The Power's Point Podcast

The Shit Show

May 06, 2024 Scott Powers and Jim Banks Season 5 Episode 14
The Shit Show
The Power's Point Podcast
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The Power's Point Podcast
The Shit Show
May 06, 2024 Season 5 Episode 14
Scott Powers and Jim Banks

Get ready to travel back in time and then hurtle forward into the electrifying world of WWE as Scott and I unpack the past, present, and future of entertainment. We spark a lively debate over the enduring legacies of Johnny Carson and Ed Sullivan, two television icons who shaped the destinies of countless stars. Switching gears, we share our giddy anticipation for the bone-crushing action awaiting us at WWE Backlash, where high-stakes matches promise to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Have you ever imagined a former U.S. President calling a prison cell home? We weave this unusual thought experiment into a tapestry of speculative insights, from Secret Service protocol in the slammer to the cinematic portrayal of high-profile incarcerations. Then, it's off to the schoolyard as we reminisce about the regimented schedules of yesteryear, contrasting them with today's e-learning days and climate-induced school closures. We even toss in personal tales that examine our own work-life balance and the peculiar fears surrounding underwater travel.

For the wrestling aficionados: buckle up! We're laying down our boldest predictions for WWE Backlash, from the fate of the Kabuki Warriors to the potential upheaval in women's championship matches. We scrutinize the Bloodline's influence on show alignments and roster dynamics, and share insider stories of the wrestling ring—including Haku's legendary toughness and the latest updates on superstars like John Cena and Charlotte Flair. Join us for this rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of wrestling, the evolving rhythm of school days, and the quirky late-night musings that keep Scott—and now you—wide awake.

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Thank you for joining us on today's show, as always, we appreciate each and every one of you! Talk to you soon.

X - @PodcastScott
IG - Powers31911

The Power's Point Podcast
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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Get ready to travel back in time and then hurtle forward into the electrifying world of WWE as Scott and I unpack the past, present, and future of entertainment. We spark a lively debate over the enduring legacies of Johnny Carson and Ed Sullivan, two television icons who shaped the destinies of countless stars. Switching gears, we share our giddy anticipation for the bone-crushing action awaiting us at WWE Backlash, where high-stakes matches promise to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Have you ever imagined a former U.S. President calling a prison cell home? We weave this unusual thought experiment into a tapestry of speculative insights, from Secret Service protocol in the slammer to the cinematic portrayal of high-profile incarcerations. Then, it's off to the schoolyard as we reminisce about the regimented schedules of yesteryear, contrasting them with today's e-learning days and climate-induced school closures. We even toss in personal tales that examine our own work-life balance and the peculiar fears surrounding underwater travel.

For the wrestling aficionados: buckle up! We're laying down our boldest predictions for WWE Backlash, from the fate of the Kabuki Warriors to the potential upheaval in women's championship matches. We scrutinize the Bloodline's influence on show alignments and roster dynamics, and share insider stories of the wrestling ring—including Haku's legendary toughness and the latest updates on superstars like John Cena and Charlotte Flair. Join us for this rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of wrestling, the evolving rhythm of school days, and the quirky late-night musings that keep Scott—and now you—wide awake.

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Thank you for joining us on today's show, as always, we appreciate each and every one of you! Talk to you soon.

X - @PodcastScott
IG - Powers31911

Speaker 1:

On this episode of the Powerspoint.

Speaker 2:

Podcast. Scott has two questions that are bugging him and they must be answered.

Speaker 1:

We also give our predictions for the upcoming WWE Backlash.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Hey, scott, drop the beat. Thank you, well, hello, hello. Welcome to the Powers Point Podcast, season five episode. We're your hosts, scott Powers and jim banks. How's it going, jim? Oh, I'm good. How are you not too shabby? So, for those that are, uh, tuning in and wanting to spend a little bit of time with us, we appreciate you. If you're new and you're wondering what we're about, well, we talk about anything and everything, with the exception of two things we don't talk religion, we don't talk politics, but I might make a small small exception on that on this episode, because that's one of my questions. So, but it's not too political, jim. Okay, hold on, I forgot, it's just a question that's really bugging me.

Speaker 1:

Look at that I got my name up here. I just don't know who you are. I know it's censoring my sign.

Speaker 3:

That's amazing, I thought this was an open podcast. Well, the people listening right now there's just a couple things going on with Jim. His microphone's a witness protection. Just a couple things going on with jim. His microphones are witness protection. Like I can see him clearly, but when he stops touching his microphone, uh, it goes into like that uh sensor mode where you can't be seen but you can see the shape clearly distorted.

Speaker 1:

It's like it's being interviewed in the dark.

