Busted Buttons

Magic of Nintendo - Busted Buttons Ep. 34

TGPZ Gaming

We start off with a conversation about console wars as the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 (PS5) are releasing soon. Do they actually make any sense? Do we think they are stupid? Do Microsoft and Sony care about winning or just profits?

We then dive into trophies/achievements in games. Why does Nintendo not have them? How much do they mean to us? How many do we try to get?

Afterwards, we talk about the magic of Nintendo. What exactly is it and how do they pull it off? What makes us keep coming back to games that were released decades ago on the NES, SNES, or N64? Do any Xbox or PlayStation games have this magic?

Later, we discuss gamers that only play one game and also how time can fly when you are playing video games. 

We end with some talk about the current games we are playing. These include Ghost of Tsushima, Tomb Raider, and Super Mario 64.

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Welcome gamers to Episode 34 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. And thank God, we're not going to talk about a game all so long to take a little break. Like we love talking about games, but they just take so much time to prepare for the podcast. So this episode, we're talking the gaming industry, we're going to talk console wars, trophies, achievements, the magic of Nintendo, that's going to be a phone one that will be those players that just play one game, I understand it, but I don't understand it. We're going to get into it. And then one of the topics that actually happened to me is when he quit gaming for a little while, because Time flies by too quickly, like you play a game. Next thing you knew, it's like, no, it's five hours later. And so that made me quit gaming for a while. So we'll go into that. And if we had time, I'm pretty sure register this at the bottom because it was kind of random. We're gonna talk about what games we're playing right now if we have time But anyways, read I want kick it to you. console wars just cut. This is really relevant, obviously nowadays, right now. Yep, with the console is coming out soon. But just kind of talk about your whole opinion on console wars. Well, first,


I kind of threw that kind of what we're playing now at the end of the outline, we have been spending so much time talking about either the console news that's been coming out, or we've been talking about specific games, that sometimes it kind of is fun, just pull back and be like, what are you playing right now? What are you enjoying about it? What's annoying you about it? So things like that? I like kind of adding that in there when we have more of a general podcast and when we're focused on specific games. Anyway, we'll we'll see if we have time for them. But console wars, like you said, very relevant topic right now with two new consoles coming out in just what two weeks, two and a half weeks. It is right around the corner. I still


get asked for work for that one, man. I'm not SLP and I need to


hell when you're teleworking. Do you really need to? I mean, yes, yes. Because


I got way live for You know, maybe hours to get take off a little bit of time, that might randomly come in the afternoon if I come in and start working in the afternoon, you know, did not turn out well for me.


So But anyway, as with every time a console, Jenner and new console generation comes around, the idea of these console wars comes out, you know, fanboys and like industry people all pick their sides. And everyone's trying to say, Oh, this one's gonna be better. This one's going to be better than this one's going to sell more. This one's going to sell more. It didn't do the day. I think it is all fucking stupid. Like I am a video game fan. I love playing video games. I do not care if the PlayStation five sells more than the Xbox series x or series s or if the switch ends up outselling all of them throughout the span of its life. Who if you're a video game fan, and you're not like an investor who cares Yeah, if there's a quote unquote winner or loser in the console wars like to me, I fucking love all video games except shitty video.


Yeah, definitely, definitely seen


people like pick sides and just latch on to it and just use that in bash the other side repeatedly, is those are just the worst kind of gamers like fanboys are the worst kind of gamers in my opinion. And in to me, what and this is, I know something kind of triggered it for you was little idea that if you latch on to only one of the systems, you're artificially locking yourself out from playing amazing exclusives and great games on the other system. So for me, I don't want to see any of these video games fail. I honestly don't think anyone's losing the console wars as long as they make money for their companies. But that's a different thing. Yeah, so for me, I think this whole idea of console wars is stupid. It's artificially made up to get clicks on fucking gaming websites, and it's so fanboys can have something to cheer for. So I got a little more worked up than I thought. I'm not gonna lie. But what about you? What are your thoughts on just console wars in general?


Man, these fanboys they really go hard to I mean, they are dedicated. But to me, like, I think it's Bs, I can't agree with you. But at the same time, I do understand that a little bit. People want to be part of the group, like they're always gonna have loyalties. Like you have people who are loyal to Chevy, like, you know, in Ford is the same thing. With gaming. There's a lot of people that want to be part of that group. And I do think it's dumb because you do miss out on a lot of games. Now, there is one thing I understand, like we said before, we're kind of situation where we're lucky financially, right to be able to buy both systems. We understand that not everybody can do that. And you can't do have to choose, but choose which one you think is better, and has better games. Don't just automatically say, Hey, I'm gonna buy Xbox. Hey, I'm gonna buy PlayStation now. I know a lot of you are listening right now and just like Screw you, man. I am loyal. I'm going to get the system I want. But I think when it comes like you said, You miss out on games. If you're just like Hey, I'm going to buy this system no matter what. And like to me like there's each system has, you know, great games, I would say PlayStation with its exclusives, Nintendo. Nintendo really doesn't fit in here because Xbox and PlayStation Nintendo has their little gimmicks, some, you know, generations it works the way the switch and then some generations it doesn't work out so well like the Wii U in the GameCube. But, you know, I don't know I do think is stupid. Um, you know, yeah, these companies, they're going to make money most likely no matter what. So yeah, who wins? I guess. Yeah, there's some bragging rights, and stuff like that. But we both feel the same way. Like, the point of being a gamer is to like experience all these great games, no matter what platform they're on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo PC. The awesome thing about being a gamer is that we can experience all these different gamers. And when you sit there and you stay committed to one system you miss out on so much great gaming is some is fanboy stuff. A fan girl stuff is so dumb, like you go out like, blah, blah, blah, you know, those other systems have great gains, because they're selling well, they're reviewing Well, they're up for nomination. So you can't sit there and say, Oh, this system sucks. And does this, this and this. No, they all have great games, and you know it. So I understand it. I disagree with it. I think it's stupid. I think if you have the money, you should buy all the systems. Like I said, Now you don't have to buy them all at one time. Buy over the over the course of a generation, you're gonna take like, you know, a couple years in here and there. But yeah, I agree. I just whatever really,


