Busted Buttons

Xbox Series X Showcase - Busted Buttons Ep. 23

TGPZ Gaming

Hick just recently purchased and played Playstation's Ghost of Tsushima. What does he think about it so far? What does he like and dislike?

We then approach our main topic, the Xbox Series X showcase. What are our overall opinions? What games are we excited for? Are we any closer to knowing which console we are going to buy first, the Xbox Series X or PS5?

Afterwards, we return to open world gaming and discuss the various art styles and music.

We end on a rather negative note as we discuss the recent Riot Games (developer of League of Legends) and Saudi Arabia Neom Partnership that was dissolved quickly. We also address the recent Twitch streamer bans.

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Welcome to Episode 23 of the Busted Buttons vo game podcast. Like always another great podcast for you. Probably not gonna be as fun as last week because man, we had a blast talking some Super Mario Odyssey. This week, we're kinda gonna get back into really just a bunch of stuff going on in video gaming. We're going to talk I just bought goes to Tsushima. having a blast, we're going to talk about that the Xbox series x showcase happened recently, because we did the Super Mario Odyssey podcast, we didn't get chance to talk about when we want to so we're going to talk about it on this episode. And then we'll kind of talk about did persuade which console we're going by first they're going to go into open world games. We're gonna talk about the art style, the music, and then we'll kind of switch it up a little bit and talk about Riot Games in Liga legends and this whole Saudi Arabia partnership that let's just say it didn't work out so well. time we might talk about some of the streamers they're getting banned on Twitch and then also a games can can teach us some koecher I don't know if we're gonna get to those last two or three but um, we'll try but anyways, um, read on can throw it over to you. So I don't talk so much at the beginning even though I know you don't have those the shame of I want to ask you is this I know it's a game that you are excited about. But as a game, you're going to one purchase I think you are in so are you gonna purchase it soon? Are you going to wait till after you get done with certain game blog blog? Go ahead.


My plan is to buy it. As soon as I finish up with the last of us part two. I'm playing that at a snail's pace. I've, I'm maybe only 1314 hours into that one. So I am excited for ghosts of Tsushima. I've been absolutely pumped for it. Since they announced it at E three a couple of years ago with just a short teaser trailer. I know it got delayed a couple times, then they were making sure that they didn't release the same time as the last of us part two. Of course, you don't want to overlap too much like them. And so I'm excited for it. I can't wait to check it out. I've got a couple of friends and co workers who've bought it already and have had nothing but great things to say about it. The people on our discord have seem to have loved it. So far, it didn't get the best Critical reception, I think it was placed at like a seven or an eight something like that, which Hey, I still think is pretty pretty rock solid. If I gave out a game, I got an eight rating out I'd be pretty damn happy. But it seems like the fans, or at least all that I've talked to absolutely are loving it. It sounds almost like Assassin's Creed. But with samurai. So I'm all in I'm just finishing up The Last of Us Part Two before I buy it, but you have bought it like you said, and you've had a chance to put at least a few hours into it. What are kind of some of your initial impressions? And are you enjoying it so far?


Man tell you the critics and fans, they can never agree on a video game. It seems like one reviews are high. The others are really low. But so far, I've gotten about three hours in and I am very impressed now. No, it's very early on the game. And there's a lot more to play. And as you go through the game, like you know, you can start to hate parts, you know, and maybe you don't take as highly as the game overall. But so far, three hours in Oh man, I am very impressed. So far, I mean the game and we knew this kind of going into it. But the game looks absolutely beautiful. And it kind of uses this art style that is definitely realistic. And I think we're gonna kind of talk about this a little bit later on in more detail. But this is an art style that is definitely realistic, but also has like an anime or animation style to it. You know, somewhat like Breath of the Wild even though Breath of the Wild was a lot more, you know, animated or ancient. Or however, whatever the right term is. For that stuff. What


art experts say is that,


I don't know the technicalities of this, but like that, that cel shading or whatever that it's like styling makes a game like Breath of the Wild. That's only 900 p makes that look really good. It kind of has that art style to it while being more realistic. But like, overall, the game is just absolutely gorgeous. So far, one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Now, obviously, you had to be playing on a 4k TV to really see the game. Yeah, but just I mean, it's it's different. Like I never played a game based on the samurai. And so I kind of loved that whole aspect. And then obviously, it's got a Japanese culture to it. It's got Japanese sound like you know, the music going on. Which also, if we're going to talk about this later on to like, you know, music and open world games. Yep, yep, like it has a little bit more music than the games I've played lately there have been open world games. And I really like you know, obviously as a Japanese sound like I said, I love that but also love that it has a little bit more music in it but just you know, like I said not very far in like this already knows. Okay, so far. I just really haven't got into it deep enough but just the beauty of the game. I love the like, you know the mechanics so far. You know, first of all, I'm like, you know the fighting scenes. Very smooth. I have heard complaints about that later on in the game or just over on the game, but I've not experienced it yet in the the animations that can come along with fighting, you know, it just looks good, it looks natural. And so, so far with that the beauty, the mechanics, and just the way everything comes together so far, like you know what you collect to do certain things and how you upgrade them. So far I'm liking that that's something I could definitely see changing. That changes a lot for me. So you see it possibly changing but so far, I know that we talked about this, like the hub, we go into the star or you hit that big button on the ps4 controller, and it brings you to the hub where Yeah, you know, your collectibles, your map your quest, like all that so far and how that is brought together. Like it's a big deal for me


just like well integrated and very intense.


