Busted Buttons

Workout Video Games - Busted Buttons Ep.16

TGPZ Gaming

Red and I start with a discussion on the recent PlayStation 5 reveal delay. We then roll this into the decision by Nintendo to cancel Nintendo Directs for the foreseeable future.

We then turn our attention to Paper Mario: The Origami King. Is it a game we think we might like? Are we going to buy it?

Afterwards, we talk about video gaming conventions and whether we would ever like to attend one. 

We then arrive at our main topic, work out video games. What do we think about the genre? Is it something that we do? How do we view it going forward?

We end by tackling video game slumps. Is there ever a time where you just don't want to game at all? Has it ever happened to us, and if so, how did we deal with it?

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What's up gamers Welcome to Episode 16 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. Today we're going to talk a little bit about the the sad news of the delays of some of these reveals and announcements we were hoping to hear. And we're also going to talk a little bit about Nintendo directs potentially being cancelled at least for the rest of the year, there will actually give you some good news and talk a little bit about Paper Mario, the origami King, and upcoming game for the switch will talk gaming conventions, workout video games, and do they work. And then also kind of what happens when you get into a video game slump when you just don't feel like playing anything. So before we jump into the gaming topics, I hope everyone's staying safe out there. 2020 continues to be an insane, crazy time. First, you got the pandemic, now you got protests, you got riots. So if you're in one of those cities where things are going haywire, things are going crazy. Just stay safe. Stay out of trouble and hope everyone, you know, keeps keeps their head on. Yeah. So But anyway, with all these protests we're getting right now. We've had a little bit of a wave of cancellations and postponements on game reveals lately we've had the big PlayStation five reveal that we've all been waiting so anxiously for was delayed the Madden 2021 reveal I just saw right before we started recording a cyberpunk 2077 stream was delayed. So it and they're all saying it's you know, we don't want to take attention away from the protests from the bigger issues. So I'm gonna go ahead and let you kind of give me your thoughts on these delays how the companies are handling it. And what do you think's going on?


I think it's a good decision by the companies to be honest with you like yeah, they said the right thing I don't know who sent me PlayStation or ever. But they're like, we know, it's not time to celebrate right now, in this true because this last one, we're not gonna get too much into the politics, because this is a video game video game podcasts. But this one was bad. This last killing of George Floyd, this one was really bad. So you know, like, I think it's a good idea to kind of put this off because as they said, there are more important voices that need to be heard right now. And we shouldn't really be there's nothing to really sell or we should be celebrating, you know, the cost such as the whole pandemic and everything, you know, this on top of it, like you said, 2020, you know, let's just all erase 2020 throw it out in the move on when the year


we hit reset on the front of the console.


Which is like six months away still, but I mean, I think it is the right decision. But you know, it does stink from a standpoint, like Yeah, yeah, we're letting the port and things happen. But from a video game standpoint, it does stink, because like, you know, with the bank, pandemic, and everything, more people are getting into video gaming. Yeah, no, give, like, you know, playing the play anymore. And they're also getting back to it. So it's kind of been exciting to hear these reveals, because there's so many things that we're missing, you know, we don't have sports for you and me, yeah, there's just all these things, they're getting delay, like, you know, high school graduations, I didn't have any of those. But you know, just all these things that are happening this year. So when you get these, like, reveals common, it's something to look forward to in a time, where there's not a lot to look forward to. And so yeah, from that point of view, it does think, um, I think they're going to do like, in a month or so, like, you know, kind of Yeah, let this kind of hope play out, like, you know, as we should. And then I think they will say something because they do need to release more information before holiday 2020. And their systems come out, but I mean, I am bummed about the PS five one. I kind of wanted to see more about that. Yeah, I don't know if they were planning on doing exclusives or not, but you know, would be awesome to see more exclusive stuff. Madden, heavily man and forever, don't really care. I know, it's a huge franchise. So I know that one affected a lot of people in the Call of Duty seasons, I guess is that like their new online thing they're doing or whatever?