in my my thing is, it's perfectly fine to have a preference. Like I prefer Xbox, I have no problem saying that I like game pass. I like the controller, I kind of like the UI better on like, when you boot it up. So that's just my personal preference. But I still play PlayStation games. I still play Nintendo games. And they're amazing. I mean, yeah, like, there is some that little part of me, that still is like, I'd like to see Xbox do a little better. So you know, whatever. But it's like, it is it literally doesn't matter. At the end of the day. And you mentioned this to like the companies. I don't think that companies necessarily care about winning the console wars. Because I mean, like, yes, it is bragging rights, you mentioned that it is a good marketing point you can sell to your investors and advertisers and all that crap, I get that. But like, at the end of the day, if your gaming division is making you money, who fucking cares if the other one sold more than you like, as long as you're not going under because of it, which I don't see Sony, or Nintendo


cares, my shareholders is Who cares?


Right? The shareholders do care because they want to see like, oh, profits are up, profits are up that makes our stock go up. I get all that. But at the same time, I'm not sure if they necessarily care that it happened to outsell the competitor. You know, this isn't one of those industries where at least where we're at right now, the gaming industry is not at a point where the success of like, let's say PlayStation would sync the Xbox, or the success of the Xbox would sync the PlayStation like both of these in the Nintendo I keep forgetting into No, because we have the two new systems coming up are Sony and Microsoft, but like we're not in a position where one succeeding is cannibalizing the other to the point it's going to fail. Like so in. So in my opinion, like if it was at that point where it was life or death that you win this competition, then I get the company's carrying a lot more. Same with like maybe the video game developers, the fans, things like that. But we're not in a situation where it's life or death for these companies, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo are not going anywhere, anytime soon. Even if one generation doesn't do well, I mean, Nintendo has bounced back from the game debacle, Nintendo has


made a lot of money back in the NES. And as soon as they have a little bit of money to churn through they want to like you know, the way you which I'm going to actually come to like you know, we can I kind of hit on earlier and you kind of hit on this too, is that gaming is about the experience and when it comes to we you like this is what people talk about like I remember one time I really got into it with this guy, because I was like oh the way you failed which 99% of people would agree with because I was talking about what I was talking financially how financially well did do in how many years itself and this douchebag is like really joined the system me so wasn't a failure for me. That's what the fuck I'm talking about, man. But anyways, I get about that conversation every once in a while but you're talking about the we you people just like say it was a great experience. So you talked about winning doesn't matter, blah, blah, blah. No, as a game doesn't it should not matter. For the gamers. What matters is the experience if you love the Wii U because you had a great experience. It doesn't matter if it failed. Bad I got my money's worth. I got money's worth on the weekend. I did get my money's worth that's this should be the most important thing is that you got your money's worth. Who cares? Who wins just go for the experience and everything. So you'll come down and you're not gonna calm down. I know that but this is our little rant at all this fanboy console wars does know. There's great games on every system. We all know No, and not all of us will admit it. But we're just there for the experience. And the experience comes from gaming across all systems. So if you send there if you're committed to one system, you are missing out on some great games, especially if you're an Xbox gamer, because there are some great PlayStation games. Now, if you're a PlayStation gamer, and you don't buy an Xbox, you know, maybe, you know fours in Halo, Gears of War, I guess, is another great one. But you know, that's really all you're missing. But you're still wait, wait till you can get Fallout or Elder Scrolls on the place, you know, hey, there you go. It's about time that Xbox does something it gives some exclusives, you know, but right that right? We talked about that. We'll see if that actually happens. I don't know. But anyways, regardless what constant people saw with in the console wars, one extreme popular popular feature of the last few generations. Except for Nintendo, Nintendo does not have this. So we'll get into that durrow fees, or achievements in games, I want to kind of kick it to you right here. Is this something that you care about in gaming,