Games like sometimes, there can just be too much. And if you don't get together in the hub, the proper way like he can really just become too much. A little bit overwhelming. I think we'll fight again. Yeah, but so far, this game brings it together really well. Um, and they also use the touch pad on the ps4 controller which many games don't do that The Last of Us Part Two did it when you're playing the guitar. Yeah, I love that. This one very simple mechanic, the wing guide you like you know if you know your market location on the map, and a lot of times will kind of show that location, you'll go towards it. This game uses the wind so like you strum. strum. Um, you swipe up, you're thinking of that. Yeah, you touch or swipe up on the touchpad in the wind will show you like, you know, kind of where to go. So


okay, that's


neat. I don't know mate. Like, here's how to judge like, you know, if a game well, there's a lot of different ways to judge if games. Oh, of course, of course. But how bad you want to play it? Like if I get free time? Like, Am I dying to play it? Or am I just like, okay, yeah, I'll play this game is so far. I'm like, okay, I want to get some free time. I want to play this game and just absolutely loving it so far, you know, we're excited to play. But I do honestly think it's gonna be a great game. But were you saying something?


Yeah, sorry, I cut you off there. I know, you've been talking for a hot second. So. But it was funny you mentioned like the beauty of the game. Because it seems like when you get near the end of a consoles like generation cycle, like we know, the PlayStation five and the Xbox series x are coming out, you know, here in the next few months. But when you get near the end of a consoles life is when it seems like the most beautiful games Really do come out. Because by that point, developers, especially first party developers, like Naughty Dog, really know how to get the absolute most out of the technology, like when games first come out for new console. It's like the developers don't know all the little tricks to get the most out of it. They don't have the experience and the knowledge yet. So I love kind of getting some of these games, as you get near the end of the console cycle, even though Yeah, and most likely, they're going to be games you play once and then you buy the new console here in a few months, and we never play him again. But I remember here just in the last six months or so, we've talked about how Death Stranding one of the most beautiful games we've ever played The Last of Us part two, absolutely beautiful. Now ghosts of Tsushima also sounds and looks from what I've seen anyway, just absolutely stunning. So I really like seeing some of these games that come out near the end of a consoles life cycle, because like I said, they've learned how to get the most out of the hardware, the software, the development kits, so I'm super excited to eventually check it out. So before I cut you off, was there anything else that you were wanting to talk about?


Well, I think the only thing I wanted to say is I love how it's guiding me so far. I get a lot of people they play an open world game, they just want to go that I have a little bit of that me but also want to be guided at the beginning. And I'm kind of talking about like, you know, show me what you need to collect to get certain upgrades or show me like, you know, what's important in the game and what it does for me, like, you know, let me go explore let me go about the lane, but kind of guide me, in a way is doing a great job of that so far. So I mean, right now three hours in I have no complaints whatsoever, other than I just haven't had enough time to play the game. But he was playing a game. Yeah, speaking of new games, Microsoft recently had their showcase where they showed off a bunch of games for the Xbox series x. in red. I've seen the showcase. I meant to watch it again before the podcast and Damn it. I can't get to remember most of these gains, but um, kind of go ahead and talk about some of the gains from the showcase that you're excited about with the next gen console.


Well, first and foremost is Halo infinite. I mean that it's obviously Microsoft's biggest franchise. We've been fans almost since day one. I think you actually jumped in around Halo two, didn't you? But either way. Either way, we've been fans for over a decade of this series so Halo infinite is it didn't matter what they showed me I was gonna buy it I'm when it comes to Halo. I'm one of those fans but it looked to me like just more Halo and I'm absolutely okay with that. It looked like it played and controlled like a Halo game and just like in there going for more open world a little more, not necessarily exploration but let you tackle objectives kind of maybe in your own order and just really reminded me about The very beginning of the original Halo campaign where you first land on the ring and they're like, okay, now we need to go gather the other Marines and you can kind of go find them in whatever order you want. So if they take that entire concept and make or they take that concept and make like all of Halo infinite that open, I am just stoked for it. I mean, so no matter what Halo infinite was, was gonna jump out and get me excited. And it didn't fail. Yeah, I know some people kind of critiqued a little bit of like the graphics, things like that, whatever. I'm not that hung up on it. I know that both systems are going to put out absolutely beautiful games. I mean, that's just the way it is. So, but the gameplay looked awesome. It looked like more Halo so that I'm absolutely on board with that. So I know. So you know, you have anything you want to say on Halo infinite.


No, I'm the same way with you. I mean, it doesn't matter. I'm going to buy the game and watch the gameplay. It's exactly like you said, it looked like Halo. But that's all Halo needs to do. It just needs to look like Halo. It doesn't need to do anything special. It's been great for a long time. Now, you know, you hear some fans complain about you know, four or five law because it kind of changed the story and some of the mechanics but for me, yeah, I didn't need to see the gameplay. I'm going to buy this game. I thought it looks stunning. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about maybe having a little bit more exploration a tad bit more open. Well, it will be open world but you know, not as linear, a little bit of a hint of open world like, you know, kind of got a warhead. So yeah, you know, I'm excited for but go ahead with your next game.


