Busted Buttons

The Last of Us - Busted Buttons Ep. 32

October 14, 2020 TGPZ Gaming

All episode long, Red and I discuss the 2013 Naughty Dog game, The Last of Us. It's a PlayStation exclusive.

We start with the most important thing in the game, the story. What are Red and I's overall feelings? What did we like and not like? What hit us the hardest?

We then break down the story even further by going through the 12 chapters that cover Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. What did we like about each one? How did it contribute to the overall story?

Afterwards, we address the DLC quickly before moving into the gameplay. Did we enjoy the survivalist concept? How about the lack of guns and ammo? How precise was the aiming?

We end with a discussion on the legacy of the game. Is it one of the greatest video game stories ever told? How did it change games going forward?

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Welcome to Episode 32 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. And boy, I am excited for today. All episode long we are talking to 2013 Naughty Dog game, The Last of Us just an absolute spectacular game. I guess we got to reference it as part one now since Part two is out but you know what? That's the only time I'm going to say that I'm just going to call it The Last of Us because that's why I know the game is but I think Ren I we didn't play this game until 2000. Well, me it was 2019 and there's a remaster I believe in 2014 or whatever that Yep, came out on the ps4. So yeah, I didn't play till recently, I believe reds in the same boat. But yet really one of the better games that I've played in the last couple years, even though it was released all the way back in 2013. But we're going to talk very similar story, gameplay and then legacy because that's really what legacy is not part of the game. It's just what the game is now to us. But storing gameplay. It's a very, very simple game. Linear, you just go through it in any Okay, first of all, if you have not played this game, go play this game, the remastered version on a ps4. I believe it's a PlayStation hit. So this remaster is like yeah, 20 bucks at the most, and you can find it on sale quite often. And just ny dawg, a great game studio. They also did the Uncharted franchise. So well first if you're listening to his podcast, and he not played it, just cut off this podcast. Don't listen to us, but I go play the game. But anyways, because


there will be spoilers there.


Yeah. Oh, yes. Very good point. Very good point. We'll be talking spoilers. Anything in Part one is like a fair game, we will be talking about everything, even the ending. We're going to try to stay away from Part Two because it's a game that just came out recently. So we're gonna try to not give any spoilers on that game I read. I'm gonna go ahead and kick it to you story. What's your opinion of this fantastic story? You know, my opinion is fantastic. What's your opinion?


Well, it's funny, you know, when we've been talking about games before, like when we when we pick a game to talk about specifically on our podcast, we usually highlight like, what is the star of that game, you know, like Breath of the Wild, the world was the star for something like Mario Odyssey, the gameplay is the star when it comes to the last of us. It is all about that story. And I gotta say, the basic premise of the story seems so simple, but man, naughty dogs delivery, and the like, journey they take us through to get from point A to point B, in my opinion, and also in the opinion of many, many gamers, reviewers everything. It's more of the best stories ever told in video games, basically. I mean, it's it's simple. You are a smuggler, and you're charged with getting this girl across the United States of America, because she's immune to this infection that's busted out and they think they can use her to make a cure. Boom. That's the whole story. That's a pretty fucking simple plot, if I'm not mistaken, but it takes so many twists and turns as you go. Naughty Dog does an amazing job of building realistic relationships that makes us care about the characters in the story that to me, like, it's Yeah, it's a very cookie cutter type story. But the relationships you build and the quiet moments within that story, or what make it so so strong, and I'm with you, I think it's a fantastic story. totally believe it is absolutely one of the like I said one of the best stories. Yeah, video games. It's something that I'm shocked they have not tried to turn into like a mini series on Netflix or Amazon or Don't do that.


Don't do that PlayStation Sony ny dawg, we ain't got turned everything into a show. Just let it be baby the hangover. We only needed one hangover, but we that's all we needed. So yeah, it could be a great show. But we don't get the walking dead. The Walking Dead will work enough. But this is one of those games. I mean, you talk about gut punches. I mean, this thing had the gut punches. And bam right off the bat is still a difficult topic of the story for me talked about is when Sarah is killed with his daughter. I don't know exactly how they might not even say how old she is. But she's younger, which is one of those moments with me being a father of three daughters. That was very hard for me to take and that's what great games do they give you story that you still have a difficult like I say still because it was going back and watch it today. Like I was still struggling with it like day is just a heartbreaking moment. And they have that scene within like the first 10 minutes of the game. I mean really dead just set the rest of the journey in the adventure for the game like you know that. I mean, that was hard. That was me, but that was Really hard for everybody how many games show a kid dying within the first 10 minutes naughty dog does that not only showing


the kid dying but like it actually did a pretty effective job in just a 10 or 15 minutes stretch of it they're getting you come home as Joel and you know you're kind of walking through the house your regular person no and and like it makes you care because there's little memorabilia. Yeah, little things scattered around the house. It makes you care even though you literally only get to know Joel and Sarah for like you said like 10 or 15 minutes. Yeah, before like shit totally hits the fan. Infection breaks out, you know, you're on the run immediately. And then she gets shot. And to me I kind of compare it quite a bit to like Game of Thrones, like the first season when I got the last season. spoilers for Game of Thrones as well. So you know if you haven't watched it, but you know, the first season they kill off Ned Stark, who everyone thought is going to be a major character. Yeah, throughout the entire series, unless you've read the books and then you know, you know,


that's HBO man. They kill off the characters you love though.


Yeah. And like so for me just like that really set the tone for this game because Naughty Dog was not afraid to kill off the characters that you came to love. And that becomes like a or not love necessarily. But you know, you relate to Yeah, relationships, their interactions. I mean, we see it later on in the game when they have was Henry and Sam. Yeah, are these two brothers and Sam gets infected. And Henry has to kill him. And then he commit suicide because he's so grief stricken by the fact that he had to kill his brother and wasn't able to protect him. I mean, man, if that


would have been a father and son relationship, though. Oh, that point would hit so much harder, but still be brothers. It still hit hard. But go ahead.


