Busted Buttons

Mario Kart 8 - Busted Buttons Ep. 27

September 02, 2020 TGPZ Gaming

Red and I talk Mario Kart 8 all episode long! We start with a discussion on our favorite tracks and what we think about all the track remakes.

We then address the DLC. Did we enjoy it? Do we think Nintendo needs to do more of it? Does Nintendo need to buy some studios to help release more of their first party content?

Afterwards, we give our thoughts on the new anti-gravity mechanic and non-Mario characters appearing in the game.

Later, we discuss all the kart customization options available and the crazy jumps in aggression between classes.

We end by talking about 200cc and the future of Mario Kart.

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What's up gamers Welcome to Episode 27 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast, we got a very special episode for you this week, like we do every single episode. They're all special. Let's be honest, they're all special. But today, it is all about one of our favorite not just Nintendo games, not just racing games, one of our favorite games in general Mario Kart eight. It's an unbelievable game. I think it is the the, like the the pinnacle of how many generations of Well, I guess, eight generations


were the pits into like at the regular one and the deluxe one, you know, I said I wasn't gonna do this. I said, I was just gonna call it Mario Kart eight. And we're gonna deal with that. And here I am. Are you going between the two, but it's I don't know exactly how many generations but it's been enough.


It's been enough. But we're going to be talking about some of our favorite cups, and tracks some of our favorite drivers. Of course, we're going to talk about the mechanics. And you know, this is not a typical game with like, grab, like, you know, gameplay Yeah, and story and plot and all that stuff. So I'm not really 100% sure what kind of direction we're gonna go talking about Mario Kart eight. But I'm excited at the end. Of course, we will probably give our kind of our final closing thoughts on it. But other than that, who the hell knows what we're going to talk about. But let's start with really the star of Mario Kart eight. And that's the tracks. Yeah. What are some of your favorite tracks in the game? And what do you love about them?


Well read. Of course, you had to start off with something that I know is at the bottom of my outline, and so I can't find my cursor didn't even notice. Uh, let me let me go to the spot right there and I wasn't ready for it. But I'm sorry. All I know. wildwoods Okay, wasn't okay, here. I got my list of now. That Tom Cruise. First of all, I listed that Okay, first of all people, we have a video where we ranked all 48 tracks in Mario Kart, we defer to guys playing Zelda channel, we bases link and we said, Hey, this is a Zelda video. So we're gonna put it on this channel. But we'll go ahead we'll drop a link for that. So absolutely. Check that out. And we're gonna talk about some of them right here. But first of all cloudtalk crews. I'm gonna tell you right now so my favorite tracks are usually not the ones that have been in past games. I always love something new. And cloud top cruise, you know, just simple. I've always loved Mario games like you know that are Mario worlds. That kind of always been up in the clouds up in the sky a little bit different. Like, you know, going back to Super Mario Brothers three, you had that thing the seventh world six or seventh world was up in the clouds. You know? Rainbow crap was the rainbow 164 whatever that was called,


you know, Rainbow world or was it actually was his


rainbow robe? I'm not positive about that. But then I think it's actually isn't that Mario Kart? Mario Kart? It's definitely rainbow right? Yeah, I can't always go the World War. But in every Mario game, except Super Mario Odyssey where they put a beautiful u verse pitch about this beautiful cloud top world. And then they basically did nothing but a fight in it. So yeah, missed opportunity. Another podcast we did that we won't talk about here. But you're just driving around on the clouds is something so unique. Something so different, like so first of all, that was my favorite trick. As I'm racing through and like getting ready for today. I didn't like it as much. So I guess that was it at the time thing, but don't be it. Wild woods, one of the tracks in a DLC. absolutely loved that racing up a tree. It was just like, you know, once again, that was different. You had Yeah, waterslide in it at that. That was cool. You went through that little playground area. That was a ton of fun. Big Blue. You know the F Zero course which I don't know why Nintendo you got put a bunch of like, they put the two tracks of F zero in we're okay today. I got an idea Nintendo. Why don't you make a new fucking zero game? Why don't you do that for change? people calling for that for a long time. has a pretty good cult following. I've never played one I've heard they're amazing, but I'm with you. But go ahead but they blew like you know, just that one again. It also kind of had a waterslide notes water going down track, but just the whole colors of it, you know, just Oh, everything I loved it. The WAMP burns i thought was so cool that here's what I love about Mario Kart is when these random enemies or characters get their own track and Mario is in a swamp been there since I believe it's not the first one. They were definitely the third one for quite a while and you know, they're really not recognized that much because they're really only in castles for the most part. So for to for them to get their own track. That was very cool. And then mountain warrior going all the way down a mountain in I love that wasn't laps you had a couple of those tracks that actually weren't laps like you know, just like one lap was the track. And yeah, Mount was one of those and just I kind of love going through the different stages you start up top in the plane, helicopter whatever was dropped down, you go through the first part, then you go to that second part where you cross a dam. And then the final part is going all downhill with the crowd around you. Those right there were like my five favorite, so enjoyed the hell out of those. Yeah, give me you don't have to give me your five favorite ones. But can I just talk about some of the tracks that you like the most?