Yeah, it seems like shooter games here lately, and it's in fortnight was really one of the first ones to do it. They have like the seasonal content, where as you play throughout, like a set time period, you can earn rewards specific for that time period. They're calling it seasons, you can like buy season passes to get additional content, things like that. I'm not I don't 100% understand it, because I don't play online shooters anymore, including fortnight or anything like that. But they do seem to be pretty hugely popular because it seems like every season, you get new content, you get like a new map, you get new avatars, you get new skins for your weapons, you know, things like that. So people really seem to enjoy them at least enough that they keep paying for the season passes. But it is a good revenue stream for the developers. But yeah, I guess for the modern warfare and what's the Call of Duty Warzone is their is their big battle royale style game. They've said that they're going to delay the start of the new seasons and I'm 100% with you. I do think it's the right decision. By the Companies the way they're messaging It is very smart and very sympathetic to what's going on in the world. And they're absolutely right. We love our video games, we want this news. There are bigger things going on and and it's good to have those voices be heard. It does suck. The big PlayStation five stream this week was I know so many people. Were excited for it. And because we've gotten so little information on the PlayStation side, like we've had a ton of information from Microsoft, pretty much everything except exclusive.


Yeah, but


PlayStation, we haven't even seen what the thing looks like yet.


Yes. So what 20 years ago, we hardly got any information. This is what we talked about on the podcast, again, all this information like you know, before the launch, kind of ruins the surprise of it, because what so what we're not getting all this information, it's going to be more of a surprise, it's going to be a better surprise. And maybe they will go back that they won't it's not the age of technology to do that. But hoping that maybe they would go back to not giving us so much information. Maybe we get with this whole pandemic and everything that's going on in these delays and the protest, hopefully they can find a middle ground on you know, giving you just the right amount of information before like, you know, a console comes out. Okay, speaking of these cancellations in like no reveal cancellations, I guess they're technically just both fucking cancellations. I don't know why I say both of them. But there have been rumors that Nintendo is also canceling direct. I don't know if it's for the foreseeable future. Or if it's just, I think you said in the intro, it's for the year, but kind of like, what's your opinion on that? Like, I know we've we've really bashed Rex like lately, but when they have good drinks, like they are good, so kind of going along with all this stuff. It kind of stinks that we're also not going to get some Nintendo information. So what's your opinion on the whole thing?


Yeah, it's in this was a story that came from I think of VentureBeat, I think was the first website that said it and that Nintendo, because of the pandemic is having a hard time putting together a full blown like revealed direct presentation, that they're basically telling other developers like Hey, don't wait for a direct to reveal your games. Yeah, just if you have footage you want to show in a release date and everything, go ahead and show it. What are all the indie developers supposed to do? Because that's what indie directs are. Well, that's what Nintendo are now just all indie games, it seems like it does seem like it so it does hurt I think some of the Indies getting the exposure. Of course, you know, the first game we really saw that took advantage of this new model was the Paper Mario, which it seemed like they just dropped that trailer out of nowhere. But yeah, in general, I'm kind of sad about it. I do love the directs, even when they're geared towards games that you are may or may not play. Like I know, you and I aren't really big on the Indies. You know, the Pokemon direct the Animal Crossing direct, which are still fucking Nintendo directs. I don't care what anyone says out there on Twitter. Yep, I agree. I agree. I got to get that dig in there. But no, it's just they're always fun to watch. And they're always so well done. And when they do have surprises, it's usually pretty mind blowing. And I know Nintendo usually does one kind of around the time of E three, which should have been, you know, this this month, it should have been in June. So it just it sucks to see them go by the wayside because they were always so anticipated. They got everyone talking, you could see some awesome reveals. So I am sad to see it go by the wayside. I get where they're coming from if they're saying hey, we just don't have the logistics to do it with the pandemic going on. But I mean, it seems to be like with the telecommunications technology we have and everything now that they could find a way.


Yeah, it's an excuse. I don't I don't agree with that. Because everybody's figured out a way Mo. I figured out a way during the pandemic to get your message out there and I think it's all digital. So there's no reason they can't put together in my opinion.