No, for sure. It's just like, at this time in video gaming and even in like popular culture. Like I don't think that killing off characters like this was that popular? Not not popular is not the right word. But it wasn't done very much like said Game of Thrones shocked. Yeah, when it started doing it. It started with Ned Stark. It continued to like, you know, the red wedding, of course. And so all throughout the last of us, we see like these characters in these relationships that you start to get attached to and then Nope, nope, boom. And it really drives home how harsh of a world it is that they're living in. So yeah, I really loved the presentation. Like it wasn't afraid to pull it exactly like but you know, in the stairway. Yeah. And I promise I'll throw this back to you. I really do. But


I talked in the intro for a little bit longer than I want to, but I got excited. So you know,


it is and like, just and I don't have kids. So I'm dating a girl who's got it who's got a kid so I'm learning this whole you know, developing a relationship with the kid thing. So watching like Joel go the main guy go from this like gruff. He's very hardened from the experience. He went through, of course with his own daughter, and then just the reality of the world he's living in to watch him slowly build this bond with the girl that he's supposed to literally just be getting from point A to point B. Yeah, I thought it was really well done. What did you think, though, of like the relationship between Joel and Ellie, and how Naughty Dog really


put that together, which is worked so well together. And we don't want to talk too much about part two. But like, you've probably heard people complain a little bit about the relationships, just the characters. Yeah, and part two. And that's what part one did was, it just worked like it did feel, you know, forcing I'm not saying that. Part two is for some prompts. I'm trying to get away from part two. It's gonna creep in a little bit here, but it's gonna happen. Yeah, it just, it was so simple. And it just it worked so well. And it was believable, like, you know, yeah, he's very upset the beginning, like, you know, Ellie reminds him of his daughter, Sarah. Yeah, he's very, like defensive at the beginning. And then over time, like, you know, gradually they start to get closer and closer. And it's just the relationship is very natural. And I don't know what it is about those two, but at one I love them as, you know, characters being together, but I also love them as characters on their own. They're just Yeah, good characters. And, you know, I could say this about their personality. I could say this, but it's just one of those things that when it comes down to the simplest terms, it just works very well. Like it's just a great combination. So I mean, I just throughout the game, and that's why I think I love this game so much was that relationship but then we also saw a strong relationship, you know, with Tommy even though he was there, in the beginning, very strong relationship there. And then we see him later in the game. You know, it's still a good relationship, but just, you know, like, said, Henry and Sam. No, it was like a very short lived relationship, but that was good. You know, he had john test, like every character that they introduced in this game, they were believable. They were natural, and they just fit into the story perfectly. It's like you said, one of the great stories, you know, in videogame history. I think, like this game could have had mediocre gameplay and we will get to the gameplay. It still could have been great but you know you say here and say everything you want. about the story, but it really comes down to Joe and Ellie. And they, they just worked fantastic.


They really did. And just like, like you said, you do mention some of the other characters we see like you had tests, who was Joel's, like smuggling partner and they had a good bond and it like, and it made her sacrifice, when like, she sacrificed a sexual bond, right? I believe so cuz she, she makes a comment. And I was, I was kind of reading up on all this stuff, as I was, you know, putting together our outline. Yeah. And like, she makes a comment right before she dies that she's like, you know, after, you know, we, we we had enough that you owe this to me, like, and I can't. It's about like, you know, take take the kid and take Ellie and get her to the fireflies was was her what she was wanting to do, is like you we had enough that you owe me this. So it's like, it wasn't like they were together together. But there were partners, and there was definitely a little bit of a relationship there. And they like it was enough that they didn't have to beat you over the head with it. Yeah, Naughty Dog did a great job of like, it was subtle. It's like you can tell their partners, but you can tell there's a little more than that there, you know. And then like, like, we're gonna leave it for you all to figure it out. That's what they lay. Right? And then of course, Tommy, you know, at the very beginning there together trying to get the daughter Sarah, like when shit is hitting the fan out of there. And then we don't see him again. And we find out like much later in the game when you go to Tommy's a village, his settlement in Wyoming that like they had a bit of a falling out Tommy and in Joel, and Tommy makes a comment, like, or Joel says, You know, I did a lot to keep you alive. And Tommy's, like all I have from those years are nightmares. Yeah. So it's like something happened. And we never get the details. You know, but I mean, obviously, you can imagine what it was like, if you're on the run, and the world's going to hell around you with a zombie outbreak. I mean, yeah, you can only imagine the things these people had to do to survive. So like, even things like that, like we said, they leave it for your imagination to fill in, like


what? The answer every question, and a lot games try to do, like not answer every question. But they try to answer a lot of questions in night dog, right? They didn't do that they, like you said that there, we're gonna leave it here, we're gonna let you all kind of figure it out. And that's what add to the impact of the story so much,


it really did. And then even getting away from the main characters, like, all throughout the game, and games have kind of been doing this since. And one of the first ones I could really remember did this was the original Bioshock, where you find letters in recordings and things like that throughout the world that kind of fill in some of the backstory and like, just tell smaller stories about stuff you'll never see. And I thought, The Last of Us, like you find so many like notes, people left for each other, you see little signs and things like that, that helped make the world feel very alive because there's so much more going on in the world than just what Joel and Ellie and like said tests and Tommy and Haley and Sam are going through and you get these little scraps of it like as you go through in the last was part two also did a great job of that where the world building is really in just like these notes you find in these scenes, you find them yeah, I find a corpse somewhere like where it's just laying there with a gun in his hand. And you find a note where he says, I was bitten, I'm not gonna let myself turn into one of these things. Yeah, you know, when you know what happened? I mean, it's just they did such a good job of filling in, like the margins of the world with just these written notes everywhere. So I did you, were you a fan kind of like that? Or do you kind of get I know,


at that point. Like, I don't really sit there and I do now. But I used to not sit there and read everything in this game. Or a note or, you know, whatever. I would always sit there and read it, I think. I think I did do it in this game. But other games that don't always do it. Yeah, that's something that actually encouraged gamers to do. Because lately within the past maybe three months, that's a six months, like I've really been focusing on reading stuff that I find on my journey, even if it's wrong, right. There's usually something great there that, like you said, adds to the story of the game. So I think I did do it in this game. But yeah, I just love those little thanks. Because, once again, it wasn't forced, like it was there if you find it cool. Yeah, if you don't find it, like you really didn't miss anything overall. I mean, you missed that. And yeah, a little bit, but really, overall, you didn't miss too much. So didn't take away from the mains. Yeah, in these linear games, some of them you know, Uncharted, you know, also being for naughty dog does a very similar thing, where they're gonna give you the story, but then they're going to have these little notes, these little artifacts, these little collections here and there, they're going to add to a story and also make the story sad because usually, it's found you know, around or on a dead person and you find out how they came to their demise. So yeah, just very great kind of gives you an idea of, you know, what's going on in that world even as chaotic as Yo, yo, can we bring it back to simplistic terms here? This is for me a horror game, you know, zombie game a horror game wherever you some people I know we've argued don't call a horror game. I think it's a horror game. I usually do not like horror games or dark games or zombie games. But this game right here like, you know, I was kind of reluctant to play it by heard so much about it yes like, okay, I'll give this game a shot, start playing it in this game absolutely blew me away. And that says something for like how great this game is. If you sit there and you don't like a genre, and then you still play, you know, maybe you do actually like that genre. He didn't know it. But I don't think it's a case of me.


