Busted Buttons

Link's Awakening - Busted Buttons Ep. 41

TGPZ Gaming

All episode long, we talk about the great Legend of Zelda game, Link's Awakening. It was a game that was released on the Game Boy in 1993 and has had two remakes, the last one occurring recently on the Nintendo Switch.

We start with some general info and thoughts. How was the game ranked by critics? How do we feel about the game? Is there a nostalgia factor?

We then talk about the story. How much did we love Marin? Do we like the concept of waking the Wind Fish? Did we like the ending?

Afterwards, we dive into the world. Did we enjoy exploring  Koholint Island? Did we have a favorite area?

Later, we have a conversation on the dungeons. Was Key Cavern a pain in the ass? Was the Angler Fish the easiest boss in the Zelda franchise? How great is Eagle's Tower? Is Turtle Rock underrated?

We then quickly touch on some characters we missed before getting into the gameplay. Do we prefer 2D or 3D Zelda? Was the button mapping terrible?

We end with a discussion on the 3 different versions. Do we prefer the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, or Nintendo Switch version? Do we like the addition of the Color Dungeon in the DX version? How do we feel about the dungeon maker in the Nintendo Switch version?

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Welcome to Episode 41 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. And we have a really fun podcast today. All episode long. We're gonna go Zelda and we're going to talk about Link's Awakening story. The world of dungeons characters now like characters bad guests, we are going to talk about them read made the outline, I don't know, but I did read the outline. And then we're gonna talk about the gameplay. And also we're gonna talk about the different versions, we had the black and white, the DX, and then also the switch remake them. We're not gonna do different episodes for those games. They're all pretty similar with some differences here in there. So we're gonna kind of just combine it all into this episode. But uh, first of all, some general info on Link's Awakening. The game was released in 1993 for the original Gameboy, and like I said, it was in black and white din, the DX version came out in 98 switch remake was in 2009. And overall, it's big.


19 to 2009. Yeah.


10 years off generation, a generation in gaming, so it's not that far off. Good. Good. I'm glad you said something actually. But it's critically acclaimed. All the verges have had really popular score really high scores. And then a really surprising only sold around 10 million copies across all three versions. I know I'm really not sure this, how the numbers and what they sold. But just like this, I feel like that would be higher. So that was a little shocking. But anyways, read I know this is one of your favorite Zelda games. So we'll go ahead and throw to you go ahead and start off talking about the story.


But before we jump into it, we do have to give a shout out to our Patreon or Patreon or whatever


the heck it is hate. Your patron is patron through Patreon. I just say supporter now,


our supporter, it was a red curtain on our discord channel, actually suggested we talked about this game. And we've talked about various Zelda games. And of course, we've talked about Zelda in general over the years of TGPZ Media. But this is an all time favorite of mine before even jumping into the story. Like this was one of those games that came along like when I like 93, I was an eight year old. And playing this on road trips with the family is what like, to me, cemented this game in my memory and that nostalgic looking back on it now, even after playing it for our YouTube channel, of course, and then playing the switch remake. Like I still have those memories of playing it as a kid, like go into sporting events, go into ballgames, go into whatever with you know, with my parents and just playing this on the original Gameboy, that big gray brick with four double A batteries and black and white. It was just it didn't last long. And no, it was just like such an amazing world. And it wasn't my very first Zelda game that would have been linked to the past, but it was I played this immediately pretty much immediately after that. And I'm like, and it really cemented that okay, A Link to the Past wasn't a one off Zelda game like this series is something I can get behind even as a kid I guess even as an eight year old kid. And so to me this this is a very special podcast because it is in my opinion, one of the greatest if not the greatest handheld game of all time. And I know people like Oh, the switches all handheld games. No. So what about Breath of the Wild there Mario Odyssey like nuts further


rather than wild yes handheld, but it's not handheld like in the regard of Link's Awakening. Before we go to story. Now I actually want to say something. I don't have the same experiences as you had with this game, which is kind of disappointing. Like I never had a Gameboy grown up. So I didn't get to play this game, actually, until I moved into my first house, you remember back and that was only like, what, 10 years ago or something like that. So actually, I did play on the gameboy color. So you know I did right there. That's crazy. Yeah, though, at that time that we was out. I don't believe the game was on the way. So at that time, I believe the only way that you could play was still on the original Gameboy, but I just don't have the nostalgia with this game, which is always really been a bummer to me. And that's why I don't really think I hold it as high as you do. But still overall, it's a very great game. I play it two or three times. But anyways, continue on with the story.


Yeah, so the story it was it's a very simple story. And like so many games that we like, kind of single out to talk about. It's a very simple setup. It's like it's apt. It's a direct sequel, single sequel to A Link to the Past where your link is going out to explore some other lands. And his boat is destroyed in a storm. And he washes ashore at a place called Cohen Island. He's rescued by a girl named Marian you know, meets her father Taryn, you know, nice play on a mountain war. Allen.


You know, one thing I love about this game is that it's the same link from A Link to the Past and the Oh, who cares about the world. gangs but it's the same link in this game so be linked to the past being so high for us I've always thought that we get the same incarnation of like


yeah yeah it's the same version of link like it says just after he finished A Link to the Past like he did his Oracle videos he did this adventure


viral dude thanks and go


Don't go for going out of high roll man and do well anywhere else. But like you say you wash up on this island you're rescued. And you're told by a mysterious owl that to escape the island you have to wake up the wind fish and so your entire quest is collecting eight instruments of the sirens so you can wake the wind fish and you know likes it on the surface that looks it sounds very simple, but it's just this game did such an amazing job of as you progress through it, it keeps hinting more and more that things on the island Colin islands aren't what they seemed like it's you keep hearing these hints that hey, you know, this is all you know, if the if the wind fish wakes up, we're all screwed. You're screwed. Like everything disappears. And yeah, sorry, spoiler alert for a game from


a man saying we need to remember this boiler up front and we forgot again, right? So


