Busted Buttons

PS5 Release Date & Price - Busted Buttons Ep. 30

September 30, 2020 TGPZ Gaming

Red and I start with a short update on our Super Mario 3D All-Stars gameplay. We then dive into the PlayStation 5 release date and price. What opinions do we have? Are we surprised they are releasing it 2 days later than the Xbox Series X?

Afterwards, we address Microsoft's recent purchase of ZeniMax Media, which includes Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, Arkane, MachineGames, and several other gaming studios. What does this mean for franchises like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, Prey, Dishonored, and Wolfenstein? Should they be Xbox exclusives or timed exclusives?

Later, we talk about the announcement of The Game Awards 2020. What are our favorite games so far this year? What games will be nominated for Game of the Year? Do any future releases have a shot at winning anything big?

We end with a discussion on scenery during slow scenes in open world gaming. Is it something we enjoy? When do games not do it right?

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What's up gamers Welcome to Episode 30 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. Hard to believe we're already at 30 episodes. I feel like we're growing up a little bit here. But I'm excited to jump into this week's episode, there's been a lot of huge gaming news like it seems like there is every single week right now as we get closer to the releases of the PlayStation five and the Xbox series x and series s. So today we're going to be talking about the PlayStation five prices and the release date. We're going to be talking about Microsoft's huge acquisition of zenimax, which is the parent company of Bethesda game works. We're gonna talk about the announcement of the Game Awards 2020 and then we're actually gonna take a break from talking about news for a second and spend a little bit of time talking about a gameplay feature that Hick has mentioned to me. Yeah, that's kind of when games slow down and really let you take in the scenery a little bit. I am going to say before we jump into this last episode, we talked about Mario 64 I've had an absolute blast playing Mario 64 on the Mario 3d all stars. I gotta get that spat out eventually. help you. You jumped right in with sunshine, didn't you? Have you been enjoying it so far?


Here it was. I was thinking to myself during the intro. Thank god we're not talking about Mario this pocket. Because when Mario Kart Mario 35th anniversary and in last episode was super mario 64 in here you are not No, you're going to do it. The first thing you asked me is Mario. But anyways, I'm playing sunshine. I am not going to lie man. I struggled at first with that game, because the mechanics are different than other Mario games because you have that jetpack I've already forgot the name of the character that you know is controlling it or whatever.


But I couldn't tell you


I haven't played it yet. jumps are different, like your moves are a little bit different. And like I've really struggled at that and then also the the Nintendo pro controller I think it's called it's called pro control, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay, I don't know why I blanked on that for a second but anyways, because we never blinked a play on the GamePad yet or portable, but like the controller is so sensitive at least for that game. So man I was jumping over things I was running past things and I'm not gonna say here say that I'm the BEST gamer in the world but also know that there's certain points where I don't suck that bad. And that was one of those points where I was like you know I've jumping over things I'm doing this I'm doing that I don't suck this bad video game so really struggling the controls at the beginning yes yarn to get them down a little bit more. I'm starting to get more used to the water jetpack like said don't remember the name of the character but yeah, kind of getting used to using that as just the mechanics. It's definitely a moral game. The worlds look like a Mario game. But the mechanics are really different from past Mario games. And I think that might be why sunshine like gets a bad rap sometimes. Yeah, a lot of people might start it but didn't get very far because it is frustrating. It is difficult, but you know what I'm pushing through. I'm finally enjoy it not getting so good, but you know, I'm excited to finish off the rest of the game. Then we'll go to galaxy probably didn't Super Mario 64 But uh, what are you gonna play next?


Oh, I'm probably gonna get back to the last of us finally. I mean, I'm about I still have not finished the last of us part two. I actually probably only been touched it in a couple of weeks. So it's gonna take me man, I'm gonna die a few times trying to get back to the controls, but I'm excited to jump in and then I've got ghosts of Tsushima down the road, then you know, then I want to knock out the other two more talking


about that game in this episode. Oh,


so I'm I'm excited. Like I had to play Mario 64 though as part of the collection just Yeah, the nostalgia. It's such a great game. We gotten all that last week. But yeah, enough talking


about Mario.


So the big news was like there's been a lot of big news here recently. But we finally finally Sony released the launch date and the prices for the PlayStation five we had a launch date of November 12. Which a little surprisingly was a couple of days after the launch of the Xbox series x. The prices though are looking pretty appealing. I gotta say 499 for the disk drive version and 399 Digital so kind of what stood out to you the most on the the announcements for the PlayStation five launch details


