Busted Buttons

PlayStation 5 - Busted Buttons Ep. 17

TGPZ Gaming

Red and I start off with a quick discussion on The Last of Us Part 2, which came out recently on the PS4 and PS4 Pro.

We then turn our attention to the big PlayStation 5 reveal and the games that will be coming along with it. We address Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Gran Turismo 7, Horizon Forbidden West, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure.

Afterwards, we get away from PlayStation and talk about the new Star Wars Squadrons game from EA that is set after Return of the Jedi.

We end by tackling the FDA's approval of a new video game to help with ADHD, called EndeavorRx, and how sometimes in life it's just not the right timing to play a certain game.

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What's up gamers Welcome to Episode 17 of the Busted Buttons podcast. I apologize. Our episode releases have been a little all over the place here this last month or so. But moving forward, we're hoping to get back to our weekly releases. Today though, we're going to spend some time talking about the recent PlayStation five revealed we got our first look at the console and some upcoming games. So we're going to talk about some of the PlayStation five games that jumped out for us, we also got to see a new Star Wars game revealed by EA that we're going to spend a little bit of time talking about then we're going to kind of shift to a very unique game that actually got approved to help treat ADHD symptoms. That was something a little unusual, we want to talk about for a few minutes. And then finally, we're going to talk a little bit about just proper timing in video games. And what we mean by that is playing a game at a wrong time in your life can really affect your enjoyment of it. So we got a pretty good lineup for you today. But before we get to all that kick I have to ask you if you had any time to play The Last of Us Part Two yet


yeah, I've got about an hour or so in man so far. Okay, first of all, the game just looks absolutely stunning. Now could be that new cue led for TV then I got man I'm really loving that, you know, makes those colors a little more colorful. But yeah, I think it's it comes out at 1440 p if I'm correct. But just one of the most beautiful games already just in the hour and a half that I've ever played and just, you know, I'm not that's not that much of the game yet, but I'm already kind of game brought in. I'm loving the characters. Not too much of the story. Yeah, we're not gonna do any spoilers out or anything?


Yeah, no, I'll go


spoilers. Yes. I've only played an hour and a half. I don't really know what spoilers I could even give you. But just like you know the story like as the first game The stories are draw me in a little bit. It didn't hit that hard hit that I think the first one did case, you know, when a young girl dies. That definitely hits me, you know, it's our two daughters. Yeah, that definitely hits me a little bit harder. So we didn't have that at the beginning. But just overall look stunning. The gameplays is very smooth. And in the music like there's just been a little bit of music in it but man it has nailed it and just create the atmosphere that you know night dog brings to its game so so far, not very far in but absolutely loving it like What's your opinion?


I unfortunately haven't had a chance to to fire it up yet. It's actually probably gonna be a little while. I'm pretty sure the girlfriend got it for me for my birthday. And that is still a little ways away. So unfortunately, I might try to talk her into getting it to me early. We will see I think she I wind up with this


on the outline if I noticed you did your plane in day one.


No, unfortunately not. It's I'm so I'm trying to stay spoiler free. And like we said, we're not going to say any spoilers in any of our episodes, at least for a long time. Because it's a single player, story driven game. We don't want to give anything away. I know there's been leaks. There's been all that stuff out there for this game that's causing a lot of drama out there on Twitter. I actually went on a little bit of a Twitter rant on that myself not too long ago. But no, I'm I'm looking forward to experiencing it though. And I'm looking forward to hearing people's thoughts on it. And I can't wait to get to play it myself. I mean, the first one is one of my favorite game stories of all time. Yeah. And I'm hoping that this one can can live up to that. I mean, the trailers and the gameplay that we saw all look beautiful. So I'm glad to hear that at least it's a gorgeous game, but I knew Naughty Dog wouldn't let us down there. Oh, see, we've seen that with all their games always seem to push the bar of what the PlayStation is capable of whether it's the Uncharted Last of Us, whatever. It seems like they always bring out the absolute best of the PlayStation and I figured this would would not be an exception. So I'm excited. I'm glad you got to play it a little bit, but I'm gonna have to have a talk with the girlfriend. Yeah.


Like, what, eight more days or something. It's like you want to wait. First of all came? Well, I guess I would get the digital copy. Why do you get the digital copy? I guess. I'm guessing you got the physical copy if she's right. Probably. Okay. Yeah, I don't know, man. I couldn't wait a day. He's like, yeah, early birthday present. You know, I don't even get presents to my birthday. Usually more because I get them throughout the year, it seems like so you should definitely give her talk. You know, hey, I'm gonna need this a little bit early. Because peer pressure, man, there's all these cool people out there playing it and you're not. So you're not here with the cool crowd right now. Like I'm in the cool crowd right now. Because I'm playing the new release and you read you're just you're not that cool right now if you're not playing this game, man, our roles have totally reversed from realize the ship has given thicken here now.


So anyway, we haven't like it. Like we said, You've only played a little bit of it. I haven't had a chance to play it yet. So we won't spend a whole lot of time here on it. But we also speaking of new things that just came out, we did finally finally get to see our first glimpse of the new PlayStation five console and it's different Yeah, it is different. I know the common joke is that it looks like a wireless router. I mean, it's it is an odd shape odd color patterns. What do you think of the way it looks?


