Busted Buttons

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Busted Buttons Ep. 45

TGPZ Gaming

Following up on the last episode, we are talking Super Mario Galaxy 2 the entire podcast.

We start off with some general info about the game before moving onto the gameplay. Did we like Spaceship Mario more than the Comet Observatory? Did we enjoy the addition of Yoshi? What new power ups did we like?

We then move to the galaxies. Which ones did we enjoy from each world and which ones did we not enjoy? How do we feel about the Bowser fights? Did we like the new map system of getting to galaxies?

Afterwards, we address the music. Were there any new memorable tracks? Did we like some of the remixes? Was the soundtrack as good as the first installment?

Later, we discuss the story. Did we like the flipbook style? Did the idea of Cappy in Super Mario Odyssey come from Master Luma? Did we enjoy the presence of Lubba? Did we like that Bowser was huge?

We end with a chat on the reception and legacy. Which Galaxy installment do we think is better? How memorable is the game?

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Welcome to Episode 45 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. And just like we said on the last episode, this episode we are talking Super Mario Galaxy to the entire episode long. some really interesting stuff like a general info once again, that's going to blow you out of the water heavy hitters gameplay galaxies, music story reception legacy, folks, it's going to be the same structure as it was for Super Mario Galaxy one because just like Super Mario Galloway, just like what we're doing in this podcast Super Mario Galaxy two all I do is steal a bunch of shit from Super Mario Galaxy one it was an original it had couple new things like here and there it folks I'm gonna tell you right now like I really did like this game I remember playing it and having a lot of fun, but I don't know as I was going through today and read over the whole week and probably kind of reiterate this like I just wasn't that big on the game. So you know we're gonna talk good about it but in comparison to galaxy one we're gonna also go in on Super Mario Galaxy two a little bit so um, yeah, well let's have some fun today we are going to talk as good as we can but read um, usually I will go into the general info but I have been talking for a little while during the intro so I'm going to talk to you Why don't you give us some of that exciting general info.


But before jumping into that I have to agree with you completely that I'm not quite as excited for this week as you were last week and galaxy to just general info it's more of the same. If you played Mario Galaxy, you know what you're getting with Mario Galaxy two is a 3d Mario platforming game. It's the sequel to Mario Galaxy obviously. It was released in North America in May of 2010 on the way so it had the motion controls of course it was not part of the Mario 3d All Stars release which I which


there's a reason for that people


did and they so let's let's let's look at let's talk about that. So I've heard speculation and things like that but I have not seen a concrete evidence of why this was not part of 3d All Stars. I've heard maybe it was a licensing issue and they want to milk it and maybe release it separately like they did Mario 3d world. You said there's a reason Let's hear it. Let's hear why no, I


don't know. Well, I said there's a reason why it was it sucked more than I actually have a reason like licensing or anything my thinking was, you know, well, here's my thing, my thing. Okay, folks, here we go again, I'm going to talk try to talk highly about galaxy two, but I am going to bash on it but in comparison to all these other games like it just wasn't that great. So then that's why I was thinking maybe that's why it's not in the 3d All Stars, but then they include sunshine, which is the worst 3d Mario game so I'm not really sure exactly what they are doing. I tell you what I think is going to happen. I think they're going to do like Super Mario 3d world and they're going to release it on its own which would have been nice before this podcast because I like to go back and play the games like not a lot but just kind of go back through and like you know, reminisce a little bit and just kind of jogged my memory but um I do not know my we you power cords in the AC man Eric well I got a bunch of HDMI cables you need to use the weiyu I do not know where they're at so we just had to watch YouTube videos but um, read did you go through all the general info and I wasn't really paying too much


I didn't make it all the way through it they're just when we brought up the whole Mario 3d All Star seeing it it was something that as soon as Nintendo announced that like, like, Well, where's galaxy to? Like well 64 sunshine and Galaxy one I feel like all innovated quite a bit or galaxy two was like it's more of the same is more the same so I can see maybe they left it off because it wasn't it's too similar to galaxy but in the end of the day, it was a critical and commercial success.