first of all releasing a couple days later. I don't mind that you don't want to release on the same days the Xbox that's just gonna cause chaos. If you remember last generation they actually released a week apart I don't remember I want to say the Xbox was first I don't exactly remember so doing it two days later that doesn't really bother me at all understand that you don't want to launch the same day that's just as too much chaos man. There's too much like gaming adrenaline going on the world like there was just going to explode because to me, people are going to be excited. So um, you know, I was blown away by the price. I was honestly thinking that the disk drive was going to come in around 599 and then the digital is going to come in around 499 you know, only $100 more is what I thought but You know, we're talking about gaming console, that hundred dollars is, you know, a lot of money even, you know terabyte, I mean, it really are a little more fortunate. But it's still $100 is a lot to us. So I was absolutely blown away on the price. I've been saying all along that I am going to get the digital version because I've not even put a disc in my ps4. So why the hell would I buy a dispersion of the PS five, like, no, like, I'm not delicious. Yeah, but the only thing is, what's available, it's like, the only it's available is the disk drive, I'll spend the extra hundred bucks to get the disk drive, it doesn't bother me that much. It's there, whatever, it's a little bit bigger. But if it's available, I will go the digital version. Um, I was really impressed. I mean, they really didn't give you that much other than the day in the you know, the price. That was I was impressed that they were able, I did not think they were going to be able to come in under Microsoft. Because from what I've heard, well, actually, I have heard that the Xbox series x is better on performance. But anyways, make sure everyone say but just everything that saw from PlayStation, I just felt like it was gonna be $100 more, yes, come out this news and said like, you know, it's actually if I get the version that I want, it's going to be $100 less than the Xbox. So yeah, I'm excited. Like, that is a system that I am going to buy now with their recent showcase. Like I was like, okay, it's done my decisions. May I think I said it on the last episode. I'm getting a PS five. Oh, did pre order one. We'll kind of talk about that. We won't Oh, yeah. We'll get into that just a bit. Okay. Well, I'll go ahead. I thought you would you think about the news.


This? I think that 399 price point for the digital is a Grand Slam. I mean, you're absolutely right. Most people, not most people, but a lot of people in this day and age want to go diskless anyway, they want to go all digital, people are downloading games Anyway, you don't have to go wait in line at stores or wait for it to get delivered. You know, so by undercutting the Xbox that extremely, like 100 bucks cheaper for the version that a lot of people want anyway, is mind blowing. To me like that is such a smart move. I don't know, like I don't know the details of like the cost build up and stuff like that, like how much I know, in the past, every console maker has sold one of their consoles at one point at a loss. And I'm really curious to see if that 399 for the digital version, because a disk drive does not cost 100 bucks now maybe, you know, find a way to fit it in there and all that stuff. Yeah, that's a little more of a challenge. But it blows my mind. They're able to shave 100 bucks off it for the digital so I I'm with you. I think it's an absolute Grand Slam. I do agree that launching the same day, I'm pretty sure two consoles haven't launched on the same day since it was the what the GameCube and PlayStation three, I think launched on the same day, same day.


No, because the GameCube was in college.


Yeah, I thought the PlayStation three was too I could be


seen the GameCube were coming out around the same time.


Maybe though those were the two I think that may have launched it because I remember one other system. It may have been the PlayStation two had already been out for a year or two years. And then the Xbox and GameCube launched like


the GameCube. My freshman year college so yeah, they had Xbox, the original.


I think you're right on that one. So I said my, my generation is a little mixed up there. But But no, it's like and because


the PlayStation three and GameCube I swear our generation farther apart. Yeah,


so But no, I do agree that I think it would be absolute chaos. In order to like to release them both on the same day, I think retailers would have a nightmare with that with people coming in trying to keep it all straight, trying to keep all the pre orders straight. And you know, you've started to touch on this, it's a great time to jump to it. I think the pre orders are gone in general, like they're almost impossible to find like every now and then if you're subscribed to some alerts, you'll you'll get one but like it sounds like both Sony and Microsoft had some issues with the pre orders though like Sony's issue was it seems like some people got alerted but others didn't. So that caused some chaos. And then Xbox it seemed like the store sites had a really hard time staying online just because of traffic. So not a great pre order process for either company. And I get a lot of people are still stuck indoors so like consoles are going to be harder to come by. And I especially think the way people have seen how hard it is to find a switch right now. Granted, the switch is a lot cheaper, but I think people might also be looking at an opportunity to snatch these up and turn around and flip them for an extra hundred bucks I've seen with this whatever I don't look at hate those people to me I agree completely. I hate that shit. I think it's, it's, I get it. It's you know, it's free market economy. I get it. Yeah, it is absolutely annoying, but I did not get a pre order I didn't even look into pre ordering. Like I said I was able to walk into the store and get a switch on release date. I'm gonna try to do the same thing. I'm still leaning Xbox, just because I'm already paying for the game pass so it'll be nice to have. But I agree like PlayStations pricing. Release date is all really cool. And I did like I'm not sure if all like take advantage of this. I'd like their announcement of the PlayStation Plus collection. It was a group of about 18 games from the PlayStation four era that if you're a PlayStation Plus subscriber, that's a tough one to spit out then you get these games for free and it's got like God of War blood yeah Uncharted persona the last time it's like I said 18 games in total What did you think about the PlayStation Plus collection?


Um, I like it I don't really I didn't look at all 18 of them but I think a lot of those games like if I wanted to play them I have already played him so the random gang I'm sure there's one or two in there that haven't played that I will play because I will begin PlayStation Plus I'll probably get an Xbox Live because you heard my story about how they screwed me over because I wanted to play yet Forza five and I couldn't because I didn't have this subscription so got anyways got for three months forgot to renew sewed renewed again in three months is yes, your money and you know I've had my whole spiel about that's


