. The point of this episode is to encourage anyone who has experienced a fatal hospital error of a loved to talk about it, write about it, do a solo show about it. We need all of our stories in order to change the way hospitals operate.
We must have access to natural medicine, to homeopathy in particular in the ICU. Once you experience what can be done to help alleviate suffering through these methods, to see how a person can get out of an induced coma we must realize this is our inherent right. To use what we know to heal. Overturn the upshot of the Flexner Report. Bring back natural medicine to all phases of healing. Have a well-trained homeopath and naturopathic medical doctors at all hospitals. With our health or sick care system crumbling we must have alternatives, we must make our way to a whole new paradigm in hospital care, let alone any other care.
Have a blessed week and thanks for listening!
drheatherherington.com. e: drheatherh@icloud.com.
#truth #apocaloptimist #transformingtrauma #grief #grievingdeeply #medicalfreedom #homeopathy #loveheals #naturopathicmedicine #druglessmedicine #energymedicine #expressiveartsheal #empoweredvoices #knowledgeispower #singtohealthyroids #erasetoxiclegacies #peaceispossible
New book: Transforming Trauma, a drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE is published by Hammersmith Books is available globally.
Also Surviving a Viral Pandemic through the lens of a naturopathic medical doctor. On Amazon both paperback and eBook
Flawed, a novel - an eccentric family saga - is on Amazon both paperback and eBook...audiobook coming
Workshops and retreats coming.
website: drheatherington.com
email: drheatherh@icloud.com
Breathe in and out slowly and gently wherever you are.
We will survive this dark time of the world. It starts with you: standing, jumping, singing in the light of the divine.