Like rushing out to play a lot more zombie games. Yeah, yes.


This might be the only zombie game I've played since this game. Well. Yeah, it just says a lot about this game that you can play a genre that you hate. And still think it's one, you know, I don't want to save is one of the best games definitely one of the best stories, but overall, a very great game. So um, let's kind of get, you know, we kind of talked about the story overall, but I kind of want to break it down. You know, in the chat, there's and we don't have to talk about every single one. Yeah, read just like the game. We'll see what happens naturally, we'll try to make this unnatural, you know, can just go through it. But um, you know, he said the fix is breaking out and they're escaping, like, you know, his daughter shot, you know, early on. That's, that's, you know, that's it's hard for me to talk about. But um, first off, you know, if first of all one thing before we get going. One thing that I really loved was the host seasons in this game.


Yeah. Like I like to say the same thing. Go ahead


and say, No, I


absolutely love the structure that they put together for this. I mean, you got the prologue, of course, where the outbreak is first happening. And then you have I think it's like a 20 year break. Yeah. And the world's gone to ship. And I feel


like it's an understatement, man.


But they've got like people in these quarantine zones, and then there's just people out out in the wilderness versus just trying to survive. You got the fireflies who are trying to resist like the authorities in the quarantine zone. So it's a fucked up world. It really is. But the seasonal structure i thought was so well done. Like it's a little thing. But you're like it's you've got you know, summer where you start the game and everything is everything's kind of shit and in that's like, I feel like a big bulk of it's what starting your adventure. Yeah, no fall, you're you're getting a little deeper into the adventure, you're getting closer to your goal. Winter is where stuff is terrible. I mean, it will kind of like so we'll get into a little bit of details. But in winter, like Joel is mortally wounded, and he doesn't die, but he's very, very wounded. He actually had to play as Ellie for a little bit. Yeah. And that's something which I thought was kind of a nice, a nice change of pace, a great game. And the last was part two, they take it to the extreme of


the game. Yeah, we'll tackle that next episode.


But then and then spring is like, I don't want to say the hope because and like I said, we'll kind of get to this with with the whole choice Joe has to make at the end, but it's like, you get to a kind of happy ending, I guess. I mean, so I loved the seasonal structure plus it, it was a good way to kind of let the player know how far they're progressing through the game. Yeah, I mean, because I know some people are, you know, people are time constrained. You know, I don't always have 100 hours to drop into a game. I kind of like knowing how far along I am sometimes and I know we've talked a little bit last episode, like, or two episodes ago, or something about how many hours I had in the last party. like hours wise, you're getting close, you know, and I know we've talked about that in prior episodes in general. So I liked having that kind of natural structure to it and it did feel like the seasons kind of went well with the gameplay though. Yeah, like I said, summer you're just like you're in the dog days of


summer locations helped out with that too. They


really did. So I Were you a fan of the you decide I think you said anyway you were


on something you said earlier on. Were you talking about the game is kinda like you know, it's got that like crazy chaotic moments. And then there's also those quiet moments in the game. Yeah, and like you know, I've always felt that fall and winter are just more quiet in general mostly because people aren't outside as much right in the game that fall winter kind of add to that more quiet feel like yeah, it was still chaotic there was still zombie effected I guess is what you call there was still there you know, around everywhere, but there was a calmness and a quietness to it that went along great with the story cuz really, I mean, when your game where you playing the game, that's when the chaos happens. And yeah, you also have chaos during the cutscenes but mostly during cutscenes is obviously where the game slows down. Yeah, it can get quiet sometimes. here and there. I think it did great. Again, quiet during those cutscenes. So I think foam winter, just kind of contribute to that. But anyways, let's go back. Let's go back to the summer. Kind of like said we don't know people exactly how we're gonna go back this. We're just gonna talk about all the chapters. There's 12 chapters in the gang, like we said broke up in summer, fall, winter and spring, but I'm starting out in the quarantine zone, you know, in the summer, like said 20 years after Sarah is killed by that jerk by that whoever that is soldier, whoever it was and so that so he was, yeah basically the job here is like, you know, just to transport LA to the Boston Capitol building and really just, you know, a great simple start for the game. Hey, you're in this city, Boston, you know, and you just got to get to this Capitol Building because basically you're just trying to escape the city so I mean, like, I don't know what how to go about this. But um, you know, did you enjoy what you think about it?


I did. I thought it was a good introduction. Like Yeah, you meet you realize the conditions you're living in, in this world and how bad they are. Yeah, in this quarantine zone. You know, there's a group you meet a group called the fireflies that are trying to kind of help rise up and maybe fight back against the authority figures within the quarantine zone. I don't because


they didn't want to be you might said this, but they didn't want to be in the quarantine zone.


Right. Right. And it's just it's one of those it's like, okay, you see the internal conflict you like it's good world building very early on, but like you said, years like you at the beginning, you don't know why. Your they want you to get LA to their group. Like you don't know why they say Hey, get Ellie to the fireflies at the Capitol building. And that's why that moves as well to the next chapter, the outskirts. That's where we learn that she's actually been infected. She's been bitten, but I believe they say it's like three weeks and she is Yeah. At all. So that's when you learn that she's immune. And like, how did that like in the outskirt section? How did that kind of play out for you? Were you like, a big fan of that reveal?


Yeah, exactly. Because we have purpose. Like early on in the game. You're like, okay, we go we meet this girl who trains like, they say, Hey, you got to take this girl somewhere. But why? Like, we don't know why we're doing it. So like, you know, in the outskirts, you finally get that answer like, hey, yeah, she isn't mewed she got bit like you said three weeks ago so he finally have purpose like we had that purpose before then that's what that chapter is really about is just see like you know finding that purpose for why you're doing the job you know, you can't find out you know, the firefighters are dead and kind of like from that chapter you decide to find Tommy and you'll kind of learn Where's lab is but it's just really a great start because it's all to me it's a different area like the cordon zone and the outskirts but it's really one area like it's the starting area so yeah, first you know, you meet Ellie and you kind of you kind of find out hey, if you want these guns, you gotta get her somewhere but you don't know why and then obviously second chapter Hey, this is why you have to do this so now he has a purpose and then we go to bills I want to say bill easy no no it's bill we go to Bill's town it Oh man. This guy right here this characters then well I love in a game and he know he owes Joseph favors but really this is one my favorite areas in the game. What about you?