all throughout the game, though, you keep getting these hints and they get stronger and stronger. That this whole island is just a dream. And it's the wind fishes dream and if you wake up the wind fish, it all disappears. I mean, you hear this from the bosses that you fight who are actually called nightmares in this game, which I thought was a cool touch like color and something a little different. I was a big fan of that. You start reading it from you know, like the some of the signs and the murals in the game. And then of course, the owl itself that you keep talking to He's like, Hey, you ain't gotta wake up the wind fish gotta wake up the wind fish. And as the game progresses, you just get this sense more and more that Yeah, you it this whole thing is a dream. And when it makes it and some of our fans and writers have been lie and discord participants have been like it's a shockingly underrated game. Yes, in terms of its darkness, began to build this relationship with these characters, especially Marin, who I thought was a great side character. And you know, we'll talk about her in the character section a little bit more, but you just you realize that when you beat the game, it's all gone. Yeah, the whole thing and everyone will disappear but it's the only way that link can wake up to and and go home. So it was a it was a simple story at the beginning. Like it's like Castaway, you know, his his ship got fucked up by a storm and he washes up on an island only, you know, he has at least real people instead of Wilson the beach ball like in Canada. But it just they're not real people. They're their dream people. Yeah, that's a great point. So I thought the story was simple, but takes such a dark and kind of sad melancholy type turn. So what were your thoughts though? I know there's a lot more. You will Yeah, it's a Gameboy game there's not a lot more to this Yeah.


When Nintendo was developing this game, but they really thought that people were going to look at this dark as they do because they might say oh, we're gonna make it a dream and really didn't understand like the you know, the darkness behind it. I thought Majoris mask they just had some fucked up shit on there. Oh yeah, they did always wonder what this game what they meant for it to be that dark and maybe if it was just interpreted in a different way we know that happens in game but overall the story was very simple like you said, um, but I just love going around like the cut. Here's what I love is that you go around collecting these instruments to wake this with fish. Like that's just such a unique concept Really? A storyline? Like you don't get storylines like this in Zelda or in other games, really. So I've never heard this concept being done I'm sure it has somewhere with a 50,000 indie games that are out there but basically, Hey, get these instruments to play song to wake this wind fish, and then poof, everything's gone. So it's just such a unique story. And really, I mean, like I said, the Marin and link on the beach like right there there wasn't much to that it was actually a longer conversation in that particular game but right as we look at gaming nowadays, it was not really that long of a conversation. But when you go back and you look at Zelda as a whole that scene is really so miserable across all the games and just really goes to show that you don't really have to have a lot of text cyberpunk you got to watch the game cyberpunk I get tired of reading all the shin games I like reading stuff but damn like I mean at a game when a game begins I want an option of difficulty and I want to option how much fucking text I got reading again.


You will never go back and play playing scape torment it's an old old that is like it is known for like the novels worth yes and like dialogue that they wrote for but I'm glad I'm really glad that you mentioned like the beach scene the quote unquote data that link has with Marin because to me it really it's early on in the game. I think it's after like the third Dundar dungeon yet and like it's it's early on enough but she talks a little bit about wanting to know what's beyond the island and yes, out there across the sea. And like she really she's one of the few characters on kohonen Island that expresses a desire to kind of know what's out there out in the world. And really the


only character that really expresses the thing to be on your right. Yeah,


you're right. And it just it was such a great scene because you know, poor link, of course, throughout the series is he's had his moments with Zelda and several other like ellia and Twilight Princess, like, he's had kind of like those romantic interests, but they never really, they either don't explicitly state that there's a romantic interest, or, or they leave it very ambiguous. One of the means more if


there is a relationship with Zelda or the girl, main character, or SOC character, whatever you want to call it. Exactly.


So I liked with Marin, like even the game mentions, like, oh, like Marin has decided to come with you. Is this your big chance? You know, I mean, even the game like kind of poke some fun at it. And you know, this was so early in the series, but as it went on, you never really you get hints here and there of a link Zelda relationship in every game. Sometimes it's more friendly. Sometimes it's more like brother sister type thing. Sometimes it is more, you know, romantic. But this was one instance where like, they made it very clear, like, Marian and link had this connection. And like that beach scene, where one she expresses her interest of like, what's out there I like I wish I was a seagull I could fly and see what's out there beyond the world. And yeah, and or beyond beyond kohonen Island, I should say, in the music that went with that scene is just such a simple version of The Ballad of the wind fish that just was like it was perfect for the scene. So I'm really glad you brought up that scene. And the one other scene that I really loved on the story. And I promise I'll let you talk again, I


feel like I wasn't done talking the last time.


So the other thing that I really loved was right before you do the face shrine dungeon, you go into a room, where you see this inscription again, with amazing music to match it, where it straight up says it's all a dream. And like, that's the first time that they like explicitly come like said, everyone's into that. And a lot of people get to that. But that's the first time it explicitly comes out and says it's all just a dream. And then you come out of there and the album's like, that's what it says. But no one really knows. Yes, so for a simple story on a Gameboy, I thought it had a couple of those story beats like the beach, and that shrine that were really, really powerful. And now I promise I will shut up.