First of all, I absolutely love it. I know you don't like the wings or whatever on it. I love it. Because here's the thing, every console, almost every console has just been like a box like a rectangle how everyone look at it. Like even though the PlayStation four pro and also the PlayStation comes out a little bit of an angle, which the back of that thing is absolutely hideous. Like, I don't know why you had to do that at the back. Also, you just need to do it at the front. But for the most part, if you look at a video game system, it's very square or rectangle. So I absolutely love that they kind of went with this futuristic idea. And this is something that we kind of saw get popular, like in the 80s like this whole making things look futuristic, maybe Yeah, it needs a little bit too. And then it seems like we kind of got away from it for a while. And we just went kind of like was simple. You know, just it is what it is. And so I'm big fan of it. I absolutely love it. I think it's different. I think it looks futuristic. I think it's going to take us into the next generation lovely and beautifully. I didn't really have any good adjectives. Well, like, you know, you look at the xbox one or the Xbox series x. Yeah, I mean, it's like a rectangle PC tower. So it's something so different. I absolutely love the design. I know that you're not big on it, because it's why I do think there will be a black one, because we've seen black controllers already on the internet. So you know the why when came to why controller I do think there will be a black one with a black controller and I also think, I don't know if that's a plate or not like the what you call the wings. Yeah, if it's a plate or not, but if it is some kind of plate that comes off and you're it's like customizable. That is genius by Sony. Because there's gonna be so many people buying that accessory to kind of change the look of their PlayStation five. I think like I don't know if it is that way. I would think that it does present a canvas for you to customize your PlayStation five. So talking about the look so far. I absolutely love the look.


And I don't and and I've heard arguments on both sides. I mean, for me, I think it just looks too much like a toy. And I know that it is a toy. It's a at the end of the day. It's a gaming system. It is a toy, I get that but I'm like I look at my entertainment system. And I know everyone has different setups but mine is all black or gray black or dark gray. I don't even like colored controllers. The Joye cons on the switch. I went with the with the dark gray light because I like everything looking good and uniform in my entertainment system. Now I get a lot of people will have it in a man cave or gaming room or whatever a woman's equivalent of a man cave is and and that way, you know Yeah, in that case, having something futuristic that stands out, I get that like my computer, my PC tower I love that has all kinds of lights it is white is could be I love it. And it's for some reason, though, for the console that's going to be sitting in my living room. I just don't like how much of a contrast it's going to be to everything else. Like you said, I'm hoping that there is a black model. And I'm with you when you mentioned like the plates or whatever you want to call them on the sides if those are something that could be removed and swapped out, I think that would be a massive moneymaker. But even if it's not, there will be skins that they come out like stickers, decals, whatever. Yeah, just like you see with a Nintendo Switch. And you see all kinds of custom skins that people put on like that little front panel of their switch TV Doc, I don't see any reason why Sony or some other third party couldn't just mass, you know, put out a ton of those have them customizable, and really give it a little more personality or specialization. It makes it a little more unique to each individual person. So I think that's a good idea. I mean, like, like I've said, I'm not a fan overall of the design, but there is some ways they can go with it to you know, make it a little more it is unique. I will say that and I know somebody either on our discord or Twitter or something was like, Yeah, but it'll stand out, it will draw your eyes to it, people will see it and want to know what it is. And I'm like, you know, that's a pretty good point. I get that. But to me, I'm just not a fan just because I look at my entertainment system and it's very uniform. And you know, I'm not normally like a you know, symmetric uniform kind of guy. But in this case, I kind of am


the we used to take that advice on stand now. And I think right now, people think you're actually the same thing or just an add on for the WESA. Yeah, exactly. No, you should take it some advice like that back in the day made a thing look completely different than a week and you re If so, maybe maybe like 10,000 more units. We're not talking about a lot of units here, but you might make a little bit more now. Here's the thing I tweeted this out the size of this thing I saw IGN which I believe that they got their shit together and they're running reputable yum. Like you know, they show the SAS comparison compared to like, you know, the Xbox series x, the ps4 Pro and the Xbox One X. And the size of this thing is absolutely humongous man, which me now I know like we're kind of going into the future. There's like, you know, There's gonna be more in the system like it's gonna be able to do do more stuff is gonna have more technology. And so I think, as we're getting older, like we expect that stuff to be smaller, but I feel like when it comes to game console, like the bigger that because we're not carrying around a game console, it's not exactly, it's not a laptop. So I think when it comes to game consoles, the more technology we pack into it, it's not going to get smaller, it's going to get bigger, which I don't want to give bigger. But damn, that PlayStation five looks absolutely humongous in my console cabinet, like, my PlayStation four Pro has maybe two or three inches on each side, I'm worried about that PS five fit into my console cabinet. And I need to fit into my console cabinet. Because it's got locks that my kids can get into. I can't sit my damn PS five right beside my console can like or it's gonna get ruined. You know, just like my TV problem. You know, I guess I could just buy a new console cabinet that was better than Hey, there you go. That could also be a solution to the problem. But man, I just I'm worried about that size. I mean, it does look humongous. Now, one way that, you know, first of all, are you how do you feel about the size,


