Busted Buttons

Skyward Sword HD Reveal - Busted Buttons Ep. 43

February 24, 2021 TGPZ Gaming

We start off talking about the Nintendo Direct that just came out recently. The most exciting news for us was the Skyward Sword HD reveal. We talk about that game a lot. We also dive into the other announcements like Mario Golf Super Rush, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity DLC, Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC, and Splatoon 3.

We then have a conversation on playing multiple games at the same time. Is it something that we like to do? If we only prefer to play one game at a time, why? How does it make knowing the controls more difficult?

Afterwards, we address those bad gaming days. The days where you just can't accomplish anything in gaming. Maybe you are dying too much. Maybe you can't find something needed for a mission. Perhaps you forgot where to go next.

We end with a discussion on the first person perspective as we are both playing Cyberpunk 2077. Is it an acquired taste? Is there a difference between RPGs and shooters?

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Welcome to Episode 43 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. And like always we got really fun with today because we got a real Nintendo Direct I think everybody can agree that this was a real Nintendo Direct and overall I thought was one of the stronger ones in a while so we're gonna love


Nintendo Twitter that not everyone agrees that this was


the majority agrees and then we're also going to talk about playing multiple games at the same time we're gonna talk about progress or like I know I put progress on there I'm the one that came up with this and I put lack of progress in my text and then we're going to end with a discussion on first person view games and if it's an acquired taste or not, but right here read very quick intro because we know we want to talk about today we want to talk about that Nintendo Direct. We want to talk mostly a lot about Skyward Sword so I'm gonna throw it to you right here. I know. Let's just talk about scoured sword. How excited are you for it?


Well, I am very excited and I'm a lot more excited than a bunch of whiny fans on fucking Twitter and I'm sorry to harp that but I still am seeing tons of people saying they're disappointed that this is all okay please those


people that


it's just some people and the other half of me is like now finally those idiots saying Oh, it's been two years since a real direct you just got your fucking real direct quit bitching for 30 seconds.


Who okay man, you know like Nintendo fans sometimes do you


do they're worse than Sony and Microsoft fans I swear to god they are.


Now that I like Arsenal fans, man.


But yeah, they are the worst. But now that I've got that off my chest, I am stoked for Skyward Sword. One of the big reasons I'm so excited is that I only played through it one time because I actually had to borrow it from you, you have to play it. And in the event you had to give it back to you. I didn't even have a Wi Fi Motion Plus controller myself, I had to borrow one of those. So I only got to play through Skyward Sword one time. So it to me it is almost going to be like experiencing a new game. Because most Zelda games you and I both played multiple times, you know, you're awkward at times, you're Twilight Princess, you're linked to the past, we've played them a lot of times over the years, I am so excited to get to go back and replay Skyward Sword. And the one thing that I really love they're doing and I think this was expected is they're letting you do either motion controls, or push controls like I'm so excited because the motion controls didn't bother me, I didn't have a problem with them. So I'm glad they're keeping them for people who want to use the joi cons. But there are a lot of people that that turned them off to the game and I get it you know, different strokes for different folks. So I am glad they're implementing a button control as well so that people who maybe didn't want to play it because of the motion controls which was a lot


of people to


oh absolutely will get the chance to play Skyward Sword potentially for the first time and it looks you know, I get that it's a it's a wig game. It's a little older, so it's not going to look beautiful. But I do think it looks sharper than the original Wii version. I know you and I and several other people on our discord have talked about how Skyward Sword looked a little kind of washed out a little washed out. And and I you know part of that's just the art style. And that's kind of that watercolor look to it was a great way one of our discord people described it, but I just think it looks a little sharper and a little crisper, which has shown its HD, you know, I expect it to look better. So I am absolutely stoked for it. I'm excited to try both buttons, scheme control schemes and see which works. I'm pumped. I thought this made the direct for me, but what are your thoughts on it? From what I've seen so far?