That's not a lot of things that games do. Like if there's a certain ending or a surprise ending, they won't hit through it. But usually throughout the game, they'll usually just happen at the very end. And they could have done that in this game. They could have not said anything the entire way. And then bam, okay, it's a dream. But I love that they did hit that because it kind of makes you wonder, okay, you're playing the game and account like, what is this world? Is this actually a world that is real? Or is it a dream? And you're kind of wondering that at the beginning. And then as you play more and more, you start getting these hits? And I actually think it makes you think more because you think, okay, is it actually a dream? Or is it a dream? So, you know, I think maybe in a way makes you more confused than me if you didn't get any hits at all. Explain the whole philosophy behind that, because I don't know if that made sense myself. But anyway. But I just I love that they did hit throughout the game, because it just makes you think and like, you know, you might have a strong opinion of something. And then you might get some information and then you start questioning yourself. We see what happened to us all the time. I think there was like when I first played this game, and I didn't really know the ending somehow I waited like 20 years to play the game. I still didn't know the antidepressant. That's bad. But as I was going through the game, I was like, Wait, is this I thought I heard this was a dream. But now I'm confused now. I'm not sure so good job to Nintendo on making all that happen right there. But I'm really that's all the story. Like we said a very, very simple story. Yeah, let's kind of go on and let's talk about the world. Um, the world in terms of Zelda size is not very big, but in terms of Gameboy size is absolutely humongous. And I think that's why Zelda is so great. Because Zelda stretches the limits like you look back at original Legend of Zelda on Nintendo, like look how big that game was compared to other games and then even has had a safe state. So once again, right, the Zelda game I know, that's one Nintendo's main properties, but they took this game, they put it on the Gameboy, which the original Gameboy did not have that much power did not dream. And they made this gigantic world in terms of that device, it just keeps on pushing Zelda and Zelda. And that's still what we expect with it to this day, and we kind of saw a breath of the wild now. That's not the biggest game or I don't think it's the biggest game world but it's still you know, in terms of Zelda and overall open game worlds is better than water is a pretty big game. So you know, I just this is one thing that makes me upset is like not playing this game. back. The day one of the main issues that you had, like, you know, playing games in the 80s and 90s, is that you can beat them fairly quick. Like, you know, you go back and Link to the Past now, the first playthrough you didn't know what you're doing, but I don't know if you did, it was like a three or four hour game. So it might take you a long time, the first time to beat it. Yeah, but that second playthrough is gonna be like six or seven hours. So that's why I kind of got you know, a frustrated cuz like not playing this game, because there's so many games that are short on the Nintendo in the LCS. And here's a game that is just gigantic, and I didn't get to play back in the day and it's one of those things I don't think I really would have wanted to play in black and white, but definitely on the gameboy color and the DX version. That is one that definitely would want to play and I played it 10 years ago like I said, and I still enjoyed it but anyways, it holds up well. Yeah, awesome mix of regions get the forest swamp desert mountains, plains, rivers, lakes, you got two towns yet may village a maybe village and animal village. And here's one thing that's great about this game is a lot of places a lot of done not all the dungeons not all the places but a lot of them had their own music. And that's not even something that we saw in links to the past. So right in all these areas, which geographic geographically this really doesn't make sense how all these areas are so great, but that's one of those rules things I'm okay with sacrificing all my breath of the wild map that doesn't make sense either have a desert right beside a snow area. So you know, yeah, geographically, it doesn't make sense. But I can sacrifice that right just having like I said, once again, a very nice small game, but you know, a smaller game on a small device compared to other gaming standards. And you were still able to put all these regions in there it just mix it up so well. And just, I mean, we talked about this game and the world and everything else on the Gameboy. This was definitely one of the best games um, how do you feel about the overall world? Oh, did


I was I was a huge fan. And because you're absolutely right, it did feel huge for its time. And I know that like Yes, you're right. It doesn't make any sense to have all these geographical features. Right? They're on top of each other. But getting all of that into one Game Boy world was it's felt it made the world field huge, because like you said, You got the mysterious forest. This is what the map How about the music and tall tall heights? By the way? Yes. Or however it's pronounced that I'm really glad you mentioned that because each region having almost every region, not all of them, but having its own distinct music. It really helped like it feel like its own special areas. Like you have that village theme, you have a little bit of the overworld theme when you're out in like the plains


areas and animal village steam was so different from the rest of the game.


And then like I said, then like telltale heights, music was unbelievable. The dungeons, like you said, had their had their unique themes. I'm pretty almost all of them had unique but not all sure on that. But there were some that were definitely had some very different ones. So like for me, it was a great game world. I liked that they kind of took the idea from linked to the past where the world was kind of gated by you needed certain items to get to certain parts of the world. I hate those blocked out squares on the mat.


I mean, it's kind of cool when you kind of, I guess, open them. You see more than like OCD entirely throughout the game. Just like I wonder what's behind that blocks. Oh, yeah, it's kind of cool. And it's a surprise, but I do not like that.


I'm kind of with you there. Because you get I'm with you, I get that OCD feeling that I'm like, I need to uncover all the squares. And in a game like this, now that we're growing up, and we've played it many times, it's not hard to do that now. But you still there's when you're playing it as a kid like I did as an eight year old, I'm like what is over there? What is that I don't know how to get there, the mountains looked massive because of all the tunnels in and out. It was just it felt so big at the time and like having it gated off where you couldn't get to certain areas until you beat certain dungeons and they took that of course from linked to the past really introduced that for Zelda games, the original Zelda you could wander just about anywhere you want. You might get your ass beat, but you could


do that with Link's Awakening. No, it would have been too complex like, right we get that a lot the original Zelda like, yes, it's a great game. But damn is really confusing, because you can waste a lot of time going to different places that aren't important. So people talk about oh, I want to have freedom and blah, blah. I do like this concept where it's a little bit by little bit because it keeps you confined to an area. Yep. And you don't go all the way north trying to figure out something that's not entirely there. So I didn't like that part of it.


I'm with you, too. And speaking of like, the the area's being gated by by dungeon items, I think it's a great time to dig into the dungeons. And to be completely honest, this almost felt like a game of sorry, before we go on, is there anything else on the world that you really want to add on? Okay, I feel like the world it's it's pretty basic by today's standards at the time it was mind blowing, but you know, it's just having those geographical features was great. But yeah, like the dungeons It was almost like a story of two separate games. Because the first I would say the first five or even six dungeons in in Link's Awakening. were simple. Yeah, in my opinion they were not difficult I mean they they gradually get a little tougher Don't get me wrong, but it's when you hit that seven than eight dungeon you get to Eagles tower and Turtle Rock that it feels like the difficulty takes a massive spike in terms of the confusion and what you have to do to get through these dungeons. Did you feel that same way going through the dungeons is


something I'll actually love that there was eight dungeons in this game? No, I don't doubt it even here your question, but anyways,