Speaker 3:

I have to say some things, because, uh, I call him Jim James sometimes and he used to bug him. He used to put like a name sign up on the wall. It says Jim, with an arrow that points to him. So that's a witness protection too, because that's also blurry. I'm being censored here and I don't like it, but that's just because you're too good for this show. So the show's picking up that I want to fall apart here. Man, if you ever leave, then, oh, come on, then there goes the fans too.

Speaker 1:

I was going to test the censorship and start dropping some F-bombs and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Drop away man, I don't care, oh no. So, as Jim said, I got two questions and these questions came to me when I woke. One of them actually woke me up, and I don't know why, because it has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with my family, has nothing to do with you or your family, has nothing to do with my friends or work, but it woke me up. So what's that question, jim? Yes, what I will tell you right now. So who was the bigger influencer and musicians and actors between johnny carson and ed sullivan?

Speaker 1:

between Johnny Carson and Ed Sullivan. Oh for like coming on the show.

Speaker 3:

No who did more to help the careers of like actors or musicians Ed Sullivan or Johnny Carson?

Speaker 1:

It would have to be Ed Sullivan because that was. It was first. Plus I remember a lot of because with the Beatles hitting and how big they hit, then all of a sudden everybody's like I got to get on the Ed Sullivan show.

Speaker 3:

That's the show 73 million people watch that one episode that you're talking about with the Beatles.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but with with Johnny Carson. I remember it was more comedians and comedians. If they got their shot on Carson, then that was what and he called them over to sit down with them. That's what launched them and stuff, and everybody tried to get on Carson to do comedy.

Speaker 3:

And I don't really remember a lot of musical people for Carson. Yeah, it seems like it's more musical like they have bands on every night and singers on the Tonight Show now than they used to back in the day. Like you said, people would just show up or you know, but it's. You know, I keep thinking. Well, carson was on five days a week and Sullivan was on Sunday nights. Carson was on late at night, sullivan was on at like six because TV shut down early on Sundays. Yeah, which is really strange to the young people listening, you know, on how things used to be. I remember on Sundays like stores would close at like noon. Yeah, it's like you couldn't get anything.

Speaker 3:

Or like at 10 PM, the TV would be like uh, uh, you run out of like programming at 11 o'clock and you would see the flag wave in and the national anthem would play and then it would go to bars. You know, and people, people, nowadays they're not going to believe this because you know it don't do, it doesn't happen anymore you can watch anything, anytime and just keep going so for the people that are listening, I say ed sullivan also because I'm, and he helped elvis, you know, and, and Elvis was on there three times.

Speaker 3:

The Beatles were on in 64, their very first American appearance, yeah. And then you had a lot of comedians, you had a lot of circus people, you had a lot of flippy-doodle people. It was just a hell of a variety show. Yeah, I think that lasted like 25 years and I think Carson lasted like 20.

Speaker 1:

But Carson had the advantage, if you think about it, because he was on every weeknight in that Right and people would put the TV on before they go to bed and pretty much he was in your home every night, whereas Ed Sullivan was just once a week you said. So Carson had that familiarity where everybody would just they would hear the topics of the country or whatever and Carson's take on it and comedy about it. So it was more familiar with it.

Speaker 3:

You know, and when Carson first started he was very boring. Yeah, he took very boring, yeah, he took over the Tonight Show. But the guy who played Tonto on the Lone Ranger I think his name was Ed Ames, I think, okay, he used to do hatchet throwing. And so Johnny's like hey, can I throw? And so Johnny's like hey, can I throw it? And they're like yeah, so when he throws the axe, it like hit right between the legs and popped up like a hard-on. Yeah, and right there, tonto went to go and get the axe and Johnny Carson heard the audience laughing so he kind of held it back.

Speaker 3:

You know he said hold on, hold on, let let, let the camera get in on it let us do it for a few minutes, you know, and I think that right, there was yeah, the crowd kept roaring and stuff right, and and he had a way of like milking that audience, you know.

Speaker 3:

And Ed Sullivan, he was a newspaper editor, so, uh, how he got on tv got me. Yeah, if those are homeless men and they're of the older generation, such as jim and myself, oh my god, that sounds awful man. You know, like who helped people more carson or ed sullivan? More Carson or Ed Sullivan? That was question one, jim, yeah, question Question two here's where we talk a little politics. Oh, if anybody has a TV, they're well aware what's going on in New York. Uh, with Don Donald Trump, right, if he goes to jail for his gag order or if he gets sentenced to the prison, does the Secret Service have to go with him? Hmm, I know this answer because I Googled it. It's never happened before. But what do you think?

Speaker 1:

Now why would the Secret Service have to go for anyone that doesn't know? Why would they have to go to they go what they witnessed or what they were part of.