So I think the next one that really jumped out for me and we've known about this one for for quite a while is hellblade to cinema saga is one of the first ones I believe that they announced was going to be Xbox exclusive. And I played the first one in it. It was a absolute surprise to me like I remember it came out it was from a smaller developer I think it was it wasn't even like a full$60 release, I don't think at the time. But it got great reviews and people talked about a it looked great. It had a good story. It handled, you know, spoilers for a several year old game, but like your characters kind of going insane throughout the game. And they did it sounds like the developers did a great job of handling like dealing with like someone going insane as you're controlling that character. And so I played the first hellblade I loved it, it blew me away. I was completely surprised. So for the second one, I'm just really curious to see where they take her story because kind of in the first one she kind of overcame that insanity and kind of losing her mind. So I'm really curious to see what happens to her next. It also looks beautiful. I know we didn't really get gameplay. I think we just got a like a trailer for it yet, but it looks gorgeous. I've heard I think I have this written down from my notes from a cup from a little while ago is that they're using Unreal Engine five, which of course, you know, we saw that PlayStation demo a little while back then everyone was blown away by so I'm excited for that. It's set in Iceland, which I think is kind of a fun new kind of setting. I know that's kind of up in that like that Viking Nordic area, but it's just Yeah, but it's beautiful, though. Exactly, exactly. So I'm stoked for hellblade. But what would be next on your list that you're really excited for? I cannot guess where you're going.


I'm going Forza knew where I was going with this. Oh, really? Xbox Halo and Forza. I know a lot of people aren't racing fans. Yeah, I absolutely love racing games. I love the fact that like you know, with the ghost of Tsushima one thing I'm kind of worried about is openworld fatigue, because I've also been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, you know, I can't get you do at that level of open world. I'm worried about it. I think I'm gonna power through it. But Forza gives me that, hey, if I do hit that fatigue, I can just, you know, start a Forza into a couple of races. And they just did Forza Motorsport, like you know, as a title, just fucking called Forza Motorsport eight, Xbox. Don't get all cute names. You've already tried to do that. Yes, yes, the system will sell. But it's just that you guys do better with the names. And I don't know if they're gonna call this Forza Motorsport, but they're like, oh, we're going for like a new a new concept. The game is fucking racing. You race around the track. You can't reinvent a racing game. You can add stuff to it. So let's Xbox called Forza Motorsport eight. That's what it's supposed to be. Don't piss me off again, with the nays. All right, let's keep it simple. But anyways, you know, like with Gran Turismo and the PlayStation fours it is going to be beautiful. Yeah, it's going to be a game I enjoy. Now, here's the thing read. I'm really not that excited about in other games. Like I said, there I was watching the presentation, as kind of like, you know, I guess I'm a little bit biased towards PS five right now because there's no, just PlayStation in general. I'm just biased towards PlayStation now. Because I've been so impressed with, you know, Playstation four vs Xbox One, and what they've been able to do with all their exclusives, and so I think, you know, can go into showcase like, I was very impressed with PlayStation five, but I think rightfully so, you know, xbox one happened is and they're watching him like, okay, don't let your PlayStation by it's like, you know, blind you. Yeah, but you know, I'm sitting there. I'm watching this. I'm like, yeah, you know it. Okay. Maybe But like there's really nothing else like I think about is kind of wasn't that an open world RPG game?


Yeah avowed actually really piqued my interest because it looks like a first person RPG like if you've ever played I know you played Skyrim but yeah, if anyone out there has played the Elder Scrolls games in general like first person RPGs so that one caught my attention plus I really liked the developer obsidian has done some games I've absolutely loved they've got a long long long history of RPG so if they can pull off something like an Elder Scrolls game and you know, hopefully put their own unique stamp on it, so it's not just a clone, you know, then about definitely got my attention so that that one did pop up on my radar. But another one that kind of did that I'm probably more excited for than a lot of people is stalker to I when I first got a built a gaming PC A long time ago, my video card came with a copy of the original stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. And it was like a survival first person shooter game. So it was kind of a unique twist. It was set in you know, like where the share noble nuclear meltdown happened over in Russia all those years ago. And the first Docker it was just it was a very different because I'm used to first person shooter shooters, you know, you run your gun, there's not a whole lot to them. But this one had a little bit more of like the survival elements built into it. I never touched there was at least a second one called like a call of I can't remember the name of it. But anyway, so this isn't really stalker two, which is more Xbox screwing up their naming, but yeah, I am excited for stalker two. Like I said, I enjoyed the first one many many years ago. So I'm excited for that one. But uh, kind of go into like the the PlayStation showcase versus the Xbox showcase comparison not to dive too deep into it, but like, because I know we're gonna talk a little bit about what will be first here in a minute, but I was I kind of felt that way that you just described when I was watching the PlayStation when like yeah, the Spider Man excited me Horizon Zero Dawn excited me, but nothing else really did or nothing. That was an exclusive like yeah, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is gonna be beautiful. It's gonna be on both systems. So it's, you know, whatever. But so I kind of felt that way from the PlayStation one as well. I there were a few in the Xbox One that definitely excited me like I said, your halo, your Forza, the avowed, you know, stalker, even though a lot of those hellblade too, even though a lot of those are probably a year or two out Still, if not longer. I thought I had a couple more on the Xbox side that really jumped out to me, but not getting too far ahead of ourselves here because we're gonna talk about that here in a second. Were there any other Quick Hits that you wanted to hit on the games?