how they get you


exactly how they get you. You forget about it, and then the renewal comes up, you're like, damn it, and then you still don't change it and again, in three months is probably going to happen to me. But um, yeah, I thought was cool. Like, you know, here's because everybody's been bitching about backwards not everybody. A lot of people have been bitching about backwards compatibility and you know, I stand on it like, play that game on the old system. You don't need to be playing like the PS five is there for two specs in the blow you away with 4k Gaming at 60 frames per second. You need to be playing PlayStation two games on it. Like that defeats the whole fucking purpose like Rondo get emulator or, you know, or something, whatever, likely. But this is kind of like, you know, backwards compatibility in a way. You know, it is. Here's some games from the ps4 that were really good. We're going to give you for free as long as you only pay I think it's 60 bucks right now for PlayStation Plus for the year. I don't know if that's gonna change. I think it would stay pretty similar to what it is right now. But like, I don't know, I've not looked at all 18 games. I would think that I've played most of them. So not really something that appeals to me. But I know that it appeals for a lot of people because why? backlogs? There's a lot of people who do have these games. That's simply not got around to them because of their backlogs. Exactly. And then you know what their pre orders on the same way. Like, I turned around what like you know, change my baby's diaper? You know, you know, I'm sure my wife will have something to say like, never change diapers, which is kind of true. I've not I've dropped the ball on that a little bit element. But anyway. No, I'm the one time I was changing a diaper recently. I don't know why I got so lazy on it. But I guess at their three kids, just like in the pre orders were already done. Like I don't even know that pre orders has started. But it doesn't really matter because I probably would not have pre ordered I never have pre ordered a console because I just I don't I just haven't done it. Like I don't feel like messing with it and they're out and you gotta wait for the website to refresh because the servers are down like there's all these pain in the ass things that give me free orders. And they had a problem this time around. That's not really shocking. It seems like they have a problem every generation when the systems come out so I'm just saying


that demand is high right up. Yeah, I mean people want the next new shiny things,


but I'm with like, I'm like you I'm probably gonna go some I am going to go somewhere day one early in the morning if I can get one awesome if not, whatever, I don't need one day one. I would just like you know in the first week or two which but don't get day one who knows what that happen? Yeah, but um but uh, here's what I'm really here's what I'm really stuck with the whole thing is like I want to buy the best buy so I can put on my best buy card zero percent. But there's I'm not gonna tell people which store I went to but there's that one place I went to to buy the switch that had the most switches in the state that morning. I'm like you know what? That BestBuy financing looks really good. But that target really came through to Nintendo switches. Yeah, me use they have some like, ooh, I might go check out that target and get one but same as you Yep. Did preorder going to store day one. See if I could pick it up early in the morning and I'm not gonna go sin Lafortune. I got shit to do man. Like an hour early. And you know stay in life. It happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't. You're not


you're not gonna camp out for it. Yeah, exactly. Another part of the PlayStation five showcase was a couple new games got obviously most of it was the big news was the price point. The big news was the the release date all that stuff. We got some more gameplay footage for like Spider Man Miles Morales all that stuff. But they also gave us our first look at Final Fantasy 16 and the Harry Potter game Hogwarts legacy. And I know I don't think either of those franchises really appeal to you. Right? You're not a big Final Fantasy about Harry Potter person. Or you know, I didn't think so. I haven't really played a Final Fantasy game in quite a while either. Harry Potter Hogwarts legacy. And I kind of want to touch on this. I'm going to I really want to touch on this because I'm kind of gonna go off on a little bit of a tangent here. It's not the only outline,


but But yeah, cuz we've never done that before. Yeah. I've never gotten a Harry Potter so you're on your own on this one.


So I'm excited for the game. The game looks really cool. I've enjoyed the books. I've enjoyed the movies. I know millions of people have something I'd kind of totally missed was there's a lot of backlash against the Harry Potter author right now. Yeah. The last couple years JK Rowling. There's been a lot of backlash because she's apparently been very outspoken against transgender transaction. People, and of course, that rubs a lot of people the wrong way. I mean, just anytime you're discriminating against a group, and I don't care what the group is, you're discriminating against a group. I mean, that's a bad look. And it's not a good thing at all. So I've been reading here since since I saw that revealed trailer for the Harry Potter Hogwarts legacy game, a lot of back and forth online about people who are like, Yes, I've loved Harry Potter, but I don't want to buy this game, because I don't want to support JK Rowling and her interviews, you know, and she's very vocal about it. It seems like on Twitter on things like that. What's the point of that? Like?


I think that is no, that's somebody to me that feels like they became too powerful. Yeah, like, they just think that their opinion really matters that much when it does in like, right, like, there's no reason like, if you do feel that way, I get it. You shouldn't feel that way in the first place. Agree, but if you do, just keep it to yourself, like there's no like, Yeah, get rid of the hate. Like, there's just not there's no place for you know,


yeah, so So for me, I mean, of course, a lot of people are still like, they love the books, they love the movies, they want to play the game. And I totally get that I kind of fall in that camp. I still watch the movies every now and then. And the game does look interesting. And for me, I guess I'm kind of one of those people who can separate the creation. I'm the creator of it, just because I think of it too. It's just like people who enjoy like Chris Brown's music or Michael Jackson's music. You know, they weren't good people. But they had good music. Yeah. Or you look at you know, I'm a big wrestling fan like Crispin Walker was an amazing wrestler. Turns out not such a great human being. Yeah, at the end of the day, and there's countless cases of that. Yeah, I think if you can separate your appreciation for the creation, while not still supporting the views. Yeah. of the Creator. I'm in


the same way. Like, you know, like you said, Chris Brown, Michael Jackson, like Crispin wall. They're all pieces of shit. Yeah, Mayweather, too. You can throw him in there. Oh, yeah. Like, we're able to separate them. Like I do like Michael Jackson's music. I do like Chris Brown's music. Yeah, I don't like them as people, but I'm just like you, I'm able to separate those things. Because I know, it's just like one like, it's my, it's entertainment. Like, I'm just focusing, like, I'm not like listening to them. Because I want them. I understand that they are a role model. But to me, I don't look at like that, because I can look at them be like, you're a piece of shit. I don't have to be like, you're not a role model. Like, I don't have to do what you do. Still, like, you know, enjoy your art.