so I was asking if you also felt like after those first five or six like


oh, yeah, well, here's one concept of why that's true. Eagles tower is the first one multiple floors like up until that point, like you just had one floor and that's why I hate the Oracle game so much man because their dungeons are just in my opinion. They're too complex. Now I know a lot of people love that. But like you know, Oracle games like pretty much you had multiple floors pretty early in the game but with Link's Awakening no like you said the first five dungeons No, it's not that no it's the first six the first six dungeons where I believe or one four and then you get to Eagles tower which my god man that place it got tough right? You see the ocean in the background? That shot right there just awesome. But yeah, those last two dungeons to answer your question. Now eventually. Here's problem I had where I was going and then you asked a question and so I wasn't really ready for that question. But yeah, the seventh and eighth dungeon they are definitely much more difficult but I liked it like I don't really like the tub dungeons like up front now. They probably could did it like a little bit earlier than seven maybe like the third or fourth one even though I didn't keep Cameron it can be difficult. Like you always have one damn key that you're forgetting but I don't know I kind of make the game easy and sometimes I like that like you know have good puzzles but don't make the game too like difficult in this game was great about doing that so um but you know it made that in my opinion it made up Eagles tower and Turtle Rock stand out quite a bit more Now one thing I hate is that they named it Turtle Rock like that's such a cop off of links A Link to the Past and also with the game which kind of links to the past I guess you could count Gaines tower after that as yes definitely a dungeon but you know close to the end of the game so I did not like that they use Turtle Rock I do not understand that. I think they the whole game was unique I think they could do something completely different so but overall very challenging dungeon did enjoy but um you got one go through these one by one a little bit. Yeah, we will. We'll can do that. Okay really ratchet bad very, like say all these dungeons are kind of simple upfront. But here's what we got, say the rocks feather. credible item is Zelda games. And I believe I can't remember exactly because I'm looking at the outline right now you say it was only in this game. I want to say that it was actually in both Oracle games, or one of the Oracle games


or games aren't real Zelda games.


They were made by cat Khan who gives a shit but um, I believe we might have gotten the rocks feather in. But um, overall just such a cool item and to get this early on in the game. That was really just awesome. And then the miniboss actually rolling bones I did actually really liked that boss rock his head using the rock feather to jump over something like you're saying back in those days, like you know Link to the Past we didn't have the ability to jump Absolutely. Or in the first Tuesday it'll actually in the second Zelda game I think you did. But that game doesn't count either the second Zelda game and the Oracle games they do not count at all because we don't like them that much but they played the CDI games but that's a no no no you don't know Don't you say that all right, because I've not played those games by seeing how bad they are. Oh, I've heard they're terrible she's using this rocks feather to jump over and beat that boss very cool. And then Mo Mo door once again kind of a cop out I think a unique world you have unique bosses and we did see that throughout this game but we're just too quick right there right off the bat you've already faced this boss right here so I wasn't big on that overall but I want to go ahead and take us to a bottle grotto


Yeah, I mean tokay was simple bottle grotto was too I mean like we said these early bosses are these early dungeons rather sorry were very easy I didn't like that the item was just like the power bracelet and I know that that's something we've seen in in almost every Zelda game though I've been linked to the past you had the power mitt or the Power Glove whatever it was called. Aqua time you had the the golden gauntlets and the silver gauntlet so I get it but it's just the fact and this is kind of get into items. And we'll talk about a little more in the gameplay section but like having to equip things like the power bracelet was frustrating. Yes, just frustrating but I will say like Bella Rado is simple hitbox is an enemy that we had seen in Link to the Past we saw them again as a huge miniboss in Breath of the Wild so I like 10 Ox being a mini boss the G was kind of a fun unique fight like you have to break his his bottle open and then attack and like that's what you think of when you think of a dream world like out of this world kind of boss so I it was not a difficult fight but I enjoyed the concept of fighting the genie and hitbox made sense because hey, this Lincoln encountered one before so it makes sense they might pop up in his dream so I get it. Kevin, you're absolutely right when you say it is an easy one, but it can be confusing because as the name implies, holy hell there are a lot of keys in this dungeon and some of them are completely unnecessary to even beat the dungeon so it's it's it's the first one that really does kind of confuse you a little bit like there's a whole like area where you have you you go into you unlock a door to get into a room you get the key use that key to unlock the room right next to it to get another key to unlock the room right next to it to get it's it's pointless. It seems so pointless, but you know, again, we bring back a boss from the previous game where we get the dango snakes which I believe we had seen in the original Legend of Zelda right?


We had the dongles like that where the dice bosses they were different but it was still the same concept where they threw a bomb in their mouth so like you know good like Yeah, not exactly the same thing but a good throwback to that see I don't mind that something that's a good throwback even though it's a dream world okay, but something that's exactly the same I don't really care for now. The Pegasus boots I'll tell you man that first room at the beginning of the dungeon I think that was off to the right where he had to use the Pegasus boots to hit that like magnet or away thing or whatever it gets I'm pushing you off the platforms Yeah, it took me forever to finally get up I could not figure that one out like overall Yeah, just that dungeon that very big on and slime. I actually did like the boss because using the Pegasus boots to kind of tear him apart in the middle. I really liked that concept. It was really good use of the Pegasus boots in it so that's all we need to say about key camera but um, anguish tunnel Why don't you go ahead and talk about that one a little.