I generally agree with you, but I am with you. Like you said it's sad if it's true because even even the ones for games we didn't care about we still watched and they were still interesting to see so I am bummed about it. But like I did mention we did get one big recent announcement for the Nintendo Switch and that is Paper Mario, the origami King which will be the first Paper Mario game on the Nintendo Switch and I don't know about you I've never really played a Paper Mario game but what do you think about this revealed Is it a game that you're looking forward to?


well considering that still not watch a trailer? I would say that I'm not that excited about it. It's an RPG kind of game correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's really not my style. Um, you know they're not being you I probably will check it out price man 60 damn dollars because once again Nintendo you're not giving me hardly anything that I like. Yes, I know. You have Animal Crossing y'all have heard this bitch Amman before but you're just not giving me anything that I want. So my look into it because I gotta look into something Nintendo because you're not giving me fucking anything. So you know, I'll try it out a look into it. I might get a kind of I got really look into this one because I looked into animal crossings. I feel don't I still don't feel bad about that purchase. Because you know did enjoy the game it is I did enjoy the game I enjoyed the beginning parts of the game. Yeah, that was beautiful like I like I knew that it was a great like greatly develop game like it's a good game. Yeah, I just didn't like it so I'm not mad about that because hey, you tried you know I'm willing to spend money to know something yeah this one dude Animal Crossing


I spent the money now on the same thing with the luigis Mansion three right yeah and


so you know it's probably look into Paper Mario whatever it's called Paper Mario the origami King? Yeah, I'll probably check it out look into it. Um, I know. I would say I'm more likely to buy it right now than not buy it. Yeah, I'm by no man, I just want to look into it to be honest with you.


I'm kind of in the same boat. I have. And it's totally random. I've never played a Paper Mario game, but I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the series. You've heard me mention on here before the supermart probably you've heard me mentioned the Super Mario RPG back to the Super Nintendo is still to this day. My absolute favorite game of all time. There's been some contenders in the last few years Don't get me wrong. Yeah, but it is my favorite game of all time and they always build there was going to be an Mario RPG to a Super Mario RPG too. But just kind of like they do with the Zelda franchise. Sometimes they decided to go in a whole different direction with like the art style with the with the mechanics with the story and everything for for when it eventually became Paper Mario instead of Super Mario RPG too. And I kind of looked at it when it first came out I think the first one came back all the way on the Nintendo 64 and and I kind of looked at it and I'm like I don't like it. I don't like it


because it's not doing I don't know what you like I said I'm not watching a trailer What do you actually do in the game


so as to it's called Paper Mario so it looks like a lot of like exploration and combat is in puzzles are based on like folding, folding the levels folding items, like I don't know if you know anything about like what origami is, but it's just basically folding paper into shapes. And so it sounds like a lot of the puzzles and just from the trailer. I know there's not a whole lot of info out there yet. But just it's just like in combat exploration and puzzles kind of all based on this folding. So it looks interesting looks unique like something they haven't really done before. So I'm kind of with you from the standpoint that Nintendo has not given me a lot here in the last six or eight months now that that has been up my alley. That is really interested me and so even though like I said, I've been kind of having a quiet protest against this franchise now for just since instead of 64 I didn't realize I was looking at this earlier today this is gonna be the fifth entry in the paper mario for like when the hell did that happen?


But you know me to be honest with you. This sounds like the stupidest fucking idea. Like you're like, combat teen like folding pieces of paper. Like, look into it because when it comes to gaming at least watch the


trailer it's really hard to explain.


Yeah, nowadays I am more open minded. I am more willing to look into things and try them. Yeah, no sounds like a stupid idea though. But you know, it's kind of you know, I kind of want stay on this nuts, Nestle Paper Mario, we kind of talked about, like, you know, the switch really not having like any gains for us lately. And then we're talking about the direct and everything and how they're not going to have a more that like, what really is the Tinder like what's going forward for them? Because Okay, yeah, they had this new Paper Mario, I believe coming out this month. Correct. I think it's the end of June. Yeah. Okay, but what is there because, okay, yeah, Mario Kart eight that was released like, I don't know exactly, but four or five years ago. Yeah. New 2d Mario. I don't expect a 3d Mario yet. But we could have something now. No, you're not doing the Nintendo Direct. But you release a trailer for Paper Mario, you could do something similar like, you know, a revealed trailer. That's Yeah, it would be called. You could do like a rebuild trailer for a new 3d Mario game, but like going forward, and like, this is why I'm so upset with the switch. Yeah, no, you release some of those games like Pokemon and Animal Crossing lately? Yeah, yes, are doing very well. But for gamers like me and you, those are not our type of games. In like, going forward. Like there's nothing on the horizon. That gets me excited about Nintendo, whereas Xbox and PlayStation you got new concepts coming out new games. So what's the future of Nintendo? I guess, you know, for us in a way, but also the future period. there's just not a lot to be excited about.