I completely disagree with you on that game. looking better. I saw that game yesterday. And that looks like the same Skyward Sword from the week. Now maybe if you did a comparison of them like side by side, maybe maybe I might change my mind. But I saw that was like that really doesn't look that much different from the Skyward Sword that played quite a while ago. Now, here's the thing, when you get it on your TV, and you're like, you know, well, they don't have 4k or anything. But I know it's hard to convert that quality to a YouTube video because it goes ABS processing. I don't know all the technical terms and how it happens. But I just know that usually when things are on YouTube, they don't look as good as they look on your TV in real life. So you're really not going to be able to know the graphical difference until you play on your TV. But from what I saw, I was like, because I was really curious about that art style and how it would translate to HD sounds like me, that was one or the other. I thought I was going to look beautiful like that. I was going to really like you know, just update well or it was not going to be good at all. And from what I see. It doesn't look that much different. So I'm hoping that when I get to play the game It will look different and I know that one thing if it doesn't look better this kind goes into graphics but it'll be more crisp so like if it doesn't look better like graphically even though I would put crisp within the graphical you know capabilities or whatever like I think it will be more crisp more sharp so but I'm very very excited because I've always been a huge fan of Skyward Sword it's like in my top five I want to say see Breath of the Wild I thought Breath of the Wild like second third 17th like a breath of the wild all over the place but Skyward Sword that day I mean behind all Korea time and behind linked to the past and a fluctuating Breath of the Wild here and they're like scars sword would be my next favorite Zelda game so I've always really liked it. I've won an HD remake for so long. Now why they had to wait until next gen came as a beyond me because I am just a next gen slob now but I will go back and play skyward store but just I'm excited because a lot of people hate motion controls at the time they did not bother me. But now like with kids and also with my desk setup, like I don't play law on the couch, I play at a desk and those motion controls would be very awkward because I have to wash my hands like you know hit my desk and other things. So I would not enjoy motion controls like with my current setup at all. So when they were first talking about that NASA has like motion controls you know, I'll play it but I'm really excited about it. Yeah, and then they threw in that button controls button controls, which I don't know why they wait so long to mention that they should start with that but anyways, um just for me like that's gonna make it a lot easier to play and they had to do that because the game is going to be on the GamePad like it's so exactly to take off the joy cons and then like you know place that screen up somewhere and play like that like like you won't play for me most the time I play portable with the Joye cons attached to the system but no overall just really excited I'm really sad they redid the motion controls even though it didn't look different I think on my TV it will look more crisp oh it will look better and just I'm very excited that people that either hate on the first time or have not played the game at all are going to get to experience it again or the first time and they are going to really enjoy it


now what do you think about the the them mapping the sword like so you can still do the directional strikes because otherwise they would have had to remade basically the so many enemy encounters so instead of using motion controls, they like made the right joystick your way of swinging the sword in different directions like if you want to swing up and down you just you know push the right joystick down if you want to swing side to side use push it to the side I thought that was a really creative and innovative way to still get the directional sword strikes into the game My only hesitancy on this is in third person games I'm so used to the right joystick being camera yes but how you can try to rotate the camera around your character and I know you know Zelda games going back to


well hold on how are they going to rotate the camera now


and again I think you'll have to treat it like like honoring a time back in the day where like your left joystick controls your character and then you basically hit what was it was z 64 to center the camera behind link and and I don't exactly remember how it worked on on the Wii with with Skyward Sword well


they can also take like during the store battles when you have to use direction they can also have like a fixed camera view where it's always behind you and that would work too.


I think so too and so to me that is going to be one of the biggest challenges for me mentally is getting over that mindset that the right joystick is the camera because I feel like that's been the standard for third person games ever since we got your dual dual joysticks. So it's a huge adjustment but I am glad I think it was the best possible solution to implement security controls.


Oh did I say you asked me a question at the very beginning then you just kept on talking going which is fine, but I think they should rebate that stuff I really do. I think they should go like gone with motion controls like you can get away from the game a little bit. And for game to have motion controls I think you can get away from the aspect of it like you'll just have the sword swings or do like you would a game nowadays like you know open world game or any kind of game that had swords and shooting it like I would just rather them done that they can change some things. I'm okay if you take away some of those directional combat Yeah, actually did enjoy quite a bit of them. But still I was okay with losing them. And we saw how much they changed Majoris mask, so we know that they're okay with change in a lot of Zelda games. So


yes, for me,


I kind of agree with what you're saying that should be the camera. So now I'm kind of sitting here wondering what they're going to do with the camera. They can either map it to a different button or like I said, maybe just during the sword fights they have like a fixed camera and when you use the right joystick, whereas when you're playing the game regularly, maybe you do do use that right joystick


now. Thanks I like maybe maybe if you put your sword away, like you sheath your sword then yeah, right joystick becomes, like you said, camera control. And you know, the only downside then is if you have to quickly draw your sword for an encounter, but like


I'm saying, I think if you're gonna do like you have to do in certain spots, and you had to make like, it's gonna be very black and white, like, okay, we're gonna have these battles where we will change the right joystick to a source control. And then if it's out of this battle, it's going to be a camera, like, I think if you kind of fluctuate back and forth between him drawing the sword, like, I think that becomes very complicated.


I'm with you there. And that is a really good point. And then you got a map a button to draw and put the sword away. I mean, I'm really curious to see how it all comes together. Like, I think it will be great, I'm probably actually going to play more motion controls than button controls, just because I was fine with that. And honestly, I could stand to get up and move my arms a little bit. Yeah. But you know, I will try both of them out. And I'm excited that like you said, if you're playing portable, you don't have a choice. Or if you're playing on a switch light, you really don't have a choice.


If you're playing on a switch, not to bash people that have a switch light, but just come on. I mean, it's spend a little extra money and get the real deal. So I understand like a cheaper model and blah, blah, horrible.


Where you couldn't find it.


The only thing you get is the Xbox series. This man is like, I understand, like, you know, certain people can only spend a certain amount of money, but it's just like if you can spend that money in the first place. Just go a little bit farther and get the real deal but that's just my opinion. Not everybody agrees with it. But he buy that buys like an Xbox series s or the tendo switch like I'm just like, Fuck you.


Well, I think we're both pretty much in agreement here that we're excited to see it. I am very stoked. It's. It had to happen eventually. I mean, with the Joye cons. It's such an I feel like it's such an easy conversion. And I did think they at least came up with a creative solution for lack of a better word. Yeah. For the button controls to still keep those directional sword changes without having to redo too much.