I'm kind of with you from the standpoint that that really doesn't bother me like, like you said, they're cramming so much more in there. And actually, I was reading an article that they said, the big reason for its size is the heat, it's just with the with their custom, special hard drive they're putting in there, or SSD, like their their proprietary insanely fast, hard drive, they're saying it pumps out a lot of heat. So they had to have a bigger just to have more space for that heat to dissipate. So and to get like fans or whatever their cooling mechanism is in there. So I know that's a big part of it the size and for me, honestly, like, it doesn't bother my computer tower is a full tower. It's massive. We've joked about that before. And part of the reason is, when you've got some very high powered equipment in there, it's gonna generate a ton of heat, you're just giving yourself a little more space to whether it's like I said, whether it's fans or just airflow is you know, it's going to protect it long term. So for me, I'm okay with the size, I don't have the the child problem that you have. So mine, along with the Xbox series x, let's be honest, are probably both going to be sitting on the ground next to my entertainment system. So I'm sure I'm gonna have to try to find some kind of I have get so much cat hair, though. That's what I'm worried about. getting clogged up with hair so so that's kind of where I'm where I'm thinking to


push it for you gonna go full digital one, are you gonna get a little bit bigger one with the physical CD?


I don't I'm not sure if I'm ready to give up the the hard disk drive yet. I mean, because still, whether it's like gifts, and I know you can buy a digital code and give that as a gift, but it's not the same. Or so as much as I think it would save some sighs and I think the full digital there if the rumors are to be believed is going to be a little cheaper, which I'm all for. I didn't know that. Like, that's, that's rumors. That's all that is unsubstantiated at this point. But if it was a big enough price difference, I would probably go all digital. But there's still that part of me that likes owning a physical game. And most of my games at this point are downloaded. But I do have a few physical. And it's just I don't know, I honestly don't know until I see kind of the size difference and that price difference. And know we've seen some side by side pictures and that disk disk drive does look like it adds a little bit of yes to it as well. So, but I'm not that worried about size. And to me I do I do still have a little bit of a soft spot for physical copy of video games, even though most of mine are digital now. So I don't know, it all depends on that price point. So but what about you?


Yeah, that CD slot, they did not put that in a very good spot. You would think with a system that big. They could squeeze it like in a really good place like with the ps4 Pro. I mean, you can't even really see where that CD slot is like why they didn't do anything like that. Why would it be noticeable? I had no idea. But being that I have not put one single CD or game inside my ps4 Pro. I'm all digital man. I'm going all digital from now on. Um, maybe if it's like a Zelda game or something, maybe I'll buy physical but especially if there's a collector's edition or something. Yeah, like but man, I got three kids. Like there is so much shit in this house like that. Like, you know me, I'm like a non clutter guy. Like I hate clutter. So you know, it's five of us in the house. It's just like anything, it takes us space. Like I'm just again so me. Yeah, I'm going all digital. And then one last thing. Um, here's the Okay, I do love the way it looks. But when you lay it down horizontally, I don't really care for too much. It does know. A little awkward. So um, I don't know. Do you have anything you want? You said Really? That you are doing a vertical so yeah, we're moving on. We're moving on to the game




Damn games. First of all, some of the ones in red come in. After I'm done if I didn't mention one that you liked. Yeah, like Spider Man. granturismo. Horizon, forbidden West, the ratchet and clank game and then also sag, boy. Those are the games that stood out to me of where their aim were for you. And we're going to talk about all these games but were there any more for you that stood out from that presentation,


not really. Those are the big ones. I was a little surprised they led with like another version of Grand Theft Auto five I mean a game that's been several generations now already. So I was hoping for a GTA six announcement that would have been unbelievable and I think could have stolen the show. But no, the big the big three or four I think for me, we're definitely a spider man miles mirallas. Horizon forbidden west of course, if you've heard us on here, you know, we loved Horizon Zero Dawn. Yeah, then ratchet Ratchet and Clank I've never played the series, but just the mechanics and the art style looked really good. So those are my big, those are kind of my big three. And then to be completely honest, a lot of the other stuff just kind of, you know, came and went was just too quick of a trailer to really get any kind of feel for it. But let's start with the first big one, I think and that was the spider man. Miles Morales, I can say that we I think we were both shocked by how good the first Spider Man game on ps4 was. It looked beautiful. The movement around the city was top notch like to me that that was the best part of the game. But then the combat in the story were really good. So more Spider Man is perfectly fine with me. I'm all up for it. I know there were some rumors. At first, it was just like an expansion or something like that. But it's or the the company has come out and said, No, it's going to be a full release. It's going to be a little shorter, I think than the than the first one. But it is still a full game. So I'm very excited for it. What about you?