You're absolutely right. And it sucks because there's just a lot of rumors, a lot of unannounced stuff, you know, coming, but a lot of it sounds like remakes. I mean, we just had the with the Xenoblade Chronicles. Deluxe Edition remake just dropped on Friday, just recently, I believe. And I know a lot of people love the Xenoblade Chronicles series I played some of to when it first came out on the switch, but again, it's not right up my alley, and I'm with you like Pokemon is not really my thing. Animal Crossing is not really my thing. You know, it's in Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm like, I don't know if I'll have time to commit 100 hours to RPG life as a remake. Correct is the first one. That's a remake. I believe the first one was on the 3ds. We had to have the new 3ds even though the new new new 3ds there's


only three iterations of the new three years, but go ahead. Yeah.


So it we don't have much else on the horizon. Like you said, they've been rumored to be doing some remakes of classics, Mario games, because we're in the 35th anniversary of the Mario series. So there was rumors not that long ago that they're going to be remastering some of those which is absolutely great. Don't get me wrong. I would love to play Mario 64, Mario Galaxy, something like that. Or Mario Sunshine, which I've never played just on the updated switch graphics, like maybe throw it in the Mario Odyssey engine, however you do it. But again, it's another remake. It's a remake. And they're just Yeah, but they I can handle that remake.


I would take back everything I said about Nintendo. If they drop three or four Mario remakes, I will shut up, man, I will not say a word the rest of the year about it. But yes, it's Thanks, man. Because we've kind of talked about this, like, I really like to switch. Yes, not as powerful as the Xbox or the PlayStation. But you know, I do like that portable aspect of it. Because I can, you know, play and watch my kids, you know, in the living room at the same time. So I do use that do like, I can lay in bed and play it. You know, I can take it wherever usually it's in the house. But I can still take it away from the TV can take in the bathroom. You know, there's all kinds of places you can play. But yeah, there's just you know, there's just nothing there. I know that they had the Super Nintendo in the NES, with the Nintendo Switch online. And I was like, Oh, this is gonna be awesome. I'm gonna go back and play a lot of Super Nintendo games. But I don't because of you know, the backlog? Like I already got enough games I'm going to play so yeah, if I theater gaming now you got it. Yeah. So if I'm gonna go back and play a game, like Super Nintendo game, like, it's just gonna be very sporadic. So that's why I've kind of not got into but yeah, anyways, kind of with all these reveals being cancelled, like the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has caused the cancellation of a ton of these gaming events and shows that we have going on, I can't just want to talk about talk to you about this, because this we'd known about this for a long time, yet still kind of a bummer. And definitely he three, like you know, which is supposed to happen either this week or next week. That was definitely a bummer. But um, yeah, how do you feel about these whole gang cancellations and shows getting cancelled? And also like, you know, I don't believe I've ever been to one I account, would you want to see it? Would you ever want to go to one? If you did, what would you want to see?


Now it does suck. Of course, like everything else has been canceled or delayed. Of course, it's a pain. You know, we're gaming fans, we love these events, because of the news that always comes out, you always get even for the shows that don't are the companies that don't even attend something like a three now, which I know several companies have pulled out of it, they still always time some kind of live stream to have a bunch of reveals to go along with it. So I feel like we're really losing that. But you're right, I've never been to one, I think I would like to sometime. And they seem like a lot of fun, you get some good likes, you get some good, you know, just collect your stuff, some swag for going to them. And just getting to be around that many other gamers who are into the same things that you are, who loves games, as much as you do that are, you know, they love it enough to travel to one of these conventions, like that has always appealed to me. But the big thing, I just want to be there to see some of those reveals, you know, to be there live when they announced some of these games. And it's just to me, that would be the number one draw, I think of go into one of these. And the other is the demos, like they always have kiosks set up for you to actually try out or not always and not every game. But you know, a lot of them have demo setup to try it out. And just see how it plays. And of course, it's always it's always, you know, not in a completed state. It's not the finished game. It might be one level, something like that. But it still be fun just to get your hands on some of these new upcoming games. So to me just the the upcoming stuff is the big draw to me. And then also like the every year they do like panels where they get like a number of developers up there, and they discuss issues either in development or social issues with gaming, you know, and it's just interesting to hear a developer's perspective and hear them up there chatting and answering questions from fans. So, to me, I think I would be interested in attending for those reasons. Plus, all the cosplayers just the awesome outfits that you see I mean people go all out for this stuff. And the girls usually look really good. I got to throw that out