And that's what I hope people still like do enjoy Harry Potter. I mean, like, the movies, and the books brought joy to a lot of people. I think the video game will be massively popular. I know some of that money will unfortunately go to JK Rowling. Of course, even though she's not a great person. Yeah. But you know, it's it's one of those things where like, if you can kind of compartmentalize that, it's like, do what makes you happy still. I mean, we should say right


here that like, yeah, we're able to separate them. But we also understand people that are able to separate for sure, like people like to lump them together. And that's completely okay to know how you like to go about things and people are different.


Yeah. Especially if you're a member of the group that she's talking out against. If you're a transgender, definitely, or something like Yeah, no, yeah. If that's your stance, I we 100% support that. Like, yeah, I mean, if you're like, yeah, if you I'm with you is what I'm trying to say. I don't really know if I'll get either, though, you know, I know we kind of started talking the final fantasy and Harry Potter. But that's something I've been seeing in the news here a little bit. So I wanted to make sure we touched on that. And kind of, I just wanted to kind of hash that out a little bit. I think it's an important thing. And different people have different different views in terms of supporting somebody like that, and I completely get that. So. But that was


those opinions and those feelings that they have. Exactly, exactly.


That was a very long when I'm talking more about


that JK, I think she should just shut her damn mouth. Yeah, no.


But you know, so the PlayStation, of course, was the big thing in the news with the release date and the prices and everything but Microsoft, and wasn't about to let the PlayStation steal all the spotlight. So they announced a$7.5 billion acquisition of zenimax media, which is the parent company for Bethesda, which is one of the biggest game developers in the world right now. They're responsible between developing and publishing. They're responsible for the Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom, dishonored, Wolfenstein prey and a bunch of other franchises, The Elder Scrolls probably being the biggest one. I mean, you've seen how Skyrim has been absolutely everywhere. So I think this is an absolutely major shift and a huge acquisition, but kind of kind of what were your thoughts and feelings when you saw this announcement?


I mean, it's about damn time because we've been talking about how Xbox these buy up these studios are, what are gaming entities, I guess you could say, and like, you know, start having more exclusive games, because FCA is the one place where PlayStation is kicking their ass right now. So for sure. I don't know if they need to buy something that was$7.5 billion. Microsoft, they have the money, they can do that, like so. I think it's I don't know if it's good, necessarily for the gaming industry. Because I think my opinion would be Hey, make all these games exclusive, because that's where you're getting your butt kicked right now. But right. This is what they needed to do. They need to buy up some studios and they need to get these games solely on their system and on a PC. So yeah, it is a huge deal for them. Like it can The game's exclusive like, I know, like he can kind of do the time exclusive where like, you know, we'll have it for, I don't know, six months or a year, and then we'll give it to PlayStation. No, no, don't do that. Because then play, people will PlayStation and be like, you know, wait a year, instead of going to get your system in gotta have the exclusives. So people have to buy your system to play those games. Don't do that time exclusive shit. People will just wait. Because why? Because of the damn backlog again, people like to play and they had time that they can wait because like said they got to go through all these other games. Oh, I can get to that a year. So no, no time exclusives. Don't even think about it a bad idea. But um, you know, they can also get a fee though if they gave to Sony. Yeah, no, no, no, no, I stay fully exclusive. Like he claims on your system. But you know, it kind of I see I'm getting both systems. So I guess it really doesn't matter from


Yeah, for us. It doesn't matter a whole lot in terms of exclusives because we're will actually be bad for both teams. Yeah, we'll have both systems. So yeah,


but like, I mean, I'm gonna keep on going.


I can I can jump in if you want me to


spot cuz I kind of lost my train of thought right there.


It's all good. No, because it is I think it's a massive deal. And I was kind of expecting something like this. At some point. They bought up some of the smaller studios they only bought up like obsidian and a few of those other smaller studios. I was really waiting for like, because they've got just boatloads of money. They I mean, they it's Microsoft. I mean, they are not in any way shape or form for money. Even if they don't, like come out ahead on this investment. It's still like it's not going to hurt them long run now all whereas you know, $7.5 billion in sync a lot of freaking company. Yeah, but you know, I look at the lineup of games, so I kind of rattled them off real quick there. But you know, I love the Elder Scrolls games. I mean, ever since Morrowind. When I got into them, you know, Morrowind oblivion and Skyrim have all been amazing. I've enjoyed, like Fallout three and Fallout New Vegas. I never played Fallout four, but like I enjoyed three and New Vegas. The Doom games that have been coming out with here the last few years have been fantastic and very well received. Like dishonored is a randomly really fun franchise that I've really enjoyed in the Wolfenstein games. I've absolutely loved both the new order and the or the Yeah, new order and new Colossus names. But you know, so I look at these franchises and I'm like, is if I wasn't already leaning towards the Xbox anyway, but seeing this lineup of games and knowing Oh, I love that I love that I love that I'm