Well, I'll do a couple quick hitters on a few ones that you mentioned cloudtype crews I love not only the parts where you're going across the clouds but you also have like the the vines the What do you call them? Shit. I've lost the vines I guess for lack of a better word. beanstalks there Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. They take you up you get to ride on those you get to ride on like the solid parts or like bouncers airship from like Mario Brothers three. So clatsop crews have a lot going for it. But wildwoods made my top five easily. It's just it was a beautiful forest area. It seemed like you were so miniature compared to like the scenery and the leaves and like the lily pads, you cross near the end of it, ya know? So I thought it was absolutely stunning. But Matt laurio I'm glad you hit on that one. I'm glad it made your top five because that is absolutely my favorite course. In the game. I mean, you hit on like the three distinct stages from it. Just the opening where you jump out of the plane was a really cool little just random touch that didn't necessarily add anything to the game, but I thought it was something different, something unique. And then like you said, the three distinct phases, you go through, you know the mountains, and then he goes over the dam and then you have like the Olympic style at the end where you're like slaloming on that stuff. Yeah, I met warrior was my number one. One that you didn't mention, though, was a shy guy falls. And yeah, anyone who's listened to this podcast or watched our videos on YouTube, we fucking love waterfalls. Yeah.


Rainbow but we do. We do it to see everything. They just look beautiful.


They really do so shy guy falls. Plus, like you mentioned with a swamp ruins where you have a random enemy that just gets its own track. And like Shy Guys are an absolutely totally random enemy. And I thought Shy Guy falls to beautiful outdoor waterfall area, you get to go up and down the waterfall absolutely loved it. The only other one I really want to hit on you'd mentioned big blue as your favorite f0 track. I actually love Mute City a little bit more. I think big blue still made my top 10 if I'm reading my ranking correctly, but but Mute City to me, I felt like the whole course was just hitting warps, use hit Yeah, warps are a boosts I should say. And so the whole time you're getting the speed boost, which really gave it that f0 feel to it so so to me actually liked that one a little bit more. But Big Blue was also really awesome. You know, I'll get I'll give a shout out to thwomp ruins was gorgeous. At the beginning, you know, but you know a few of my other favorites that I really did like, like electro drum, just the fun techno dance club look to it, ribbon road where you're basically playing in a kid's living room on toys, you know, just a few like that I thought really stood out. But I know I kind of threw you a curveball and jumped right into picking your favorites. But there were just so many just talking about the tracks in general, there were so many to choose from, like once you found the DLC or if you just bought the switch version. You know, we had what 48 tracks you said I think to pick from and that's by far the biggest collection of tracks in any of the Mario Kart game. So I was just blown away by the variety and tried to pick our favorites was fuckin tough. That was


the voice system. That point system really came in handy. But it's kinda like you said, I mean, there was so many tracks so that first of all, I think Mario Kart is a great game, we're gonna kind of finalize our thoughts at the end, but just integrate so many tracks and just, here's one thing that Oh, that caught my attention about the game is okay, the graphics are obviously better because like, you know, it's on a newer system, but some of the backgrounds and the details to the backgrounds really made this game just so much fun to play in. You know, like every Nintendo game. The game it just played so smoothly. Like is Robin was easy, like, you know, switching between items, you know, dude, do whatever you do in a Mario Kart game. It was just easy. So I mean, I understand why they released it again. We'll talk about this and the Mario Kart in the future. But you know, understand why they released it for the switch. I'm glad that they did because not enough people played it on the Wii U because Oh, sure. No, no, people had the we you Yeah, but I mean, just like I've already said just, I mean, tracks are gorgeous. The graphics were gorgeous. The background was amazing. The soundtrack, there was some tracks where I really liked the soundtrack and then obviously others where it wasn't so great. Yeah, we're for eight tracks. You're gonna get that you're gonna love some you're gonna hate some but just yet, for sure. It was a game that like you know, it's such a simple game, but it is a simple game. And it just takes As soon as they come together very well, and that's what Mario Kart eight did.


It really did. And it's funny you say it's not like it is a simple game like it's a racing game. And in a very family friendly racing, it's not like a full blown simulator, like your Forza or your Gran Turismo. I mean, it's, anyone can pick up Mario Kart, yeah, and play it. But yet there's enough of a curve there that you know, the speed runs the time trials, like the records and shortcuts that people go for are mind boggling the run some people can have through these courses. So I love that it scales itself very well, that yes, a beginner can pick it up and make it around the track. Yeah, they may not do great, but they could probably have a good time, they'll get some and you know, we'll talk a little bit about this later, you'll get some items that help keep you in the race, but a beginner can pick it up. And that's what makes it such a great like party and multiplayer game. And I know we don't play a lot of multiplayer in general anymore. But this is one that I will fire up and play with the girlfriend from time to time. And it is an absolute blast. Like she is not a huge gamer. Although I'm converting her I got her switch large she got I talked her into getting a switch light. So I'm getting her into it. We


just kind of you know, I was trying to get my wife into video games before that. And then we had kids and issues now. That's the end of it. Yeah, that was the end of it.