And like I said, like, I try to take my bias away from it, but I was just not that impressed with the games. And like said, like Halo, yes, Forza? Yes. About um, first of all, I hate first person RPG. Like, the throw me over the shoulder. Give me third person. Yeah, Skyrim had the first person but you could, at least in the switch version, you could switch off to third person. So it's a first person game, I might not even get it because first person that much I like to be able to see my character. On the same way with Forza. Like if I'm driving. Like I like being behind the car. I don't like being in the car. So Oh, it's just something with perspectives and stuff that I hate. But, you know, I mean, honestly, no, I'm not really that, you know, excited about any other games. And I was really expecting Microsoft, they bought up all these studios. I was really expecting them to come with like an exclusive. Like, you know, like a horizon zero dawn like it, I think I thought it was going to be an open world game that they created or one of their studios, you know, created under their name, or however it works. Yeah, I really thought they were gonna come with some open world game that was new. Like, it just it just blew us out of the water and like, it didn't happen. And I'm not really mad about that. Because that's a lot to expect to Oh, you know, overall, like, you know, not very impressed, which kind of takes us to our next point. You know, we have the Xbox showcase done. We have the PlayStation showcase done. So like, you know, are we any closer to buying either either system, so I can't show it to you here. They really check these showcases, they really change your opinion of which one you might buy first.


It really didn't I mean, Halo we kind of talked about this halo is one of my all time favorite franchises. That being a launch title and I know people be like, Oh, it's not series x exclusive. It's coming out on the Xbox One two, I'm like yeah, shut the fuck up. It's an Xbox exclusive. Okay and PC I guess their game pass. But anyway, like I that is a system seller for me. Like I know I will get it I know I will have a fun time with it. The only thing that would have changed my mind is if PlayStation came out and said something like the new horizon or the new or there'd be a god of war that would be an actual launch title. But so far the only launch title that I know of for PlayStation is Spider Man Miles Morales which I'm okay with that I will eventually play it but if I'm choosing between Spider Man and Halo, I'm freaking choosing spider or I'm sorry Halo. Yeah. So at launch, I'm Xbox is what I'm going to get first. The only other thing that might change my mind is if there is a massive price difference like if one yeah One of them is like 150 bucks cheaper than the other, they can be like these guys


know, they gotta be similar. So I don't think we're gonna see


that. I don't think so either. So, I mean, we're in a fortunate enough position you and I that I'm pretty sure we're we're gonna both of us will own both of them at Yeah. So I'm not sweating too much about this whole console wars. Which one's better? which one has better exclusives? Because I feel like at the end of the day, I'm gonna have both. And I know not everyone is Yeah, position I totally understand. But we're not


gonna have both until like, maybe like a year or so maybe two years down the road. So see this first? Yeah, we're gonna get both of them. But this first purchase is still very important because you're not gonna get that next one for a while a little while, you know, and you're gonna like, and what you're gonna do is you're gonna play live your third party games on that first system. It may I don't know. I just don't know right now. Like, okay, it definitely comes down to launch tiles. Like, you know what, they're at launch. Okay, so if PlayStation really doesn't have much, Xbox has Halo, but then PlayStation is like, hey, horizons, you know, John's going to, like, you know, drop in two or three months, then crap, you know? I don't know.


And that's a big decision. Yeah. And


then obviously, the specs, um, we think the specs are gonna be very similar. But like, you know, if one is, let's say, one is a lot greater than the other one, well, then your third party games are going to be a lot better. So man, I just, I mean, I definitely lean towards the PlayStation, but I think I'm leaning towards a PlayStation just because of how I feel of the PlayStation four over the Xbox One. And so I don't I'm more confused, man. I'm more confused I've ever been in my life right now. I really just don't know like Halo at launch. Yes, that is huge. Um, you know if it does launch with Halo, like you said, and versus Spider Man, I probably will go the Xbox first. But then Damn, you know what's gonna happen if that if I bought an Xbox First, I'm going to end up buying a PlayStation five a lot quicker than I freaking want to. So but


that's okay. That's only if something comes out for PlayStation five that really interests you like, yes, I'm interested in Spider Man, like we said, but until the horizon or the god of war or the next Uncharted or whatever comes out. And that might be a year away. Let's Yeah, we don't have released it. Hell, we don't have release dates for the consoles right now. Much. Yes. But so I'm hoping like Halo I know. I'm gonna want to play. So like for me, that's a no brainer. And then yes, once one or two of those other big exclusives come out for PlayStation, then I'll buy PlayStation Problem solved. But, you know, if they just would have if, if I just wish PlayStation would have had a stronger launch title than just yeah, Spider Man. Which a Don't get me wrong. That is? No. Yeah. I mean,


I don't remember them actually saying whether it's gonna be a launch or not.