It was like you said you couldn't do both galaxy games on the 3d All Stars. It would been really weird if they would put two on there but not once. Okay, I do agree with you on what you're saying about you know, being original and everything exactly.


I mean, but it was it was a successful game. It is an amazing rating on Metacritic, it is sitting there also in the top 10 of all time, along with galaxy sitting at a 97 on Metacritic, they sold 7.4 million which was a bit of a pretty sharp decrease yes on the original Mario Galaxy, which caught me off guard considering many people like even people in our discord really seem to prefer galaxy to in general over over the first so Okay,


so here's what I want to say on this podcast. We do try to respect everybody's gaming opinions. Oh, but if you think galaxy two is better than galaxy one. Your opinion but I don't know why I don't fucking understand you. Because I don't know how anybody thinks this is better than galaxy one. But I ran galaxy one pretty damn high. But yeah, I think the platforming is a lot well kind of talk about all this as we go through the podcast episode, but I think like a lot of people like the platforming aspect of it like in that regard, it may have been better than galaxy tube or galaxy. But like I look at everything as a whole, and I think galaxy one just delivered everything as a whole more whereas galaxy two, maybe it had better platforming? I don't think it did. But a lot of people think that way. And I think that's why they rank it higher. But just I don't know. I don't understand it. I don't agree. But we do respect your opinions. Here's one thing I want to say. And we'll talk about music a little bit later on. But apparently the symphony orchestra came back for the second one where the fuck were they? Because as I was going through watching videos, like okay, maybe there's a new theme here and there, but it wasn't very good because like it's like I didn't remember it all. It just stick with every game I hear is either a moral theme that has been used in past games before galaxy or it was something from galaxy, it seemed like I think he said we when we talk about music, we'll talk about all that. But


oh, yeah, I


don't know where that was all add to be honest with you, because that orchestra, they busted, I don't know taking a break on vacation. You know, it's a lot like the artists his second album, like their first album always seems to be the best. And their second album drops drops off the symphony orchestra. For Super Mario Galaxy two, they dropped off a little bit. Let's just be ready there. Let's go to gameplay I want that to you right here can go and talk about the premise and setting a lot like Super Mario Galaxy. But there were some differences.


It really was. I mean, just as the name implies, it's setting outer space, you're going to travel through these different galaxies collecting Power Stars, which lets you go to different galaxies, you know, they're these awesome 3d planets that are within the galaxies. And you know, the gravity that we talked so much about in the original Mario Galaxy is still a huge part of the exploration and the platforming in galaxy to like, you can still run pretty much three dimensionals all the way around all the planets within the galaxies. And just like the gravity puzzles are still really well done. Like the gravity is still I think one of the most innovative parts of galaxy they kept it they tweaked it and expanded on it a little bit in galaxy two so I still loved the gravity based puzzles the fact that you could run all the way around these planets I was a big fan of that now one area where it really and there's there's actually gonna be a few of these areas where deviates from the original galaxy. And actually you know what, you know, we try not to some people may have not played the original so we try not to focus too much on the differences, but I think in this case, it's relevant. They got rid of the big hub world yes from Mario Odyssey like the common what was it the


Mario Galaxy? Honestly, it's like


they're all in outer space Leave me alone.


But right before we even started I was saying Episode 44 Episode 55 I couldn't get the episode rights on that that man about you getting the Mario game wrong


No, but they got rid of the hub world from galaxy and yeah, it kind of pissed me off because I've loved the world in in Mario 3d Mario games and they went back to what you've got a tiny one you've got the the Mario spaceship Yeah, I'm sorry. starship Mario is its official name. And it's tiny. It's anybody and you select levels like you did in the old school PE D Mario game, hate it like you go to a world and then you select a level which Okay, first it's


not a fucking 2d game. It's a 3d game.