But so it's just I love how accessible it is. And yet there's still that challenge. If you want to go for like the time trials, the record runs the world records out there or even or even trying to, like get gold on all the cups or even on 200 cc like, there's a great level of depth and challenge for such a simple, simple game. But you know, one thing while we're kind of talking about the tracks that that I thought was an interesting addition to this game was the remakes of old tracks that they put in there. And just there weren't a ton of I think there were well actually I think half the track. Yeah,


about half of more. Yep,


that's it. I guess I take that back. There were a ton of I forget like four whole circuits were


circuits on the bottom row. Were all a column retro tracks, DLC. On the bottom row, kind of technical locations here. Yeah, there's two of each were remade remakes. And then the last few were new ones. Yep.


So I guess I gotta ask you know, we obviously we love the new tracks. They all look gorgeous. They're all like you mentioned you love something new. But what did you think about the the vintage or or remade tracks that popped their way into Mario Kart eight.


See, here's one thing that really sucks for me is I actually didn't play like Mario Kart games growing up like I got super mario kart absolutely loved. It played a ton. But then I and I've talked about this on a podcast before in 64 time when I was a teenager, I don't remember my exact would have been 98 I've been like 15 or so in that time. Yeah, somewhere around there been like 1513 1415. And so that's kind of why I was like, you know, get a little bit older. Morrow games are childish now. Please, folks, I was an idiot at that time. But I didn't realize that I was an idiot at that time. But it was kind of my Oh, hey, I'm in the sports like, you know, I want to play sports games. I want to play cool games. And so I wouldn't say necessarily got away from Mario Kart. I just didn't get the game. And also at that time, I had to pay for my game. So yeah, or, you know, gone for my birthday, Christmas, whatever. So candy. I didn't get as many games. I didn't have access to games, as I do now, but you know, I didn't play Mario Kart 64 and then I don't know what all of them are the Gameboy Advance one didn't play. I never had GameCube so I didn't play the GameCube one. So double dash. Yeah, when you talk about like these retro tracks, like, a lot of that is nostalgia. That's why you like him. It's like an old trick that you play back in the days that's updated. It has a little bit better graphics. But you still love like, you know, he loved the update. Like it still has a little bit of that, like, you know, nostalgia, like I said, but it's like newer looks better. And for me, it sucks because I didn't play a lot of these like, the only ones that really play were the S is the three so like, you know, don't replace three. I played 3ds Mario car that was Mario Kart seven, you know, music Park was on their Parana plane slide and then also played some of the we, although I borrowed that from our friend Brian's like, you know, I played it a little bit here. A little bit there. I didn't really care for the wheel that much too. Believe it or not, but rebel volcano and world warrior warriors go mine like you know, some


of those. I may have to step in. But before you run out of words there you're struggling.


Yeah. Are you going to go


we're gonna go I'm just making sure you got your thoughts out. But no, I'm glad you mentioned the nostalgia, like because I have played just about every version of Mario Kart like I did. Super Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 was with my brothers. I mean, I've talked about doing multiplayer. Yeah, especially on the Nintendo 64. But there was Mario Kart. GoldenEye, of course, was a big one. But I played the shit out of Mario Mario Kart 64 at home with my brother. So I love those double dash. We played that in our apartment at IU. so damn much like we would just get drunk and he was either drunken Tiger Woods, which I'm pretty sure we've done About on here, or joking Mario Kart and hay and beat the hell out of drinking and driving and


double dash is one of the best one. I


loved it well in that one, you got to control two different races at the same time on your cart. So that was the original game that let you carry like I'm pretty sure that's the original game that let you carry two items. At the same time kids each of your writers would have one of the items and you could switch back and forth between the two so and then the we version I played a ton after college I had a roommate for God, how long did I live with her for years, something like that, that also had the we versions that we played the crap out of that. So for me, the nostalgia was very strong. And seeing the remakes It is a great throwback to that and I really did appreciate getting the remade tracks in there. I mean, because like I said they update the visuals, but they keep enough of the original. Yeah, you you recognize it immediately plus the music. Like the the music for some of these, especially again, the 64 is the one that stands out to me the most just from playing so much with like my family, I probably played it more than any of them. So when I hear the songs for like, Royal Raceway, or the Nintendo 64 version of rainbow road, like my mind immediately, like snaps into those are even like totes Turnpike, which was an absolute blast, of course, like so for me that music when you hear some of these is what really snaps you back. So I like seeing them remade. I am with you. I still love getting something new. And I'm like you like these weren't new for me. You know, I played all these for many years. So it was an interesting mix between I love the new tracks and the new concepts. But I do love that throwback so I'm really glad Mario Kart eight included both it really helped pad that tracklist a little bit Well, I'm


okay with him remaking almost all the tracks, you know, you guys face like, I don't know how big of a game Mario Kart was. But I know you could have made a bigger now, I know that involves a lot more development and everything. But you know, if you kind of hear like, you know, in your voice, like, you know, you're not getting emotional, but you're speaking with passion, I guess. Oh, put it in like, you know, that's how I felt about you know, the NES courses because, yes, me and Levi like, you know, I always talk about my friend Levi back in the day like around the Super Nintendo. That's when I play video games a lot. Yeah, you talk more about the and 64 and we've talked about this in our podcasts, whether it's 64 more to you grown up, whereas the s&s meant more to me. And we're only two years difference in age. But I think it's just kind of in life and who's around you like you know what games you play, and then what system matters to you the most. And for me like the my best days of gaming were the s&s and I played a crap ton of Super Mario Kart. And that's one of the few ones that actually play multiplayer because yet my friend Levi was over all the time. And then we never had the Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 one, but he wasn't really playing a lot multiplayer at that time. So like, you know, like I said, so that's why I appreciate the s&s one so much and don't replace three like action our rankings that ended up being last because that much to it. I don't know why exactly. They chose donut planes three as their throwback track. I think there's a lot more they could chose. But they