Speaker 3:

Because they have to protect a former leader of the US, okay, 24-7. So the answer is Secret Service has to go to jail. Yeah, with the gun.

Speaker 1:

Would they do shifts and stuff, or would it have to be the same guys like?

Speaker 3:

oh man, that would be the biggest shit show. I ain't going, I ain't going. You know, like you you're so happy, like, yes, I'm gonna be seen on tv. I got a super important job, I'm gonna be with somebody. That's really cool and what. I gotta go to jail. But they get to keep their guns in jail and they have to taste test the slop food that the president eats.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, you're right. I mean they I keep kicking my water. Um they, wow, they would have to go. You're right, they would have to go. You're right, they would have to go. And then cause you said it's never happened.

Speaker 3:

It's never happened to a former or sitting president going to jail.

Speaker 1:

It's very man Cause. You know, we regular prisoners like watch patterns of guards and stuff. They have nothing to do in there but watch patterns and see like when someone's not doing something or the guard slips, and then they can steal stuff or do stuff or get to people. Man, that's going to be a tough job.

Speaker 3:

When I think of this. All right, and they get to keep their guns and I could see them all sitting in one big cell playing harmonica and grabbing their cup on the bars. I'm picturing the Blues Brothers, yeah, when they were all in the steam room together, I could see Don sitting there.

Speaker 1:

Like they were talking and then, all of a sudden they stood up and then, you didn't know, the camera panned back and then the whole band was up there. All were taking a steam.

Speaker 3:

You know, that question was bugging me all week and I thought, oh man, I should just Google it. And Google was even unsure of this was bugging me all week and I thought, oh man, I should just google it, you know, and google was even unsure of this. But a lawyer said yes, they have to go because they sworn to protect former presidents, no matter who they are right.

Speaker 1:

So, man, that would be, like I said, the biggest shit show and if they do have like, say like how many they have with them? Like six, just say eight, yeah, six of them. That means if they don't switch out people, you're you're pretty much sentenced to prison with with him for six years, or however many years of your life, of how he's going to be in there.

Speaker 3:

He's got like 32 counts of a rod against him right now, so they have to go from like using the bathroom out in the open like everybody else. Yeah, you got to be checking, not picking up the soap in the shower.

Speaker 1:

Your mind's got to go there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I do, man, I really do, but they get to keep their guns. Imagine a riot, though, man.

Speaker 1:

I think whatever prison they'll probably put, if he goes to prison they'll probably put him in a section where it's like it wouldn't be general population, that it would be like so secluded. I bet it would be like an apartment room kind of. I don't think it would be like what you're thinking of sharing a, a small cell with another inmate. I think there it's going to be like a luxury, because a lot of celebrities in that have luxury prisons and that and when I think of this, I think of the movie the godfather yeah when?

Speaker 3:

or good fellas, good fellas when they're in the prison. He's cutting up the garlic with the razor blade and everybody's sitting around just they have their kitchen, their own, their own, uh eating table and stuff and right.

Speaker 1:

So in my head, man, this is what I'm envisioning either the blues brothers or the goodfellas, you know, and maybe a combination of both I think a lot of people be shocked that how celebrities or people with money spend time in jail because everybody thinks they're going to be like everybody else. But no, I mean there's some real easy not easy but lackadaisical kind of I don't know the word but it's not as harsh prison for people with money or celebrity status as everybody thinks right, and, being a former president and I mean, you would think that the supreme court would be like no, no, no, knock this stuff off you know because, yeah, I mean, look what happened with uh bill cosby.

Speaker 1:

You, when he got convicted, everybody thought he's in for the rest of his life. And then all of a sudden, in a couple years, boom, he's out and everybody's like wait life.

Speaker 3:

And then all of a sudden, in a couple years, boom, he's out and everybody's like wait a minute why I bet you everybody wanted to be his friend man because the stories that he would probably like entertain people with, just to be on the good side of everybody, I'm sure he told fat albert uh stories which cups to roofie in story what's the best pudding pops to eat?

Speaker 1:

but um, what they got to realize is that it's, yeah, it's there. There's gonna be so many cameras on that celebrity, or trump, if he goes there, that I don't think anybody's gonna try to make a move on him, because you can't.

Speaker 3:

They probably got orders to shoot to kill and I think, even though secret service is in there, I think they still are above police. Yeah, so they'll basically tell the police what to do. He would be the ultimate prison gang leader. He has control of the cops. Yeah, they got weapons in the cell. I'm sure they're eating t-bone steaks and ribeyes, not? No? What kind of meat is that? Sandwich? No gruel or nothing, right?