See right here. Like I want to stop you like I think they're already making the game too complicated by trying to implement both motion control. Yeah, button controls. Now I know a lot of switch games do do that. But like you're trying to take a game that was made with only motion controls and try and do both of them. And that's where I worry I think it's going to work because the tendo doesn't like you know, mess up and things like this very often, but it's just it's a win win strictly buttons like I think a lot of people would have liked it. But at the same time, you would have had Zelda fans that would have complained about it not being like the original not having motion controls you know, fans are you can't please all of them. So go ahead.


You can't please any of them much less all of them. But man, I am excited. Like Like you said Skyward Sword was I thought a very strong Zelda game. Yeah, for me, like the story was great. The characters were good, though. I wish it would have been a little more like open world. I thought they kind of segregated the areas a little too much. But


the areas were really good though. But


the areas were great. Do some of the boss fights were absolutely amazing, you know, so all in all, I'm excited to see it but I do kind of want to address a little bit that people you know, people and


we could talk about scours toward the whole episode if we wanted to. We could do that one day, but we might wait till the game comes out. Now


there's a lot to talk about there. That's a it's a good game, but you know, I will kind of address in a slightly nicer way than I already did. You know, some people were let down that we didn't get like a Zelda 3d collection or even a 2d collection you know, because with the Mario anniversary of course we got Yami all stars. And then we also got Mario 3d world the remake that just came out recently here. So


I read I do want to interrupt I bought a game you know, I buy silver I don't know what the fuck is wrong me man. Like I was sitting there. I remember talking about on the podcast I'm like, I'm going to buy this game sober so I don't know what got me I was a snowstorm. I was like, Whoa, this snowstorm is coming in only got hundreds of games on Xbox game pass and Xbox series x. What am I gonna play? I don't know. So I had to go and buy Super Mario World, which has still not played it from Bonnie like, was that about 434 days ago?


days ago? Yeah.


Like very shortly. Like, it's not my favorite Mario game, like you said, but it's still a fantastic Mario game. It's still a great platformer, so I knew that no matter what I was gonna buy it. It was just a matter of whim. But you can continue on with what you're talking about.


I was just I was just gonna say like, yes, we all would have liked to have seen maybe a 3d collection with WinWaker Twilight Princess aka anti Majora. Xmas, whatever they wanted to put in there. And I do think there's still a chance that we get that. Yeah, but the other thing I'm really glad they addressed they. They weren't gonna not mention Breath of the Wild too. Like they had to say something about the wild too. And even though all they said was, hey, we're working on it. There's news coming later this year. Like they had to address it. And I'm really glad that they at least mentioned it and said hey, we're working on on it. We're working on it. We can't believe


it is shown anything though like you think it was real six. Like literally all they show it's a flyover like I can't believe like, maybe they don't have a lot to show us. But I can't believe they did not show us anything because they just showed us like a 10 second clip people lose their mind. They will start theorizing and everything so I do understand. I'm glad they dress it like you said, but I'm surprised they didn't give us something even if it's only like 10 seconds long.


But I'm kind of with you. And part of me. Of course I'm a Zelda fan. I did like Breath of the Wild as much as I kind of bash on it every now and then. I did love the game like so I want to see something on Breath of the Wild too. But I think the shocking thing is they show that trailer so long ago right? And then we've gotten nothing since then. I'm with you there so I are Is there a collection or anything that you're hoping that they do beyond just the Skyward Sword remake? Kind of like what we got from Mario?


Yeah, Zelda like you just basically what you just described. It could be like a 2d or 3d one. But oh, yeah, I mean, if we can get linked to the past, Okay, first of all, new ryer on our tg PC gaming website, Seamus, um, I can't remember the exact Seamus they killed the gamer I believe is his name. But he was like talking about doing an original Zelda remake. And that would be very cool. Now that's not counting the collection of collections, like more like a little bit of an upgrade but the original Legend Zelda remake? I am game for that. But that's kind of a little bit off topic. not answering your question. Exactly. But let's put definitely linked to the past. Let's kind of like you know, spruce up a little bit. Make a little crisp, give us that. And then maybe don't i don't know A Link Between Worlds. Your I did Link's Awakening. So I don't want the freaking Oracle game. So maybe just those two games. You don't make camp. Available on the Wii U there's never a remake. So maybe they'll Link to the Past. 2d is one talk about Lisa pass A Link Between Worlds made mesh camp like that would be awesome. And then your 3d. Yeah, you know, they did some reports for the Wii U and why not do a 3d port you've already made WinWaker HD you've already made Twilight Princess HD. Like you know, bring that over and then do aquamarina of tat well, that can be like a newer game. But right Why not? You've already made freakin six versions or more of ocher in time so why not do another when you know it will sell so yeah, I'm really I don't know if we're going good because they just did the Skyward Sword thing you know, but same time. They did do the Mario collection with 3d world being separate. So I guess there is a possibility but yeah, of course, I would like to see those games. Yes, of course that I think the reason that I would like to see those games is it because it would most likely like even though I have less time in my life, it will most likely make me play those games again, whereas before I will not so I think that's what the excitement is of like bringing a collection like which in this case would I agree Link to the Past and stuff it can be like a little bit of an upgrade. The 3d ones will be more of like a poor but yeah, just yeah, brand to the system because it gives people a chance to play it again. And why not make it a little bit of money off a game that you've already released a couple times. Like that's genius, so I would be excited for both of those. That's