did put the s&s Rainbow Road in there too. Yeah. did


have that. Yes. That one was absolutely amazing. But just Yes, seeing those roads and like you said seeing the music like I get upset myself. Because I have like no in preparing for today. I got upset myself because I was like man, I missed a lot with not playing these earlier Mario games. And it's so hard to go back to those games now. Like you can go back to your retro games, but Mario Kart 64 just looks terrible. Terrible, um, Super Mario Kart, those 16 bits like those still look good. But


yeah, they're so hard to play and just kind of 3d ones have not aged great. Yeah, look


at all these tiles and everything. Just I do get upset myself that didn't play those games, because I definitely missed out with some of the Mustapha nostalgia. Mario Kart eight.


Well, you mentioned something that really want to hit on you mentioned, like, there was room you want to see more of the games or more of the tracks remade. You want to you know, yeah, because


so the deal or the S ns tracks? Well,


well, yeah, I'm gonna go and extrapolate that to everything just more tracks in general like, and I want to get I do want to get your thoughts on this, but I'm gonna get mine real quick first, like DLC. I think that Nintendo dropped the ball massively. like Mario Kart eight originally came out for the Wii U. And it was one of their very first times they've done DLC on any of their games, as far as I know. Yeah. And we got you know, what, the Triforce Cup and the bell cup. And both were really cool. Like, there were some really good tracks that came out of that. And we got new characters that came out of that. They ported it to the switch. And since then, nothing Yeah, like, to me, this was a chance especially if like, if they kind of go towards like we talked about in a little bit of our last episode, games as a platform that lasts longer than just A year to like Mario Kart eight could have been a platform for just whether it's every year every year, whatever, pump out a new circuit pump out a new like 4k tracks and


I will fucking pay $20 for them, which is a third of the price of the original game.


Exactly. And what how long has this been out for the switch now to Wow,


I don't know exactly, but it's been a while.


Yeah. So for me, I'm like to me, I think this was a massive I


think it came out. I think it came out April 2000. had that no, at the very bottom. I believe it came out and I might be wrong. But I believe it came out. What I'm saying right here is you go look at it.


I'm saying it was April 17. When they're going like that's only one month after the switch release. That's been over three years now. That's been over three fucking years. And we like so what are your thought? Like? Should they have done more DLC? Should they seem like you're leading? Yes. But I want to get your thoughts to


Well, I mean, this kind of like, you know, I was gonna put my beard down he kind of threw to me, which I knew you were gonna throw to me. But anyway, so yes, he should have done more DLC. And this is the thing. You're gonna kind of go into the topic here, which we talked about before, um, lately, but we're both while I'm upset with Nintendo. I don't know if you are not but Nintendo. Now we know about animal crossing. We know how good is doing. We know about the switch and how well it's selling. We know that Nintendo right now is like walk into the bank laughing we understand. Yeah, they're doing good. But I'm a gamer. I'm selfish. I want what I want in the tendo is not giving me what I want in here is an example of it. Mark. Okay, if you're not gonna give me Mario Kart nine on the switch, which you better fucking do that because every console has had a new Mario Kart game. And you're sitting here you're doing the old Mario Kart game because you're the ones that put out a shitty system and the way you nobody bought it and then so you had to capitalize and he thought you try to fool people. You're like, oh, let's get the buy twice. And then some dumb ass is like, Man, you we did that we bought the damn game


twice. Oh, but best best and it was a great decision. Yeah, it


was a great decision. I went back and forth that was a drunk decision. I had to get drunk to buy a car a deluxe, but kind of you know answered your question. Yes, it needs more DLC. You've not done hardly anything with this game because I believe the switch version released with the DLC is that correct?


Yes. All 16 DLC tracks guys


four pack. So yeah. 16 tracks. Um, but yes, we need more tracks. I mean, you're sitting there on a game. You're not. You're not giving us anything. Yeah, you gave us Animal Crossing. Yeah, you gave us a Pokemon. But those Nintendo fans that had been there from the beginning. You're not giving us anything. You're not giving me a 2d Mario. You're not giving us Donkey Kong. You're not giving us Mario Kart eight DLC. Or


maybe give us Starfox? Yeah,


Starfox not give us more a kart nine. So like what you're saying. This is one of those models where you can keep on releasing DLC. And people will keep on buying it. So yeah, why are they not done it for this game? Why have they not done it? for Super Mario Odyssey? Like, it's just a missed opportunity. And I want those something to you. Um, what this is a topic that actually one dress and another podcast, but I just wanna get your quick opinion on it. All right, what's the tendo? Like, you know, you see Microsoft buying up studios like at different studios that work on their exclusive games, PlayStation, same thing. Nintendo is only Nintendo. And so the fact of the matter Yeah, you can bring more employees in. But should Nintendo maybe think about in the future, buying up some of these studios to maybe just help them with releasing more of their first party exclusives?