This is going to be a nitpick. I don't like how you go to a world and then you have galaxies within the world that makes no stone hammer I'm no astronomer but that is not fucking make any sense to me. What are your plants or


your gal or your plants or your worlds should be within the galaxies not vice versa? It's funny because I actually thought about that too. I was like this is kind of asked backwards but really kind of going with what you said right there like the probably the most disappointing thing to me well two things is one the spaceship that they were on the comet observatory versus starship Morrow just a huge difference compared to the size and how enjoyable it was. And then also how you got to the different galaxies like you know, in the original deck, you know, you're in the hub world and the different domes whereas this one you went to the worlds or no way Yeah, the worlds see I'm getting it backwards now. And then you went on a line like in 2d Mario games to these galaxies. And just that's really where the game went wrong for me because we got the comet observatory is a spaceship and also starship Morrow is a spaceship. So huge difference in size because that made the first game for me that hub and the music that comes along with that was absolutely amazing. It was so much fun. It was cool seeing like it dark like half of it been well most of it being dark when he started and go along like the light goes through his pipes or whatever cords and lights up and just, it was gorgeous and just run like he could run around for a while and not do a lot but you could do a little bit and then as I've already mentioned that music like you just add to the whole experience really game and that was just missing with Mario gouts too and like we get rather bad like you're on this tiny space. ship in like, I don't know what they were thinking like I understand, okay, this spaceship is flying to these different worlds and going through these different galaxies. And I guess on the first game, like the galaxies were already there and the domes, so yeah, it can make sense why they use that mechanic, but I just was not a fan of it whatsoever.


Yeah, it was still disappointing. And that's that I'm not gonna repeat on that the


entire episode.


I mean, so for me, I played 64 I never played sunshine, I still haven't played it, even though I've got it on the all star collection. And I played galaxy. So I got used to having that hub world that that central area where you could branch off to you kind of explore at your own leisure a little bit, you can go to different worlds go to different galaxies, you did get some secrets in the hub world itself. And you know, you had Rosalina and then go into galaxy too. And just losing that I'm like, Oh, well, well, that seemed like such a great part of 64 and Galaxy wide. Why the fuck are we getting rid of it? It's


a different idea that we're going for and I just don't think it worked.


No, like, that's one thing. I'm like it was working. Well, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unfortunately, by the time Odyssey rolled around, you know, they kind of kept the same. They got it, you know, don't really have a hub world in Odyssey either.


Yeah. But I see made up in a lot of other areas, though.


Absolutely did. And there's a few other key areas where there's some differences. I mean, I could sit here and bash, like you said on the on the whole hub world thing. Yeah, for 45 minutes. But, you know, there were a couple other key differences, like a lot of the stars that you collected, now, the galaxies had checkpoints in them, they're checkpoint flags that you would hit as you're working through it. And I know, in galaxy on some of the stars if you died, yeah, they wouldn't make you go all the way back to the beginning. But there weren't like tangible checkpoint flags, like we're used to seeing in some of the 2d Mario games. So I was surprised to see those make an appearance in galaxy two. And then the other, you know, well, there's still two or three more I know, I said the other, there's still two or three other big differences, you can actually like play as Luigi, yeah. And some of the levels initially, like you don't have to wait till the end of the game to play as Luigi and then you know, once you do beat browser, I believe you can play as Luigi in any of the levels is one. So having that flexibility was kind of nice. But what do you think about those two changes, you know, the adding of the checkpoints and incorporating Luigi, did you have any strong feelings on them? Yeah, luckily


include Luigi in the games period, because there's been a couple I don't know exactly, but I would say, I believe Mario 64 didn't have anything with Luigi, but there's a couple games here in there that have not had him in the gaming floor. I think he should be in every Mario game, like now should be playable or not playable parts of story, like, you know, how exactly does he fit in? I think he can vary that up between games, like, you know, and also it would be up for debate on how to do it in each game, but I do like when you have the ability to play as him and I do like when he had the ability to play as him at play as him a little bit earlier. Because like yuxi I was like, Oh, cool. I'm getting 120 stars. So I can play with Luigi and then dude, as soon as I got there, I was like, Okay, I'm done with this game, you know, if you keep him off until the end, like you're just burnt out by that time so in this game, like you know, we get to play as him throughout the game so I really did like that and we kind of seen this expanded on like was super mario 3d world where allows you I believe to play as Princess Peach and also Toad maybe or I believe so. Yeah, I was here for so like, yeah, I didn't really like that like bringing Luigi in like, you know, not at the end of the actually forget the end of the game yet to get 120 stars in galaxy to get him so you can beat the game and still not get actually that's what gaucha should have done is when he beat the game, they should let you play as Luigi, not this right. 120 star crap. Even though I did it in galaxy. I know a lot people even in an easy game do struggle to either like, you know, because there's time to find 120 star. So I did like that addition right there. Um, one thing that I don't think, I don't know if I liked it or not, was this hole rolling? We'll have two or three stars per galaxy. How do you feel about that?