Speaker 1:

so it'd be interesting, man it would be like the security prison and, like you said, the secret service is above them at the prison, so they would probably be their own wing and their rules and stuff because the secret service is technically above the warden it's definitely a headache for whoever.

Speaker 3:

Whatever prison gets, uh gets it like duty and I'm going out to the pen, or why is it born? Goes to south. Uh, solitary confinement. Do they all gotta go sit in a box together for 20 days? You're just picturing your bed.

Speaker 2:

Shut up, just shut up, don it's not even a little mouth looking back at the point.

Speaker 3:

Come on give me some room. Those questions literally the first thing that I thought of was those questions, man, and I'm like I'm writing those down and I did I didn't think.

Speaker 1:

Since the last time I talked to you, you have those two questions. I mean, all I did was, uh, fix a lawnmower, that belt that broke on my lawnmower, that's what all I did well, at least you could do that.

Speaker 3:

Hell, I don't even know how to do that. Well, I mean also.

Speaker 1:

I remember my father. He repaired lawnmowers like he was legendary around here fixing lawnmowers him and his friend for years. I remember seeing him do stuff and then pause our generation x's best friend, youtube. That also helped out right on, that's cool, you know.

Speaker 3:

I mean we make fun that was a good fixer guy.

Speaker 1:

We make fun of people. Oh, we're gonna try to do this. Look at that person looking on youtube until it's your mower or your uh uh dishwasher or something broke and then you're looking on youtube like, well, okay, wait a minute. No, do that.

Speaker 3:

You're like judging it that's why we always get the biggest warranty. So, uh, somebody has to come and do it, yeah because they make stuff.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and to slip into another thing, they always make stuff that they know is not going to last and they want you to buy new, new, new every two years.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. What's been going on with you this week, ben? I forgot to ask, but that well, those two questions took up my whole week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I mean, besides the lawnmower fix, not much else happened. Like I said, uh, son's counting down the days left to school, those were the good old days, weren't it? Yeah, Remember when we were younger all the time seemed like forever. You didn't know. There was certain times the school time seemed longer than when you were in school. But now that you have a kid or something in school, it seems like short little periods and stuff. It's not this long thing anymore periods and stuff.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't. It's not this long thing anymore. It seems like kids have more, uh, winter days, snow days, but they have to do e-learning yeah, they got any learning coming up like my brother.

Speaker 3:

He goes to lake station uh, high school and they have early outs every thursday. The whole school gets out at like noon. Crazy, so what's that all about? And the thing that drives me crazy is, like if it's too cold, they'll say, well, the school's cold inside, so keep your kids at home. This is lake station, and yeah, or when it's really warm outside on a hot summer day, you know. Yeah, like at the end, if the AC is not working, oh, ac is not working, keep your kid home.

Speaker 1:

They didn't care about us.

Speaker 3:

Back in the day, you remember that you had to be there for the heat and the cold, right right, you just put a coat on or take the coat off, give me a break, it's too hot. And then like all this, like school cancellations you see on like the radio or on the TV. You know, my way of finding out is standing at the bus corner and when it was foggy you could see like the fog lights on, like the strobe lights on top of the bus. That's how I knew if school was canceled or not, if I didn't see the bus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're just sitting there forever, like it's been two hours.

Speaker 1:

I guess I can go home, and nowadays the bus has basically dropped the kids off at their house. That drives me crazy. I mean we had all had to be at a bus stop and I see what they mean. It could stop from like fights or like shenanigans, how we used to do at bus stops, but it's just real aggravating when you're behind a bus and it stops here in front of the house. Okay, Go a house down, stop here. And it's like and then the kid's taken forever. You're like, oh my God, come on Right.

Speaker 3:

And like two 30, two, 40 here, the bus will stop in front of my house, the kid across the street will get off and the bus will go two houses down. Stop, let the kid off. And I I'm like, why can't that kid walk from the house that was stopped first? You know, it's just like this is what's making kids lazy nowadays.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, and, and it's scary, do you ever like did you, does your brother have like a late start uh day like late start wednesday no, they, they start school. I think at eight and you don't have to be in school, like for, I think, a half an hour later or something. I don't know why. I guess it's for the teachers or something to go over stuff in meetings or something once a week. I don't understand.

Speaker 3:

I remember I was talking to this girl in Highland Ranch, colorado, one time and she was like a nanny, and so the kids in Colorado, and this one particular that I know of they, were going to school monday through thursday and they were all friday, saturday, sunday, which is, but they'd go 12 hours a day.