I think so. I mean, and I know like, there are a few beyond just into there like the guys that make Pokemon actually are not Nintendo, but they're exclusive to Nintendo. There's a few of them out there. But you're right. We don't see it like we do with like, your naughty dog or your 343 you know, Microsoft and Sony. But no, I really think they should even if it's just bringing someone on to develop tracks or worlds like we said tracks for Mario Kart worlds for Mario Odyssey ship for Breath of the Wild for crying out loud, which is always still somehow on Nintendo switches. E shop top sellers. Yeah, even since it was a fucking launch title. Like it blows my mind that they are not allocating resources to keep these games current. Yeah, these games in


which so many other people are doing it now.


Yeah, and it just it's like, I know that like they bring in other studios when they were like porting, like the doom games or the Witcher three stuff like Skyrim but even then, it was


on the 3ds had great yeah,


even then I think it was the other studio there was paying the third party group to frickin poured it and they just got approval and I'm sure they paid Nintendo a buttload of money. But it like it seems like yes, they should be bringing in whether it's I don't care if it's people or studios to just design some courses design some worlds for Mario design, a new continent for Breath of the Wild. I mean, I know they're developing breath the wild too. So That's a different story but I'm with you. I think it's a I think it's something they could do. But like I said, they're there.


I think we're talking about right now because it would be so easy to develop new tracks from our it


seems like it should be it seems like it should be but you know, maybe they'll get there maybe they maybe it's been too long Mario Kart nines coming out next month, and they're gonna Phantom drop it on.


Nintendo with does do Phantom drops. So if they were good, if somebody was going to do that, it would be Nintendo. But um, yeah, something that I want to talk about next is the anti gravity mechanic. That's one mechanic that Well, obviously, it was new in the game, but I thought that like, you know, I think Mario Kart eight even though I'm not playing all of them. I think it is the best Mario Kart game and a lot of it revolves around his anti gravity mechanic because you can go upside down, sideways, whatever, but I won't give you your get your thoughts on this. What do you think about the new mechanic the anti gravity, you


know, we can't talk about anti gravity without talking about one of our buzzwords here on Busted Buttons. And that is verticality man that anti gravity just adds a


that's a buzzword for two guys playing Zelda not


but it's it's it's the anti gravity lets you get that whole new sense of going up and down and sideways and everything else that no Mario Kart game up until he was really able to do I mean, yeah, we got hills, we got ramps, we got the glider, you know, starting at what DS or 3ds, one or the other, but actually maybe even before then, but regardless, like but just antigravity was such a fun new concept. Like just being able to drive on the walls basically on the ceiling, or anytime a track wants to go upside down or straight up and down. Like I think it gave the track designer so much more flexibility in what they could do. And it almost made some of the courses feel like a little bit of a roller coaster. Just because you could go like in a corkscrew, you could go in a big loop. So to me, I thought the antigravity even though it doesn't really change gameplay, it still handles the same for the most part as just driving on the track. Yeah, it's still like added something to the game, it added something to the courses. And the experience that made it a little more mind blowing than it already was. So I was a huge fan of the antigravity what were your thoughts on it? We talked


about wild woods, like you know, and I talked about to going up a tree, just simple mechanics are sometimes just so amazing. Like it you think about it, like Wow, that's really not hard to think of or anything, but have you ever done it? No exam never done it. So, I mean, just, there's so many things like I know in bouncers castle, I was racing through that today, just you know, just go back and reminisce and about the game. And there's a point where like, the two tracks when you're, you know, get the anti gravity going on the two tracks, like there's a corner that touches like, you know, that's just cool. And there's more than one track where like, you see water over top of you. Because you grab you're upside down, you look up there's water right there. So the anti gravity was a fantastic mechanic. I think it really made this game. I think it's why even though I've not played every Mario Kart game, as I've said, I think that's why it's my favorite so far. And just, I mean, it's mechanic that was just cool. It was just fun to do. And like if I was racing through I think electric dome, electrical, don't worry, it's called today Joe drain, there was like a sign that was upside down. And for some reason, like, you know, I thought that was cool. So yeah, you know, here's the thing, when you're racing with the anti gravity, like you could tell when you're going sideways. Oh, when you're upside down, you can tell that you were upside down, which I wonder that mechanic tie wouldn't work. Because you probably had to turn the opposite direction of which way you wanted to go. Oh, they could have they could have Yeah, inverted controls, you know, how I feel about inverted controls, but Nintendo, they probably could have made that work. But so when you're driving upside down, like you really couldn't tell in that's when you had to look at the backgrounds. Because then you could tell Okay, I am upside down like you know, and then that is when you will start seeing like you know, all this cool stuff like castles upside down, like over and over top of you like lava over top up, you know, whatever characters upside down, writing upside down. I've already said some of these things. So it's okay. absolutely loved it. Like it was fantastic. And like, also get the boost. Like you can Yeah, you know, you could hit a like, like a little rose roads like you know, and you could also I believe could you also bounce off a pliers? Yep,