I think they said holiday 2020. So it could be that could be launched that could be a month after I mean, until they announced these damn release dates. It's all speculation anyway, but yeah, you know, we we spend a lot of time talking about you know which console we're going to buy. And we've also spent a good amount of time here talking about open world games. And you know, the new consoles are going to have open world games. Let's go back to those a little bit. We hinted at this when you were talking about goes to Tsushima earlier. But we talked a little bit about the different art styles in video games in general, but definitely open world games, you know, we have that realistic versus a bit more of a stylized, maybe anime type style. Which one do you actually prefer when it comes to your open world games? Why


didn't you go ask me that question? That's a tough question. on your toes right there. Cuz like I love both of them. Like I definitely like realistic games. Yeah. And also, like we talked about kind of the beginning. That's kind of when I want to return to this because I want to talk about more, but I knew we needed to get to the Xbox showcase, because it was such a big news thing. So here we are returning to it. I don't, man. I don't know. Like I don't. Let's go back to the console. So you know, that seemed a little bit easier on which one's gonna buy first. I like both. And like, it really depends on the game. Like if you take the Witcher three, you can't make that like an anime or more in animate, I guess. I don't know if that's the word, stylized animation style, whatever. Like, you can't do that with the Witcher three, like it just wouldn't work. And so that game needs to be more realistic when it comes to the art style. But if you got a game like you know, Breath of the Wild specially with the switch, because it can do 4k Gaming. You can take an AR style like that, which is like no anime, I guess. You know, I think so. Shane also happens there. I think that's maybe a proper term, technical term. I don't really know all the officials but yeah,


they'll know you're good, but


like, I mean, people know Breath of the wilds artstyle it's definitely not realistic, but damn, supposed to be like around 900 p you know we're sitting here Okay, these games aren't 4k but they're higher than 1080 p like you know your goes to Tsushima Yeah, Horizon Zero Dawn, even your Witcher three upgrades I think are better than 10 ADP is. So like when you could take an art style like Breath of the Wild and make it look that beautiful. I mean, that makes me love that art style. And that's why I think I love ghosts of Tsushima a lot so far is because it definitely has a realistic look to it, but also has that you know, animation anime style, you know, kind of like Breath of the Wild. Yeah, and it mixes it very well. So if you're going through a part, this grass, it looks real. Like you know, this looks really And then he gets these flowers a little more animated. And that's what makes it look the game looks so beautiful is so it's just a great mixture. But yet for me, it really depends on the game. And it really depends on the system what you do kind of what's your feelings on our styles in open world games?


Well, I think it depends on the tone that you're going for with the game, because you mentioned the wild, it's a more lighthearted game. In general, yes, I get that high rule is in ruins from the calamity, I get that, but it's still a more lighthearted, you know, exploration type game. So I really think having a more, I don't want to call it cartoony because that's really not the right word. But having a more or less real sorry, having a more or less realistic, or less realistic art style for it, I think works when you're going for a slightly like less hardcore, you know, a little breezier tone, whereas if you have something like the Witcher three, which has a lot of dark and mature themes, you know, you got the violence, the sex, the plagues, the blood, like everything that's going on in the Witcher three, if you took something like that and slapped it in, like Breath of the wilds art style. Yeah, I think it would lose some of that. I mean, yeah, that's a generalization. You could make it work. These developers could make it work because they're very, very talented. But like, to me, it just really comes down to what kind of tone you're going for. If you want a more serious, or even like a darker, more mature tone, then you almost really have to go with those realistic graphics that help convey the seriousness of what you're trying to do. Now Breath of the Wild. Like I said, it's just a lighter game, not just in colors, but tone, everything. Yeah. So it works in kind of a lighter art style. So and I get Yes, Nintendo kind of has to lean that way just because their system isn't as powerful, of course, as your Xbox, your PlayStation, but all in all, I, it just depends on the tone you're going for. And I'm excited to see ghosts of Tsushima because I think it's going to be fun to see how they mix yoga, they kind of mix and match that a little bit. I'm excited to hear you talk about that. Because you seem like you're really loving that mix of art style. So I'm really excited for but to me, it all comes down to tone and what your game is trying to do. I like my photorealistic games. I like my awesome Nintendo art style, too. So yeah, just make a good game around it. And I'm gonna be happy.


Like this training like you had to make that when we're listing. That's the only way that game works. If you make that cartoony, those BTS names, they fucking around, those are not cartoony Emmys, that style would not work at all for that game. So absolutely a long conversation that want to have you kind of want to get back on it. But um, anyways, our style, you know, it's definitely important in open world gaming. But here's another thing I want to talk about. And that's the music and open world gaming, because I'm kind of going back and forth on what I like about this. But first, I'm going to throw to you kind of music overall, you know, open world game, do you like a lot? Do you not like a lot? When do you like to hear it?