Yeah, I'm excited for definitely, I think it's going to be a very similar game. Like he knows, obviously, probably, I would think it's going to take place in New York City, but I don't know maybe it's not going I would think so. But very similar to you know, they're going to use the same engine. Everything's going to function the same basically, you know, they can sit here and say it's a full game. It's an expansion. Now there are expenses that can be grateful games, like I always say, look at the Witcher three blood and one that was a DLC that easily was a stable, it could have been a standalone game. But no, you get that sucker for like 20 bucks. That's still you know what? Yeah, Witcher three at 60 bucks is a fucking steal a stat great. But anyways, we're getting about PlayStation games. Um, yeah, I mean, but I'm very excited for like said I think it is an expansion, I think it's going to be very similar. But you know, I really did enjoy that game. And then obviously, you will have a new story come along with that. And it kind of switches up like, you know, the Peter Parker stuff. I'm not a big spider man guy. So like, who the character is like, where there's Miles Morales, or Peter Parker right? sound? Yeah. Like, I don't really care about that. But I do think that there is going to be a spider man sequel with Peter Parker. So I feel like this does a nice break right there. Because it's the same game, a little bit different story, but kind of gets us back to the game quicker. You know, it's not like Grand Theft Auto, where you're taking you know, 789 years between releases, right? You're putting something out there very quickly, that's going to hold you over until that potential sequel that I do think is coming. yums but you know, overall, like my opinions are pretty simple. Yes, I'm excited. I think it's gonna be the exact same game. Different story, blah, blah, blah. One game that I'm excited about. And I know that you're not excited, but that's okay. It's Gran Turismo seven. Everybody knows you hear me talk about it. I'm a you love your racing games game. And the thing I love about racing games is like, you know, my job is mentally exhausted, like exhausting. My kids and stuff like you know, they wear me out mentally sometimes, too. Oh, yeah. What I love about racing games is I can just get a car and I can just go in that's the one thing I've always loved. I love more than that. But that's one thing I've always really loved about the games. And then also I've said this before like I love cars. I'm not car guy. I don't know how to repair them I don't know how to like you know fix them up put them together. But I do know love it like you know knowing oh this car is this you know car from this year and like just driving them and seeing them. I do like all that. So that's another thing that appeals to me about granturismo in really great terrorismo had gone away from things for a while and we're kind of out in genre. And that's really when Forza came up and like took over that spot. And yeah, with the ps4 Pro I'm going on for a while but I don't think about Gran Turismo No, but like they released Gran Turismo sport and that was it look beautiful is probably one of the most beautiful games on the ps4 Pro that I've played, but there wasn't really a lot to it and I keep on and this little stuff like you know, these little updates with a little more series, a little more tracks, but for the most part is never felt like a complete game. I think when you call it something like sport, instead of Grand Turismo seven, you're saying in a way, hey, this is kind of a expansion or a spin off or something like that. Not it doesn't feel like a true game to the franchise. So here they are. They say we're back. Gran Turismo seven you don't get cute the name or anything Halo infinite. Just call fucking sick. I don't know why it's got to be Halo infinite. Right? That was a game that I'm excited about all the cars, all the tracks, I can guarantee you all that's going to be one of the best looking games on this system so just I'm really excited about that one. But anyways, I know we both want to talk about horizon forbidden West, I'll let you go ahead since I've been talking. But I'm kind of what are you guys on day and like, you know just you're just everything


a horizon the original is is a top two top two top three game on the PlayStation four for me I love it. It's up there with, you know, The Last of Us Remastered and God of War I loved everything about it like the combat was unique youth all the different bow combinations and traps. The enemies were fun, like you're these robotic dinosaurs like what the hell, I loved it the world was gorgeous. I actually liked the various factions that you had throughout the world and their conflicts. I thought it was just such a unique game in terms of its kind of scope and story in combat. So I was super excited to see what they were going to do next and the trailer did not disappoint. Yeah, it looks absolutely beautiful in the story, I guess is that a lawyer goes adventuring West. And just just see we didn't really get any gameplay which kind of disappoints me and that I thought that was a strong suit for Gran Turismo seven was actually showed in the car gameplay, but like just getting to see some of the environments getting to see some of the new enemies you'll get to face like it's not just dinosaurs. Now it looks like you had like giant turtles, lizards, things like that. And it looks like they're also adding more of a swimming element. They showed a boy diving going underwater. So to me, that one really stole the show for me. I mean, we kind of knew it was coming. Because obviously they were working on a sequel. And yeah, when they first announced the PlayStation reveal the, I can't remember who the developers are now off the top of my head gorilla. Gorilla interactive. tweeted like some Koi like tweet. So I was I was expecting to see a trailer for horizon. And it didn't disappoint. And my only downside to it is I was hoping it would be a launch title. Like I was really hoping they would bring it out as a launch title. But I think I've read here recently that it's scheduled for 2021 sometime, you know, so hopefully it will be at least early 2021 definitely. Um, but yeah, what did you think about it?