There's really only like two things I remember about anglers tunnel I remember like the flippers and getting to dive in the water and all that was fun but one getting into anglers tunnel I thought was really cool because you jump off towel heights down a waterfall like two screens to land in front of the dungeon I


thought that was a really cool way to get into the darkness to figure out your first time through for some people though I can tell you that


well you're not wrong there because like I said you have to use your you have to use the key out in front of it and then you have to climb telltale heights and find where to jump off to get into the dungeon so it could be confusing absolutely the first time but I thought it was a it was fun and creative way to get into the dungeon agree the only other thing that sticks out to me from anglers tunnel is the boss the angler fish yes was probably hands down the easiest fucking boss in Zelda history like I even easier than like the first boss in any game whatever I don't care what pick pick your poison. angler fish was so damn easy on my recording I made it look


good I remember that


it was not my finest recording when I was recording this gameplay just to have but


nothing ever goes the way you want it to go when you are recording game.


legitimately beat angler angler fish in like 10 seconds. Yeah, I mean it is it's such an easy boss but other than that anglers tunnel was just kind of there


I love the I love the water look up because you had in the first three dungeons and again a little bit later on in some dungeons, but overall, that was the water Dungeon of the game. And it really switched up the visuals of the game so I didn't really like an English tunnel for that now catfishes Mall, I actually don't think there was any water or there was there's a very, very little I can remember to be honest with you. I know there was a lot of water getting to which is one of the we can't talk about anglers tunnel. I also like the entrance to catfishes Mall where he kind of had to go out in Martha's Bay and kind of swim under like a little rock or whatever to get in there. So I loved that whole part but then when you get in there just kind of you know and not not terrible dungeon, but at the same time there's not a lot to it but again the hook shot okay the hook shot is awesome and easy to game once again in this game in May is so much fun are going over Gabs, you know basically you can use against enemies obviously so absolutely love the item that we got but the mini boss in this dungeon This is what was special about cat fiches Mall is having to beat the master style foes for tabular or different words, copper dresses and then on the fourth time, you get the item the hook shot. I just love how that all played out because once again it was unique. It was just I just love it being different from all Other mini bosses and it stands out because of that reason and that they also maybe had some goma's in the dungeon I'm


not really sure yeah there were a couple of little spider guys you had to kill with Yeah, well bow and arrow are I think you could use your sword because not everyone had to bow


Yeah, and then assign mill actually I thought that's a very tough boss because if y'all remember use the hook shot to pull out the mouth and the four corners, whatever, but he had that tail spinning the whole time and that tail could be quite a pain to dodge them I don't believe ever really die on that boss but overall compared to the other bosses in the game, which I think would be one of our main complaints of this game is that some of the bosses were just too damn easy so it's not incredibly difficult but you know it did switch it up a little bit and then we go on to actually one guy go ahead cuz I know he loved this game so much sin is to the south face Ron, and then go into the actual dungeon. Oh, man.


Okay, the face shrine section of the game. I mentioned this talking about up in the story. But this is where I feel like the story of the game really took off. Like we said, you'd been getting the hints all along about what this island is. And we go to South face shrine and I'm gonna screw that up once or twice a beer read that Yeah. And we get to the beer and just, you know, being from you know, Southern Indiana. You know, like working our way through there. And we go into that room. First of all, the little mini boss we fight and southface shrine was harder on the switch version than I remember it. Yes. On the like Gameboy verse. I remember playing on the switch version. I'm like, What the hell am I doing wrong? Why


can I get any kind of hit on this guy? There is also a boss, I believe in candlelit castle. That was incredible. A lot more details than I believe they were in the DX version.


No, it completely was but man you see the the mural, or I think they call it a relief in this game. I'm not sure about all my art terms, so forgive me, but that's where you finally see like, oh, the whole thing is a dream and the music that's playing in the south face shrine is just amazing, like haunting version of the of the Ballad of the wind fish and it's just a really, really good theme and a powerful moment in the game. You walk out in the hours like hey, I see you saw this, but it made you know, no one knows for sure until you wake up the wind fish, and then the North Face shrine, it still kind of falls for me into those easier dungeon categories. But I really liked the theme. The theme to North Face shrine was one of my it's easily my favorite dungeon theme in Link's Awakening. And it was honestly one of my favorite in the entire series. I'm pretty sure it made my top you know 10 or top 15 when we did our YouTube video yeah, our favorite dungeon themes face shrine was absolutely in my list is just a very good theme but again, you run into a boss that's so easy like you literally just set bombs on its face. Yeah, it's a giant face on the floor which is a little too literal for the face shrine but it's just an easy boss but like that entire part of the game was an amazing like turning point in the game like just the music in this area the story beats that we get and again the dungeon and the boss itself were a little on the easier side but man just a great area but speaking of great areas I know one of your favorite areas in the game is around Eagles tower so I'm gonna throw it to you to tackle Eagles tower


I am shocked that you actually do to make that that you can go right into that one. Know how much you love that dungeon but overall First of all, we've talked about it already in this episode, but getting up there in the top right and seeing that view oh just absolutely tacular in that dungeon looks amazing in the remake it looks absolutely nuts. Just love the dungeon because it was so different. The first one that had multiple floors and just going around and getting those pillars to fall down to collapse the top part like that was a very difficult puzzle. And once again, it was very unique and so this whole dungeon just stood out for that reason because it was just so different from everything else in the game. And just if you talk to anybody about Link's Awakening I've not really heard anybody ranking Eagles tower that low it might not be their favorite one done but it's usually very high towards up like in the rankings but um, first of all, you get the mini boss grim creeper and the I love how Okay, you beat him and then you see him later on when you fight another great boss evil evil evil Yes, at the right time myself actually said right the first time but you're right. Here's another thing. Here's another thing that's great is you go outside the dungeon like always love and then you climb up to the top and that's where you see grim creeper and then the evil ego comes in. Just that whole cinematic right there bringing everything together and find the boss outside and then find the boss outside on a tower where there's not really that big of a platform just overall an absolute amazing dungeon, a great mini boss, a great boss on the item the mere shield. Michelle, you'll take it, leave it in a Zelda game. I really like Like no shield I don't really care for shield that much I don't do defense I do on offense you know so get this in giveaway if I don't have to be enemy with a shield I'm not going to use it but um I won't talk to you right here because I know that you love equals tower so once again go ahead and give your opinions on it


you hit it on the head I absolutely loved it just the concept of knocking out those pillars and the cinematic you get when it shows the tower like collapsing like down a level


was just a really cool Cinemax in general because you didn't get them in another dungeon.