Go ahead. Music to me is one of the absolute most important parts in video games in general, for one thing, but for open world games, as well, because you're most open world games, you're going to be spending 100 200 or even more hours in this game. So you have to have music that is going to walk that fine line between like being too much and too little. Like if you have too much or it's too loud, it's going to turn you off really quick. If it's too quiet, you don't even remember it. So open worlds I feel like are stuck straddling a much tougher line, then then like a more linear type of game when it comes to their music because they got to realize I might wander around high rule for 200 hours, I can't get tired of that overworld theme or have an overworld theme that is so like bombastic or annoying that it's just all that it drives you crazy after a while. So I do think there's some open world games out there that really do strike a great balance. You know, the Witcher three is one of them has an absolutely amazing soundtrack, just the songs from like the skellig Islands match the area so well. Things like that. So I know it's it's To me, it's one of those open world games definitely have it tougher. And when you think back that wasn't such a problem, like even 510 years ago when games weren't as big. And you know and you could have you think back to some of the Zelda games you know your time your Twilight Princess, we could still sit there and hum those open you know, the the world overworld for lack of a better word themes in our head, because you've never spent that much time but now you've got your Assassin's Creed, you've got your death strandings you've got your, you know, breath of the wilds. It's just you can't have music that's quite as loud and quiet as in your face. Now so it's a tough line for me, I think to walk between having too much and too little music. But it seems like this is something you've definitely been thinking about a little bit. What are your thoughts on the music and open world games?


Read? You know what I did? I just realized this. I put a bunch of topics on the outline that I can't make decisions on. I can't make a decision on the console. I can't make a decision on open world we talk about the art style of open world gaming, and now came make a decision on music in open world gaming. I mean, okay, you know, I missed the days of like, you know, awkward Time now that's not you know, the games weren't as big yet play them as long, you know, you're playing 100 hours of those games. And so they could play a theme all the way through. But the reason I brought this up is because I'm playing gosto Shima. And to me, it feels like it's an open world game that has a little bit more music, maybe not music, just like sounds like, you know, there's definitely like, you know, a musical aspect to it. But I don't know if I particularly call it music. It's more of like a score, or a sound, which I don't really know, music score might be something I don't know. But you know, there's a little bit more music in it. And I was like, Damn, I missed that. Like, you know, in open world games. I'm just so used to running around just hearing natural sounds like yeah, like some ambience, and it's okay, but it feels like it's too much like acrc I'm just like, Man, this music in this game is just kind of no Odyssey. I think it's a great game overall, but there's so many things. I'm just like, Yeah, no, it's okay. I think that's why I got away from it. Yeah, I don't think really it was AC Aussies fault. I think goshima just looked that damn good. And that like, I just want that. Oh, yeah. Ya know, like I said, I see she's kind of amuses like, you know, and it's that same thing we kind of you talked about it. It's not what your three which we know we we love what you're three, we compare everything to Witcher three. But you know, Breath of the Wild, same thing, some great music in the game. But throughout the open world, like there wasn't really a lot going on natural


use of doing they went they went the other Yeah, they went the other extreme with Yeah, wild man, like,


Hey, I do agree with you that you can have if you're playing 100 hours of a game, and you're hearing the same theme that can get old. But I think what I really want to say, here's my decision, here's my damn decision. I'm making one. I want to see more music in open world games, but yet don't do it the whole time. Like I don't know exactly how to go back that just I guess when you get to more sections, more areas, like maybe you're still going to play that natural or ambient sound, maybe then put a score or musical song right there. Yeah, no, that's kind of when it goes to Tsushima does, like it just has, like, you know, he hit these little areas, it has a little bit more music a little bit more sound to it. And like I just really really liked it. It gets me in the mood because you're sitting here you know, you're saying like, you know, you don't wanna hear the same sound over and over. Well, those natural sounds are kind of the same you know, they're natural and they make sense is the same sound over and over it gets repetitive. I you know, to me, what thing you know, one of many things that make Witcher three so great. Well, there was a lot of music if I remember correctly. I want to say there's an overall theme throughout the entire game wasn't there it changed up but there was some type of theme.


I'm pretty sure it's been a little while since I've played Witcher three but I am pretty sure that there was almost always some kind of music Yeah, like you said you mentioned like the nature sounds that you know animals water running, wind blowing, whatever and that's all important that all needs to be in there too. Yeah, but having some kind of music is so important and Witcher three just having something consistently I think it just it really stands with you. And it sets the tone I know we kind of talked about art style setting the tone for the entire game. I think music can set the tone for an area you switch up the music enough as you enter different regions or you enter a town or anything like that and you match the music to that region which are three did that great most Zelda games actually do a great job of you know the music that you hear when you enter an area even breath the wild which I know we've criticized a little bit it still changes up the music in some of the


you know who does the best at music entering an area desk training man walking over a hill and they play a low roar song which I don't even know who low roar was. It dropped my desk trainee. I was like oh my god, I got started listen to these guys. But they do the best at that you go over a hill it oh my god, that music comes on veil. You see, but go ahead.


No, I'm with you like that it does training did a great job because it is quiet a lot in Death Stranding, but then when it makes the music more impactful when it does hit. Like you said you pop over a hill and you get a beautiful view. And then you just hear one of these songs kind of fire up. And it's just it's another one of those ways that I think some games do a great job of using silence to make like their music more impactful. Yeah. And I think Death Stranding was absolutely a great example of that, like you say, because most of time you're exploring if I'm correct, there's very, very, very little background, right? And then like I said, one of those songs hits and you're like, Oh, yeah, this is making me stop and think about this section a little bit more, you know, whatever. It's just using silence sometimes or just not silence because you'll always have a little bit of ambient you know, like nature sounds. Yeah, but just using that silence to accentuate like when you want your music to hit, I think is a very underrated like skill. You always talk about you want a good soundtrack, but it's got a you got to know how to make it power like make people feel it too. And I think destaining absolutely nailed that. So I will say one thing I love About openworld soundtracks they make for some of the best things to listen to, at work. Like, you know, some people can listen to podcasts or like regular music at work. For me, that throws me off. Like I get distracted listening to the podcast or listening to regular music, or I catch myself singing along and the next thing you know, the whole office is staring at


the same way I only listen to instrumental stuff at work, it just keeps you focused.