it's kind of weird. I'm on the fence on this because on the one hand, it is satisfying when you get that little pop up, either on the Xbox or Playstation, saying, Oh, you've earned an achievement, Oh, you've earned a trophy, like, especially if it wasn't something you were actively going for. And it's kind of just more of a pleasant surprise. And part of that is just that gambling feedback, you got some kind of reward, even if it's not a reward in terms of money, or anything tangible that the game, it's like, it's reaching out and patting you on the back when you get one of those little trophies, or achievements in game. So from that standpoint, like I like that they are there, and I kind of wished Nintendo had them. And well, like I said, we'll talk about that in a minute. But my big hang up on it, though, is I am not the kind of person who goes for 100% achievements or trophies on these games. Like I don't use my my gamer score on Xbox or my or my level, whatever it's called, you know, trophy level on


might have something on their profile, like I see on Twitter, where it's like level 36 I'm like, What the hell are they talking about? Is that with the PlayStation thing is Yeah, so the PlayStation on


your on your profile has little number next to your name. And that's just it's based on it's got a little progress bar like as you get trophies, you basically level up it's like you're playing a role playing game like as you get trophies you level up, does


it go on and negative? I don't think it goes through our minds after does.


So So for me, it's like, I like that little feedback reward mechanism. It's the same thing casinos do when you win that one time out of 100 roulette spins. But yeah, but so but for me, I'm not a kind of person who necessarily goes out of my way to get trophies unless I'm going through the list and I see that I'm really close on something, then. You know, then I might go after it. But I've only and I promise I'll let you talk but I've only like platinum, you know, as it is on PlayStation on one game. Like as long as I've had and I don't think I've ever got 100% gamer score on any game on the Xbox side. So from a completionist standpoint, I don't give a shit.


So what's what's Platinum is Platinum give them all the trophies?


Yeah, platnumz get all trophies in a game. And so for me, it's nice, but


does that many 100% the game though


is not necessarily because usually there's some stuff you can still do but a lot of times it is tied to you know, you know complete all side quests complete all around quest, you know, like the game I 100% it was Horizon Zero Dawn. And so it was like, you know, it's an open world game. So you get some collectibles out there. So you know, you collect the various things you can collect, but then it's also like recruit all allies for the final fight. So I would kind of consider that 100% in that game. I mean, it's a big game and there's a lot to do so. But now that I've babbled on about this, but


I like them from a reward standpoint I don't care about 100% in or platinum in a game What are your thoughts on the trophies and achievements first of all I'm surprised that you did for Horizon Zero Dawn because I got sick and tired of fighting a machine at the end of every single cyclist like I was like you know I hit a point where I was like I'm done and then there's no Did you complete all frozen Wilds


I did not complete frozen while So the basic is dead.


That was like if you complete it that you're a lot better gamer than I thought you were But anyways, um you know what I want to say here to say that I really don't care about this. I had no clue what my level is. Or my gamer score on Xbox. Xbox is something that I am going to go check out after we get done Roy's podcast but you know what sit here like I was talking about and say that don't care about these things. But did I was playing Super Mario Galaxy recently just finished it up the other day. fantastic game if you're not play Super Mario Galaxy, if you have a switch, go get Super Mario 3d all stars. I don't know why I'm plugging attend. Because it's great. It's a great game. That's why I'm doing it.


Hey, we're gonna talk about magic Nintendo games here in a minute.


Okay, I'll dive into it farther that time, but you know, go anyways, Super Mario Galaxy great game, but as I'm playing it, as I'm doing all these things because I got all 120 stars in the game. I was like, You know what, it would be nice to get a trophy or achievement. I rather have a trophy than achievement. What what the fucks in achievement, you know, I don't want to try to achieve shit like I want to trophies. That's exactly. To say, hey, look at this, I accomplished something. You can't do that with an achievement. It's not tangible. I need something tangible. Now, technically, these things are just like little icons on it video games,


tangible anyway. I don't think Sony's mailing you a trophy. And


so really, they will have to be either both tangible or intangible, however you want to look at. But you all get what I mean. But right, you know, I do like this and I get nowhere close to get all the trophies in the game. But I do go back to you on PlayStation. I will go back to you and kind of see like, you know, how many trophies did you get in a game and kind of just comparing our progress? That's a good point. Yeah. So think it's good for that comparing like, you know, now, it shouldn't be competition. I know a lot of you all are doing this for competition. I just like to go back and kind of look at Red and say, Okay, here's what you know he did in the game. And here's what I did in the game. Yeah. I think they are cool. It does give you a sense of accomplishment. I like a week ago, I would say, Hey, I don't really care about this. Benjamin play more Nintendo. I'm kind of like, it would be nice to have this. So I think anything that gives you a sense of accomplishment throughout a game, other than what you're doing in that game, like that's an accomplishment for the system. So I think he's kind of just yeah, as an Xbox gamer, or as a PlayStation gamer. You're raising your profile. Yeah, I think that's really cool. And so now I do like it.