Right and you had that at the very beginning of the dungeon you had the whole thing like rotating like 180 degrees so the entrance turned to face you I mean, so this was a dungeon that it really took Gameboy did not have much in the way of cinematics let's be honest, it was a Gameboy so getting little moments like that fighting the boss with like a sight scrolling view instead of the top down view and I know we'd had that before with the angler fish but getting to do it on top of the tower but


it was the angler fish problem


you may not even know your site's growing because you can beat him so quick but no just so it really did all come together and like we said the spike in difficulty when you got to Eagles tower because finding all four pillars in carrying that giant like cannon ball looking thing to all four pillars and having to like take it up levels drop it down levels for getting where the hell you live forgot about


the cannonball Yeah,


that thing was awesome dude just using that to knock out the pillars was just such a fun concept so I was a very very hot huge fan of Eagles tower easily number one dungeon for me in this game, but I will say the finishing dungeon I know we complained about the name and the concept like Turtle Rock being recycled from the original Legend of Zelda yeah and from linked to the past I loved the entrance to Turtle Rock as well where you had to fight like a mini boss just to get into Turtle Rock like it yes a giant like dragon looking thing or a turtle yeah I'm kind of reptile that you yeah


i agree i don't think a turtle because I believe its neck stretched out which turtles grind do but like when he does that he doesn't actually look like a turtle in my opinion. So I get where you're going with that


right but it Turtle Rock is probably in my mind it's easily the biggest and probably the most yes using dungeon in the game which I love that the challenge finally really ramped up when you get to Turtle Rock like here's an even Eagles tower before that. But Turtle Rock you find like this is what I think of a confusing big Zelda dungeon at the time. Of course you know nowadays you've got you know everything else. But


I went back and watch our dungeon ranking today. And we actually had this at the second spot so we were both shocked during the dungeon ranking video it actually made it up that high adventure turn off so we just started off on our audio. Here's people of how to do better audio we're still learning every single day but um, I think we were just surprised really that it gotten that high. But go ahead.


I like the lava theme that winter with Turtle Rock and that's that carried over of course from linked to the past was


a lot like Mario like the last level Mario always has a lot of fire you got to have Yeah,


bouncers castle always as the fire but the mini boss of this dungeon can just suck it I hated blennow so much because like one punch, one of his big punches would knock you all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon. You had to work your way, all the way back to the mini boss and start the fight all over again. Once you see the pattern, you can avoid it pretty easily. But the problem is, you hit him four or five times and then one of those punches and you're all the way back in the beginning of the dungeon. I liked some of the puzzles.


About what about playing a little bit. Yeah, I did hate that part of him where he would make you go back to the start of the dungeon. But that was a cool miniboss man. I mean, come on. Like Muhammad Ali. He was as good as Muhammad Ali but just get a boxing character. Like in a game. I thought that was so cool. It was so fun. Yeah, it did suck when he hit you. But I was a fan just because of how cool the concept It was.


It really was. And like some of the puzzles in this dungeon like you had where you had to move the platform. Fill in all the lava they could be complex, but they were also different from anything else we'd had in the game. So I was a fan of everything. It seemed like Turtle Rock threw at you with something that you really hadn't seen and just it was it brought the game together well, the boss can take it or leave it I mean it's fun using the magical rod which I always call the fire rod. Magical rod to beat hothead the boss he was a pretty easy boss All in all, which is a little disappointing for the dungeon but do you have any other strong opinions on Turtle Rock? No,


that's it Really? I was disappointed the boss also I just expected so much more. I can't go to the wind fishes egg. Not really a lot. There's where you fight the final boss. Yeah, so what you actually didn't know. Like, is that his real name? death death I


is how am


I okay, okay, like when you like put down the outline. I was like I never knew that was his actual name I always thought was like the shadow nightmare. But guess right his versions are maybe called the shadow nightmares. I don't know.


I think the final Form is called death. I like okay,


well read with the Li together. So if he's wrong get on him. But you know, yeah, basically, a little maze, which I love about it is that you actually had to get the instructions from the library in mabrey village. And once again, I had looked at one because I never thought I was like sitting there. And first of all, I just try go random directions because I always think I can figure stuff out like this. And knowing that I can not figure shit out like this. Oh, I'll go this way. There'll be some pattern. I'll figure out No, no. And so two hours later, you're


still watching.


Like, what the hell do I do? And I guess, you know, I don't read a lot. So you know, I wasn't gonna go I probably checked out the library, but I wasn't gonna sit there and check out all the books. I wasn't going to read all the books. I definitely missed that maze and how to go through it. So that was kind of cool. Right there. Before the internet. I don't know how much I would appreciate that. But he was a file bot. And you know, just we're not gonna go through all the forms, you know? Yes. You did acronym, which is a great doback to link back we had mo dorm which we've already had the fucking game. So first of all, you copied it. And then you did it again. So mold dorm Yeah, game from Link to the Past, which I like. And then land Mola was a throwback to the desert palace and Link to the Past. But um, overall, I was a big fan of all the changing forms, because each of them had different attack that you had to go about, like, you know, defeat him. So I really liked that. You could say, okay, all file bosses, they are different as you go through, there are different phases where your texts are different. But just the way they switched it up so quickly, you had to switch up your texture quickly. And you had to figure that all that stuff out very quickly. So overall, I was a big fan. What about you?


I liked that they did bring back like igennem and ganun because once again in their Link to the Past forms will of course link to past the only game acronym has been in, but like it is, again, it's a dream. And link has experienced these things in real life. So it makes sense that he might see them I don't know. Yes, it's the wind fishes dream, but maybe link brought it whatever, or the nightmares are using links memory of these characters. That's a whole


nother podcast but that's


a whole different can of worms. That's a theory video waiting to happen if we ever make YouTube videos. But no like so I like like you said just fighting the shifting forms was a fun concept. It was something different. And just like the whole maze concept of the egg was really cool. So I thought it was a fitting final bossfight death I thought was a fun final form like dodging his rotating arms and then attacking his eye when it open and just like when it died. It was like, you know, this is our world, our world. And you know, it was a powerful moment there. Because the nightmares really wanted to control the dream and keep the wind fish awake so they could rule kohala Islands so to finally defeat them and kind of free that grip on the wind fish was a good ending moment. I guess we have to spend a second talking about the color dungeon. Yeah, it was there.