Well for me it's where the game really opened up. Like the first both the first two sections you're still kind of in that quarantine even when you're in the outskirts you're still kind of in that quarantine zone when you finally get out of there and you get to go to this whole village to explore that yes bill has basically taken over and yeah it goes down which is awesome by the way I'm pretty sure if I'm saying here that like painted on the damn water tower or something but yeah, I could be wrong it's been a hot minute but like it was just a cool like that's this is this was the game opening up to finally have a big area that you could explore and scavenge and you pick off little pockets of the infected and everything and Bill was a great character and I will say like the whole point in this section was you're trying to get a car you're trying to get a car so that you can get to Joel's brother Tommy who is got his settlement out in Wyoming which is a hell of a long way away from Boston where we started out but I liked like like I said for me this is where the game opened up and really started to give you some of that I don't want to call it open world but like a big area to explore and Naughty Dog you were outside the city right and naughty dog has done a great job with this as their games have progressed. They've remained mostly linear in terms of the Uncharted and this The Last of Us but they have areas that you can really explore Yeah, know what the right term they're like pockets of open world within a linear game. So I really like this and


you can also make those areas too big. And we'll talk about also on the next episode because you're too did that but you know, he talked about the areas and explored a little bit like they did I think in the first part one The Last of Us they did a great job of making those areas the right size like they didn't feel too big like they did in part two, though. We said no spoilers or anything are talking about part two, but you'll naturally it just progresses some into part two in the next episode, but yeah, I mean, Okay, first of all, how about Ellie's conversation With bill in this chapter right here, I mean she has some burners that are on point and Bill is not put up with that shit he go killer, you know, so I just throw dialogue. I mean they were going at each other. absolutely loved it you had the whole starting the car debacle like you know you're trying to push this car down a hill if you'd like so let's start and then why you're trying to do this there's infected coming out of everywhere. So if I get this car started and then you go to high school gym and I think the effects of bloat are there. Is that the right I think that's where you fight the bloat, or the fun Yeah, Dad fight was fucking intense as hell, man. So just that whole area, just you know how big it was, like you said, Ellie and Bill's conversation. Again, the car started. And then you go to the high school gym, and there's this great fight with a bloater. Just overall,


you have a fight like a church in a cemetery and everything else in this section it really opened up in this section but you do find like, one more thing on bills down then I promise we will move on the little backstory with he he had a friend that was there with and I think his name Yeah, bring in, like, he hints at me hints at him. And you find a note at the very end of this section, where Frank basically like he had to he had to offer himself because he was he got infected, but he's like, I hated you this whole time. You know, I wanted more than just holding up in a town like this. And, and it was, it was weird. And and like just ever build just like curls up the note and throws it away is like Well, fuck you too. Yeah, it's just like, it's a little moment. It's a little thing. But it was kind of powerful. Because Yeah, it was you have two people. Like there's one more there. And you know, there's like So Bill wanted to hold up and and this friend is I think it was Frank wanted to like do more with their lives. And it was just it was a great little touch right there. I really thought it was but but


you know, it hit bill even though he wasn't acting like he didn't


act like it. But you know, he's feeling it down in there. But yeah, moving on, like Pittsburgh, I think Pittsburgh is where we finally really got exposed to the evils in this world beyond the infected Yes, we start dealing with the humans who are still monsters. So kind of take me through your thoughts when you get to Pittsburgh, and you start having to fight not just the infected, but now you get a fight other survivors, dude, you roll in, in a vehicle, and this guy jumps out to you and like he's acting like he's hurt. And then Jones keeps on going, man, and this guy pulls out gun and you hit him. And that says right there. You enter Pittsburgh in Man, these humans are fucked.


But you know, to survive. In a crazy world like this, you gotta be a little bit crazy. with ourselves, Joe and Ellie are not regular individuals, they would not survive very well, in our world. There's a little bit of crazy to them. And then you get to Pittsburgh, and you had these survivors called the hunters. I mean, this is when shit gets crazy. And you start to see, you know, hey, we saw it early on in the game, but you know, the first chapters, but hey, the humans, okay, the effect is not the only issue. The humans are also going to be the issue, which I think is great for the game, because, to me, zombie games try to focus on just that. The zombies like this game focused on Hey, there's also these humans, they're also surviving and they got survive the way they feel they had to survive. And this adds a whole new element. And then you meet Henry and Sam, I absolutely love that relationship between first of all those two into the relationship that Joe and Ellie had with those two. So that right there I mean, we go through the game mostly with Joe and Ellie so introducing two new characters and they weren't in the story very long, but I just really liked it and I think that they were great for Pittsburgh cuz I don't know it's like it feels if you miss my random animal nowhere that won't feel natural. But as we've been saying, this game yeah, it feels very natural. You would expect to see somebody other than the hunters in Pittsburgh but how did you feel about this chapter?


I loved it because you hit it on the head like you said, this is where they introduce Hey, the zombies are not the only monarchs are the infected are not the only monsters in the world. People are assholes to everyone trying to get by the best they can I mean, I liken this a little bit you mentioned the Walking Dead earlier in this podcast like that that was something Walking Dead did pretty well it showed that yes, the zombies are the infected are a threat, but people trying to survive any way they can are a huge threat to and then getting to meet Henry and Sam in between this chapter and then the suburbs. The next chapter, we're kind of outside Pittsburgh, or trying to get to a radio tower.


Jump off that bridge, though, was awesome. It


really was it really was but like, you know, we get to see like, Joel and the older brother Henry kind of bond. They talk stories like