Speaker 1:

oh, okay, four days yeah that I think I'd try that out. That might be good. I mean, the kid would be suffering if you had to work. If you had. I was thinking, okay, I was thinking this, oh yeah, but work. I was thinking, ok, I was thinking this, oh yeah, but at work I was thinking the same thing. Could they have like a instead of us working, say five days, say Monday through Friday, weekends off, if we can get America down to like only working four days and, like you said, extend, like either extend those four days or you paid more just to have that extra third day, or three days a week off.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and you basically got the same days off every week, right?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I have to work weekends and I get usually Monday and Fridays off.

Speaker 3:

I would hate to have that split in between like that, yeah, whereas like me, I every friday and saturday off the wife has the weekend off so she can, you know, watch jimmy and that.

Speaker 1:

But I can't, I have to work. So I take the week, the two ends of the week, that way, in case he has e-learning or on, either usually ends on those days, or, if a holiday or something, usually on fridays and mondays you would want to have like fewer days, but I love being there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my work, I like being there.

Speaker 1:

Not all of us do, Scott. Not all of us do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know, If the wife heard this she'd be mad.

Speaker 1:

If we did have the three days off a week, you would just try to go up to Canada even more.

Speaker 3:

Dude, I'm plotting now. I'm just trying to figure out how to break it down to the family that I'm going up there. Maybe the podcast will go cover the new Gordie Howe Bridge that's getting ready to open in August of 2025. At the most, I'm going to go over there. See, I like going in the tunnel, and the tunnel goes underneath the river, so it's kind of cool knowing that you're under lots of water. So if the thing broke open, you're dead.

Speaker 3:

Woohoo, knowing that you're under lots of water, so if the thing broke open, you're dead. Is that a crack? Is that that a condensation, or is that leaking? You get the.

Speaker 1:

You get a backup and stuff and you're in there. You're in the like traffic jam under the tunnel there and all of a sudden you look over and you see like a little leak that's starting to have a panic attack.

Speaker 3:

You know, it really kills me, man when he when he traveled there, going to there they're all nice and cool. When you get there, you know, on that side they're like, uh, what you coming for? And and, uh, you got any whiskey or cigarettes? And you're like, yeah, I got a couple cases in the trunk, you know. And, uh, I'm giving them as a gift to my friend up there. And uh, they're like, okay, okay, have a good trip coming back in the states. Yeah, they pulled me over. Who told me that I unlock everything, pop the trunk, pop the hood, leave all the doors open, give them my phone, unlock my phone so they could scroll through it. Oh no, there's no adult videos. I swear on this. And then I sat in there while the dogs were going through my, through my car and the cop was just sitting there staring at me and I'm like, man, is this how we treat people? You know, it's like what the heck you mean to tell me you can't.

Speaker 1:

Why are they checking your phone?

Speaker 3:

maybe you have some bomber friend, I don't know that's so.

Speaker 1:

I'm great if I go to canada. If I go to Canada, I'm bringing a burner phone. Then yeah, just this is my travel phone. There's three numbers on it.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy, man. You almost feel ashamed. You know it is. I would have said I even wore my hat that says veteran on it, you know? And they're like how long were you at?

Speaker 2:

You know, when they're like grilling you before you can start answering another dude's asking you a question and it's like my god, dude, that that hat don't mean nothing. Drop your pants. What, oh, what no?

Speaker 3:

boss, boss, I'm gonna call go take a urinalysis. Do you love america?

Speaker 2:

do you love america?

Speaker 3:

god bless you. Oh, man, we got religious there. Man, we got religious, sorry. So, uh, hey, let's take a break. When we come back, we're going to talk about backlash 2024 and then this just in I, I just got thrown the first announced Backbreaker match for an upcoming show. I don't have that Because it's not up yet. That's why we're breaking news, so stay tuned. We'll be back after these messages.

Speaker 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, you want good wrestling. You want wrestling that's family friendly and fun to watch. Well, look no further than Backbreaker Wrestling. Go to Facebookcom, slash Backbreaker Wrestling and follow all the great action here in Northwest Indiana.

Speaker 3:

Jim, yes, let's do Backlash 2024. So this is going to be the first ever pay-per-view or premium event, premium live event in Lyon, france. Ooh, starting time is going to be at 1130 Central Time in the morning, wow, and the matches are announced, and there's only five matches on this thing. So I feel like if I was paying for this, I'd be a little bit pissed off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I mean they're going to have stuff in between probably.

Speaker 3:

Now we have to do good because WrestleMania, I think we failed on a few matches.

Speaker 1:

I didn't fail, sir. No, no, I got the most right out of you and Keith and everybody. Right but yeah, anyway, I know what you mean. I know what you mean.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to announce the matches, okay, and we'll go from there. Okay, so the women's tag team match yeah, the challengers are Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair going against the Kabuki Warriors, asuka and Kairi Sane. Kabuki Warriors are super talented in what they do. They have a style that is unlike any of the other female wrestlers or male wrestlers. They were trained by the Great Muda and on the other side we have the beast, jade Cargill, who's doing awesome, destroying and squashing her opponents that she's faced, along with several-time world champion, bianca Belair by her side. What do you think about this match?