I know you're not a big fan of it. I'm not really a fan of either. I thought the color puzzles are pretty cool. Now this was only for the DX version, basically, you know, right a little like, you know, the salute to kind of like you know, being on a gameboy color and everything right a little it's a new version we're gonna put a little something extra in here so I'm glad that they did do a little something extra and I'm also glad that you could get a blue or a red tunic one to defense one did offense like that but overall puzzles are okay some of the bosses in there were okay, but really that much of a dungeon not really it's something you think about you mostly Think about it for the tunings that you get, which do help you throughout the entire game, so I was appreciative of that but um, overall I think it really that sums up the dungeons to be honest with you. So um, let's go to the characters now. I know we've already talked about a lot of the characters


we fit the characters pretty good. I


mean, you want to talk about that you might have missed throughout there.


No, I just I love the relationship between Lincoln Marin i mean i thought the girl literally she is the girl of his dream.


And like I like how he like put that there read


Yeah, it's just so I liked that relationship I like you got to go on the date and you could tell she was very interested and her whole character of like being the one questioning what's beyond the island? Yeah, I really liked her character but other than that that's why


I like Mr. White like the guy that got the game that telephone booth. I thought that was very cool. I can't tell you which way you might need to go next. Yep, and then eventually I think he medium somewhere and he's very shy so I did love that character. I'm kind of going through some of the characters I think for the most part we have mentioned the ones that we want to mention so we're gonna go to gameplay right here um, first of all, and I know you love these kinds of games but Zelda game actually you want you love so much you go ahead and talk about it's just


it's what introduced me to Zelda is the top down Zelda game so like A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening were the first two Zelda games I ever played. To me that is what I think of when I think Legend of Zelda even going back years later, and finally getting to experience the original Legend of Zelda or like when we first Got into doing this channel and we played A Link Between Worlds yep that top down Zelda game still to me is what is the Legend of Zelda and yes the conversion to 3d with accuracy of time and everything since then has been done amazingly well I mean we've preached how well Nintendo converted this franchise and like Mario and several others to 3d but to me they want to interrupt


real quick Oh yeah, like they it takes them so long to make a game that I would love to see new 2d games don't in and they're like we see with Mario like you know sidescrolling Yeah, you have 3d Mario games, but also these 2d Mario games have done very well. Now wish they did that was the other word. Yeah, the 3d games are awesome. But you know i don't think i knew 3d game not la remake that's not a new game but give me a top down Zelda game in between all your 3d games like I would absolutely love that. But go ahead.


That's why I love Link Between Worlds. I mean, yes, it was. It was awesome. And again still set in the same like world in general timeline as a link to the past and yes awakening like that


differently though. In that game


different link. You're right. But so to me, the The only thing that was a real pain in the ass in terms of gameplay with Link's Awakening, and I hate to criticize it because I do love the game so much is every single item and weapon had to be assigned to a VM. And that included the I know I mentioned earlier, like the magic bracelet to even lift heavy objects, the Pegasus boots to run fast. You had to equip your sword and shield if you wanted to do a or b and which was great, because you could put some fun combinations together like the Pegasus boots and the rocks, whether would let you jump over huge gaps. The Pegasus boots in your sword was a fun combo. The rocks feather and your sword was a fun combo. Yeah, like they gave you flexibility on what you could do. But not having your sword and shield and the Pegasus boots and the magic bracelet mapped permanently. kind of pissed me off and it was a little bit of a pain. Yeah, like I realized how much of a pain it was until futures that like probably occur in a time where they're like, oh, the golden gauntlets. They just that is Yeah, automatically equipped. Yeah, they're good all the time. So yeah, and they fix this on the switch remake. You know, they made the sword and shield like,


Oh, they have more buttons to notice the thing like the Gameboy, you kind of understand some of it because there weren't a lot of buttons. But I said you could imagine to that button like, we get close to a rock, just push a instead of using your sword, you'll get the bracelet so they could better at that I completely agree. switching back and forth between them was an absolute pain, but uh, kind of talking about the switch really. And like moving forward, right? There's three versions of this game. There's original virgin black and white. There's a dx version, and then there's the remake. I won't get though to you on the original version right here. Because overall, I know you're huge fan of this game. We've already said it but where this game I think really sticks with you is that you originally played it in black and white. Oh, that's gotta be such a huge dystocia factor for


you. It really is. And because it's hard to go back and play a game like that now, like, especially if you haven't played it before, but playing it like I said just in black and white on the crappy Gameboy screen where it wasn't even backlit like it was dark out. You ain't playing shit. Yeah.


Or if you're in the light that came with it sucked.


That thing took four double A batteries. It was ridiculous. But no. So like, I really appreciated playing it getting to play it on the original version because playing other Gameboy games at the time. Like we said, This felt so big compared to that. Yeah, at the time, the color version. I don't think I played until we started doing this channel. And I was like, Oh, I should probably go check this out and do the color dungeon and all that not this channel. We


started two guys playing the original thing that we did, but go Yeah,


but Link's Awakening dx is the one you came in with and kind of what it was. You didn't have anything to compare it to, I guess. But for me, I'm like, okay, the color was nice. The color dungeon was just man. As we mentioned above, it's just like to me, there wasn't a whole lot there. But then the switch version came out. Did everything. What were your thoughts? When you first fired up the switch version?


I absolutely loved it. First of all, I know a lot of people have problems with the art style. I think the art style fits the game perfectly. So I'm a huge fan of that. Some people have an issue with the blur, like kind of the act of blur.


Oh, you


know, take it or leave it. I think I just played a game that kind of had that similar effect. Once again with that game, take it or leave it like I don't really know what the point of I guess the point of it is to focus on your character more right and what exactly you're doing it in that particular space on it, but I thought the remake and we kind of were just talking about this where we want more top down Zelda games in between the 3d games now. Yeah, this was not a new game. But you know it. You know, it was great. It was great getting this into a breath of the wild and Breath of the Wild too. When it comes at the same year's detox. Some of you will. Some of you will get that joke is Dr. Gray's album that was supposed to come out a long time ago, read 2030 before they show trailer and did nothing for over a year, but I was just a huge fan of this game. It really took me back to like, you know, what, five years earlier playing Link's Awakening for the first time I really meant for that to go better. That really Who didn't really did? I can go the way it took me back.