I feel like because and I saw an interesting, I can't remember it was on discord or Twitter posts or something. But it's like, yeah, ope, like, ambient video game noise like that, or music like that is made to kind of keep you focused and keep you in the zone of the video game you're listening to while you're at work kind of has the same effect. And it's just to me, I love listening to like, just open world soundtracks, especially, you know, Skyrim is a great example. You know, obviously, the Witcher three, you know, I love listening to those soundtracks. While I'm at work, I really do think that it keeps me focused. And usually, let's be honest, they're usually just some pretty damn good soundtracks.


You know, it also, it's also a great you're not going to know about this one. But when you're trying to get babies down, like you're sitting there, you're walking, we're trying to rock them, maybe put on some scale again, now. I'm definitely biased toward scale music, cuz it's such a great Sam. But, you know, Allison is Galaga the theme basically the place all the time, I'm trying to get my kids down. So it's also great for that. I agree with you. Great at work. Yeah. You know, kind of, you know, something that wasn't music to people. Recently was this announcement and this is hilarious. That right? Because it really hasn't, you know, it's serious.


There's a darker undertones,


a darker undertone, but right games, and Saudi Arabia's neon partnership, where they had this whole partnership to do like this a red kind of go into you know more about it. Yeah.


So this caught my attention a couple days ago. It's just in this city, like Saudi Arabia is building a brand new city, like from the ground up, just me. Yeah, it's called neon, and it's supposed to be this ultra futuristic city. And so the city itself was going to be a sponsor for the League of Legends European Championship, and like the primary sponsor, like they're kicking in it I'm not sure if I ever saw how much money they were actually kicking in.


I saw is a proposed $500 billion so that's what the city is supposed to call Oh, okay. Okay, yeah, that's number I saw


Yeah, and which is just money. That was a little I thought that was a hard number for partnership between Oh my God, I'm pretty sure the Riot Games guys would cash out and go live on it freakin they might be already anyway. But anyway, so and as soon as they announced this partnership, man, the League of Legends community including riot, so a lot of riots, own employees just blew up and just yeah, criticized it, bash the deal, and not to get too political or anything like that. But Saudi Arabia does not have a great track record of human rights towards women, towards the LGBT community just and on top of that, when they're building the city, they're apparently dislocating or like evicting an entire tribe that lives where they're building the city. So naturally when Riot Games comes out and says, Yeah, we're going to partner with Saudi Arabia. Yeah. The people people were outraged. I mean, the professional players that you know, probably other sponsors, I'm sure but I haven't really heard too much about that. But you know, riots even when your own employees are coming out and criticizing you, you know you did something wrong. It's like it seems like such a tone deaf tone deaf move. What do you think I get like businesses business they're in it to make money I get that but man it seemed tone deaf to me


there's common sense and this is just yeah, it's like there's just some things that you just don't do like you need to sit down like sometimes money crew sometimes money cups a lot of answers sometimes you got think sit down and think about you know, just common sense should I be doing this you know, it's like they say before you send a tweet or something think before he hit sin This is same thing she's thinking a little bit just use common sense and that tribe was I had it written down I don't know if I'll say it right but who weighty or who white Todd or something like that. Yeah, that was a tribe that they're kicking out of their area or land but yet this just first of all fucking Saudi Arabia the same is a Europe


No, it's not even in Europe. So I I'm with you there I didn't understand that either.


Yeah, like I was sitting there I was like, Okay, I'm pretty sure that's not I don't know my geography like really well, like I'm pretty sure Saudi Arabia is the Middle East Yes. There's a European Championship yet you want to have like a Middle Eastern one that you create you know Okay, maybe that makes sense but to have been championship in Saudi Arabia reminds me a lot of Qatar in the fucking World Cup coming


in 20.2 A the money talks man that money Oh, hell


did this city or this country, win the World Cup and everybody right out the bat knew it was bribery.


Everybody Absolutely. Got drugged over the coals that shit. This is the same crap.


And you should know this head because you know of the human rights violations. You know how they treat the lb LGBTQ community? Like Yep, yeah. He just common sense, man. Just don't do it. It's a dumb idea. And like, you know, one day later, they canceled like, you know, they're


done the best part. That's the best part of the story.