Joel told me for Henry back then No, no because member Henry we bailed on sruc and then he built On his ass man did he bailed on him. But Joe is punching though and in the suburbs, and they're


like, and that shows like The mistrust between people, especially when you're strangers before you really form a bond like there was a deep mistrust, especially from Joe Lee was willing to be a little more open and give him the benefit of the doubt which I thought was a good like sign it shows like she was. She's also immune though to you got to remember that. She's not as scared as everybody else in the game, right. But I liked the introduction of Henry and Sam, we had some traveling companions for a little while, even though it's called the suburbs in the next section, we they do literally go through like a sewer, where a whole community had been built up in the sewers. And we we learn and we develop a great relationship between Henry and Sam and Joel and Ellie, like I said, they bond, Joel and Henry bond, because Joel is telling stories about like, running motorcycles to go across the country river, right, which is, which is kind of what he's doing now trying to go across the country. Yeah. And Ellie and Sam, of course, being kids are talking about what they're scared of. I mean, they both have their like, I think, you know, obviously, Sam scared of being infected. I believe in Ellie's affected of like being or is scared of being alone. I guess it was kind of I got those backwards. I know. Yeah. It's been humming. And so like you finally see this bond start to form. But the gutwrench that we get, yeah, in the suburbs is when like they escaped, you know, an attack by the infected. It turns out Sam had gotten bitten on his leg. And he'd been hiding it from everyone though. And literally just like the next morning, you go upstairs to wake him up. And he attacks LA. Yeah. And it's it's you kind of they foreshadow it when they show that he was bitten. Yeah, the fact that it happened that quick. And like normally you think you have to have this whole big conversation, like, what do we do with this guy's infected? No, he's already a fucking infected zombie The next day, you don't get a choice. So you know, Henry kills him. Then he commits suicide. I mean, because if you had to shoot your own infected brother, and you're in this world with so little hope, because no one knows about Ellie's immunity, I think I mentioned it to Sam, but he he gone now. So it's it was a very powerful chapter in the suburbs. And that's where it's like, Hey, you know that you remember when that daughter got killed at the very beginning of the game? We ain't done yet.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, like a night dog. It goes to places that most video games don't. And that's a great example right there that, hey, we're gonna have this guy shoot his brother, and then he's gonna shoot himself that says, never happened in a game, but you don't see it a lot in a game. So just a very powerful moment, which is add to this game. And then we get to fall and everybody knows my feelings about fall. I absolutely love the fall leaves my favorite time of the month, which right now we are in October. So absolutely loving it drinking Oktoberfest




as we speak. Yeah. The lease also, like you said, but just the beauty in this game, when you come to the fall. And like Tommy's it's not so much in Tommy's Damn it a little bit, but we get to mercy. That's when it really got to talk about Tommy's damn real quick, because this is, we've not seen Tommy since the beginning. You know, we've been trying to make our way out there, like, you know, in Wyoming, and then like, you know, he finally get there. And we find out that he's married and everything and like, you know, I don't know really where to go with that. And their relationship was just kind of happens, like, you know, get that Maria up there. It's about ready to shoot him. And then here's Tommy, out of nowhere, saying, Hey, I know these people. So it was it was weird, because Joe was just plan on passing through. I don't think that he thought Tommy was actually there. So you just don't, I guess actually, you know, now, I don't know to talk about I actually think that's a good thing, because maybe you weren't supposed to see Tommy being at Tommy's dam I'm sure. Well, it's


taking like the whole plan was to get to Tommy because he was a he used to be a firefly. Yeah, yeah. Used to be a firefly. So he's you're trying to find him. So that like he might be able to point you to where you can meet up with the fireflies. And that was the whole point. Back at the very beginning of the game in Boston was Hey, meet the fireflies at the state capitol building. Well, that obviously felt Yeah, definitely.


Definitely. They weren't there.


Yeah, but you know, you like you get you know, you see the strange relationship. And we talked about that, obviously, a little earlier in the podcast, we won't rehash it, but like it again, it just shows a realistic strain between two siblings. Let's be honest, siblings fight and have issues all the time. And when you've gone through what these guys have apparently had to go through. You get why their relationship is strained, but they come together when like bandits attack this community. But one thing I really liked about this chapter, is that, you know, we'd seen like the hunters we'd seen the quarantine zones, that Tommy's dam was like the first community that seemed like it was trying to rebuild us and like try to get civilization back on its feet and you still had bandits attacking you still had infected to deal with. I mean, it was still a lot going on. But I did love that. This was like where it shows Hey, there is there are people out there trying To rebuild society so


that wishes that is Tommy and Maria again married, like Brian is a perfect example of that, like, Hey, we're trying to get back to normal as a normal life. Yeah, this is what we're doing. And then you know, I love the hole in that chapter when Ellie runs off on the horse and they got ranch. Just absolutely beautiful area back by the way, I want to go back to the suburbs real quick with Joe gets on that gun in the house. And you can just go crazy. One of my favorite points in the game, but what


a great part of this game, Tommy's game,


you know, basically like you know, that kind of hope ends with him saying it to fireflies are at the University of eastern Colorado, go big horns, I'm actually had to look this up today. To see this is a real University. And you know that a real University is a fake University, which is I just said the same thing just backwards. But it was based off of like Colorado State University, okay, in the details behind the scenes. But anyways, fall we get to this university, and my God, does this university look amazing. And it's all out there in Colorado, and just probably my favorite area of the whole game just because of how beautiful it was. I mean, just a simple concept here. We're just going around trying to find the fireflies at this campus. And basically what happens in fiction broke out, we're trying to search for them the whole time. We can't find them, some jerks, you know, assholes come up, they attack us. And then the ending of this chapter will like you know, is facing that one guy, and he falls out and that steak goes through his stomach. Oh, that is just so powerful. And I really want to spend a lot more time on the university but as course is very simple, beautiful University trying to find the fireflies. Joe gets really really hurt. Which is such a great cliffhanger even though it was you know, it's a winner. But it was still such a great cliffhanger because at that time, you didn't know whether he was going to survive or not. Which brings us to winter and dry sad resort where you kind of want to talk about that one.


Yeah, like I love the way they did it like fall ended with Joel like falling off the horse like like literally bleeding out from getting impaled by a bar. And like, and then winter starts with Ellie out hunting. And you really don't know. If by the


way I want to cut in right here. Brett and I have not played the DLC yet. But there are basically two stories in the DLC. Yeah, one takes place between that time in the fall. And then also le taking care of him. Like that area right there in between, like, how did Joe get to this place? Like, in the mountains or wherever, like sat wherever. Like, one of the DLC stories kind of goes through that but go ahead.


But ya know, like, to me, it was a great cliffhanger. You're right, because when you start as Ellie in the next section, she's just out hunting. And you don't know if Joel survived or not. And it was a good moment. You know, then she meets you know, a group of fucking cannibals of all things. Not fun there. And like, but I really like the the winter section because we really started to see some evolution from Ellie because like she gets she you get to play as her first of all, which is, like I said, Great. Earlier I said,


I got cut in here real quick. I actually did not know they were cannibals until today. Like I know, there's that part where they're literally chopping off body rocking as a human. But like, I guess I just didn't put two and two together. And like, you know, it makes sense. But like I was reading today on the outlines, like wait, they were cannibals. I just did not pick that up. Even though it's right there in front of you. But go ahead.