Oh, I'm torn on it. Sorry, I was on my drink. When you when you throw it to me there. I'm kind of torn on it. Because in in galaxy, I liked how almost every galaxy had like five or six when you didn't like the hidden stars, the comet stars. Most of them had at a minimum five. And then you had like one or two galaxies per area that only had one. And so Mario Galaxy two completely took away the galaxies that only had one star. And I actually was kind of a fan of


though I think there were a couple that only had one star but I could be wrong because those might had prankster comments, too. I'm not sure I'd have to go back and look but


but I'm pretty sure that almost all of them had either two or three and I didn't think that was a lot. You know, you're absolutely right. Again, you go back to like Mario 64 there were seven Yeah, on every level, you know, even galaxy had four or five in most of the levels. So for me, I'm like you build this whole giant, amazing level and then you only put two or three stars. Yeah. I get that yes. Once you beat all 120 stars, you, you know, you go through the cutscene again, and it does unlock another 120 stars, and they're called like green stars instead of Power Stars.


I don't know the same stars, are they different stars?


I honestly don't know, I never made it that far. I


never get a guy who wants to play that much Super Mario Galaxy two,


right? I never, I never got the 120 stars. So I don't know if they're the same or different. But apparently, there's the same number of green stars as there are regular stars. So they might be the same just with like little tweaks or little modifiers to have? I don't know, but all in all, that adds up to 240 stars, and you get all to 40 of those you open up like this grand master galaxy. My eyes ain't ever gonna get to that. No, no. I mean, it's funny to say that because you've heard me say, like, I did Odyssey and got 880.


As I say, if you can do that, honestly, you can do that. And Super Mario Ghazi to buy an Aussie, you weren't really repeating the entire game, like all those moons were different. Whereas like, now we don't know how the under the how the 120 green stars work because neither red nor I have ever done it right. But like, I don't know, just I don't I forgot what is actually going with that. But as you were talking, like, I kind of realized that I am not a fan of two or three stars in a galaxy. Because to me, you don't get to explore the galaxy that much. Like he said, you put a bunch of hard work into it. And then you only have like two stars, like you're not really exploring, you're not really getting to know the Galaxy by time you say hi and go on your first date. Like you're saying bargain. So like, you know, just like I didn't really care. I really didn't know at first, before you start talking. You're talking I'm like, Yeah, I don't like this comments. So I was not a big fan of that. But let's talk about something that I think we both did like and that was the addition of Yoshi to the game. Every Mario game that has Yoshi in it. It's a lot of fun. I don't mind Yoshi not being in every game because it makes the games that he is in more special. So I mean, he can eat enemies use flour, grapples, you do the flutter jump, which he's done basically in every single yard. Okay. And there's when we do this podcast, there's so many times I want to say Zelda no matter what game we're talking about, right there. And then I guess


we'll do that last episode, so you're good.