Yeah. Like, I know, sometimes you're like, did they do this just for the press? I don't think they did. I think they really wanted to do this. And then they saw the backlash, like, okay, we can't do this, but you guys are dumb asses. Okay, it really is. Speaking of Damascus, let's go to some of these Twitch streamer bans that have been happening recently. A lot of a couple episodes we talked about this. Now is more in regards to like, you know, executives in these video game companies, like, you know, developers, yeah, that were getting, you know, fired or resigning because of sexual you know, misconduct, sexual misconduct, basically, then, you know, harassment, assault, abuse. And now like, you know, this is affecting the whole video game industry. And like, recently, what's really came down hard is twitch streaming or Twitch, Twitch, banning streamers, which, you know, Twitch, you know, they closed their eyes to this for a long time, too. So Twitch is to blame for letting this shit slide for a long time. But you know, at least, you know, here's the thing with what's going on now with you know, just everything like, you know, we're seeing the Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter take on like, he's globally now. You know, things like, you know, sexual misconduct and stuff. We're seeing, like, you know, take on, you know, it's going globally. And I think that's great, because more people are becoming aware. And then it's also making people less scared to speak up, which I think is incredibly important. And, you know, we're making progress. We're definitely not all the way there on some of these matters. Definitely. We're making progress in like, you know, that's definitely important. And so I like to see that. Okay, we had the executives of these companies getting fired or resigning. And now you know, we're starting to see some progress. Now, let's come to these Twitch streamers. And, you know, it's, it said, it says, stupid, you know, you all heard our opinions on this whole sexual misconduct crap. It's just dumb. It doesn't happen. It's, it's disrespectful. I have three daughters, so I don't look at it very lightly. Now there are situations where I guess a male could be the victim. But usually, we are talking about females here. So um, these Twitch streamer bands like I'm glad there happened twitch me to be should done this shit. Long time ago, you knew what was going on? Red? What's your kind of, you know, I know your opinion already. But yeah, I talked about the story of how you feel about it. I'm just


finally glad to see like, the hosts of this content, take some responsibility to take some action. Like for a lot of for years, things like YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, to me, it's still going on. They're all been like, we're not responsible for the content that goes up. The people who put up the content are the ones who are responsible. We're just a facilitator. We're just a platform. You know, Facebook's been fighting this for the political shit for years and years and years now. And now I'm happy to see Twitch, finally take some action, because at the end of the day, yes, they're not the ones putting the content up there. But it's on their service, like man up, you know, do what you got to do the right thing. If there's legitimate credible claims against these people get their ass off your platform, I'm happy to see it happening. Like I said, content, like platforms like this, I feel like if skated by for a very, very, very long time, without being held responsible for what their people on their platform, say and do, and I'm happy to see and it's taken a lot, twitch has gotten a lot of criticism for a lot of things for being a little too reactive and not proactive enough or being really slow to, you know, address concerns not just with this topic with a lot of them, but we know money was coming in, you know how it is money


comes in? Yeah. Sorry. And they just close their eyes to it. Like, you know, exactly, they don't do something until it comes to the forefront and everybody starts talking about it. They don't want to be responsible for policing their own website. Yeah, like, you've got to be more proactive on all these things. It's your responsibility to get these people out here, the money doesn't matter, because there will be somebody else that takes their place and will like, you know, the growth followers, they'll hopefully do the things the right way. And then the revenue stream will increase for that person. So plus you get good can increase your revenue by bringing somebody else up. That's better. Yep. Completely under my opinion, because they're not, you know, treating people bad sexually or doing sexual misconduct, not douchebags. Yeah, not exactly. Yeah.


Well, that's kind of all I had on that. So I hate ending on a bit of a negative topic there. But it does happen sometimes. Let's go and you want to wrap things up and tell us about our websites out there? No, I don't want to because,


as always mean you know, I didn't have the notes up for the ramp. But now you would think that there's so many episodes I would know about Delta. Here we go. All the


time we were at Come on.


Yeah, all the links will be in the description. You can support us on Patreon or PayPal. If you can't support financially, definitely leave a review or rating that helps us out with our rankings. And then we also have merchandise on our websites, too, guys playing Zelda, TG PC gaming and those are affiliate shops. So we may earn a commission if you make purchases through our links ready Can we talk about some of the other stuff we got going on?


Absolutely. We got two Facebook groups out there we've got gaming realm where we talk all things video gaming, of course and then we've got Zelda realm where we specifically talk about Zelda. You can find us on youtube at two guys playing Zelda and also at TGPZ Media. We got a discord channel where we are server channel whatever the hell it's called. It's Discord server. Thank you. Yeah, channels on the server, right. Get it right. There we go. Sorry. 23 episodes and I'm still learning. And you're on there. We talk about gaming in general, we talk about Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox PC gaming, we talk about booze, we talk about sports, a lot of Premier League lately, but now that other sports are ramping up, we'll probably talk that too. So yeah, there's something for everybody out there on our Discord server. And then of course you can find us on social media we're on Twitter, we're on Instagram we're on Facebook Like you said all those links are down in the description below. So thank you all for listening this week. got something to say?


Thank you bit and I'm feeling like you know we haven't hit Done Zelda episode in quite a while so I think next episode for two guys playing Zelda fans. Let's throw a Zelda episode


in there. Let's focus on a game. I'm gonna put you on the spot right here right now. We will talk about Breath of the Wild or let's say all Korea time. Which one you want to who now you're making me make the tough decision? Yeah. I like it. That's fair. I did that to you. Let's look let's do Breath of the Wild. We've got a lot there with the newest game. We got a sequel coming out here. Maybe eventually. Let's see Brett the wild next episode. So everyone stay safe out there. Still we got a pandemic going on. Keep on gaming and we'll catch you next episode.