No, but I really liked like a you get to play as her and this is a tough section because there's a Yeah, there's a lot of stealth and like one hit kills in the search ever being actually frustrated playing in the section because it was there are some stealth sections that were really tough to go through. But like you get to see Ellie develop a little bit as a character because you get to play as her and like she fights her way from getting kidnapped. she kills a few people like this is where we have her and I believe it's David are stalking each other in like a bar that's burning down. Yep. And you like you get a machete and just start hacking at him. And that's when Joel like has finally made his recovery because he got some medicine, you know, part of the penicillin. Yep. And comes in like Joel finds you as you're like hacking away at this guy. So you can really see that Ellie is becoming a much more hardened and capable person he had to be they'll make us look at David. David's a crazy mother wasn't


him and James are crazy and just kind of talking about the characters. I mean, making somebody that psychotic like that almost seemed worse than the infected like great character. I won't call it development but just a great character overall in the game,


and it shows you what a society like this will drive people to do exactly. Literally eating people. Yeah, for crying out loud. So I mean, it's pretty fucked up. But like it ended really well with like, like, Ellie is freaking out because she just went freakin ham on David and like Joel's like holding her in her arms and like trying to like control Or a little bit because Joel's Joe's been through this for 20 years. Like he knows how hard the world is, but that is to spring like Joel's healed up. Ellie's gotten a little bit like she's more capable. She's more hardened springs the the conclusion of the game. And like it starts with the bus depot where you find out that the the fireflies are in a hospital in Salt Lake City. And as you're working your way there you go through this bus depot and it has one of my favorite moments in all of gaming and probably my favorite moment from from this game. It's got the giraffe scene, and anyone who's played this game knows what I'm talking about, like Ellie spots one and she just runs to get a good view and it's literally just you at a bus depot. And like it's been overgrown, and there's just a herd of giraffes just walking. You get to pet one like the damn scene from Jurassic Park where you where they pet the dinosaur. Yeah, and it's just it's such a simple moment. And a powerful moment what it did it did kind of have that impact on you. Did you like this scene that much? Yeah, it definitely was impactful. And it just is one of those things that was so random and random really work well or can really fire back to at the same time and this is just a situation where the game is so chaotic. He got the infected yet these crazy people like David like there's just


so much chaos and he talked about the story being quiet and I want to say slowing down but you know slowing down a little bit and being quiet. But then you get get this scene you've been through all this chaos. You're getting towards the end, and then there's just drafts. Yeah, just it's a great time to just slow down. Take a breath taking a few because that view is amazing during the chapter. So it's just one of those simple things like we talked about simplicity where you don't always have to try so hard all night dog did was put some damn giraffes in the middle of a city and it was freakin spectacular. So you know kudos to them. I agree. I absolutely loved it but you know that chapter salsa so elegant knocked out basically under fire by soldiers. I forgot exactly what happened right there. I think she they felt they went to an underground tunnel and they're having to swim through it and Ellie doesn't swim so well. And she jammed her head. And and they don't just do CPR and then a soldier comes up on Joe walks Jolla, you're not Joe out, but then la does recover. Which brings us to kind of ending sort of the ending of the game. We're in the hospital lab or the Firefly, Firefly lab, chatters call, we're basically at least been prepped for surgery, like you know, and Joe basically finds out that hey, you know, if this surgery goes through, Ellie is going to die in this for me and I think we're kind of gonna see you know, cat talked about behind the scenes, or you might see differently on this part. But being a father daughters, I can clearly on this understand this part. He already lost Sarah, there's no way that this you know, daughter, like girl and Ellie, he's not gonna let her go. He's not gonna let her be killed, you know, skirt, he's seen how, look how people crazy are already in this world, you think the fucking cure is going to like cause these people to not be in crazy? No, they're already scarred for life. There's no going back, you might get rid of the infected in like, you know, the disease and everything. But motherfuckers are still gonna be crazy in the world. So, you know, the cat decides that, hey, I'm not saying that's his reasoning. You know, I'm just saying that I could understand. And maybe that could be a part of his reasoning. But basically, Joe says, Hey, you know, this isn't going to happen. He goes and gets le like, you know, he gets it out of the hospital and everything. Like, you know, not like a, you know, a big chapter or anything like that. Like, it's very simple. And then, you know, it takes us like, you know, basically that is the last. There's more gameplay after that. But basically, that's the last gameplay. Which brings us to the final chapter. And Jackson, you want go ahead and talk about it? Well, it's just very simple. I mean, like


after he rescues Ellie from the hospital, there's they're going back to Tommy settlement. They're in Wyoming at the dam. Yeah. Because that was the one semblance of like, civilization. And it actually leads well into the last of us part two, because that's where they start out that one. But like, Ellie is still not sure about what happened because she was out cold like she was drugged because she was going to go into surgery. Yeah. And she makes Tommy or Jesus makes Joelle swear that like his version of the truth was the actual truth. And, you know, he had told her, you know, there were they'd found dozens of people who were immune, but they hadn't been able to find a cure yet. So there was no point in, in doing anything with her and, and I do think that's interesting. Like, you mentioned, the Firefly lab is not a it's not a big section in terms of gameplay. But that choice at the end, part of me wishes the game would have given you a choice and had two different endings. But as a linear game, of course, that that's a little tougher to do.


And the two endings in that game


they could have, but it wouldn't be making the part two a little tougher.


Oh, okay. That's a very good point. Right?


But But like, it's a very interesting choice, and you're like, yes, it is the culmination of this. Great. We've talked about about relationships. It's a combination of the relationship between Joel and Ellie that he decides No, he wants to keep her alive. And I think a lot of that, like you mentioned, he lost his daughter at the very beginning of this whole infection, and he doesn't want to lose another one. I don't have kids out of being like, save the human race. Yeah, let's go with that one.


Man, I always say the kids so yeah, we definitely disagree on that. It's


easy for me to say that of course. I


hear No, I mean, we see is dark Sarah die. And then like, he knows, like, No, you can't do that again. Man. You can't let too. Even though one wasn't his daughter. She ain't like, you know, she was he became a daughter to him. So now you can't let two daughters go mad. Joe, I feel you, man. I'm behind you. 100% on that decision, I understand. Like I said, people are already crazy. But um, I guess go ahead and chime in here. People, we probably are going to go a little bit over the 45 minute mark, we try really well to be around that, you know, obviously, we're off a minute here meant there. So we got we get to ally, we know where we're going. So we're gonna go a little bit over today. Because we're talking about games. As y'all can see, we love this game. We're passionate about it. We're not gonna wrap it up. I feel


like the what the episodes we talked about specific games, we get going, man, like, we're passionate,


we're not going to just sum it up. Because we want to keep our podcasts at 45 minutes, we try to do our best. But we're really getting into it and talking about game that we love. We're just gonna keep on going. So that's what we're going to do. And Ken, we've already talked about some of our general story thoughts overall on the story. You know, Joe's story. That's the same thing. almost full name right there. Not my full name. Don't read, read read. My feathers are ruffled. My feathers are ruffled. But story. Anyways, we can I think we already kind of talked about all the points that we want to talk about, is there anything you wanted to talk about?