there. Well, we had that one thing I will say one thing here we have in town called a Gen Con Gen Con Yeah, we have Gen Con here and they which is more I believe board games and stuff like tabletop, but like they dress up for that dude, it's awesome just going around downtown and seeing all the crazy outfits like one time I literally saw a guy in a fold out halos not you know, a tabletop game, but all decked out as Master Chief and it was all so I agree with you going to one those events, it will be completely awesome to see the cosplayers. You know, I'm not gonna say anything about the girls because I'm married and everything but


your wife listens to the pod not gonna disagree, I guess.


I guess I just said something. So I only know what, like the purpose. I'm just gonna move on. I'm just I'm the reveals like Now see, that's more digital in so like, I don't really think when you go to an event, yeah, you probably would see reveals. But I think more when you go there, it's kind of like you said the demos, but then you also got the setups, some of the setups are unbelievable. And then you get the merchandise, that would probably not be a good thing for me. But I would love to see all


the credit card at the hotel. Yeah,


I would love to see all the stuff that you can buy. I'm not really sure if I want to go all the way to California to attend a three. But you know, I would like to go to one of them. Do they start back all there?


You know, I actually don't know.


Well, that would be a definitely we could we could sneak some in But anyways, that would really make it better if you if they had the setups and everything and then they had a bar somebody less know if you if they have alcohol gaming conventions, because Damn, I might go very soon. But kind of anyways, there's a really short topic that we want to talk about. Yeah, but um Coronavirus has canceled all these events. And like, you know, we keep on talking about all these cancellations. But you know, it's made people stay in their homes and gyms being closed or like they're kind of opening a little bit of thing. But for the most part, they are still closer. There's not a lot of people there. Yeah, I kind of wanted to address a topic that we started. We had in the outline last week, I said that's the stupidest topic ever. We're never going to talk about it. You're sitting here at the very end going next episode next episode. And here it is. workout video games was kind of your whole opinion on the whole working out video game market.


You know, I'm I'm kind of all over the fence on workout video games. I


call me old school, you're on the fence about working out period. Man,


that's true. I can't disagree with you there. But to me, it's just like I grew up where you play video games sitting on your couch, laying on the floor, whatever in front of the TV, holding the control in your hand. Like that, to me is still even to this day is like the essence of gaming or sitting in front of a computer with a keyboard and mouse. I remember like when the we first came out and like we spoke not only sports, but like some of the we fit games and things like that came out and just the week controller in general with the weird format, you can kind of split the two controllers apart and relax a little bit more. To me, it just felt so unnatural. And the joy cons honestly, I've kind of continued that as well. But I was I usually play with the pro controller is not a big deal. But it just blew my mind when they started coming out with some of these fitness oriented games. Because to me that was like, my thought was that's that's not gaming. That's not gaming. And I know that's like such a, you know, a limited view set a very old school mentality. But it just to me, it felt it felt unnatural. It felt a little weird and out there and and as time has progressed a little bit, we've seen a few more and more of them that came along with emotion controls. I mean, even going back to things like the Just Dance games, or the Dance Dance Revolution, whatever. I don't know if I would necessarily call those fitness or workout games. I'm really sure you're up and moving. You're up and moving. But I don't know, I'm just I'm so torn on this. Because I'm like, if people use them, and they work, then then that's fantastic if they work for you, you know, but to me, it's like, hey, that's not really gaming. It's just it's just another way to try to force the motion controls that were so prevalent. You know, what, about 10 years ago, however long it's been honest. So I am all over the place on I'm like you said just like I am with exercise. Yeah.