And I think he really brought up a great point with you don't realize how much you like it until you're playing a game that doesn't have it. Like you said, the Nintendo games, I had the exact same experience playing through Mario 64. Recently, also on the, you know, 3d All Stars, and we'll talk about that later. Right. I know. You're absolutely right. They're like Nintendo not having them was such it. I don't want to say makes the experience feel more hollow or more. But it makes me less likely to try to get like you said 120 stars like so I got 205. So all the stars without getting 100 coins is what I got to in Mario 64. And I was like, yeah, you know, I can try to go and get all hundred and 20. I'm like, but what's the point, I don't get achievement or trophy for it. And that's a dumb mentality. Like, if you love a game and you're enjoying playing it, you would think you do it just for the sense of playing the game a little bit longer. like Mario Odyssey, I did the 880 moons and I share a shit and given that for that, but but so I do hope Nintendo incorporates it in some way, shape, or form at some point, and I know we've bashed their online offerings and things like that over over four years now because it's so far behind where Microsoft and Sony are. But it just to me, it's like, you're absolutely right. It's like you don't think about it until they're not there. And remember, like Yoshi is one of the Yoshis will they were crafted around Yoshis crafted world was the first game I was really playing. And you know, there's so many you had to redo the levels so many times to get the flowers and all that and I'm like, I'm just getting enough to beat this fucking game.


Like Yeah, I didn't even get that far. I just said I'm doing it doing this shit.


I at least beat the game. But I was like, there was no incentive to good get all those flowers. I did just the bare minimum to beat the game basically. And like then I was thinking about what Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze where you're like, That game is so fun. I wanted to play all the levels anyway. So I sought out trying to like all the secret exits, so I could play all the all the levels because that games gameplay is is unbelievable to me. But then I was like, I'm not trying to get Kong on every single world. I'm not trying to get all the puzzle pieces on every single level. Like it's just it was one of those things I'm like, Yeah, I want to see all the levels. I don't need to get everything on every level. So it absolutely is one of those things. I appreciate them being in games. I hope Nintendo gets them next generation. But you know, we kind of talked about Nintendo lacking in these trophies and achievements, but they their games do have a certain kind of magic to them. That keeps us coming back to them over and over and this is an interesting point you brought up you've been playing ghosts of Tsushima lately and so I and you you've said before I think on this podcast that you consider it it's moving up your rankings you get a nine out of 10 typos saying


I'm around at 9.5 but I don't get like every game a point five, so don't get 9.4 or 9.6. I haven't decided yet but go ahead. But yeah, but but


but even while you were playing this amazing game that you're loving, you were still drawn to go back and play. Mario Galaxy. Oh, sunshine. I think you played first actually. So Nintendo charm. What is it about Nintendo games that makes you want to keep going back to it even when you're playing potentially another game? That's absolutely amazing.


Here we are. I wanted to get to this and the last topic if you will, you start talking about those coins. And in Super Mario Galaxy like there's 15 worlds galaxies, I guess is what you would call them. Yeah, I have 100 pure purple coins that you know you get star from. And usually days something that I do not do, I'm like, I'm not gonna waste my time going around get 100 coins. Now, the purple coins are different than the gold coins because they're kind of more compact, you know. And like a lot of times there's a timer, or some kind of other task that you had to do but was going through. Like, the only reason that I did this is because I did not want the game to be over. The other time that I've experienced that is with the Witcher three. Now here's the thing, like I'm playing ghostess Shima. And I'm sitting here playing Super Mario Galaxy alongside it. And I'm doing some tasks that I usually don't do, because I don't want the game the end as a second fucking time that I've played this game. That right there is the magic of Nintendo. That's what Nintendo does. And you can't really like you know, gaming always put your hand around what the magic actually is. But I just described an example is that they took me away from a great game. And I sit there and play the game all the way through, you know, almost 100%. And now you can go through is here is a spoiler. If you're not play Super Mario Galaxy, if you get 120 stars, then you get Luigi, and then you can get all 120 stars again. And then there's one final star ain't doing that shit, I ain't got time to play that game kill. Yeah, that's a little bit overkill. But um, you know, just the fact that it took me away from a game, you know, I'm saying right now goes to Tsushima I'm gonna give it a 9.4. That's my final ranking. Because a 9.6 is really, really high. I mean, you gotta be a really great game. So anyway, goes to shaimaa file ranking 9.4 from hig but to get me away from a game as a 9.4. And one of the best games that I've played it a long time to play game. They're very played. I mean, that's the magic of Nintendo. And they just, they have the elements are styles definite graphics, I can write well, here's the thing, I'll kick this talking for a while, but let's just kind of talk about the art style. The graphics is not as good as other console games, but it does still I think look as good.


They really do and that's we've talked about that Nintendo artstyle in prior episodes, it's just one of those things. They don't go for photo realism like they're not going for you be able to see every pore on Mario space and every like drop of rain on a leaf like so. But they just make it like to where it's so beautiful. Anyway, whether it's a Mario game, Zelda game, even like a Kirby game or Yoshi is crafted world like anything like that. They find a way to make it look very beautiful without being photorealistic. So it's definitely not graphics, but that art style. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of Nintendo's like in house. art style. And you know, to me, I think one of the biggest factors that brings up that that magic and imagine