Speaker 1:

I think I'm going to have to go with the champions, the Kabuki Warriors, because I just don't see them giving Jade Cargill a title this quick with Bianca I mean. Plus, it'll extend like a longer feud with the Kabuki Warriors because you got to drag it out a little bit. You can't have somebody go for a tag title right away the first time and get it.

Speaker 3:

I think it might be too early, but I think Jade Cargill's going to turn on Bianca and it'll set up for like SummerSlam, like Bianca versus Jade Cargill. So you got.

Speaker 2:

Kabuki Warriors too. I got Kabuki Warriors, All right.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I didn't know. I'm going to put the turn too. The turn, That'll be the bonus one for Scott.

Speaker 3:

Because she's awesome as a heel. When she was with AEW, even though she was so green, she was a beast. She is now. Yeah, you turn her in a heel. I mean really, who's the heel Emails in the WWE? You know? Nia Jax big deal. Jade Cargill picked her up, threw her out. Liv Tyler she's like the in-between, but I think she's starting to come out. No, charlotte, right, you're right, there isn't many heels Other than that, just Damage Incorporated.

Speaker 1:

And you need a real thing once to heal. Besides your favorite, the Jacks Rip Traitor Jacks.

Speaker 3:

All right and we have a three-way. We got challengers Naomi, tiffany Stratton and the women's champion Bailey yeah and the women's champion Bailey yeah. I don't see Bailey losing the belt this soon past, you know WrestleMania. If they do, I'd like to see it.

Speaker 1:

Go on, tiffany Stratton. I think Tiffany's too fast here to get a title and Naomi's just thrown in there just to throw in there. So I see Bailey keeping the title. She just got it. Her story was long and then she just got the oh sorry, just got the title.

Speaker 3:

So I say I agree with you, bailey, you'll keep the title uh, yeah and I don't know if something will happen when Naomi here because she has been teaming up with Jade Cargill and Bianca, but also Do they cause her to lose the match?

Speaker 1:

One thing I didn't check on this I should have done the research is that after the draft, who's still on what shows now? Because if somebody's on a show that doesn't have the title, I know the champions go on all the shows, but there's also some stories.

Speaker 3:

Well, the champions are all split now. Okay, and the champions were safe from the draft.

Speaker 1:

Is Naomi on SmackDown.

Speaker 3:

I think she's on SmackDown.

Speaker 1:

And is the Bloodline on SmackDown? The Bloodline's on Raw. Oh, they're on Raw now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, because I was going to say did Jax and Naomi get on the same show as the Bloodline?

Speaker 3:

That would be interesting.

Speaker 1:

Because I thought they might have the women of the Bloodline also start stories.

Speaker 3:

God, help me, nia Jax and the Bloodline. Keep her off the microphone.

Speaker 1:

She's so distant from Blood, like a bloodline she's almost like like what's his name? Uh, louis Spicoli was to the NWO. That's how far distant to the side she is that she isn't really a part of it. But everybody wants to call her apart. You know I'm part of the family. No, you're not.

Speaker 3:

And then he OD'd on the golf course. Oh, come on, you brought up the bloodline, yeah, so this is another match, the bloodline you have since there's no rolling rings there's no rock, no one's the head of the table, but not right now on tv.

Speaker 3:

So solo sokoa took that upon himself to be the tribal chief, the head of the table, and he brought it after whooping his brother, Jimmy Uso. They introduced Tamatanga, who's Haku. He's not associated with the bloodline, but they are super close and they consider his dad Haku their uncle. So who is probably the most feared wrestler alive? Yeah, Every story you hear about it's like oh my God, I wouldn't mess with him. I wouldn't mess with him. He bit the nose off some guy called Wrestling Fake.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of stories about Haku and his toughness. Jake the Snake himself said if he had to go against haku he'd rather be in a tank and then even then he would question it because he was originally trained in japan with enoki and all and baba and all them and it's like once you're trained with the legends like that that really were really beaten and hitting people and just going crazy, yeah, you can see why he's tough as kryptonite and steel and everything you know.

Speaker 3:

You know, there was only one person that Haku was afraid of in wrestling not to mess with, and that's the barbarian. And there was only one person the barbarian was scared of in wrestling and that was a coup. So, uh, it's really cool to hear them guys talking. You know, you know, uh, but back to the show.