normally Nintendo's mo is just keep putting the same damn game out over on every biome every single time. That's why it shocks me that there's still not a Virtual Console on the switch. I know they want people on their online service but that is a pale imitation of the Virtual Console but anyway that's so I I'm really excited I do want to see some collections as well. I don't know what we'll get I think that they're probably in the works and they just didn't want to overshadow their Skyward Sword HD announcement by Mitch by even like you mentioned a breath of the wild to like even a teaser a flyover like I still think they didn't want to overshadow you know the game they actually have coming out what is that July for the Skyward Sword remake? Hmm for a game that we're probably not going to get to? Let's be honest 2022 at this point yeah, so so I get why Nintendo does it they seem to do a good job of focusing specifically that red and then next month they'll


show a trailer for Breath of the Wild and be like oh, it's available next Friday. Like they also do that.


That is true that is true. I mean the What was it like origami King was kind of a surprise release things like that. So So I so I think we've kind of talked Skyward Sword Well, I should say the new joi cons they're putting out for it. What do you think of the design? I


I'm really pissed off about joi cons right now because I bought my second pair a little while ago. I think I'm having the drift issue already again, I don't know if it's because I let sit for too long. I'm not played for a while but I'm thinking I have another issue my joi con so I'll probably have to buy another pair we'll see how that goes I got actually play the Nintendo Switch to actually know how bad it is. But um, you know, we'll see maybe I mean, I'm not really all about the decorated like controllers or mean or skins or anything like that. Like just give me the regular thing I'm good with that. So um, I do like the joi cons um, whereby I'm probably not unless it's how my joy concert crap and then those come out like if it comes like if the timing works out then yeah, I buy them but they do look very cool but probably not purchased for me. What


about me mean either I think they look fine, but my biggest issue is anytime they put out like these different colored JoyCons like they've been opposite colors like they really are. The colors on these are so similar and yet just different enough that it annoys me. I don't think they look good that they made the colors too similar without being just making the same


fashion thing right now again two colors are very similar, but they're different.


Well I don't know shit about fashion so you got me I don't


either. I just I guess I was thinking house like you see that a lot of house where the colors are very close, but they're different.


Yeah, I guess I can sympathize with that.


I've been wearing sweatpants through since like for March, almost a year, so I don't know anything about fashion.


Yeah, but I'm with you. Like you know me when it comes to the Joye cons when it comes to the consoles, like I like just the plain black or gray, you know that we talked about that when the Xbox series x and PlayStation five first revealed their appearance. I've always been a bigger fan of the gray joi cons compared to the color and


you can't get a scan for the PlayStation five that will make it black. So that's not a good that's not as big of a deal as you made. So


you got a black router instead of a white router sitting there.


And you're Yeah, yeah. Uh huh.


But so, you know, Sky resort, of course, was the biggest announcement for us. They announced about 30 other games during this direct and like, I just want to quickly hit on a couple other ones that excited me before we kind of move on, because there were a ton of games analysis and someone who is kind of like, you know, what, not for me, not for me, but I'm


just allowing it to go direct.


Right, especially to like their indie treehouses and stuff. Yeah, Batman, you know, I was excited to see Splatoon three, even though it didn't get much, but you know, I, I never had, I have not played a Splatoon game. I have Splatoon, too. I paid 60 bucks for it. And I've never touched it, but I have it. And I will eventually play through the little single player section. But you know, it's it's a it's a new franchise for tendo in terms of like, compared to a Zelda or Mario that's been around for 35 years. So I'm excited to see it getting its next iteration. So that excited me.


The hate platoon is a very surprisingly good platformer, like I really enjoyed. I never played one. But I did play too. And I really did enjoy it. And actually, yeah, play a little bit online. And I enjoyed that, too. So I was very excited for Splatoon three also.


Yep. So I think that was a good announcement. Like Hades is an indie game that I think we've talked about here when we talk kind of Game of the Year type stuff. Yeah, that was one of our predictions. And of course, it did end up winning. I have not checked it out on any other platform yet. Shockingly, I keep waiting for a steam sale. That's cheap enough for me to pull the trigger because I'm still a cheap ass. But with the physical release coming with like, like, I think I said 200 or not, like two and a half hours worth of music on the soundtrack. And then like, an art book that's got like, they called it a like a character that is that game. I


know technology's better. But how does a game like that? That's basically your 60 I never really played a game but like to have a two hour sound show I


have no idea so so I that's one I'll keep an eye on depending on of course the price point. If they get a $60 release, it can go screw itself. But you know, if it's a reasonably priced physical release, I'll be I'll be excited for it. Ninja Gaiden master collection like I or gayden or guide and I'm not 100% sure how it's pronounced. I love action games like this. Were just like one against 1000 like insane combos. I played Ninja Gaiden back on the original Xbox. absolutely loved it. So that one caught my interest. Capcom Arcade stadium really caught my eye in that kind of stems. I've been you know, before COVID and everything happened. You know, we've talked about the arcade bars before on this podcast. We've got a couple of them here in town and it's so fun to go play


but it's different when you're playing them honor to going out and actually playing an arcade machine