First of all, like a game like of that size? They're not going to be able to release a second one that quickly I think Yeah, so I think definitely 2020 I think was unrealistic. Breath of the Wild will come out in 2020. And now kind of getting away from that a little but like that they would be using the same Well, I guess the Horizon Zero Dawn's probably using the same engine to you know what, it's not coming out this year. That's all that matters. That's not coming out. At first, I actually thought was a new Uncharted game, which I was absolutely thrilled about. That was one of the few disappointments from the PlayStation reveal. And I know they kind of talked about, maybe I don't know if they've exactly said that story that Nathan Drake story is over or not. But I was really hoping for an uncharted game. And I know Yeah, that can't take that long to make because it's linear. It's like a 10 hour game. So you know, I saw horizon, I thought Oh, another Uncharted game got all excited. It wasn't. But then I saw a lot. I was like, Alright, I can roll with this. So but yet my opinions are very much the same as yours. The game looks beautiful that underwater elements gonna be huge. more enemies are more of a story probably. It's just gonna be a fantastic game and it probably will be if grill does the same thing they do with the first one it probably will be one of the best games on the system that's kind of switched up and go to ratchet and clank ripped apart. I highly recommend for anybody that's not played the ratchet and clank I think it's literally just called Ratchet and Clank to go get it on the ps4. Like First of all, I think it's a PlayStation hit. So it's always under $20 and probably cheaper if you get it you know if you hit a sell, oh, but it looks as if you have a ps4 Pro. The game even though the art styles a little bit not realistic, the game looks absolutely beautiful is basically a third 3d platformer shooter kind of like in a space setting. The game looks gorgeous, it's fun, the mechanics are smooth. And then like you know the ratchet and clank gang you picked up like these nuts and bolts like throughout the game. It was a lot like you know, Super Mario Galaxy, the star bits. It was a lot like that. So I kind of just always felt like we have something like that that you're always collecting. It feels like you're always doing something in the game and it feels like there's always a purpose. So yeah, what are they getting comes out I would highly recommend everybody to go play Ratchet and Clank is one of my favorite games on the system read is that Okay, first of all, are you going to go back and play Ratchet and Clank sometime now and then two? Do you plan on buying this game?


I do plan on buying this one. I thought it looked amazing just how much stuff was going on. And I this is the big sale this generation is how much stuff is going on on screen and your your system can just handle it like there's not going to be slow downs the framerate drops like they can just have more and more happening on screen and I was so excited. Again, this is one of the games that we got to see some actual gameplay from. And it just it blew my mind like the platforming looked rock solid, the shooting looked really well done. And yeah, even though it is, like you said kind of a more unrealistic art style, it still looks beautiful and bright and colorful. And just this whole like portal mechanic or riff mechanic, whatever it is, yeah, I thought it looked unique and could be a lot of fun, a lot of different things you could do with it. So I do plan on on checking this out when it does come out. And it like I said, it just kind of really blew me away seeing everything that was happening on screen and it was just handling like the PS five Yeah, chug through it. And that excites that's what excites me, this generation is just the sheer amount of stuff that's going to be going on on screen. And so I do plan on checking it out. It looks really cute. It looks really fun. And I know you've raved more than just on this podcast. But you've raved about this series before. I doubt I go back and play the original or the first one though, just because there's so much on my plate gaming guys right now. Like I'm still trying to get through Death Stranding. I'm about to get the last of us. We got Paper Mario coming out next month, we got the ghosts of the ghosts of Shima. Whatever I can like, again, yeah, that's coming out in July. And then you know, I know. I know, cyberpunk got pushed back a little bit further, but that's still on the horizon. So for me, it's just hard to kind of go back and get an older game and dive into it. So I doubt I go back and play the old one. But the gameplay that they showed us here sold me on it. So kind of the last one that I know you're excited to talk about a little bit didn't jump out a lot for me. And that was a sack boy. Yeah, a big adventure. I know this is a bit of a spin off because sackboy used to be the main character in the Little Big Planet games back in the day, which I think were more about building your own levels, things like that kind of like a Mario Maker style. Yes. Yeah, he's but now he's getting his own adventure. And I know you were kind of excited to see it. So kind of give me your thoughts there on sackboy a big adventure.


But when I first saw it, I was like, that's Mario. And I've loved the Mario franchise. And I think I think that all like, you know, Xbox, and PlayStation I need I think they need like a Mario franchise. You know, Now obviously, they not been in the game as long as Nintendo has. Yeah, they don't want to have that solid 3d or 2d platformer. And like, those games, I feel are still very big. Like, you know, oh, yeah, you've heard my complaint. Most of them are too damn hard. But like, it's still a big genre out there. And I think Xbox needs like a character like that. I think PlayStation needs a character like, obviously, as an exclusive so I'm not saying sec boy. Thanks. An exclusive right. Should be I believe so. Okay, but yeah, I was very excited. I saw that. I was like, oh, man, that's Mario. And I love Mario. And like, I just want to play games like that. And the PlayStation by user can't play platformers because they're too difficult. And just seeing the gameplay the game didn't look that difficult. So I'm excited about that. Now watch it be hard as hell yeah, but I do get it but like I said, it just has that Charmin 3d platformer charm. And just I don't like has like a Yoshi, Phil, I think some of the mechanics or some of the Yeah, are styles that saw but just yet basically a 3d platformer that doesn't look like it's incredibly difficult. Maybe that can be a mainstay of the franchise like Mario. To me. It was just very exciting.