not gonna come out right away though either


correct, right and that's the big thing you know, now that you know we don't even know when the next Elder Scrolls Doom just had one come out this year haven't heard shit about well, the guys that make dishonored had been making that death loop game that is actually going to be a PlayStation timed exclusive. So that is one thing I did like, like even though Microsoft bought them they came they already came out and said they're honoring the PlayStation exclusive agreements for death loop in Tokyo ghost wire. Yeah, definitely really interest me. I don't know a whole lot about the Tokyo ghosts wire. But I thought that was a pretty nice move, I guess. I mean, it's hard to think these companies being nice and playing nice with each other. But to honor those


guys being nice, I think that's legal terms. They're ugly in there where they could not do that. I bet


that would have been a big legal battle. You're absolutely right. But it's it makes for good publicity, to come out and say, Hey, we're good with that, you know, because Microsoft could probably fight that and throw enough money at the lawyers to make to make it work. But I am really curious to see because I'm with you. I generally agree. I think they should keep these exclusives. I think they should make all these franchises Xbox and you know, PC, because let's be honest, if they're going to PC too. But I think it would be such a good coup for them to get the Elder Scrolls to get Fallout and it just is a good for gaming. And and that's where like people, some people argue that exclusives in general are not not good for gaming, but I like having exclusives.


Yeah, I do think it gives you a reason to bat both systems.


There's that but I do think it drives some creativity. It drives some innovation. I think the competition is a good thing. If so, so for me, I like having exclusives whether you know yes, there would probably be a lot of PlayStation owners who were pissed off that Elder Scrolls six doesn't come to the PlayStation. But it'd be such a, it would be such a feather in their cap to be able to say we have the Elder Scrolls games. We have the Fallout games, you know, but I do get like Microsoft could still make an absolute shit ton of money just licensing them to Sony. Like Yeah, release them on your Xbox and let and let them release on the Sony as well. And you get a cut of every single damn sale. Sure. On the PlayStation. I mean, so I mean, they got to recoup that 7.5 billion


that's going on right there, man, right?


It really is. So as much as I'd like to see them exclusive because I do think not just because I'm a bit of an Xbox fanboy over PlayStation like it's in that trial to let that dictate too much. But I do think that having that we're just it just makes them a little more competitive. If it makes a lot more competitive with some paddles, and it just it would render a lot of that, oh, Playstation exclusives are so much better. It could render a lot of that argument and now moot. So yeah, I really I want both systems to have amazing exclusives. Yeah, I agree like Nintendo. I mean, we get amazing exclusives from Nintendo. Almost all the time. It's been kind of Yeah,


but that's all they have. But it still works. For us. It does,


it still works for us. So I'm excited by the news. I think it is a major announcement for gaming. And I'm really curious to see how they end up handling, you know, licensing the games out or making them exclusive. So, but another, you know, we obviously spend a lot of time talking about Game News. And another place that we usually get news on either upcoming games or upcoming services, things like that is the annual The Game Awards put on by Jeff Kiley. cailli. I close enough, close enough. So he's an interesting character in and of themselves. But this year, they did come out recently and announced that it is going to happen, it's going to happen on December 10. It's going to be online only, of course, because I believe in an interview, the guy said, yeah, we weren't looking to put 10,000 people in one place. Right? Yeah, so at least they're being smart about it. But like so we usually get a lot of announcements around the Game Awards, but I think we're getting all our announcements, you know, leading up to the release of the new consoles. Yeah, I do always like seeing the competitions for like, the games of the year, and things like that. And I know we haven't played a ton of new 2020 games. But if you kind of have to sit back and think about it, what would be some of your favorite 2020 games so far this year?


Man, I didn't know if you're ever gonna stop talking to be honest with you. Like you got on a lot there for a while. But man, me 2020 is all about ghosts. It's just seems like yeah, The Last of Us part two. You know, you've heard our opinions on The Last of Us Part Two a little bit. We're going to talk about more if red ever decides to finish the game one of these days. But um, for me, The Last of Us part two. Yes, it was a good game. But overall, it was a little bit of a disappointment and what we were expecting but like I said, Good game just didn't live up to what I wanted it to be. But now ghosts Shima I know you've not played that dark this game yet read. I have this game is creeping up my top 10 list. like, yo, like, you know, there's a couple things here and there that were kind of bugging me a little bit. It's a little bit glitchy like I wish they would it's not too bad. It doesn't annoy you. But there's some points that like, you know, you kind of I wish they would have polished off a little bit. Yeah. And some of the side quests were like, you know, dragging on a little bit. So therefore, little wall, I got just just a little bit just a little bit down the game. In May, I've gone back to the main story. And we've talked about this in open world games. We kind of hit that low. Yeah, we get back to the main story to kind of get you going again. It really is this game. I mean, the main story is really getting good. The world looks beautiful. The combat is so much fun, like a change in stances. You're doing different moves. And like it's good. It's very good. It's almost all sword fighting. Yeah, bone era, but use it a little bit. But you're mostly sword fighting. And like, I'm already thinking this is going to be a top team game for me. Now, as I said, Witcher three is my favorite game. What comes after that? I really don't know, I never really sit there and think about it. And my list is always constantly changing. As games evolve more and more, but you know, I know which games go on my top 10 now I might have 12 or 13 of them that says in my top 10 but what I'm trying to say is it's top 10 quality. It's like a good game. And ghostess You seem a man like it's climbing that ladder like it's probably gonna be a top 10 game maybe are like it's very, very good. So for me, that would be my game of the year because just like you know, take away how much I like it because obviously there's some bias I like it. I want to win shame with the year just like I did got a vor when it was up against Red Dead Redemption two and Red Dead Redemption two is taking every single award at the beginning but god of war came in stole it at the end, but um, it got the big one. Yeah, yeah. But oh, Bama enjoying goes to Tsushima so much. It's one of the most it's probably the most I would say the last of us. Part two is very beautiful game, but shaimaa is very close. The combat is good. The story is really good. Just everything's coming together. So well. Yeah, there's a glitch here and then it kind of bothers you doesn't annoy you though. But for me, that would be a year. Now. I know you've not played a lot games this year. But do you have anything you want? Say on that? Like, what's your favorite game this year? Well, I mean,


yeah. 2020 that's the big thing. I mean, Can I count Mario All Stars 3d?