Speaker 3:

Um, bloodline versus randy orton and kevin glenn's. There's no way Orton and Owens are walking away from this, because I really think Jacob Fatu is going to come out and help the bloodline. For those that don't know Jacob Fatu, it's the WWF legend, tonga Kid's kid and true bloodline. He is probably the most violent of all of them outside of wrestling For the new generation of yeah like Bloodline. Yeah, Samoan werewolf and the dude's very agile, he can move. He had some really awesome matches in MLW New Japan.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad to see he's finally coming in to wwe this will be his debut, probably, and it just whatever happens at the end of the match. If something, if like bloodline looked like they're gonna lose, they can just have him come out and just like destroy everybody or well, remember when, when they were in scotland.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, at, uh, at the clash of the castle, solo sokoa was introduced to the crowd because he helped the bloodline win I mean, he might even uh come out in another match later on and beat up uh, beat up the uso or something. Yeah, could be. Could be because you don't know what I mean. You don't know what they're gonna do now we got two more matches.

Speaker 3:

We got damien priest versus big yeet jay. There's no way jay uso's walking out with that belt. No, the only thing that I could see is because how Damien has been treating like Dominic the Judgment Day, yeah, since Rhea has left, you know, not on her own terms but he's been treating them like crap and saying I don't need any of you guys and blah, blah, blah. So I could see the judgment day taking it upon themselves. I mean, even though Dominic can't wrestle because of an injured arm in real life, yeah, but I can't see Jey Uso getting the championship.

Speaker 3:

I'll walk away from wrestling. Like hey, dude, when he walks to the ring it looks like something from West Side Story, like he was one of the Jets, you know, snapping his fingers and doing this crazy pimple like duck walk, almost you know, and getting the crowd to yell.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's the most stupid word I've ever heard I mean, it's good to be, it's good to be a wrestler and wanting to be a singles uh competitor. You don't want to rely on tag team, but him and his brother, the husos, should just stay a tag team. Nobody can see them as a singles wrestlers.

Speaker 3:

And I think when Jimmy comes off injured reserve because he's really hurt, I think you might see him teaming back up with Jay. That could be them two and Roman Reigns and Cody going against the Bloodline, the Rock, jacob Fatu Tama Tonga and Solo Sokoa at either next year's WrestleMania or SummerSlam.

Speaker 1:

Like a Marvel Civil War, but with the Samoan family or with the family and Cody. Yeah, that could happen.

Speaker 3:

So are you going with?

Speaker 1:

I'm going with the Damien Priest, yeah, yeah, damien Priest, yeah write that down.

Speaker 3:

I too am hoping Damien wins. And finally, the world's champion Cody Rhodes versus challenger AJ Styles, who won this match against LA Knight to become the number one contender. This actually has all the potential to be a good match. Yeah, they're both lots of experience under their belt. They both can do crazy moves out of nowhere. The story is not ready to be given up yet, and I believe AJ is going to be retiring pretty soon.

Speaker 3:

That's what I heard too, but um now, yeah, I'm going to Cody on this, I'm going with Cody on this.

Speaker 1:

I'm going Cody too. I mean, if Cody didn't just win the title, I would say AJ could win it.

Speaker 3:

If it wasn't Cody, it wasn't Cody, I didn't say AJ.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because if it was Damien Priest then it could be AJ win. But Cody is now your number one, he's your poster child, he's he took cena's spot and roman spot as the face of wwe right now and they they're not going to take the title off him right now and speaking of cena, he has been seen, uh, at various places in the town in France, really.

Speaker 3:

So what's his role going to be in Backlash? Is he going to hype up and try to be like in the UK, like, oh, let's get a WrestleMania here, awesome?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it could lead to the next feud with Cody. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Also, someone you haven't seen since November or December has been seen Charlotte Flair.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I've been wondering what happened to her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she hurt her knee. She tore her ACL, her meniscus. She's tore a lot of things. She's been gone for like five months. If she's already healed from that, then football players, they can't complain. Exactly, I hurt my toe. I'm out for a couple of weeks. All right, go spank Because, yeah, also, what? All these snippets of the new Wyatts every week? Yeah, are they going to have something to do? Because Braun Strowman was announced back. He's on Raw. I don't know. Errol Rowan has been announced that he has signed with the WWE again. Wow. Alexa Bliss is going to be coming back and Bo Dallas Is he coming back as Bo Dallas or Uncle Howdy?

Speaker 1:

It could be anybody. They might piece together anybody in that group besides them. You don't know. They're just showing little QR codes and little secret messages in the background and you've seen what was it last, on Raw or something? Liv left a room in the background and then Dominic came out that room also.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, and it's been on Twitter that Mommy's not happy. Well, mommy's not around. He's all hanging out with Liv. Well, mommy don't know.