they put their engine out there, I'll do like develop games with


me. I just there would be Oh, yeah, that'd be there'd be a lot more out there. But like, for me, what kept me going back to a game like Mario Odyssey is the gameplay. Same with Brett wild, like Nintendo games going back to the original Mario Brothers on NAS have always controlled so well, compared to some of the other systems where maybe it's a little less precise, it's a little more floaty, and I get when like Nintendo's bread and butter for a long time is like these platforming games that were pretty challenging. You had to have precise controls. So that gameplay of Nintendo games where it's like you know if you screw up it's your own fault. The game didn't fuck you over you screwed up because the characters control so well in Nintendo games. And that has existed since like I said, since generation one with the NES. Yeah, so for me I think a lot of that magic is the games are just they feel right to play your guy does. There's they're so smooth. The guy does what you're the character whether you Sorry, guy, girl, whatever does what you want it to do, like so for me, so much of that magic just comes from, from the gameplay because it is all and that should be the at the end of the day. That should be the most important thing in games, you know, story graphics, all that stuff does play in challenge. But you know, gameplay. How does the game? Is it fun to pick up and play? and Nintendo first party games have always nailed that. But I do wonder if a little bit of that Nintendo magic is just because they were the one of the first to do so much of this stuff. Do you think that that nostalgia factor maybe plays a little bit into why we look at Nintendo games, even current ones, we still look at them a little more fondly, maybe than we do a Sony or Microsoft or going back further, you know, Sega or any of those other consoles. It's like, do you think nostalgia plays a little bit into it even when it comes to newer games, just because we have fond memories of Nintendo.


I think maybe the characters do that. You know, a very long time but like I'm sitting here I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy and I cannot quit. I don't think it has anything to do with astrology. I think it has to do with it being an incredibly fun game to play. Some of that is the art style. Some of that is the smoothness of the gameplay, but I think it's kind of you know, how their games are organized. Like, you know, Mario is a great 3d platformer, and I love platformers you know, I would love 2d, but as I said, They're too fucking hard to play nowadays, developers I bitched at you already on numerous episodes, make your 2d platforming games a little bit easier. So they beat the game, so I can play it. Forget being the game read. I just won't get past like the first couple levels, man, but like anyway, so 3d platformers they are usually easier these days. And a lot of them are fun, you know? Spyro I just got new super Lucky's tale. I've not played it yet. Um, there's probably couple more out there that I'm missing. But um, there's still not as fun as Mario games. And like I said, Some of that is like nostalgia with the character. But as far as gameplay in our style, I don't think it has anything to do with that. If you hadn't asked me what it comes down to issues fun. Their games are fun. I think they are made better than any other game. Okay, I can't really say that. But they are very well. And like their first part, we're definitely not talking about third party games here. But right first party games, they just have dead charm, like in the world where you like a lot of people, even for linear games will actually linear games had to have a better story than World Games, but they need to push them along. Yeah, no matter what type of game you're playing. People still want a great story. It doesn't have to be long. But it's got to be great. Mortal stories have sucked for 2030 years, but it's still like they still do the job because they are so fun to play. And just they are I mean, I don't know. Like, I sit there I think about it. And like I do love PlayStation. I do love Xbox. And yeah, I've been in Nintendo gamers since the NES, right? Like when they release a first party game not all them like you know Pokemon I'm not really a big fan of animal crossing our tribe but didn't really like Yoshi. I've tried a couple Yoshi games they really haven't clicked with me but you know your Zelda your Mario, your Donkey Kong? I don't know what it is, man, I guess the fun aspect. But when I start playing those games, I drop everything I do. And I just play those games like right kind of go back to the first part, the experience in them being fun, but that's kind of what do you want to kind of say anything else on that? Yeah,


I was just saying I completely agree. Because when Mario 3d AllStars came out, I was playing The Last of Us part two, which as we discussed in our last episode, is a very, very, very good game, even though


we may be bashing a little berries on there. Yeah, he gave it three, maybe give it to.


This is just short of being great. I will say that a very good game, just shy being great. But as soon as Mario 64 All Stars came out, I'm like, Well, I'm playing Super Mario 64. I don't care what's going on with Ellie. Or, or Abby, I don't give a shit. I'm playing. I'm playing Mario 64. Yeah, man, I do wonder. Because


even that might be nostalgia right there. That one


was probably a little bit of nostalgia. But you know, then I look at you look at some of the awesome PlayStation and Xbox games that we've played over since you know, since we kind of got more did more serious gaming the last couple generations. And I do wonder, do you see any of the PlayStation or Xbox games that we've played, that you think will have that same feeling that maybe five years down the line? We'll be like, Oh, I need to go back and replay that that was so good, or is it really limited just to Nintendo for us?


No, I really don't think that because here's the thing, like going back to it. It's the magic of Nintendo, because here's the thing, right, you're going back, you're playing Nintendo 64 games, you just play Super Mario 64. And then we still go back, we played links in the past, maybe Super Mario World. And then we also don't go back and play like NES games. But you know, I do play them here and there, you're not going back in playing any PlayStation two games, when you're playing the Magic Sheet collection. When you hit that Select button to go back to the old graphics, I guarantee that you don't use it, leave it on there for very long, you know, you check that out for about five seconds, and they turn it back. And this kind of goes back to that art style. Like their game, the 10 those games have grown very well. You're still able to go back and play them read just like you know, Playstation two games, or you know, even PlayStation and Xbox. Those games just look terrible. Unless they're remade with HD like it basically it has to be a remake so right they don't have that same kind of magic in No, we're not going to see it in the future. Unless they remake their games like they can't do what Nintendo does. The tendo just dropped three Mario games to have them look like crap on the Nintendo Switch. Now Super Mario Galaxy, I will admit did look very very good. But that's a huge That's a weird game that you know they probably were able to update the graphics make it look very well but they just basically dropped Super Mario 64 in Super Mario Sunshine. That's it.