And I'm with you and I like I got the same general feel for it. It's like it's their attempt at like just a 3d 3d platforming game. And I hope they do something like you know, it moat for the most part. It's not overly difficult, but maybe there's a few challenges, like optional that really ramp up the difficulty. Yeah, compared to Super Mario Odyssey. In general, the vast majority of the moons weren't difficult it was more about just knowing where they were more than like the challenge of actually getting them but then there were some that were really freaking hard looking at you darker side of the moon.


Yeah, that was tough.


So I think if you at least have that optional challenge in there, it really it that way. There is a little bit of something for everybody you know, you can still play it you know, maybe with your kids because it did look like it had a multiplayer component and it's like four of them ran around. So I think it'll be pretty cool. I'm kind of in a wait and see mode on that. But hey, I'm always up for a cute You know, 3d platformer like that on just about any system. But yeah, now outside of the the PlayStation five reveals we recently got an EA Play event and they had one big reveal that definitely has me super excited. And that is they showed a trailer for a new Star Wars game called Star Wars squadrons. Now, I know you probably haven't played many Star Wars games. But what were your first impressions from the squadrons reveal


man, I'm not gonna lie. When I first saw this I was kind of just like, it wasn't really that big into it because I've actually not played any Star Wars games. Now. I love Star Wars. But I got into not too long ago which that was on me. That was obviously my mistake. But you know, because of that I didn't play any Star Wars games growing up and always kind of feel like you know It's a moneymaker like I'm not saying the gadget bags I know fallen order you've raved about what was it battlefield two or one of those games like that? I think a pretty high like read regards and everything so I don't think they're bad games I've always kind of felt like maybe a little bit of a moneymaker in since I got into Star Wars not too long ago, I haven't had that 20 years to really get into story like, you know, the movies like you know, that kind of there's a whole you know, universe around the Star Wars franchise, I really had no chance to get into all these other stories, theories, everything so when it comes to the games, it's not like, you know, I think a hammer or anything. It's just that they're not at the top of my radar, but, but I like you know, I heard you talking about this. I heard other people talking about this. I was like, Alright, let me get the trailer. Look, let me get a trailer. Look, I'm on the fucking game. I saw a trailer I was like, holy shit. This game looks awesome. You remember a couple episodes ago, I was a bitching about how you don't have enough space games. This is that game? So we're up in space. We got an X wing or what's the Empire ships? The Thai fighters Thai fighters. I can't remember the name on that one. Um, but you leave I believe that you can choose either or is that correct?


in multiplayer? It seems like you can in single player I think you actually go back and forth between the two. Okay, the actual campaign


I don't know man, just like you know, being like flat x wing or Thai fighter in space. You know, he got Star Destroyers. I was absolutely blown away by the trailer. It's a game that I'm definitely going to get is an exclusive on a system or not?


A No EA actually rarely rarely rarely. Sorry, exclusive


guys by you just you know, it's not. We know the release on everything they can they're gonna make every dollar they can. So yeah, completely forgot about EA. But overall, man, I'm gonna let you talk about this a little bit more, because you're a huge star wars guy. But I'm very excited. I will be buying the game. I don't know what system yet, but it looks like a ton of fun.


It really does. And I've been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid. And I've played a lot of Star Wars games over the years. And one thing that I kind of missed out on though, was a back very early in like PC gaming, or early in me my time gaming. There's the x wing and the TIE Fighter series on PC that were like space combat series like this. And they're remembered so fondly by fans both video game and Star Wars fans alike, as they were like awesome space combat games. And unfortunately, that genre kind of not entirely died out. There are still some games out there like Elite Dangerous Star Citizen games like that. But the genre really became very, very niche, unfortunately. And so for me though, as a Star Wars fan, I never really got to experience those. So I am, I was stoked when they announced it because I'm with you. Like I want space games. I wanted to see a return of this genre that it really kind of disappeared, even though there were some really insanely well regarded games back then. So I'm beyond stoked for it. Just I did remember some of the Flying sections in battle. battleground two or sorry, battle. Yeah, battleground two, sorry, let's get battlefield and Star Wars battle. That's like I said battlefield. I don't know which ones are Battlefront or something


from Battlefront. Sounds familiar.


There we go. I love some of the Flying sections in that. So having a game built entirely around like perfecting that system. I'm so stoked for it. Like, like you said, it looks gorgeous. It looks and sounds like a Star Wars game. I'm excited that the plot for like the main single player campaign, you get to play both some parts as you know, the the rebellion or the New Republic and some parts as the Empire. So I love that we're gonna get to see kind of both sides of this conflict, you know, taking place and they're saying it takes place like right after the second Death Star gets destroyed and Return of the Jedi. So I'm really stoked to kind of see where they take the story because that's kind of a little bit of a, you know, novels and things like that have have approached that time period. But a lot of those got made on canon when Disney took over. So it kind of gives them a blank slate to play with that timeframe. And I'm really excited to see what kind of story that they tell. But you know, I'm not a multiplayer guy in just in general in this day and age in my life. So I doubt I do much of the online multiplayer, but just being able to do just the single player campaign. I'm super excited for and one of the things that I love, they've announced it's only going to be a $40 game is not going to be a full $60 release. So I mean, I'm sure that means they're gonna try to like sell like the customization stuff. The skin I'm not a man,


