The CRt Podcasts
Developing a business, is not for the faint hearted. We publish here a series of inspirational and practical guides, that are short and to the point, how to get it right, and more than that - be creative in what you do. Our Podcast Episodes are for seasoned professionals as well as rookie Start-Ups. We have all made the same mistakes, and our role here is to give you some guidance that may help.Keep in touch!
The CRt Podcasts
The New World Order for Business Expansion!
Dictated by Richard Bloss. Graphics by Ben Bloss, Imstuckinawall.io.
Here's a thing; if, after COVID and Afghanistan, we can no longer rely on our former established international markets, and if our reputations are now trashed through no fault of our own - then, where do we go now?
This Discussion looks at available new markets, and makes some surprising conclusions.