Well, it means what do you Nintendo did sell like, you know really well on that gimmick. And that's what I think it was? Yeah, we still have a little bit of it today. But in my opinion, like the ring fit adventure, I know it's doing good. But I still think it's a fad. I think it's a gimmick. The market I think is very small, so very niche or niche or whatever, however you say, yes, it's one of those small markets. I'm kind of with you man gaming is like you don't gain to exercise. Like you can get out and exercise in different ways. If you're exercising while gaming, I'm with you. It's not really gaming at all. So like, here's the thing, if you're going to do this, you can't really use controllers like this, like be like, you know, I guess I'm thinking of the Connect here, because I did have a Connect for the Xbox 360 Yeah, I don't have one Xbox One, but it can't track your movements. And so like that kind of works a little bit because if I'm working out I don't want to have to hold a video game controller even if it is something like the week controller. So like, you know, but like, you know, the Connect, it didn't really record your motions that well when you were using it and it was very glitchy and stuff. And so this is something like there's no other workout machine or software out there that I know of that actually records you doing. stuff, like, you know, there's a coach and stuff like on a screen. Like I have one of those exercise bikes that has, like, you know, the TV on it, dude is I don't use it as much as I want to. Oh dude, it was freakin sweet though. But like, you know, that's how exercising or coaching, which these video games working out video games, that's what they are they are coaching, like the coach need to work out. And so like, the thing is, like I said, like, it's usually you watching a coach and then doing something. Whereas if you're doing like a video game, it has to record you. Yes, some way. And that, to me is not how fitness really works. So I'm really not that big of a fan of them. I think there's always going to be that small market that is going to work for them. But I think if you're going to make it like a fitness video game, you got to make it fun. Like it can't just be fitness. Like for example, remember back in the NES days, they had that track and field game, I don't remember what it was called. Yeah, but they had everything where you like, you know, you would run on it like crazy and then jump up or jump off of the pad is how most people did it and then jump on at the very end. Like it has to be something like that, where it's a lot of fun is not working out. And I think that's the only way can work. But as I said in the very beginning, I think it's a fad, very small market. It's a gimmick, and video game, you're already seeing a counter return to what we believe video gaming is


for sure. And especially when the Connect and the PlayStation Mo's it move, or whatever it was called have Yeah, they've kind of gone by the wayside. I know the move is still used a little bit for like VR, virtual reality gaming. But other than that, like, you only see the fitness stuff. Now it seems like on the Nintendo side of things, or at least that's where I hear about it going back to the Wii Fit. I mean, they had that little Balance Board thing and everything else. And And to me, that's more the kind of fitness you're going to get from these games, you're not going to build a bunch of strength and endurance. I don't think playing these fitness video games, I think they're more for just very light fitness workouts. I know some people have said that they you know that some of them do give you some of the exercises do give you a pretty good workout. But everything I've read, you know, the ring fit adventure I read into a little bit. And it's just everything I've read, it's like you get a good little workout out of it. But you're not going to like build a bunch of strength or cardio by doing it. I mean, for that you really do have to lift run bike, you know, something like that. So I'm so turned on, I'm glad when they do well. And I know in Japan, it seems like you know, there is a big focus on fitness. Like I mean, you have companies that have like yoga hours and things like that during the work hours to get people out and moving and staying fit.


Yeah, that's a whole different culture. So like, talking about for the most part, I think America that cause it's not going to work in America. But yeah, if you go to Japan or somewhere, not necessarily China, because they don't, however, didn't when it's indoor fine, or whatever is going on with Yeah, like, but like if you go to somewhere different, like the culture is different, and it can work. But as far as the American market? I don't think it's gonna work here.


No, I don't think so either. And if you're someone who might be a little bigger or who's not in very good shape, then yes, maybe a lighter like video game fitness workout is a good gateway into working out like you make it some kind of game. I know ring fit adventure is supposed to have like some light RPG like level up kind of elements to it. And if like I said, if you're already a bigger person, and you need the workout, or if you're just you're looking to just get started and just do something, then it's better than nothing. I will absolutely say that. And if you find a way to make it work for you, then that's absolutely great. You know, I still think it's a substitute for going to the gym, getting out and running, getting out and biking, you know, or even just lifting and doing push ups in your own home. But that's my take,


you know, I kinda wanna hit on something really quickly here. You talked about virtual reality can work with virtual reality.


