The A to Z Podcast

Dealing Dilemma During Crisis

April 12, 2020 AZ Season 1 Episode 12

In this episode, Dr. AZ summarized Episode 10 & 11 and chatted about dilemmas leaders face during times of crisis. This episode is an extension of Episode 11. If you haven't yet listened to that episode, go back and listen to it in order to get the full context. He said that crisis breeds chaos. Things become unpredictable. This demands leaders who lead in the midst of contradictions very well. Leaders who are willing to bust their own boundaries. Leaders who come out of their comfort zone. Leaders who challenge their own style, preference, system, and those who have the willingness to change their approaches, reform their institutions, and continue to adapt to the unpredictable situations they face during times of distress. In this episode, Dr. AZ shared some of the dilemmas leaders may face. He also suggested how to deal dilemma during times of crisis. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast so that you won't miss future episodes. Go to to follow Dr. AZ on social media as he posts multiple times each day inspirational and informative messages and tips. Go to to check out his recent online course for team leads, project managers, supervisors, and business owners.