I mean, not really. I mean, just it was such a strong story because of the because of those relationships, like they care about the people. I know, we talked about that a lot at the beginning. But that's that's what it is like, the story is very cookie cutter. It's kind of a generic story. But they made you care about the characters and not enough. Not enough of any media, whether it's video games, movies, TV, take the time to build those relationships. And I thought Naughty Dog did a great job of making you care about characters that you only saw. And they do that in their other games, too. They do. And you may have only seen these characters for a couple hours. But you care about them. And Sam, you know, that takes good writing. Yeah, it's very good, right? I don't care about David


and James. You know, those two guys, you know, there can't I'm sure they did.


But no, there was a DLC we've mentioned this a couple times. We're kind of has two parallel stories, like you said, part of it is while Ellie is caring for Joel and trying to survive and how they get there to that winter chapter, but she's reminiscing about the time before the outbreak broke out. If I'm not mistaken,


or someone's stories, there's two stories. One is stories is like where she's reminisce. There's basically like a three I think it's set three weeks before the events of that Last of Us. That's the first one where like, I think you said, Uh, oh, no, that's just where she's a le, and she's with her friend Riley in a bay mall in Boston. And then the second store is kind of we talked about with the time between fall and winter, but go ahead.


Yeah, but the biggest thing, the biggest takeaway, I mean, I never played the DLC, so I can't talk a lot on


it. I didn't freaking know it exists until today.


Oh, and because those of us who bought the remastered version, it's right there on the homepage. Yeah, I can play it, but I never did. Because once I beat the game, I was like, Ah, I'm ready to go back to Uncharted. But yeah, um, but it did have a very important thing where it has like Ellie kisses her female friend. Yeah, Riley, which was kind of lauded as even though it's DLC. And then a lot of people probably never played, it was lauded as an important moment in gaming, because you just don't get gay relationships in relation in video games. hardly at all. I mean, I know Bioware kind of hit on him with with Mass Effect and Dragon Age, but even those are almost more like on a sexual side of things. And like, you could honestly go with a girl or go with a guy you can do whatever you want it Yes. Like they're making it show like Ellie is explicitly there. She's She's learning. She's learning her sexuality. I thought that was a cool thing. Like I never played it but like reading about it. While we were researching this, you're like, Oh, that's kind of a big fucking deal. And I think a very good thing. Like just anything that you know broaches, topics like that and helps to bring them to the mainstream, I think is a very good thing. So you said continues on with all that groundbreaking that Naughty Dog had in the game right?


Bam, gut punch, right the beginning. We're gonna kill a kid. And then right in the middle, ruin kill and other kids don't get affected. And then his brothers showed him in bed, and then bam, hey, we're gonna have this DLC, which sadly, I didn't get to play either because I didn't know it existed till today. But I am going to play but um, you know, it would have been nice to like go into Part Two knowing that this whole up. You know, kids between Riley and Ellie happen because right? Like, you know, they'll be Ellie being gay I won't say was a shocker in part two, but like, you know, it just wants things that Didn't know what's coming. You know? If you never played the DLC Yeah, you would have no clue if you didn't play the DLC, you would have no clue. So it would have at least for shadow depth, but, you know, I kind of like that, you know, they happen in part two, I did like that. So and I'm not one like, I don't care that Ellie's gay like, you know, in the first one, or the second one, it doesn't bother me whatsoever, you know, cool. Whichever way you want do I'm fine with it bothered


a lot of people who starred review, Metacritic, but like,


if you're happy, I support you, like, I'm good with it. That's how I look at it. So no, don't do doing this is cool watch kinda, you know, it's nice to get it as a surprise and part two, but you've been nice to play as DLC, you know, kind of get a little like, you know, foreshadowing or whatever. But the good news is you can go back and play it. Yes. And I am going to go back and play but um, you know, that's the story right there like you know, even include the DLC. Obviously the most important part of like, you know, the game, but let's kind of move on quickly here. Like, you know, cuz we know we're going over, but Oh, yeah, I kind of wanna talk about gameplay. And then I want to talk about the legacy but gameplay. I'm gonna kind of go to you here read like, you know, overall, what's your opinions on the gameplay?


To me the gameplay was was was solid, but not spectacular. Like, where's the story was spectacular. But the gameplay it was solid. It was functional.


It had to be good for it to be a great game, right? And


but my problem was, I came to this game from playing the Uncharted. Like when I got the PlayStation four Pro, we were both late to the PlayStation four game. Yeah. And I burned through like the first three Uncharted. And I was like, who, before I jump into number four, I needed, like, I want to do something different. Even though it's still Naughty Dog, it is something different. And to me, the controls did not feel quite as tight. And I get that, like you're playing a survival horror game. Or however people wanted to find it, whatever. It's a survival horror game. So having looser controls, that kind of adds to the difficulty a little bit and adds to that sense of, of, you know, survival. Whereas, you know, I kept comparing it in my mind though, to the Uncharted which is all about combat and adventure. Yeah. And in the aiming and the movement all felt a lot tighter. So I thought the controls were a little loose, but I do think that was an intentional decision by Naughty Dog because like I said, they've shown they can do tight controls with the uncharged. Yeah. So I just felt your your movement was a little imprecise, your aiming was a little imprecise, but just the simple things like the crafting the upgrading your weapons, like and how so much of that happens like in real life? It doesn't pause the game for you to to build a health pack. Yeah,


to sort of understand the point of it, but I hate it


and I'll throw that to you then because like for me, I thought it added to the suspense because you had to find a safe moment to do things like that, but you clearly weren't a fan. Oh, it does