I agree completely and plus of the arcade bars at least having at least the ones here that set up to where it doesn't matter


how many times you bomb I'm so glad that they are offering those like 4k games on like, you know console so that we can play them. So while I am kind of bitching a little bit I'm very happy with what they are doing. But uh, Mark, you have talked about Mario Golf yet though, man. Like that is a game right there. Like I don't even like tennis. And I bought Mario Tennis. So like, as soon as I saw Mario Golf, I was like, Oh, yeah, I'm all over this game right here. I mean, you always play Tiger Woods drinking Tiger Woods drink all the time, all the time on Tiger all the time, back in the day. So I saw that. And I'm really I have played a lot of the Mario sports games, but everyone that have played is tennis or something else, like I have enjoyed so I thought that was a very cool game. Very excited for it. That's gonna be one of those games like where Yes, I'm definitely going to buy it. But you know, we're just having time constraints in my life with a job and family how much of a gonna play it? I don't know, but I definitely am going to try it. The story, I would assume is going to be pretty short. I'm really excited about that game at all


I am because I always like having a golf game floating around and like game pass having you know, now has some of the EA games on there. Like I've enjoyed that like worries is on there. Or was it the club, the golf club 2020 whatever. I almost always have one installed. And you know, I may not play it very often, but it's still fun sometimes when you don't really want to. And this sounds insulting but you don't really want to think too hard. You just want to Play Yeah, exactly. I


agree with that


golf game drink a few beers. It's nice play at your own pace. You know that like it is good to have one of those on tap and you know like you said the Mario games. I don't care what genre they put him into or what sport they put them into. Yeah, it usually does like they usually do a good job buy it Yo, I'm excited. I don't know if it'll be like a day one purchase or anything like that, but it's probably one I'll reach out at some point and give me it's like


over purchase for me apparently. Yes, I don't get drunk anymore. I'm sober.


That's Mario for you now so yeah, so I know Mario Golf definitely got some heads some excitement from people you know stuff. There are a couple other projects out there that you know I know a lot of people are fans of not necessarily me. Like Monster Hunter rise monster hunters franchise for Nintendo. Yeah, No More Heroes three. I know one of our one of our discord folks is a huge fan of the No More Heroes series. So it's cool to see that comeback Bravely Default to me like the Oracle games you know. So those were a couple of the other ones that I think are bigger releases for for other people maybe then for me, and that's not even touching on the new smash character the age of calamity DLC which Yeah, just man for me, but what was there anything else that really jumped out for you? Or did we kind of kind of


Apex legends coming to the system I believe is coming to the system. I thought that was big. Because just another I believe it's free to play like, you know, a huge what's called a huge ass multiplayer online mmo or whatever it's called right there. So I thought that was big. But like, you know, I think what happened was, they didn't introduce like, nobody was like, Oh, I love all these games. But he had a lot like different people that love like, you know, I love this game. I love playing this, this and this. And he had this other group over here. It's like, I love playing this, this and this, right? It seems like they hit all those groups, right? They're like, Yeah, what I'm big on some of these games, but as you were just talking, we know a lot people that are big on those games. So I think they just see a bunch of different groups of people who like different types of games. And so overall, I thought was very strong. I thought I think they need to come with something now. You know, I'm saying I say that, but nobody can find a Nintendo Switch. They're selling like crazy. But then you got Next Gen. And I'm sitting here like, oh, Nintendo needs to do something. But they're selling like crazy. So like, you know, just shut pick. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about? So, but um, no, just overall, I thought it was very impressive. I'm not like things hit for me. He mostly mentioned the ones that I wanted to talk about, first of all, or Last of all, maybe meat. That means died, like in 2017. So I'm like, What the hell's going on? These were like, We quotes characters. Like, we killed these people.


killed off the me verse back in 2017, for crying out loud, what the hell is this game


I got confused on that. But whatever. Maybe it's gonna be like a new platformer series, I don't know. But then I think we got mentioned like, even though we're both not huge fans of it, the Super Mario themed items in Animal Crossing New Horizons. That's a game that's still going very, very strong. So I think to get those items in that game, just like introducing Super Mario into the Animal Crossing franchise. Also, right there another huge announcement in the in the direct. But anyways, Nintendo, they just announced a ton of games coming out in a short period of time. And this can lead to starting and playing multiple games, add time and read, this is something that I'm going to throw to you right here. But I want to ask, like mean, you differ on this, you like playing one game at a time, whereas I like playing multiple games at a time because I can get burned out? So watch this talk about what like, I know what you prefer the kind of go into why you prefer that,