Yeah, yeah. So


without effect or work for you, not for me, but I was. I was a huge fan of I liked the art style. I love the colors. He looked fantastic. And just the game was smooth. Now the original and the DX virgin. I never played the original, but the DX version, like you know, it was smooth, but just remake right here. Just like you know, Nintendo does this very well. Their games are very smooth. So just going through like you had the color version. But then you get to switch remake and this was like colorful right here. I


mean, there's a game called colors. The gameplay improvements were a massive jump forward. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. Sorry.


Actually, I was almost done. So you can can go ahead.


No, just I mean, just the quality of life improvements. Like we talked about just the mapping in the buttons was such a huge impact. Yeah, you're absolutely right. The colors and the art style match the world they looked beautiful on the switch. It just it's just a great game. All in all, they added I guess we should mention they added a dungeon maker. I didn't do shit with it. I never Yeah, it was like you could only recycle like rooms from previous dungeons, and you had to jump through some hoops to do it. Did you do anything with the dungeon maker?


No, I didn't do anything with it either. And the thing is disappointed by the dungeon maker is that you couldn't share them on what the dungeon maker actually feels like the way you like where the we can sit and say, Oh, that's just a presser. Obviously, as a processor, that was a dumb assessment. But you can see with the Wii U that it required thinking about the switch concept. And that right there is actually was talking about to be honest with you. I need to get there eventually. Yeah, actually, what was that that you were talking about? Forgot was talking about? You're


talking about the dungeon maker?


Oh, did you make Okay, okay. Okay. I think that like, you know, they want to make it bigger, but they can't use that we you concept going into the switch where they're like, Hey, we're gonna test this out a little bit. Today, because I was completely forgotten what I was talking about. Before because everybody's been talking about a Zelda maker, because we got the Mario Maker. So I feel like this was just kind of that test. But they should put online so people could play other people's dungeons. So really, they kind of lost out on that opportunity. But like I said, compared to the Wii U, which I originally tried to do before I forgot the whole fucking concept that I was trying to point out like, we've never lost our three I think they're just like, you know, they just want to give people a little taste and say, hey, let's see how this idea works. But overall, I may just absolutely love the game. love playing. It was so much fun. The colors, and what I loved is, and I'm always going back and forth on remakes do I want them to be really different? Or do I want them to be almost exactly the same? Or do I want a good middle ground? In this game? I think hit it perfectly. Like greentown 3d. I think that's a little bit too similar to aquamarina tab matures mass 3d I think that's way too different from the original mass fights. Yeah, I think this Link's Awakening remake hit that perfect middle ground where there was some things that were different but for the most part stuck to the original so I didn't really appreciate that um, is there anything else that you want to say on the remake?


No, I mean, just it did throw me back like for you You said he only threw you back five years for me it threw me back literally to the you know, the mid 1990s of just it's been a favorite game of mine for as long as I've played video games basically it was one of the very first games that I like replayed over and over and over again so getting to go back and replay it like this in a brand new art style but everything still was so faithful to the original in terms of the world the dungeons the bosses like all they changed really was the art style yeah and they any of the added the dungeon maker which yeah like we said whatever but other than that like the rematch lost the


photo booth though


we didn't lose the photo booth but yeah, whatever about it some people were pissed about it and I get that you don't like losing a feature when you when you have a remake they put crazy Tracy in both games so I was crazy Tracy love putting that salv on you that brought you back to life. So yeah,


man once again, just a really fun podcast episode one and just kind of going back to two guys. That's how we started so these other episodes and we will do more Zelda episodes but it's always kind of fun getting back talking Zelda because we did for so long. But that's also kind of why we quit doing two guys playing Zelda because for so long, so it's kind of nice to talk about other games and then talk about Zelda games so fun but red. Let's go ahead and wrap up this episode. Um, all the links for this will be in the description, but you can support us on Patreon or PayPal. And if you can't support financially, please leave a review or rating. It helps out with our rankings on different podcasts platforms, and we have merchandise on our websites to guests but you know, I'm not gonna mention now don't do that today. Go to T GPC gaming.com. We have all kinds of video game merchandise on there. And that is an affiliate shop so we may earn a commission on purchases through our links, read talk about some of the other stuff we got going on.


Well, we're on YouTube, we have TGPZ Media and we also have two guys playing Zelda where we really got our start and like we said it has felt good. To get back to talking about Zelda we burned doubt on it for a little while so we don't have a lot of new content up on two guys playing Zelda but we've got that and TGPZ Media from discord now and man that is a fun place. Yeah, we have channels we have general gaming but then we have Nintendo Xbox Sony PlayStation we talk sports we talk booze we talk TV shows like we talk a lot of fun have a beer with us, everybody gamer Absolutely. It's a very fun place. Just the discord where we really like having our video game conversations now. We are still on social media though. We're on Twitter, and on Instagram at Busted Buttons PC, but I gotta say this was a very special podcast for me. I enjoy talking about one of my all time favorite nostalgia trips. If you've ever heard me talk about Link's Awakening, you know how much I love it and how much it throws me back to being that kid going on road trips with the family sit, you know, sit in the backseat with the Gameboy just to me this felt very special. So any idea what we're doing next week? Are we getting


the gaming industry and I know lately like what kind of next game industry that we get again a gaming industry then we did a game of we don't really have any pattern we can just go on how we feel at the time. Oh, I say next week we talked about the gaming industry kind of see what's all going on or maybe just randomly we'll do another ritual episode. We don't know. gaming industry next week and then from there or not next week. You can't say that says our schedule is so crazy. We can't do it every week. We'd love to take a six week break. But anyways, next episode we will just talk to gaming industry and we will see you all on that next episode.