yep. Because and I think the reason why is like the effects that come with going anti gravity, like you mentioned, like yeah, you can tell when you're on the walls, the upside down is really cool. But like the wheels get this blue glow to them. And so they like they flip like the wheels like spin to where it like like you're on a hover pad. Yes. That that lets you like you said you hit these little like bumpers almost. The road that gives you boosts and you also hit the characters around you. And it gives you a little boost because the wheels are now like sideways instead of up and down. So it's a really tiny concept. But also I know I kind of said that it doesn't really affect the gameplay. But yeah, when you bump into other players and get that boost, or you hit those special bumpers, when you're in antigrav mode, you get a boost. So I guess I was I was kind of wrong there really is a little bit of a gameplay change to it and just the effect and like I said, you get that blue glow. The wheels totally flip for you like it's it's little touches like that that again shows the care that Nintendo puts into their shit so but kind of getting away from like mechanics a little bit in something that this Mario Kart did introduce. Along with the antigravity was there were some non Mario characters in this game and and as far as I know, this is the first time in the franchise that we got characters who have not appeared in a Mario game before like we got link as part of the DLC we got the villagers and Isabel from animal crossing. We got the Inklings from Spencer Splatoon. Thank you. I totally just brain fog on that one. So I was intrigued to get these new non Mario characters, but kind of what's your thought on them introducing non Mario characters to a Mario Kart game?


I don't like it. And here's why. Because take all these other characters and their franchises and make a card game for them. Because you're not releasing Mario Kart eight like you have released Mario Kart eight, you're not releasing Mario Kart not you're not giving me fucking DLC for Mario Kart eight. So take these characters, take their franchises and create a new card game because you're not writing anything else. It's no damn it. Like I'm either mad today and you're making me upset? No, no, because your games are fantastic. I'm just I promise I love


this game. We're just about one or two here. But go ahead.


That was a little bit harsh. But that is the reason. It doesn't bother me that they're in the game. I'm okay with them being in the game. But there's so many there. Like I said, you could take those characters from that game, you know, and they can have their own kart racing franchise. Zelda is a fantastic one. There's so many like characters and Zelda. Create like, you know, all these cars, maybe not create all these cards, but there's all kinds of tricks you can do that right there is an Zelda card that right there is an opportunity now Animal Crossing in Splatoon they don't have that. Animal Crossing probably has that. I don't know how many you have to have a look. I'm not sure how big their character bases but they might be able to do something with that in the worlds like I know the last one Animal Crossing New Horizons was basically just a random Island. So yeah, not sure what you could do with the tracks there. So maybe that's a franchise where I'm okay with them, putting it into Mario Kart Splatoon kind of same thing now like characters, their worlds are kind of all the same. You know, it's basically just painting a, you know, it's a 3d platformer. It's not really you're not really going through worlds. You're just painting well, platforms is what you're doing. So I don't know how well that one works on its own. Like, you know, as of you know, different racing franchise, so yeah, I guess I'm actually I'm kind of going back. You know, I'm flip flopping. I never flip flop on Neverland right now. But I guess I got okay with those last two. But some of these bigger ones like you know, Donkey Kong has always been Mario Kart. But in which makes sense because of the arcade game. You know what people? Zelda there's a show on Netflix. Next, Netflix called high score. Go check it out. It's very cool, but in the whole arcade with Mario, that makes sense. But yeah, as far as link Zelda, Nintendo get your own race racing franchise your own kart racing franchise and let's keep it cards. Let's not try to complicate it or anything right Zelda needs its own kart racing game. I would buy that in a heartbeat


so so here's my thought like we've seen with Super Mario Brothers ultimate and they they are all about or I'm sorry not super smash brothers ultimate. They're all about getting every other franchise they possibly can into that game. Yeah, and like once Mario Kart I know there's there's something called Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart Mario Mario Kart it's Mario everything should be Mario related but once you opened up the potential of having these non Mario characters in there just go all in like get get Pokemon in there get Starfox Yeah, get trapped in zero Get the f zero guys in there get the Bayonetta people and like there's so many they could go the Smash Brothers route and just keep pumping out new tracks new characters I mean, cuz they already open the floodgates and and that's just


do like three or four do like you're saying


do yeah, don't have acid plus, like all those franchises. Like you said, you may not be able to make a full game worth of tracks and characters, but all of them have at least something you can make a track for. Like just like in Smash Brothers


you get we can make tracks around the concepts. It doesn't have It'd be like a worry thing. It could just be a concept.


Yeah, so so my thought is i i'm also kind of torn I'm kind of flip flopping like I like seeing him of course seeing link in there gave us our Nexus to two guys playing Zelda and let us kind of go explore that. But like, if you're gonna do it go all in. Like, yeah, do do Fire Emblem for crying out loud. God knows there's 30 characters from that and smash brothers. Yeah. But just like, you've got all these other franchises once you open the door, you know, just fucking put put it all in there. And we've already seen it with the tracks. I mean, like you said, You got the zero tracks, you've got the Zelda track, you've got the Animal Crossing track. I mean, it's just, you know, go go all in. It goes back to the damn DLC. And I feel like we're ripping on Nintendo more than we should for a game we love. Yeah, come on, the opportunity is there but Yeah, I'm fine with if they just want to do four of them or five, however many it is, you know, that's okay. It didn't really add anything. For me. Seeing a high rule circuit was neat. But yeah, it wasn't even in either of our top 10 tracks. It wasn't there.


They could do so much more with that.


Exactly. So I don't know. But yeah, I feel like that was a downer topic.