he wouldn't do something like that. We're not trying to microtransactions shit out of Yeah,


no, I know. They're gonna pump it full of ways to like customize your ship for you know, for the multiplayer. I know they've already talked about like, you get like, there's Ewok bobbleheads and little holograms of things and all kinds of stuff like that. But as long as all that stuff is simply cosmetic and doesn't actually affect gameplay. I say you know what EA Selway? Because there are people who will pay money for it. If that keeps you supporting this game for a long time, then I'm 100% for it. Anything's better than loot boxes. So I will say yeah, but I


mean, microtransactions don't bother me. I think they're the future going forward. And just think, you know, yeah, offer all this stuff. You don't have to buy it. Well usually don't have their pricing. You had to buy for certain things. I'm sure that pissed people off. But for the most part, this is all just stuff. It's all customizable. Like you just buy it because you want it. I'm okay with that model. And I'm walking companies are there to make money. So you know, I'm okay with the whole thing. But you know, kind of talking about this. Did you want to say anything else about Star Wars?


No. I mean, I consider and talking about Star Wars all day, but


yeah, well, that's, that's one thing I will say is like, you know, that Return of the Jedi? That's like, I mean, this original trilogy right there. So I think people always want to hear like a story in between, like that one in the won't be the fourth episode to be whatever, you know, how Yes. Equals Yeah, but like, you know, and we didn't get that until, like, you know, recently and people I wasn't a big on the whole Disney movie. Well, I liked Rogue One. But I wasn't big on like, the main movies and everything. So I think we kind of go back, go to back to the original trilogy, returned the Jedi. And we get a little story. So you know, I like that. I think that's why I like Rogue One, because it was a prequel to the first movie in the trilogy. Geez. Gosh, a memory thing. But um, anyways, not as bad as the freaking Xbox. Yeah. But like, you know, these dogs for the space dog fighting game can require a lot of attention. And really, video games as a whole, for the most part, require a lot of attention. And here's one cool thing like kind of relates to this that saw come out recently. And that's at the FDA, thanks video games can be can serve as a treatment for ADHD. And I thought this was like, just really cool that we can, you know, people are finally fucking coming around on video games. No, we're not a bunch of lazy snobs that play video games that don't do anything with our lives. Right now. We have good jobs. We do do shit. I have a family. I don't just play video games all the time. And you're seeing right now, during the pandemic, that video games are helping people. And even now the FDA says that video games are helping people. So if you're against video games, you should get shut up. All right?


Should we listen to this podcast?


Listen to this damn podcast to be honest with you. So I was yelling at people who are like, I love video games. That's why I agree with you. If you love video games, and you know somebody that doesn't love video games, and always bashes on them, show them or let them listen to this part of the podcast yet anyways, right? I want to throw it on over to you. What do you think about this? Oh, FDA saying is a particular game that they are talking about? But what do you feel about this whole thing that we can use video games as a treatment for ADHD?


It blows my mind. I mean, it really does. And the game we're talking about, it's a game called endeavour RX. And it's, it's insane. It was built from the ground up to help with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And I think it's just such an amazing concept that, you know, a way to maybe help with that disorder is to, you know, build these games that help with that attention to help with that focus. And, and I haven't read all the science behind it. So if I say anything, I apologize. I'm not an expert in this area. But I know, they were like, the FDA was testing this game for several years. And it went through I think I read it went through something like 600 clinical trials and things like that, before they would pass, you know, before they would pass it and say, yes, this could actually help. We've noticed tangible benefits for people who play this game. And so you can get this game by a prescription. Yeah, which blows my mind, you go to an actual doctor, and you get a prescription for a video game. I mean, like, Where's that for, like strep throat or the flu? But I mean, it's just, it's really cool that it's, you know, it's aimed for, you know, kids between the ages, I think it's like eight and 12. Yeah. And the idea is like, they're not taking drugs, you're not taking stuff that kind of messes with your brain, and your bodies can have some longer term or even short term side effects. It's just, it's a game, and it helps them to kind of, like, it just helps with that attention, apparently. And, to me, it's just an amazing concept. I'm all for anything like this, especially when it's video games, that people are finding a creative way for them to help people. It's just it's a feel good story. At the end of the day, and you know, I know a ton of people suffer from ADHD. It's a very common disorder. Yeah. And so to have something else that's not chemical that's not a drug that could potentially help people with some of those effects. Like, I'm all for it. I think it's a great idea. And it just like I said, to me, it's just a very feel good story of video games, helping people you know, it's just at the end of the day, that's what it is to me.