Yeah, those were copy and paste jobs. Yeah,


the graphics, they were a little bit better but for the most part they looked exactly the same, but they were still fun. PlayStation Xbox gallery make your games you gotta have them in HD and the guy that controls like whatever was wrong in the first couple of ones like you know you gotta fix that because here's one other great thing that Nintendo's that kind of going along with the gameplay their controls are saw we talked about how smooth the games are like x, Xbox and PlayStation while they are very good. No one has ever been as smooth as Nintendo has in Super Mario Odyssey is a fantastic apex. Yes for a while. 64 like date like they took a game. Nobody was really doing 3d back in the day. Yeah, there's a couple 3d games here, couple there. But they took it in they did a fantastic job with it. They've almost always nailed their controls. They've had like no hiccup here. And there. They had some in the VGA luigis mentioned three that really didn't care for but other than that, they usually know but anyway to kind of go to you. I don't think it's going to happen with the newer systems. What about you?


I'm with you. I mean, the only game I can think of from either Sony or Microsoft that I've gone back and replayed is Halo. And that is like I have a lot of nostalgia from in that that one is but it was remade, you know, but it was it was remade, but that was one that I like got me through. Like my you know, last year of high school first couple years of college like was so much fun. And like it does control very well like the Halo series controls. Also amazingly well. Kind of like we talked about Mario games, controlling well, like the Halo series always has had amazing controls too. But other than that, I cannot think of a single Xbox or Playstation game from any generation that I've gone back and replayed at all, like the last of us where it was an amazing game. The Uncharted games were amazing games. You know, Halo has been a halo is the only one of all the amazing games that I've gone back and replayed. So I'm with you. I do think Mario is the one series that will or the one system that will continue to have that charm because like you said, I'll still go back and replay aquamarina time Mario RPG linked to the past, you know, and it's not just nostalgia. They aged amazingly well.


You said Mario system I think he might attend Oh, but anyway. You know, he was talking about Nintendo games like you know, you kind of want go back, you want to replay them. They're awesome. They had that beautiful magic behind them. But some gamers man, they spend years playing the same game and not thinking about friend the other day. Like we have a friend, we probably have more than play just one game. But we have a friend that plays FIFA non stop and I was kind of sitting there thinking what? Okay, first of all, I will pose this question to you. Do you actually consider those people gamers into like, they are missing out on so many great experience, like so many other games? They could be playing, but I can't just go kick it to you right here. What's your whole opinion on people? Like I not you know, I'm not gonna call them gamers, I don't mean to be mean or anything. I'm kind of like, I don't really know if those are gamers, but what is your opinion on people that just play one game? Like for years?


Well, the funny thing is, like I do so consider them gamers. I mean, they're paying I do too, I guess and but it is funny because the people who take that to like a professional level, who play like these competitive games, and actually make a living off of it. You know, most people would say they're the most hardcore gamers of all because they've taken the time to like, literally master the ins and outs of a particular game and play it to the point they can not necessarily make a living but the their professional eSports leagues out there. I mean, it's insanity. So are not saying it was great for that.


scandal after scandal, right? That stuff


too. But so to me, yes, I do consider them gamers. For me, though, like, I get if you are a You're a very good, you're a great gamer, and you want to turn that into a living. You only have


too many people try to do that. It's kind of like, you know, the professionals, only a small percentage gets there. And right, everybody wants to do that they guess, issues with it, but go ahead.


Well, I think that's kind of and that's an interesting point. I think that's kind of why like streaming and content creation has gotten as big as it has, because gaming is insanely popular. And there are people who are very good at games but not good enough to break into that what you would call the professional realm in terms of like competitive you know, League of Legends Counter Strike Overwatch, you know, those professional leagues, but they're still good gamers, or they're entertaining gamers, and they can make money off streaming or content creation that and that's, you know, that's kind of a different topic than just focusing on the one game But I'm glad you brought that up. Because you're like, you're right. Only a few people can go pro. It's like all the commercials only point whatever percent Yeah, of college athletes Go Pro, you know. So it's the same way. And I think that's given a huge rise to streaming and content creation. But that's a whole different


topic. But what about the people that do that only play one game, but they don't care about the streaming or being on YouTube or being in a competitive league? Like they just like, I mean, obviously, if they if you love doing it, do it, like, you know, and I will give salespeople gamers, I know, it's kind of bashing or whatever. But if you love doing something, do do, we're not going to say and say, don't do something you love. But like, what about the people that just do it to do it? I mean, I'm sure you don't have any bad opinions. But that's not the way that I want to game