It seems like we'll get pissed off more than like he said, we're getting ripped off more than we should right both a great company and Nintendo and also a great guy Mario Kart eight. Beginning to get away from


characters he let's talk a little about the carts though. I one thing I do really like, it seems like the level of customization and details that you have for your cart in this game was way bigger than any other Mario Kart game so far, like you're carrying which character you choose influenced your stats than the cart, the wheels, and even the parasail, or whatever the hell they called it. In this game, like it all impacted the stats of your cart. And I just kind of want to get your thoughts because I've heard a lot of different opinions on this. When you're picking a character and picking a cart, do you actually pay any attention to the stats? Or you just pick the character in cart that you either like the best or think looks the


coolest? Now when you're talking about stats? Are you talking about speed? Is that acceleration way? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I didn't know there was something else in that game that I was missing or five, I'm into those things at the beginning. Like I'm trying to build up the game like, you know, open like, you know, more tracks, more characters, whatever, I will pay attention to those because I want to win. And then you get to a certain point. And this really happens with every game. Like you know, you start out you struggle a little bit, not so much in Mario Kart eight, but you start out you struggle. And then as you go through the game, you level up, you level up, you level up, and then basically you can use whatever the hell you want. Because, yeah, that kind of that same approach Memorial cart, like yeah, pay attention at the beginning. And then there's that point where like, you know, I won't get good at the game. And then too, I get like, you know, some of the really, really good cards, wills gliders is what they're, I think they're called glaa. A name because they're called different things like the paraglider is actually in there. But then there was something that was not called a glider. So I don't even know if they actually have a name, but they may build myself up or get good with the game and get the talent. Like at that point, I just want to play with the characters I want to play within. Sally. I don't have a favorite character in Mario Kart, I would say this last iteration, it was linked because I'm such a big Zelda fan. Yeah, with Super Mario Kart, I play him. This is gonna tell you off a lie is Koopa troopa. I don't know what exactly it was. He's the most boring character in that game. He's one of the most boring, boring, but like, you know, what people like? Who'd you race as in Super Mario? Most people's first answer is not Koopa troopa. But for some weird reason, I really liked him. But since then, like I said, I did not play long Mario Kart. And so I never really got character that was like my main, like, super smash brothers. But like in this one, I did like races like being such that big Zelda fan and everything. So but as far as the cards on the cards, there's a lot of cards, I actually learned that as many wills not as many gliders, or every wings where everyone called them. But yeah, yeah, the option of cards was spectacular in this game.


And I agree it across the board, I generally agree. Like the only thing I really cared about, I generally lean towards the smaller characters. Yeah, because they have better acceleration, their top speeds, not as good, but they also seem to cling to the corners a little bit better when you're power sliding. So I usually aim for the smaller characters Toad has been my go to since Mario Kart 64. But you know, I'll mix it up every now and then throw in like a shy guy, maybe even a Baby Mario every now and then the lightest like the little guys. But I'm kind of with you in terms of carts and wheels, like, Oh, look at the stats, and I'll kind of scroll through a little bit, but I don't pay that much attention. Man, I look for ones that look the best. Or, you know, if I'm that bored, I'll just pick the one that matches the character. You get the way because most of the cards are designed or not most, but a lot of the cards are designed with one of the actual racers in mind, you know, like they each kind of have their own unique card. So you know sometimes I'm just like fuck around like, Yeah, I was take their car. That's cool. Yeah, you know, it's like you said once you get everything unlocked or if I'm like actually playing multiplayer like he gets the girlfriend or something like that I might, I might look at the stats a little bit. Just I want to get that I want to win. Let's be


okay everybody behind the scenes read is the Mario Kart expert. Like, I've tried racing him, like, you know, I think I get good is that play you? It's just like you kicked my ass. I'm like, all right back to square one. So if I'm your girlfriend, I'm not playing you. I played you Mario Kart. Like it was embarrassing. Like I was meeting you at the house by ourselves. No, I was embarrassed. They're embarrassed. Like,


for what it's worth she she's taking pictures of the screen every time she's beat me. And it's been very few times, but she takes a picture.


Because I didn't beat you. So let's just


move on. Yeah, generally, I'm with you. My only big thing is I've never liked playing as the motorcycles like it is called Mario. Yeah, I love the motorcycles. I can't stand them. I just part of it. I just don't play him as them. I don't take the time to get good with them because they do handle differently. But for me, it's a it's Mario fucking cart. Now Mario motorcycle,


well, I'm the motorcycle guy. I just think they handle better. That's the only reason I drive though. So I guess I'm gonna do that makes you mad. But anyways, I can't want to talk about these jumps in aggressions between classes. I'm talking about here, like, you know, obviously, 50 CCS is easier these years. You know, 100 CCS is a little more difficult. But then there's a main you just as you go up, like people like racers are just more of assholes. And I'm not talking about people actually playing. I'm talking about computer like Vegas. Like, you know, they're just they're they're bitches in their assholes. They just get a little bit too aggressive and everything. And you just start getting nailed with items left and right. And here's, I don't know if this happens everybody else, but I cannot even count on my hands. The number of times I've been right before the finish line. And I've gotten hit with five or six items. And he had to come in like eight or nine. So like, you know, the jump and aggression between classes. I understand. But damn, Nintendo is me with the main like, do you experience that?