I don't know. I don't know.


I don't think we can because those are like just straight ports. They're not like


they weren't remakes. I know that. Yeah, that's fix the controls and gave the borrower some shock. I never played before, by sure shit. No, they didn't fix the controls into the updated one. And they didn't fix the camera in Mario 64. But But


no, I would go I mean, almost by default for me. It has to be the last of us part two. Yeah, and I mean it. I know I haven't been it yet, but I'm about 3028 30 hours in it's a beautiful game. The game Play is awesome. I know the story goes some directions. Not everyone agrees with that includes me. And the characters are, you know, quite my favorite, especially when you hold them up compared to the first one. Yeah, but like to me though, the gameplay, the graphics is all still very beautiful. The story is still good by video game standards. Yes, the bar set by the first one was so stupidly high read. And I know we'll have an episode down the road where we spend a lot more time on the last of us in The Last of Us part two. But for me, I mean, almost by default, that has to be my game of the year. Plus, it was such a critical success. I mean, it's Yeah, I think it's sitting like a 93 or some shit on Metacritic, which is insane. It's really damn good. So I could definitely see that winning it I do hope to play ghosts of Tsushima by the end of the year. one my favorite multiplayer game that I've played this year, though, and there's no chance in hell this gets any you know, Game of the war Game of the Year awards or anything but Streets of Rage for Yeah, has been an absolute blast. Me and the girlfriend have been playing it on switch quite a bit just throughout the year. And it's a lot of fun. It's just an old school side scrolling beat em up game. Not a whole lot of depth to it. But it's a lot of fun. And it's especially a lot of fun playing it cooperatively with somebody so yeah, for me, like if you know, I know, there's usually like a best multiplayer best esport all that shit. So like for my favorite like couch Co Op multiplayer game would be Streets of Rage four. But beyond that I have not played much this year. But there are definitely a lot of games that I think will get nominated just based on the press, they got the rating reviews they got. And so I'm just gonna kind of go through a couple of like my predictions of what I think will eventually get get nominated. And some of these are going to be games that are already out. And then of course, as we know, there's still some huge releases, including two fuckin brand new consoles coming out by the end of the year. So this list might be entirely shit in the next two months. But you know, I mean, the last


con is already releasing a month before the Game Awards. So I doubt you see much of the new consoles in that show.


Very true unless somebody has a launch title that just blows the world away. Yeah, but you know I think the last was part two just because it's reviews you know the press going into it the coverage of it I think that'll get nominated goes to Tsushima is surprisingly doesn't have that good critical reviews. But man the fan reviews Yeah, I've been I've been exactly what you said like your description of how much you love the game and exactly everything you love about it. Yeah, like the critical reviews kind of had it in like that, you know, as solid be at something


when they were looking too much into glitches. Like I say like there's some cars that just aren't smooth. Like, you know, Nintendo has that smooth quality. This game, there are some points where you're like, you could polish that a little more. I think it's what it creates kind of came in and gave it a little bit lower review than I would have.


Yeah, and I get that that technical stuff does come in for for reviews. But as long as it


might be annoying, it's just it's there. You kind of notice it. But so far, it's not annoyed me.


It's hard to find an open world game that doesn't have a few of those. Oh, great. It is a very rare so. And I think I think Animal Crossing New Horizons will probably get some love. Just because I think it came out there had been a low in new games for a few months before that. It came out at the really at the beginning of people being forced to shelter in place and not leave their homes and all this stuff. And it really seemed to have been massively popular. I know you didn't quite buy into it as much as a lot of people did. I never picked it up because it doesn't seem like my style.


But that was all me like I didn't think the game was bad at all. Like from what I played of it. Like I was like, Okay, I can tell that this is a very well made game. But for me just a life simulator or econ simulator, because I've tried to roll one since then. It was just like a theme park. That's exactly that's exactly what it is. And I was like, You know what, I got time for this shit. I got things right. But you know, the Animal Crossing like, yeah, it wasn't for me. I'm not big on life simulators. But playing the game. I was like, Okay, this game was like, very well made. So I understand, like, you know, all the good accolades. It has gotten. Yeah, yeah. And I think like, people will remember that. And, and how much of a success it really was a great game for the times because it was a game that was very calm, very happy. Yes. And that's what people needed when, like, you know, COVID-19 and the whole shelter in place started,