well, and I hate the idea of people who focus on one game so much become so good at it to the point that it's no longer fun though. Like I and I've never played a professional sport. I've never played a professional league and video games. But I can only imagine at some point, it's no longer fun to be playing. It literally is your job. It is your livelihood, to be the very best in these games. And like so I don't know if the original analogy or the original example we were using was just a friend who happened to love one series. He loves FIFA, and he played the shit out of it. Yep, nothing wrong with that. But I know I kind of segwayed into douchebag but not for that reason, you know. But so so I look at like these people like it takes I understand why it happens. It takes a long time to perfect one of these games. And like whether it's League of Legends counter, strike, FIFA, whatever, it takes a very long time to perfect it. And once you do, it makes it very hard to move on from that and start all over from scratch again. Yeah, I do get it. You know, when people are kind of doing it more casually though. That's where it surprises me like the the example of our friend, he's not a pro FIFA player or anything like that. He just really loves Thanks, guys. He just really loves jumping online and playing FIFA. And there's nothing inherently wrong with that. But I do think by not broadening your horizons and trying different games and you're not gonna like everything you try. I don't like every game I play, you know, but you're missing out a little bit when you just focus on on one game. And even when I was like, playing Halo fairly religiously back like I said, the end of high school beginning of college, I still played other games. Yeah, like so to me. It was always one of those like, that was always my mainstay, but there was always something else to try. So So kind of, so what are you? I know, you've kind of given your thoughts a little Yeah, but what are your I know, I kinda went off in the professional direction, but go wherever you want with it. I want to hear what you have to say.


I think I will call them competitive gamers more than just gamers. But I think that that competition, obviously is some part of that. Like, as well just like to compete in playing a game like FIFA or Overwatch or League of Legends. Like you're just competing now, you could really say that everything you do in a game is competing, because you're trying to beat some obstacle. But right now, it has a lot to do with it. Like, you know, people, and like, you know, they have fun, they compete. They have fun, they're competitive. Just to me, I just, it's not something really, I guess appeals to me, I could just not sit there and play one game that much. Like, I bored. Yeah, where are you buying it year after year after year? Because you gotta like, you know, stay up with the players and the rosters? Like I was the same way for a long time. Yeah, assuming that you compete like that you have to buy the new one. I'm not sure exactly how that works. But anyway, so let's kind of transition. You know, you're not supposed to sit there and say transition. We're trying to go through a transition. But anyways, some people play a game for years. And then some people just like me, quit playing games, like, hardly for a while we kind of talked about this. Like I said, it's something that's happened to me. But the whole concept of when you're playing games, like you're having fun, usually. And like you know, unless you're competitive gamer and getting your ass kicked anyway. But when you're playing games, you're having fun, it can really make time fly by and there's a point in my life and I've talked about this before, I didn't make the best decisions in my life. Now I wasn't getting trouble, like you know, illegally or anything like that. I quit gaming for a little while and that was a bad decision that made and you know, there was no a lot factors around it. Oh, you're maturing? Oh, you're out college. Oh, you need to grow up, blah, blah, blah. Like I said, folks, I was stupid. I've done wiser with age but one of the factors that did go into play during that time was this concept that when you play a game you get lost in in like, you know, four or five hours can go by and I really just didn't want to work and then come home and be like Oh crap, it's time to go to bed like I want to enjoy my night. Like you know, and just have a cat Okay, I'll still have fun. But I want to my night tonight fly by like I want to be you know, slow because as human beings, most of us want to I would think all this really but we want to slow life down. It felt like life was going too fast when I was playing games for that long. So is this something that you have experienced?


I haven't experienced it to the point that it was a factor in like stopping gaming for a period of time. But I, the feeling is there, and especially like you and me are in different situations in our life. I mean, you're the one with, you know, the kids a little more responsibility in your evenings, whereas I kind of don't have that responsibility. So for me right now, I'm like, oh, I've


got a free Yeah, no, so I'm not laughing right there.


It's like, I have a free evening. There's really no, I mean, I don't watch that much TV. I watch sports. But if there's nothing good on that way, I'm like, I can sit here and play a game for six hours. What do I care? Okay. No, no, my girlfriend said you could be spending time with me and my kid.


Know that sometimes I can't pull off a couple hours, it will make my wife mad. But, you know, sometimes a couple hours of playing video games is worth the dog ass. It just is you


know, you need to release in your free time and your


timing, you know, I don't really have an argument against that. Like she brings up a good point. But I'm just like, No, I'm willing to spend a little bit of time the dog has to get a couple hours at some time. It's a trade off but


go ahead. So So no, for me it is something you you don't really think about that much as an adult now at least I don't but when you're a kid, like when you and you were used to having a set bedtime, you know, maybe it was nine o'clock 10 o'clock, whatever time it is, you know, all of a sudden you start looking at that clock and you're like, Oh crap, it's midnight. Midnight felt so late as a kid you said you you lose time and it hits midnight and you're like oh shit, what am I doing? Now as an adult who went through college and was up till three four or five in the morning more times than I probably should have been still happens is a you know grown up adult every now and then to I won't lie. Yeah, but like I feel like you get that you don't have that same time constraint in terms of I need to be in bed even though I know we have to get up and do our jobs go to work all that stuff, you know, or take care of the kids


in high school man you get to go school all day and then like read some activity usually after that, whether it was sports or you know or whatever, it's like your days were a lot longer that time to like you would go to school, you know, berries, but like you know 730 to eight and then you wouldn't get home till like seven o'clock or eight o'clock like you need some sleep to


like do homework somewhere in there. twos. Yeah, so I just to me, it's like


you did homework seats.