man, you are absolutely right. I do not like playing multiple games. At the same time. To me, the biggest thing, and this is probably on me, as a gamer more than anything, I can't keep multiple control schemes in my head at the exact same time. So for me, once I learn, especially when it comes to open world games, or even just like, you know, you're playing different first person shooters, or you're playing different, you know, third person adventure, whatever, even within the same genre, it's even worse, because you get a certain control scheme. In your mind, you get that muscle memory built up for the main game you're playing. And then you're like, ah, I yeah, as soon as you switch games, it's gone. And you lose track. And you're trying to switch back and forth between several different control schemes. To me, I always end up spending that first hour or two fumbling around doing all the wrong stuff dying over and over and over again. And it's even worse if you're switching from like, let's say the switch pro controller and the Xbox series x controller, because they reverse Yes, and y and a and b and that frustrates the hell out of me. And I'm like, Come on, guys. You really had to just be different for no reason. And then you know, switch into the


knows a little bit different to I believe I remember exactly, but I won't say they're a little bit different than the other two also,


right? Yeah. And then you switch to Sony and you've got square circle, x and triangle. I still couldn't even tell you which ones which


but they are Different whereas Xbox and Nintendo are both letters. So I do like, at least shapes and not letters,


I am with you there. But so so the control scheme for me is one of the biggest reasons I don't like playing multiple games at the same time. But the other big one for me is I lose track of what I was doing. Like, even if I just put a game down for a week, you know, for whatever reason your real life gets in the way, whatever, I lose track of what the hell I was doing. So trying to jump back and forth between games. And keep in mind, okay, I was working on this, here's what was going on your story. Like, I'm not very good at that a lot of people are and more power to you. Just like a lot of people can switch between different controls mentally a hell of a lot better than me. It's just, I'm just not that good at it. So for me, I like to get my one game I like to focus on that game and burn my way through it before picking up something different. I know you like having a couple different ones going on at the same time, though. So what do you like about playing multiple games,


it's burn out. Like if I play one game at a time, like I just get burnt out on it. Now if we're talking like a 10 hour game, like a linear game, that's usually a game I can go all the way through without playing any other games. But if we're talking open world games, or playing an open world game like that, right there, I gotta have something else to like, kind of, you know, switch it up a little bit for me now like Usually, I don't like to open world games at the same time like I am now. But luckily Assassin's Creed Valhalla and cyberpunk they're so different. Like even those two open world games, it's it feels like you are playing two totally different genres even though they are. This is two different styles within the same genre, I guess. Right? So I don't usually do that. But just for me, yeah, I get burned out. Like I said, it's a 10 hour game. Yeah, I can do that one. But if it's anything longer than that, like, I just gotta have something else. But here's the thing like that something else is usually not something that's very big. Like, you know, I talked about the tours, a couple episodes ago, like just a quick six hour Bang, bang, bang, knock it out, like a small action adventure game with some puzzles. Like, that's usually what I need right there. And like, you know, that's a lot of reasons why I bought Mario 3d world, because I'm saying, Hey, I'm focused on the Xbox, just playing cyberpunk, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. But I need something else, like, you know, just not long, but just maybe 10 minutes here or there. And like, we talked about this also, on a podcast, we talked a lot of video game stuff. But you need sometimes like that game where you can accomplish something like in two or three minutes and actually feel like you had like you put something into the game in Mario is great that and I think it's a lot of reason like I said, Why bought Mario 3d world because that's something I can go to in between these two open world games and say, Hey, I'm gonna go play for 10 minutes, but I'm gonna switch it up. I don't give myself a breather break in that can go back into these open world games. And maybe I'm not burned out so much. So me.


On this one, I'm glad you brought up Mario as an example, because my problem I ran into was when and I know I've mentioned this when I was playing The Last of Us part two, you know, Mario 3d All Stars came out. Yeah, I do. I went out and bought that, of course. Got it a day early, which was amazing. Normally, I'm normally I get it late, but I got it. Why don't we still talk about like throwing salt in the wound, but instead of just like picking up and playing it as a change of pace, I just burned all the way through Mario 64. And like, and just totally put the last of us to down for a couple weeks. Yeah, well, I powered through Mario 64. And thankfully, you know, the last was part two is a very, very good game, and one I wanted to get back to and finish. Mario 64 just had that nostalgia, that Nintendo magic that we've talked about. And it's just my kids also


want to interrupt you right here. Like, yes, The Last of Us. Part two is a good game. But good games capture your attention. And like, if your games great, we're like, Okay, I gotta play this game. I gotta play this game. You know, why you did enjoy the last of us. Part Two, I think you will agree that there are reasons that you did switch off to other games is because it maybe wasn't as great as the first one. But go ahead.