right. And then a couple of my other predictions, and these are just total total guesses. Like I said, I'm Hades is like every year it seems like an indie game getting gets a nomination just, you know, because usually there's a couple amazing it's on purpose, or is it actually deserved? I think it's usually deserved based on like some of the reviews I've seen, like disco Elysium last year, was nominated, and its reviews are amazing. And I bought it I haven't played it yet. I've got it on my PC, but like it feels like every year they least try to be inclusive because if you just limited it to the triple A blockbusters, it's, you know, I get it. Those are the games that get the coverage that most people play more people play, but I think you know, recognizing an indie gym every now and then, you know, so I think Hades this year could be that game. Its reviews are sitting up in the 92 93 territory, it's


just think of some less right now and like I played slay it, it's not a bad game. But I think it was last year that was nominated as like, it's no, no way compared. Yeah, good game, in no way compares to these other games that are nominated. So it's kind of like, are you all including the indie games? Like, you know, I don't play a lot. I do love the whole indie scene, I love that all developers are given a chance to do what they love. I love that whole thing. I don't play a lot of them. But it's a time I'm like, you know, are they doing this on purpose, you know, or something deserved? And a lot of times, I don't know, because I don't play them.


Exactly, exactly. Now I can say I've played previous games from the company that made Hades. I've played Bastion, I've played transistor, and they're both really, really solid game. Like, yeah, I mean, it doesn't have the same, you know, budget quality bells and whistles, whatever, as the latest Call of Duty or whatever. But you know, it's still like, they're charming games, and they're fun. Yeah. And at least in like bastions case, it was like a funny game, you had a narrator the whole time, that was pretty entertaining. And then I could see something like Crusader Kings, which is a three, I should say, it's been a fairly popular franchise, but it's kind of, I feel like it's a little under the radar, because it's like a strategy game that crosses like generations of like a family, a dynasty, basically. And Crusader Kings three has been reviewing amazingly well, as well. So I could see it getting something getting a little bit of love. But other than those, are there any other games that are out so far, and we'll get into the upcoming games here in just a second. But anything else that's been released, whether you've played it or not, that you're kind of predict might make its way onto the list? Not


really, I mean, I think Doom eternal, like deck came out this year, but I didn't play how great of a game was it, I really never looked into it, because I never really plan on playing it. But as far as 2020 went, like there was not a ton of releases. Really, there were some good ones, but there was not a ton. So the count you actually I didn't even know two of them that you even mentioned. So like, I think, this year, I played a lot of games on my backlog, like at the beginning of the year, and you know, played The Last of Us and now playing goes to Tsushima. I tried Animal Crossing, but other than that, I don't remember any big game. So I kind of agree with you right there. But you know, I said something earlier about the new consoles won't be there in time for to be part of the Game Awards. But remember that Red Dead Redemption two was released, not that far ahead of the game awards. And so yeah, it was only about a month. Yeah. So that you know, okay, so let's bring in some as well, not new generation, but games are coming out later on this year. What I'm trying to say, I'll get there eventually, man, you just gotta be patient with me. You just got Give me some time. All right. But all right, with some games that could get nominated later. You're coming up very late, but still have a chance. cyberpunk 2077. Which, yeah, I'm excited about this game. I'm excited about because of who makes it. Like the concept like so far, like, you know, I don't really care for that futuristic, like, you know, an open world game. I'm more of a sword and shield guy. And like, you know, I'm not really big on the guns and open world game. And then like he put like the whole future aspect into it. You know, if this game wasn't made by CD Projekt RED, I don't even know if I'd be looking into it that much. But yeah, yes, it is by CD Projekt RED, I am going to buy it and it is going to be amazing, and it probably will blow me away. But some other games. I'll let you talk about these Spider Man Miles Morales, Assassin's Creed Valhalla and also the Demon Souls remake. Like these are all games. We could see nominated Game Awards. Do you agree?


Yeah, I absolutely do. And Spider Man Miles Morales even though I know it's kind of being advertised as more of a spin off like a Uncharted lost legacy kind of thing. It still looks beautiful. And if it's still a full length release


that question, is it a full length game?


No, that's the big question. You know, and no one no one knows until until it comes out. So but it looks gorgeous in like the original Spider Man nailed the mechanics so well in the story. So if Miles Morales can do that, and it's got the publicity now that I feel like the first spider man didn't really have I mean, you've talked about before, especially on the episode where we actually just talked about Spider Man, they kind of snuck up on a lot of people. And I think Miles Morales this year is getting put out there front and center as like the showcase launch title for the PlayStation five. So I think this year, it's got that buzz. It's got that visibility and sneaking up on anybody in your launch title. Right and I hope it's not I hope it's an amazing period. So I could see that getting some love Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I just know the last few Assassin's Creed's I don't think you've even made the nominations. I think when you have a franchise like that it's a little harder to do the same kind of


games in a different location.


Right, exactly. I think.


I probably shouldn't say that.