Go ahead. Hey, I passed


Yeah, no, you stay for a damn exam. Maybe an eighth of the time that I did it would be better than me so don't get to sit there and say you did your homework and all this study and all this crap, right? Right. But go ahead,


but I've never really had that feeling where like I played the game or I was losing that time so much that I that I was like, Okay, I need to step away from this and I know a lot of people know video game addiction is like something that's kind of I don't know if it's necessarily defined in like you know, the official medical shit but it is something that you see happening and people can get lost and like you forget your other or not forget but you ignore your other responsibilities. You don't sleep you ignore your health. All that can happen but you know, I feel like we're not at that point yet. We we may have other addictions as long as you like sit there and think


about it like you're not gonna hit that point or anything but I just thought was kind of a good topic you know, anyway, to kind of talk about but um, before we in here, let's kind of get into our last topic that you threw on the outline. What are you playing right now?


Oh, goes to Tsushima all Yes, Mishima it is I finally got to it. All I can say is it's a game that doesn't in my opinion so far anyway, doesn't it? Like innovate that much? It's not reinventing the wheel. It just does everything really? Well. Yeah, in a very well done package. The combat is fun. The story is good. The world is beautiful. The music the exploration, like the little side quests like it. None of it is revolutionary. Like none of it is something I haven't done in a different game. It just brings it all together very, very well. I'm 50 ish hours into it. There is a timer on this. I thought you I think you'd measure that and find word track your hours on this one. But there is a timer where you can see I'm


offline. You tell me what that said because I've never seen it.


So I played a little over 50 hours just finished like the first act and the first like third of the island. So I probably got another hundred. Or you know,


the first Island


right so so that's what I'm playing. I'm absolutely loving it. I don't know if I quite have it as high as you but also I haven't finished it yet. Yeah. But yeah, that's what I'm playing. How about you?


I finally got back into PC gaming a little bit, man like I took a break again with the last of us part two and that play ghost of Tsushima so I took a long break from PC gaming. Don't know exactly what I'll get back to Assassin's Creed Odyssey because I just played goshima another open world game.


Did you ever meet Odyssey hold on?


No, no. I gotta get back to this sometime because I've wondered how much time in But anyways, I started up Tomb Raider, because that was a game on PC as like, hey, a nice, maybe 10 to 20 hour game linear game. I know that would be nice to get back into PC. also play a different type of game on PC because I've been playing mostly open worlds so right now Tomb Raider on PC if a beat I probably will beat the game but then faced with a tough decision because that somehow I have it both on PC and PlayStation four that bought twice I don't know maybe I did I'm sure it was on sale


at the tomb raiders for like five bucks on PC. Yeah,


about pay for it wasn't a lot. So that's why I'm playing right now. And then also, I just beat Super Mario Galaxy. So yeah, jump to Super Mario 64. And y'all know me ain't playing Xbox, nothing, nothing on Xbox right now, Xbox better game up. Anyways, let's go ahead and wrap up this podcast episode. All the links will be in the description for this stuff. But um, you can support us on Patreon or PayPal, if you can't support us financially, please leave a review or a rating, or both. They really help us out with our rankings when people enter certain search terms. And then check out our websites to guys playing Zelda calm and tg PC gaming calm, which I'm really putting a lot of time into the latter website. We got a lot of merchandise on there. We do earn a commission if you make purchases through our links, but those are really some cool websites right there. And we got blogs and everything else. So go check those out and ready. Can we talk about what else we got going on?


Well, the big thing we got that one of my favorite things is Discord. We've got a great disco server where we talk about PlayStation, Xbox PC gaming, Nintendo, we talk sports, we talk booze, we talk life in general, it's a great place to talk when connect with other gamers. We're also on YouTube, we've got tg PC gaming, we've got two guys playing Zelda where it all started. And do we have an Busted Buttons pc page that has our? No It has our pocket on


you guys. It's on TGPZ Media


are on our tg PC gaming, YouTube. Thank you. And then we're also all over social media. We're on Twitter, we're on Instagram, we're at Busted Buttons, PC, go look for us. I thought this was a great episode, we're getting closer and closer to our new consoles dropping and you better believe we're gonna have all kinds of fun talking about that. I got a question to you. You asked me an interesting question, but I'm going to flip it on you. If you can't get the Xbox. Are you gonna get the PlayStation one? I would try get the Xbox,


the PlayStation but it's right. No, I think I'm going to commit maybe a month or so to get the PS five, and then I can get it within the first month, then I might start thinking about it differently. But just buying the Xbox. If you can't get the Xbox on Tuesday, or I think it's a Tuesday, I think are you going to get the PS five on Thursday? Oh, that's


that's a tough question. Because whichever one I get, I mean, like we talked about being able to being able to get both up, get him on both at the same time is almost impossible for both of us. But have to think about that long and hard on Thursday or on Tuesday afternoon. If I'm sitting there and I haven't got my hands on it's not next week within a couple weeks. But you got a couple of weeks. But you know we'll be we'll be talking about that a lot here in the future. So, but this is a great episode, it was yelling to kind of get away from talking about individual games for a few minutes. So keep gaming and have a safe week.