And like this game, like basically what this game is, um, it's good Like Red said, it's called endeavour RX. And you steer an avatar through a course die with obstacles, and then you collect targets along the way to earn rewards. So, you know, obviously, when you have a reward system in a video game, it just makes it that much better. But I'm kind of like, I'm kind of with you. And the biggest thing for me on this is and you said this, you don't take drugs like that. Like, you don't have to take drugs, you don't take pills, like this is a treatment for that isn't a Wait, it's natural, and exact, natural, like, you know, treatment is always better than prescription treatment. So, absolutely love this idea. Like, you know, I'm hoping that it really works, and helps a lot of people out. Now, here's the thing, you know, kind of switch it up a little bit like sometimes like you don't, you don't focus enough on a game. But it has nothing to do with like a medical condition. Sometimes you just don't focus or pay attention to the game, because it's just not the right timing. And I know I've experienced this with control, which we'll see what happens with that game now. Yoshi cracked the world and all revolves around me, okay, first of all, it could be life, you could just have a lot of things going on in life and just you don't like it to sit down and play a game. Now, here's the thing. I think if a game is good enough, it will grab your attention. And I've always said that good games say Come here, play me. That's what they like, you know, world combat, get over here. You know, that's what the great games do. But I'm, like, was Yoshis crap the world. I think it just had too many games going on at the same time. And usually, this is where this issue happens. It's just too many games that I'm playing at the same time. And one of them kind of goes to the wayside. And since it's not grabbing me, I just really never get into the game. And it sucks. Because like I said, You'll she's a crappy world. But to hear that great. Thanks about that one, actually. But it could be it was love, but I know with control, and I kind of talked about control control from what I've played. Like, I've enjoyed it. I thought, yeah, very good game. But like I just said, it's not that good over here and playing that kind of game. Like Yeah, grab me and like, make it not that ever makes me this figure that doesn't exist. That that ever makes me play the game? Yeah. You know, like, I'm worried now that we got a you know, I've been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey. And now that we got the last of us part two, you know, what's going to happen with control? Like is it goes by the wayside, we'll ever finish it. And so have you ever kind of run into this where it wasn't really the game, it was more of the timing with like, you know, either your backlog, or things go on in your life or you just didn't get to play game that you might have wanted to


I that actually does happen like a little more often than than I care to admit. And I'm worried right now, it's gonna happen with Death Stranding, because I've got over 20 hours into it. I enjoy it. It's I've enjoyed the mechanics The story is confusing as hell but I know it's, it's at least I'm intrigued to see where it goes. But the problem is, like we've talked about the last service is about to come out or it is out now I should say, goes to Tsushima is coming out next month Paper Mario is coming out and it's just, I'm like, I don't know if I have 100 hours to get through a game like Death Stranding, and I feel like if I started another game, I'm gonna have a really hard time going back to it. Another one that I ran into this and this is one that somebody on our discord channel it's who's mania or spamming me and one of those guys absolutely loved octopath traveler. He's raved about it raves about it. Yeah, there you go. Thank you. It's a Nintendo Switch like just a turn based role playing game with like the old pixel style art that people that he absolutely raves about absolutely loves. I played again something like maybe 1520 hours of it. Yeah, I was enjoying it. I was loving it. But then just other stuff came up and I don't remember if it was life or other games at the time, but I put it down I kept saying Okay, I'll pick it back up. I'll pick it back up. Never did still have it to this day. And I'd have to start all over again at this point because yeah, it's been a long time so I understand where you're coming from I totally get it it's just sometimes life and other games do get in the way and you do miss some classics when that happens because let's be honest, we don't have time to play every single game and even if we did we wouldn't have time to give them the attention and the love yeah that


they a lot of them deserve you know if other games again the way your games not that damn great okay. I'd say that kind of being serious, but also joking around because yeah, I do think like intro is a great game. I've heard great, like reviews on it, but probably not gonna play so it's just kind of my own biased opinion right now that it's not as great as the other games I'm playing. But anyways, yeah, Sally read once again. The podcast flew by always does. I'm the wrap up all these links we will have in the description. Hold on as I bring it up my notes for actually the wrap up here. You can support us on Patreon or PayPal, Patreon is kind of like a monthly thing. You get some you know, added benefits of early access to stuff, PayPal. Hey, you just want to do a one off. Hey, here's $1 here's $2 lend me the fuck alone. You know, you could go through PayPal to do that. If you can support financially, always. It's always cool to leave a review or a rating you know, just click that five stars, whatever podcast This app or platform you're on, yeah, very easy to click that five stars as we always say, if you don't like this just live baby. Just lie. It's okay. Also, we have merchandise on our websites. tg PC gaming, two guys playing Zelda, those are affiliate shops. So we may if it tracks correctly, we may earn a commission on purchases through our links. Ready one can go through the rest of it.


Yeah, obviously, we're all over social media. We've got our Facebook groups, the gaming realm and Zelda realm gaming realm we focus on all video gaming, and Zelda realm we focus on obviously, Zelda. We're on YouTube. We've got our Discord server where we talk about all kinds of video game stuff we've got, you know, Sony, Nintendo, play, Microsoft, all that stuff. And you can find us on Twitter, Instagram, like we said, Facebook, we're all over social media. So anyway, I've got this podcast for a little happier. I feel like episode was all together. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed listening. I hope everyone's still staying safe. I hope everyone just keeps on gaming and we'll catch you next episode.