I do think people do get a little burnt out on it. And if they don't refresh the cycle enough, then people just Yeah, yeah, like you said it's a new same game new skin, and then the Demon Souls remake. Demon Souls doesn't get the same love that like The Dark Souls games that it spawned. Yeah, because those are massively popular and they've made from software a household name. But just Demon Souls was always a little more under the radar. It seems like they it when you hear about the souls born games, like it started with Demon Souls but Dark Souls is when they finally started getting the publicity. So I think Demon Souls getting remade and being at least in the launch window for the PlayStation five will get it a lot of traction people really love from software now. I mean, they won game of the year last year with a second row, whatever it was called. So they like with them on the radar. And we saw with Resident Evil two remake last year that you know, remix can get some love if you're substantially different enough. In upgrade enough, you know, we joked about Mario all stars, because those aren't fucking remakes. Yeah, exactly right when you said that. So those are kind of my upcoming games along, like you said along with cyberpunk, that I think we'll definitely be looked at pretty hard for a nomination. So you know, we've been, we've talked about news, so damn much it or we've been talking about specific games, the last few episodes here. I'm glad you brought up a topic that's just kind of a fun, kind of off the beaten path type topic about actual gameplay that you wanted to talk about a little bit. And that's like, when a game slows down. And just really lets you kind of take in the scenery a little bit, like maybe you're just walking from one place to another, at a more of a leisurely pace, maybe it's a kind of a cutscene type thing, or like a half cutscene where you're maybe your guy, maybe you're not, but there's not much you can do. But you really get to look at the details of the world. So my question is, what kind of what kind of prompted this? It? Was it a specific moment again, was it just something you thought about I assumed it add,


I don't even remember this text. So like, we saw this on the outline, I was like, I don't even remember saying this. But eventually, like, I've kind of remembered more and more. But yeah, I don't know exactly where it happened. But I know that it was in ghosts of Tsushima. Because there's some points like where you kind of, you're walking alongside somebody, or you're riding your horse, and you can only ride at a certain speed. And like, it just slows the game down. Because everybody, okay, I'm not gonna say everybody, but most players go through a game pretty fast. And what I mean by that is, you're not walking through a game like you're running. If you're not running your pride around a horse, if you're not riding a horse, you're probably fast traveling, like you're going to areas quickly, some way Yeah, and I just love those cutscenes. And not every game has it. But like, a cutscene, where like, you know, you're it doesn't look like a cutscene you know, and God of War did gray this where it was just like one continuous shot, like, you know, they brought together very well. And so he gets those points where it's a cuts, like you said, a semi cutscene like, you know, your semi plane, like, you know, you're just walking around, you're moving very slowly, and you get to look at the world around you. And when it happened, I was just like, oh my god, I love that. Because we even if we go through games slow, we go through them fast that that makes really I was saying, Let me travel fast. I guess what I'm talking about here, people is open Wargaming. Okay, I'm not talking about linear gaming. But this is nice. Sometimes like, cuz you do miss a lot of those details. Which sucks, because we've talked about this, we take for granted, like how games are made now. Because we just expect it because they've evolved so far from when they were in the, you know, the 80s and the 90s. So, there's so many cool things that we just don't see. And when a game slows you down like that, you know, webit cutscene? Or maybe you're just having a conversation, because you know, Tsushima does this, where if you're having a conversation with somebody, they will only let the horse go a certain speed. So you can have that conversation. It just nice slows down the game. And you can see around you, I just absolutely loving. Like I know you've played Witcher three. So that's kind of one. Thank you. Have you experienced like this before playing games?


Oh, absolutely. Every now and then, and the Witcher three, I'm glad you mentioned because like at the very beginning, you're just riding your horse with another one of the teachers have said a conversation. And you can even set the horse to follow the road automatically. So you don't even have to touch the controller. And you can just look around. And I know like three is a beautiful world, but it's also kind of a very dark and like, like a lot, a lot of sickness, a lot of war, like all that stuff. But it lets you take in the world, especially if you're not familiar with the Witcher universe, which a lot of people work when they jumped into Witcher three. Yeah, yourself included if I'm not mistaken. Yep. So it's like you kind of get to see this world and really take it in, you know, the god of war. We mentioned when you get into new areas, and you're just walking around talking with a trace, you usually get some beautiful scenes every now and then though there is an instance where they do it and it's just frustrating as hell yeah, one that always comes to my mind the variant and I've bragged on the end of Mass Effect three many times,


but I'm not placing don't spoil it too much. I'm not


spoiling it. But there's one point where you're hurt. And you're like walking really slowly to the end goal. And like at that point, a it's just not a beautiful area that you're in and be you're it's it feels like it's just dragging out the suspense of the ending. Yeah, because you know, it's like it's almost like artificially padding that link and it's just again Get your characters hurt so they move slow but in this case there wasn't a whole lot of the world to look around and take in yes particular area so I'm every now and then it is annoying as hell but man when a game nails it, it is a great mechanic so I'm really glad you brought that up but once again I think our time has come up here we as usual we flew through we foods are 45 minutes a lot quicker than we Yeah, we


went over like he said like yeah,


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no matter how many years I know you're an asshole


anyways um I am working on building up that website we just became an affiliate for a hot topic and something going entertainment earth which I never heard of, but they got a lot of cool video game stuff so deal like I said I am getting back to that website there are like cool products we're gonna put on there. There's also a newest section if you want to see him but that's very cool and we're gonna be continued to put work in so check them both out but definitely check out tg PC gaming anyways, we got a YouTube for two guys playing Zelda and tg PC gaming are two guys playing zils the big one. It's how we started over 10,000 subscribers. We got Zillow rankings theories, opinions a walk warriors, whatever. So go check that out. discord man we have if you are going to go to places to check us out. Check us out on Twitter because we're very active on Twitter. Yep, check us out on discord because we have Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC, beer sports, you name it we're probably talking about because man the conversation sometimes I don't understand how it gets like where we go, but it gets there somehow. It also social media. He finds on Twitter, he fights on Instagram. We're still on Facebook, but I wouldn't really waste your time going there. But anyway, that's the end of this episode. had a blast had a blast actually get away from a game and just talk in the industry but we will see you on the next episode.