Speaker 2:

Old Scott's number one rule don't hurt old scott's number one rule and it looks okay.

Speaker 3:

You know this, this show, but five matches again. You know we're used to like seven, eight, nine matches.

Speaker 1:

Well, they probably they probably got some, like you said, shenanigans or interviews in the backstage or something like here in the backstage or something like in the ring segments. It'll probably seem like a Raw or a SmackDown, but in pay-per-view, to stretch it out.

Speaker 3:

And moving away from this, I got right here from the promoter, kade Lee, of Backbreaker Wrestling. We're announcing right here we got Richie Rothschild versus Dick Davis. Winner is the number one contender to the heavyweight championship wow, there you go.

Speaker 1:

There's a scoop right there Richie Rothschild against Dick Davis number one contender man, that's going to be a good one. Who do you think?

Speaker 3:

fans love Dick well fans can go.

Speaker 1:

No, because Davis is. I mean, he has, he's by himself. Basically he has some friends but they're not going to be there. But Rothschild, you're going to have maybe the Punisher there you might. I mean, is anyone banned from ringside? Doesn't say Will Motley be out there? Will Cujo be out there? I mean be there.

Speaker 3:

And there's certain variables that can happen.

Speaker 1:

Or Davis might have Duar help him out or something. Or you know, jake rome, jake it. It's very interesting. I mean I don't know who would, because they've I've seen these two fought back when they were tag teams in another fed. I mean they have a history together fighting and it can go either way I'm gonna have to lean towards Rothschild Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm going to have to go with the Anarchy and the Unknown with his group. You don't know what I mean. They haven't interfered in any other matches, but this would be the match if there was a plan.

Speaker 3:

Not saying cheating, I'm just saying you know Last time Punisher was going to get involved, then Gabe the Brave came out to stop things, so there's another person that could be helping Davis.

Speaker 1:

What the ref doesn't see, you know all good.

Speaker 3:

Dragging in the front row Fan could jump in that ring and help Dave this, because he's been going crazy lately. He's emin diesel, emin doing a 40-yard dash in.

Speaker 1:

Like three seconds stick to the wall.

Speaker 3:

So if the fans don't know or listeners don't know, we are bringing up that match because it's going to be at backbreaker wrestling may 18th in griffith, indiana, at hildebrandt hall, st marius, hildebrandt, uh. Doors open at 5 30 uh. Show starts at 605, just like old school, oh yeah, and I I think it's called super Slam, super Slam.

Speaker 1:

Yep. This summer kicking off the summer.

Speaker 3:

If you guys venture out, come say hi to Jim and me. We're going to be busy, but we love talking to you guys as well. Tell us you listen to us.

Speaker 1:

Tell us, you hate us. Tell us something, please do something.

Speaker 2:

Scott likes it when you spit on us. Tell us you hate us. Tell us something. Please do something. Scott likes it when you spit on him.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, oh. And if you guys are trying to get a hold of us or you guys have any show ideas and you want to email me or Jim, you can go to powerspointpodcast at yahoocom. If you guys have Twitter, or X as it's called now, look up podcast Scott. That's a capital P, capital S. You'll find me, dm me If you are on Instagram, powers31911,. Hit me up on the DMs. We'd love to have an idea or subject or topic or something that we could talk about other than this shit show that you're listening to today.

Speaker 2:

We worked hard in this last minute.

Speaker 3:

Literally the last minute before we hit. But, yeah, get in touch with us. We'd love to hear where you're from. I mean, every show we're listened to in Germany, you know. I mean, come message us. We also get listened to in the Hamptons, new York Really God forbid, because that's the second most expensive city in the US. So I'm interested in that. We got listeners in Vegas. We got listeners in Brazil. Uh, sweden, australia has been listening, and then good old Melbourne. So, uh, hit us up. We'd like to know about you guys. You know you hear us. We'd like to hear from you.

Speaker 1:

We'd like to know what you're doing, what stuff you like, what festivals, what food, different stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tell us about something that Jim and I don't have around here. You know, not the local 7-Eleven, that's everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Usually it's common sense.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. So, hey, Jim, before we take off this week, hand us some knowledge or a quote.

Speaker 1:

All right, I got a quote from the topics we talked about today.

Speaker 3:

Some people just need a high five in the face with a chair and, with that being said, we hope you guys enjoyed this week's show. As, like I said said earlier, we really appreciate tuning in and then spending this time with us. Please join us again. We are better and, uh, we got some big plans coming up. We we actually have a board full of guests we're in talks with, so, so stick around. And here's my newest tune. We'll talk to you later, later. Bye, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you. So so, thank you. So. No-transcript.

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