That would be an interesting one. And I because I have heard and seen people playing some of these VR games that require a lot of like our movement. Yeah, like beat Sabre beat Sabre. Thank you. I was trying to think of the one I remember. I went to a Dave and Busters back before this Coronavirus stuff hit and we're on a work thing. And one of my co workers was playing like a lightsaber version of that with a VR helmet and he was moving like it is it that kind of thing. Looks like a great workout. So to me, I think if you can combine it with VR, and something that upbeat, which I'm pretty sure beat Sabre is a very, like intense game. So when you have that much movement, and you make it that fun with the whole VR or like I said that arcade made it, you know, lightsabers from Star Wars. I'm like, That is awesome. I would give that a try. You know if you know if I paid for VR, but


here's how you get me in


the VR. As much as anything.


Here's how you get me in the best way possible. You put like a virtual reality horror game, and you had this these motherfucking zombies chasing me dude, and I'm just running like virtual reality running in place that will get me in better shape than anything. else that I can ever do. So, you know, I think, you know, I don't know how much you're gonna see with virtual reality, but virtual reality does get you up, get you moving more. So I think it's a concept that, you know, we could definitely see working out in the future. And then also like, they can make it more fun. Like these walkout video games as we said, like, in my opinion, they're not a lot of fun. I think virtual reality can make it fun. And they also kind of give you a workout. But anyways, you know, sometimes, or always like us, you're just not in the mood to workout while playing video games. I was semi but it's my time relax. It's my time to get away and just enjoy going to like a different world. I don't want to have to exercise. You know, I'm just pissing you know, I don't even want to talk about this topic. So the last podcast at the very end even though I put it on the outline, I didn't want to talk about it. As I've already said, you're sitting there next episode next episode, and then you somehow miraculously remembered to put on this fucking outline. So here we are talking about it. I'm glad that topic is over. But anyways, sometimes you're just not in the mood to work out while playing video games me and red were never in the mood never but here's the thing. Sometimes you're just not in the mood to gain at all in like I can I guess you could call it on a video game slump or just what the hell's wrong with you get your ass like you know gear and get yourself get your shit together as well. I think it's called right but um, these video games slumps where you really just I don't know, man, you don't really feel like gaming at all or just something like not kidding are not clicking with you. Like, have you experienced this like, you know, how did you get through it? What do you think's The best way to get through it just kind of talked about all that


is and it's actually funny what made me think about this topic. I'm a little bit of a mini video games slump myself right now I know that's hard to believe because we talk about gaming on this podcast every single week. You guys know I'm playing Death Stranding. I just beat all these other games last month. I'm playing Doom on PC. I've got all this going on. But the last week I have not fired up a video game at all. We probably burned out a little




And that honestly, I think that's the biggest cause is burnout. Because this whole What are we in three months now four months of this quarantine you


know, could also be that drunken winter you've been on to


you could also be that worried about that guy? But no, I do think like when you play so much in such a short period of time because when we couldn't leave the house everywhere was closed. What did we do? If you know we played a shit ton of video games. I mean, I did burn through Assassin's Creed Odyssey control Donkey Kong Country, you know, Uncharted, all those in a very short timeframe. And it really did kind of burn me out. So I liked Death Stranding. I like doom. They're both very fun. But I'm having a hard time getting myself motivated to fire either one up, and it's not a time commitment thing. I mean, yeah. Okay, I've kind of been hitting the sauce a little hard the last week or so.


I was just messing around. I was messing around. I knew but hey, we're both we're home all the time. So you know.


So in plus stores are finally opening back up a little bit. So I'm finally getting outdoors. So yeah, you know, but to me, it's just every now and then you get in one of those slumps? I mean, yeah, right now, it's only been a week. So it's hard to call that a big slump. But when we talk about damn near every day of our lives, yeah, feels like a slump. So but it's for me, it's just, I think that's the biggest cause for me was burnout. But I know sometimes, you know, maybe there's not a lot of interesting games, even when you have a backlog, sometimes it can be hard to find something that looks interesting, right now, you know, or sometimes if you have a bunch of other shit going on in your life, you're, you're mentally exhausted, you might be physically exhausted, do you really want to play a video game or you just want to turn on Netflix and like, sit there and do nothing. So to me, there's a lot of causes. I think my little little slump right now is just kind of being a little burned out. And like even you know, just the excitement of actually being able to get back outside. Yeah, and see people again, while still being halfway responsible about it. It's really combined to make me not really that motivated to fire up a game so but what about you? is this? I mean, do you go through these cycles? Sometimes? I think I do. I really can't