No, and you're right. I mean, that's part we talked about that with ghost of Tsushima. You know, that kept us engaged for 100 hours, and we never put it down. So it there's a lot of factors that go into it. But I do have that fear. And this has happened to me, where if I start a second or third game, while I'm playing another one, I get away from that first game for so long, that I used to never come back to it. You know, it's hard to work up like, Okay, I gotta remember what I was doing. I gotta remember how to play you know, it's just it's hard for me if I put a game down without finishing it to come back and actually finish it so that that's a big thing for me, but you I'm glad you hit on the the burnout. Because that is something I do experience every now and then focusing on just one game, especially with an open world game. I know we've talked about like the Assassin's Creed games, origins was one of those where I was trying to do all the question marks on the map hit everything. And finally, I'm like, I'm just ready to finish this and move on to the next game. And you know, so I do agree that sometimes with with the bigger games, especially that burnout is a real problem. So you know, we are on a different page on this one, but I think we got a little bit of similarities going on there too. So


one thing that Do try to concentrate on is switching back and forth between the games I can a pretty good Yeah, I might not do every single day I am trying to do that with cyberpunk and bahala. You I'm trying to play well, first of all try to play both of them within a day. That usually does. That doesn't happen all the time. But I try to switch off at least days like play one, like cyberpunk a little bit one day, play by Hall a little bit the other day. And that surprisingly, keeps your controller scheme like you can't remember both games. If you play them that quickly like yeah, there's no point I always try to focus because you make a good point like, yes, you can't get away from a game, and never go back to the shows like this too. Like, you just don't remember what you're doing. You don't remember what was going on, you just eventually don't go back to it. Because something else comes along and it catches your eye. So for me, like, yeah, I play multiple games, but I always say, Okay, I got to play a little bit this game just to like, you know, to what whet the appetite, a little bit, remembered a little bit. So I concentrate really hard on switching off between games, like, yeah, I have a game where I'll play 20 or 30 hours or so. But they'll say, hey, this other game that you're playing, just go back for maybe 10 minutes, maybe it's all takes, maybe you don't even have to accomplish something, just go back and play it a little bit just so the game remains fresh, and you keep on going about. So that's something that I guess I'm trying to say is you do have to focus on it. And you do have to take action. If you wanna play multiple games, like you've got to actually put the work in, and not just leave one aside, because if you do, you probably won't get back to But anyways, can't talk about why you might play multiple games at the same time is this whole lack of progress in the game, even though you put something about lack of progress. And I experienced this lately, and what I'm talking about here is where I was playing a game and just I cannot accomplish anything. Like there's these little things, like First of all, just mission I kept on dying, or this one thing like I didn't have enough power or like I was playing cyberpunks I didn't have enough intelligence. Talking about cyberpunk hear people not me, or like, what's the other thing technical ability? Like, you know, I tried to do a mission. I can't beat it like I keep on dying. Is that go do the other mission. Like where I don't have the technical ability? Yeah, try this other mission where I can find something. And I'm sitting here, I'm playing and I'm playing I'm playing. I'm just not accomplished anything. And to me, it just got so frustrated. I want to ask you, like is this? I'm sure it's happened to you. But like, is this something that you normally experience in gaming?


I wouldn't necessarily, it's something I normally experience. And I'm not saying that to brag or anything like that, because that's not really the special No, no, it trust me, it ain't nothing like that. It's just I'm kind of at the point where if I hit an obstacle, or I have a boss, I can't figure out or a puzzle, I can't figure out, man, I say fuck it. And I go to the Internet, and I look up how to beat it


was talking about it's not really on the internet. Like I know, you're like Dude, I wish it


right. And that's that's a different thing, like you said, where it cyberpunks a great example. Because you have like three or four different ways you can attack most missions or objectives. And sometimes like, oh, man, if I just had a little higher strength, I could just open this door and I'm good. Or if I do better technical ability, or a little better, cool, I can talk my way out of it, you know, so I do understand that but at least in that case, there is usually an alternative. It may not be a very pretty one and you may die a few times like you said, but to me it's it does happen sometimes. And sometimes you just you get in a fight and you're like man, my character is way too underpowered for this do I really want to go grind and try to level up or go find a better weapon or better armor or whatever and I am with you? Is anybody


gonna do that something else happens that you don't know you play for an hour and a half you're like what the fuck am i doing my life?


Right right so I do get where you're coming from on that when because and that's kind of an interesting like, any game like that, that you get the multiple options, but some of them are gated by an ability level or a skill level or maybe you don't have a piece of equipment you need you know, that's that can be frustrating and I don't necessarily think it's poor game design. Okay, yeah, it's kind of like


it's liars man that's what it is. I want to interrupt here what actually brought this thought is I was playing cyberpunk and bahala accomplished anything either one of them I was like man about right just a quick game and all together said about it but like I remember like I kind of had like it doesn't happen often but especially in open war because you can go somewhere and knock something out 10 minutes but yeah, every once in a while I just get these points where it's just not coming together for me I just get frustrated by


and that's why I'll never really understand or I'll never really like the the soulsborne type games you know those from software and you know the other companies that have kind of taken that style and you know, the Dark Souls your blood boards and then you all the the similar style games where they they pride themselves on being difficult, you know, and most of them are they always say it's difficult but it's fair. Like you can learn the patterns you can learn Learn what to do. And you know, and if you put it all together, it's a great rewarding experience to finally overcome something.


But I just, it's also rewarding is being something easy, right? Also everyone will get rewarded. I still accomplish something, I don't need to be difficult. Like, I understand that some people do like the difficulty, but I always say to myself, those people don't have kids, or if they do have kids, they will have more time than I have. Because if I can't do something, like 30 minutes, I'm like, man, forget it. Like I usually go to the internet. Or I just say, you know, I'm dealing with this mission later on. Exactly. So


you know, more power, the people who who have the patience and some of his skill. Definitely, people who have the patience and the skill to play Halo man, like,


I'm not terrible, but like, I'm not ranking towards the top either.