that it does add his suspense I can guarantee you that. I'm excited. It's great for the game because here's the thing with Uncharted where the controls are tighter Nathan Drake chooses that life in this game right? These people don't choose this life this is survival so they had to do things that they might not want to do. So like you know if the aim is not as precise whoever these characters aren't professionals they're just trying to survive so I think it makes a lot of sense in this game and like you know like I said like the kind of changing the weapons out or ammo or whatever crafting like you know it not stopping time. absolutely hated it. Because I tried to do it right in the middle of like a big battle like you know, going, you would I am getting better at stealth but when I need something I want to get right there. I don't want go around a wall or a bush or anything I want to right in there. And that's usually when I die is when I'm trying to craft something but um, I can't feel the same way with you on the gameplay. You know, it wasn't great or anything but I didn't think it had to be great. I thought I just had to get the job done but you know didn't it didn't detract from No it didn't but you know, the crafting? Yeah, that was cool. That added to the survivalist like you know, kind of mentality on the guns like you know, good guns. You had a bow cool. flame thrower. I don't know how you found one of those whatever, like you would take those come a dime a dozen. Like those would be very hard to find so much about the flame thrower, but I did think it was cool, but um, overall, you know, you got you stealthwatch which makes sense. And then there's also there was not a lot of ammo and stuff in this game, which I absolutely hate. I hate that I want to be able to grab a lot of ammo and have it on me. But at the same time. I love it. It's a love hate relationship because it makes sense in a survivalist game. It is not gonna be a lot of ammo laying around. There's not gonna be a lot of gun especially 20 years that you can't go to CVS and buy tape like you know for a health kit. So it didn't make sense in this game.


So especially like you're talking you're 20 years after the infection broke out every gun store has been looted. Every Bass Pro Shop that had ammo has been looted by this point. So now I'm in general like I said the gameplay was good enough that it didn't take away from him. Amazing the story was I've definitely heard some people on our discord say they really liked the way it controlled. So I'm like, hey, like, I think for me, it was just coming from an uncharted game to this


day how it went to the weapons, like we had to push the directional buttons. Yeah, I had to hold down x or whatever. I did hate that, too.


I and that's one of my complaints with the second part two because they they do the same shit. But you know, you know, we've talked story we've taught gameplay and honestly, those that that's all there is to this game. I mean, some games we talked about worlds or levels, but for this one, either chapters. We did, we did but you know, all in all, I mean, the last was part or almost a part two, because that's what I'm finishing even as we speak. But, you know, this was such an important game, I feel like and it surprised me. It really did. Because it came out at a time when like The Walking Dead was going on, left for dead. The multiplayer game on Steam was hugely popular for multiplayer, like so zombies had taken off already. And just seeing another zombie game, like you mentioned earlier. Like, you're like zombies aren't really my genre, either. I'm 100% with you on that. But Naughty Dog managed to show and they've had some good franchises and they had the Jak and Daxter they had the Uncharted now they've got the last of us. And it really did I think cement Naughty Dog as one of the pinnacles of game development right now. And you know, they were they're already kind of there with the last or I'm sorry with Uncharted. But this really helped elevate them. But you know, what's kind of your lasting thoughts of you? What do you think the last of us did for like gaming in general, like legacy if I talked about law, this, but I mean,


one of the best stories ever in a video game, I don't want to say it's the best story because then I would have to think about all the video games and the great stories that they have. But this is one of the best stories ever. And like I said, if it can take if, if it's a genre that you don't like, and it can bring you in, and then you can can make you say, damn, that was a good game. That's what the last of us did. And just it did, you know, I don't wanna say is groundbreaking because it didn't do anything groundbreaking, other than have a great story, but right, it just really showed that games, they don't have to be that difficult, like you just heard us talk about the gameplay is okay. You know, but if you have a fantastic story, it can make your game great. And a lot. I think a lot of companies try to focus too much on the gameplay in video games, which makes sense because a lot of gamers do complain about gameplay or control, whatever, that aren't good. But at the end of the day, when you're playing a video game, you're playing the video game, usually for the story. That's what's important. Like you're going to this fantasy land, or story or whatever, you're basically going into somebody else's body. Yeah, and you're experiencing the story. But you know, they can't talk, Nintendo and Legend of Zelda, they can't talk. So let's make a talk. I don't know. chime in right there on link talk. Talk, it'll add to the future games, but anywhere you go. It's just one of those things that I like to say, when a game is great. It's an experience they say that every game is experienced and you will be right but when I play a great game I sit there and I call it an experience because I'm not just playing a game I'm experiencing something that is special


and you think about it last words like you don't put it down and forget about it like yeah, finish it and you think about it for a while like and this is one of the games that definitely did that like the blending of the like chaotic action with whether you're fighting other humans whether you're fighting the infected with the quiet like development of the relationships and the story like the story driven moments like is so well balanced in this Yeah, it just to me, it is it is the pinnacle of video. Like I said not necessarily the best story in games ever. But it's told as well as I've ever seen in a game so


I'm high for part two so you know that it was a great game but did you have anything else you wanted to send the legacy or Final Thoughts?


No, I'm pretty good. It's a great fucking game and we've gone wait.


Yeah, we we do apologize for that we tell you all that we do trust that around 45 minutes but if we're passionate about something, we're not just gonna wrap it up because night dog did not just wrap the game they made shows go good to go. And they made sure that we got to experience and Damn it. That's exactly what they did. But he


was held in wrap up part two that in the


next episode, we will be talking The Last of Us Part Two basically talking about the same way we did here probably won't talk about as highly as we did the first part. But anyways, let's go ahead, let's wrap up all the links will be in the description but you can support us on Patreon or PayPal or if you want to you can leave a review or a rating that helps us out with our rankings when people search for certain terms. And then we also have two websites that has the merchandise and with those are affiliate shops. So we may earn commercial commission. We won't earn commercial I can guarantee you that we might earn commission on purchases through our links, but those websites are two guys playing zelda.com all Zelda merchandise and then t GPC dot com where we have all kinds of video game merchandise. Ready? Can we talk about what else we got going on?


Well, we're all over social media and YouTube as well. We've got two YouTube channels are two guys playing Zelda and TGPZ Media both out there on YouTube for the Zelda obviously we got walkthroughs we got theories we got gameplay, all that good stuff. We're on discord one of our favorite places to talk about games, our Discord server we talk about everything we got Nintendo Sony Xbox, we talk about booze, we talk about TV shows, we talk about sports, we talk about everything on there. And you can find us on social media. We're on Twitter, we are on Instagram we have both what is Busted Buttons PC is the name for both of those for podcasts. That's what the PC stands for there. But yeah, we're we're everywhere. So look up look for us. And as we said next episode, we're talking all The Last of Us part two. Hope you guys enjoyed talking about him quote unquote, part one. Keep on gaming and have a great week.