go on all right there. You know, I had all this time to prepare to come in talk. Biology. My allergies have been the worst they've ever been this week. And so yeah, I know, I guess I'll just send there man, I was ready to fire and you know, just a dud right there. But anyways, sorry, everyone for that little cough and Yak and whatever. But um, I kind of, I kind of forgot what you were talking about. But I've really not had a slump at all because really goes down to the kids. Like, I just don't get a lot of time to play video games. So when I do get the time you like, you know, I always enjoy playing them. Like, it's very hard for me to sit down for, you know, 678 hours, no matter what my wife says. It's very hard for me to sit down for that law. Yes, and play video games. So that's something like I used to experience more back in the day. Don't experience it too much now, but I think what's your problem is like, I mean, you're not good at these games. So quickly. I know for me, it's kind of like, I want to play a linear game. Okay, now I want to play an open world game. Okay, now I want to play a shooter, you know, first person shooter, I think when you're cycling through them so quickly. I think that's kind of like we're okay. I don't wanna play linear game because I just played this. Why don't we play an open world game because I just finished this is so you kind of hit all your genres in a very short space that they really did. That's what could be your problem. I think it's honestly just burnout. But you know, you've mentioned a good point, like, you know, you talk about, here's the crazy thing, like, you know, we all have a backlog, but there's some reason those games never get played. Because they're just not that great. Or we're not that excited for them. Usually, we got them. And that's likely, because they were on sale. And that's why we got them. So like, you know, yeah, you get your backlog and everything, but you gotta be filling games in, you really do you know, with that backlog, it's not just having a backlog. Like, you gotta have a backlog that you're excited about that, like, you know, games that you really want to play. And you hit a point, because I have at this point lately, was like, Okay, I really, you know, I had, Okay, I'm gonna play this game, and then this game, and then this game, or, you know, kind of play on both at the same time. Yeah, sometimes there's that point where, you know, maybe like, I know what happened with me, you placed like I said, not really hit a slump. But there was a point, like, you know, recently where I was kind of like, what game to play next. And I hit that point, when I got done with all the PlayStation four exclusives that want to play is because it's like, you know, okay, I want to play this one, I want to play this one, I want to play this one. And it provided like, two years of straight gaming for me. And then once that kind of stopped, I was like, Well, what PlayStation exclusive play now. And that's why exclusives are so fucking important. Because third parties on edgewell You know, they're on every system, but switch graphics are kind of, you know, they're not as great but like, to me, like, you know, it's important. The screws are important, for that reason, because they give you something to be excited about. But I have made that point recently. I mean, is there anything you kind of wanna say else you want to say on that?


Not really, it's just, you know, kind of away I've another thing I've noticed that can cause it. And I think you and me both experienced this, after Witcher three, when you beat an absolutely amazing, awesome video game that as soon as you put it down, you're like, whoa, whoa, I've been playing this game for x. It's been blown my mind for six months, however long for a game like that. You kind of feel the almost a hollowness. Yeah, after you complete a game like that, where you sit there and you're like, I don't even want to fire anything else up. That was perfect.


You told me that you're like, man, when you get done with Witcher three, you will fill the void like you are exactly right, like there's an illness is still not gone away.


But yeah, it's just it's just one of those things where sometimes you finish such an amazing experience and something you've played for a really long time. And it just kind of leaves you they're a little bit exhausted. So but I think with that I'm a little exhausted from this podcast, because I feel like all we've talked about is negative times


more positive in the next pocket. Like there's a lot of negative shit on this one.


There really is. But we'll go ahead and wrap this up. All the links for everything we're going to talk about can be seen down below in this description. If you feel like it, you can always support us, please on Patreon or PayPal, Patreon. It's kind of a recurring thing. PayPal is a one time thing. If you can't contribute that way, which we absolutely understand. We totally understand it, you can always click that five star review, rating and leave us a review for the podcast even if you didn't like it. I know because of our depressing topics. This may have not been a five star podcast where you lie and give us five stars.


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