No, no. So you know, like I said, more power to the people who love those games. Appreciate a third


place on my team of four if somebody drops off, okay.


Like I said, my biggest thing just it really does come down to time, you know, and patience. And I don't have either one these days, you know, you got kids and shit. You don't have any time or patience. But, you know, we spent a lot of time there talking about cyberpunk. Of course, it's a fresh game in our mind. It's a game where you I recently be you're playing through it right now. Yeah, along with Valhalla, and all these other 30 games that you're playing at once on both of them. But you know, you brought up an interesting point when we were texting back and forth the other day, you know, first person perspective, which of course, cyberpunk is, you know it. In some cases, it can be a little disorienting or even difficult, you know, if you're coming from something like Valhalla, that's a person game. And you know, so I, you kind of brought this up first. So I really want to kick it to you to kind of let you talk through what you're really going at, you know, what is that first person perspective? You said, it kind of throws you off a little bit at first, take us through that a little bit?


what's different between genres? Like I've been playing Halo, yeah, almost a came out. So that game right there, like shooters, first person, they really don't bother me too much. But when it comes to the RPGs, in the open world games, that's where it does bother me a little more, because I remember when I first played Skyrim, like, you can change the camera in Skyrim. Or at least you can on the Nintendo Switch version. I don't know how the other ones are. Like, I started out at first person, I was like, Oh, my God, I absolutely hate this. And that could change. I was like, Oh, that's much better. But I still used to playing games, like, you know, in third part, open world games. In third person, like, I just like, being able to see what I'm doing. Like I'd be able to, like seen it be able to see where I'm jumping, like you know where my arms are and everything like that. So I've never really been a big fan first person because I like see my body. Because I see my body. I feel like I don't like seeing my body. Personally, I see my character's body on the game. me. I'm just fat now. But you know, I'm enjoying my


COVID hasn't been good to you


guys got COVID too. So But anyway, as a row? Yes,


we both had Kobe. Oh, we both would go down.


Yeah, I don't like looking at my bio. I like looking at my character's body. But just one of those things that just I really, really hated. And when I started playing cyberpunk, like I was so turned off by the game. And for a second, I thought about quitting it because I was like, you know, I'm not gonna play this whole game in first person, because I hate so much. But I really wanted to play cyberpunk. Because Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Grand Theft Auto game. So I wanted to give it a chance. And as I played more and more, like I had gotten more and more used to it. And to me, I wouldn't say here say that necessarily prefer it. But it is an acquired taste. Like I think I get used to it. You gotta get used to like, you know, jumping and just doing the simple things like that. Like, I don't know, I don't think I like it, but I definitely like their person better. But I definitely think it is an acquired taste something that you have to get used to. And then at the end of the day, it's not that bad if you ask me now.


No, and I'm with you. And I'm really glad when we first started talking about this topic, you mentioned the difference between shooters, versus like an RPG like cyberpunk or Skyrim. Because I with you, I've been playing first person shooters. I mean, since GoldenEye Oh, yeah, you know, 64. And, you know, somebody's been playing since the original Doom, and Castle Wolfenstein back on the computer back in the day, so and I've been playing first person shooters pretty consistently, almost my entire life, you know, my gaming life. And yeah, but I did get an advantage where I jumped into those first person RPGs at a younger age as well, because I've been playing the Elder Scrolls series since Morrowind. So I did morrowind was first person oblivion was first person Skyrim was first person. So I do think that like just having more experience with it really does change that feeling and that preference, because it can be a little disorienting at first and I was switching back when I first got the series x, I was


kind of lazy, because you have to like if your character changes clothes, you don't have to worry about actually making the adaptation now. You know, you can look in your mirror, and it does show those changes. But overall, like I'm not saying that again, like the developers are lazy, but it doesn't make it easier when you want to actually see the character and what they're doing.


I agree with you there and like you said, it's just an acquired taste. It really isn't. It comes with experience. I think that's a that's just about all we had to talk about today. I got to direct man Intel direct and Skyward Sword was great, Todd. I'm very excited for it. We've spent the last two weeks talking specific games though. So what do you think next week we


are stuck in the gaming


industry. What do you think next week we go back to just a specific game. How's that


sound? Yeah, you know, I can't I can't think about game. I know we got texts about this one too. Like, I was like, Is he gonna play or is he not gonna play and I got to the point where I don't know if you're exactly going to play this game soon. So you've already played it once so let's go back and talk about it. So in that game are very excited. Next episode not next week. Next episode. Let's talk Super Mario Galaxy man. Favorite Mario games ever second favorite are behind us. But man, you had a chance to recently play it in a 3d collection. Oh, the graphics were updated beautifully. An amazing game. I know you've not played the update, but maybe NASA told you we're doing it next episode. Maybe we'll go back and play it a little bit. But anyways, next episode. Super Mario Galaxy we're very very excited for but a red watch guy go ahead and start with a wrap up.


Well, we're done so it's time to wrap up.


The best transition right there but


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