I do. And like it's the term for it is kind of rubber banding. Yeah, is the term they use in the industry for for games like this, where if you're behind, they give you every opportunity to catch up. And like for Part Part of me, I love that it helps level the playing field for less experienced players. You get those better items, you get the blue shells, the stars, the Bullet Bills, whatever. But if you're in first you get bananas, coins and green shells. But yeah, literally. That's it. So I do like the concept. But man, is it frustrating. And you're absolutely right at the harder or the faster speeds, I guess technically harder, faster, whatever you want to call it. It really does like seem to ramp up that aggression where they will tell you with everything. It keeps the races intense. It keeps the races close, but it can be frustrating if you're trying


to go three laps and you're dominating it. Because right for the finish line you got now with 20 things in common right. Kind of piggybacking off of this, I want to talk about real quick the 200 CCS. Oh yeah, something that played a little bit. But now a lot didn't get all the goals because Damn, I thought was hard. But how do you get to 200 CCS,


it does change the game like because every other level, you might have to let off the gas a little bit, but you can power slide through almost everything at 50 100 or 150. cc, when it switches to 200 you literally have to start using the brakes. Yeah, and it does change the gameplay and it's like it's like almost at least not among any group of friends or girlfriend or whatever that I play with. plays at 200 cc. I've only dabbled in it a little bit as well. I've gotten a few like Silver's maybe a gold i've i've not swept it like I have all the other ones. So yeah, it changes the game and I think that does give it a little more longevity and a little more legs to it because it's a new challenge. But it's not something I've really dug into that much so I think they release it too late. Like


for a while like even when came on the switch. I don't believe that 200 cc was there. I might be incorrect on that one. I actually don't remember but I was there was an update or whatever. But you know,


so let's get your What are your your quick hit last last thoughts?


I wasn't no 200 cc's but guess we'll go to the File. Oh,


shit. Sorry. I didn't mean


to same as yours.


Producer over here banging on the


producer. Right there. And I know I'm not sitting beside you. So you ain't got no producer. You know, tuner cc's. My quick opinion, like, yeah, it was more difficult, I thought was a little bit too light, but did give a new challenge. I think people always appreciate a new challenge. It's something that's new and 200 cc's delivered that I do think that we're going to see in the future, which takes me to the future of Mario Kart. And you all have already heard us kind of talk about this, but basically, you know, and we're not gonna stick on it that long because we have talked about it but RAM and Nintendo, we either need Mario Kart nine or we need more DLC, like just give us one of those two things. Yeah, and we will be Be happy


like in the future? Absolutely. It's, it's been three years since we like April of 17. Just give us Mario Kart nine at this point, or drop or drop like 20 new tracks, and you know, five bucks for four or 20 bucks for for whatever, I'll pay it out Mario Kart, so I hope we get another Mario Kart during the switch. I know and we'll probably talk about this in a later episode. They're talking about the upgraded version of the switch coming out. At some point, maybe next year, maybe we'll see it like a new Mario Kart as like a kickoff point for that. I'm not holding my breath. It seems like they're like, we have you think we would have heard a peep about it at this point. But the team's been


very quiet. It's like do you have up your sleeve? Or do you have nothing?


You said there's laughing to the bank. Right? They're too busy.


They don't need to do anything. But for us Nintendo fanboys that had been there from the beginning. You need to do something forced. But anyways, yeah, you know, that's Mario Kart a, you know what surprisingly read, I wasn't sure how this podcast was going to go. Because Mario Kart eight is a very difficult game for podcasts they talk about because it's just racing, just regular story. There's no plot items, characters, there's not a lot to it. But you know what, like, at all times, I had a lot of fun talking about anyways, in the wrap up, all the links will be in the description for all this stuff. But you can support us on Patreon or PayPal. If you can't support financially, you can leave a review or rating that greatly helps us out our rankings. And if you want to check out our websites, we have some blogs on there. But we also have some merchandise on a tg PC gaming, a two guys playing Zelda. Those are both affiliate shops. So we may earn a commission. If you make purchases through our links in red. Can we talk about some of the other stuff we got going on?


Well, mostly, we're just all over social media. You can find us on Facebook, where we have two groups. We have gaming realm where we talk about all types of video game conversations, and we have Zelda realm where as you could guess we talk specifically about the Legend of Zelda. We're out there on YouTube. Our original YouTube site was two guys playing Zelda and we also have tg PC gaming, lots of great videos, rankings theories, just all kinds of good stuff out there. Our Discord server is one of our hottest areas. So much good conversation on there. We talked about video games in general out bitching about Halo. Yeah. We talked about we talked about friggin Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, PC gaming, beer, other booze sports, a lot of lot of soccer talk on there we talk everything on Discord. It's a great place a lot of cool new people. We've been on there, but we're also on you can find us on Twitter. You can find us both on Instagram, you can find us or sorry on Instagram. You can find us both on Facebook. So but thank you for listening to what I think was a much more exciting episode than I expected.


More pissed off than


expected. For an amazing game. We got a little bit heated there. But you know we love Mario Kart eight we love talking about it. I hope you guys love listening to hearing about it. Not really sure what we're going to talk about next episode kind of depends on when we're able to sit down and record it that obviously plays into our prep time and everything but I hope everyone continue staying safe out there. Keep on gaming