And then you like, I guess Yoshi runs off and Mario takes damage. Like, you know, he basically had the same functions as every other Mario game that he's been in, but it kind of just adds a whole new element to the game does specially Okay, the flower grapples were something new. So that definitely added a new concept to the game, but also the flutter jump, that's, you know, kind of like a double jump in a way. So definitely, when you're dealing with a platforming game 3d platform or 2d platforming, like having that flutter jump, that kind of does function as that double jump like that is a huge thing right there. It can get you out of a lot of trouble. Now, you could make the argument and the galaxy games, you had to spin mechanics so you could jump and then spin. So that kind of function the same way. But anyway, I


forgot about that. When I was researching for the last two episodes, I almost forgot you could do that spin in midair and get that extra job. I forgot about that. So but I'm with you. I like the addition of Yoshi again. He's just he's a beloved Mario care. Yeah. Like he kind of mentioned with Louie like,


nobody hates Yoshi Dude,


it's you can't hate Yoshi. He's awesome. And he eats enemies. And he's also got a couple of power ups that we'll talk about here in just a second of his own. You know, so I loved his incorporation. I was a little surprised that he wasn't in the first galaxy To be honest, because, you know, they made the big deal of him being like, in 64 if you got all 120 stars, you got to go meet him on the roof of the castle, so yeah, you would think he would have appeared in the room remember? They


had sunshine in between that game? Oh, I


keep forgetting that.


Yep. Yeah, it's very hidden.


All right, got about


that. You gotta play Sunday, just to realize how bad that game sucks matter


after going through Odyssey and then prepping for these last few podcasts all in the last few months. I think I'm 64 when the 3d collection first came out, I'm gonna stay away from Mario four. Oh


yeah, I'm taking a break myself.


But no, I'm with you. I like the addition of Yoshi um, that was the last of like the really big differences between galaxy and Galaxy two you know, cuz you get into the controls. The controls are the same. I mean, you have standard 3d Mario moves that you've had since 64. You get the long jump the ground pound the wall jumps the somersaults your star pointer that I know we had a great debate last episode about the liking it disliking it. And I wasn't a huge fan, but it's still there. You collect the star bids, you can use the sling pods, the pole stars, you know, you shake the Wiimote to spin which you use is a melee it means melee attack. It also powers some of your your power up functions or uses some of your power up function I should say. But the other big area where there is a little bit of difference between the two games is in those power ups that's just kind of rushing through the controllers to talk about.


Like he said, it was better stay the same as galaxy one


exactly but we did get you know, we had the bee mushroom the Boo, the fire flower the spring which we had a really good chat on last time and the rainbow star which you know just makes you invincible. But what did you think of the new power ups that we got in galaxy two we get the cloud flower the spin drill and the rock mushroom What did you think of the new power ups


actually liked all of them to be honest with you favorite new one was probably the cloud flower just be able to kind of like go up in the air and it just create that new platform it will save you from dying a ton and then you can use it like you know when to kind of go in different directions so I think they use the cloud flour very well and our library how it added to the platform into the game. So by far my favorite new edition, the spin jewel, not huge on that one but it was cool I kind of like the concept of hiking beyond like one side of the galaxy and once they play it but it's not playing or a world it's the galaxies inside the world which like you said doesn't make sense. And then like we said at the beginning of the episode but right you know, it's kind of it was cool like hey, I'm gonna start this thing I'm gonna drill all the way down and then I'll see what come out on the other side. And then you had that boss I don't have the bosses pulled up in front of me but that boss we carry like a circle platform, you know, use a drill to hit him on the other side to hit the other side of


him. Yeah, it


wasn't my favorite. But I think it was a very cool concept and then the rock mushroom. I mean, anytime This is like the Goron was the other majority mask yeah to go on mass like we could sit there and spin in like roll everywhere. Like it reminded me of that so much and also a big fan of the rock machine just be alternative rock roll around really quickly just destroy everything in your path. Like I said, took me back to majority mask. That one right there was just a ton of fun. So overall, I gotta say like, he does spend your days Okay, like I would say I liked it, but it was not huge, but the cloud flower and the Rog mushroom. I was really big on how about you?


I just thought they did really creative jobs with all three of them and coming up with puzzles and challenges. Yeah, all three. I'm like legs and the cloud flower was and also all three of them are used in fun boss fights. Yes, the cloud flower you had to get on top of like a tower to attack one of the bait jr which


might be the one you're talking about like exactly the one Yeah, what is amazing


Yeah, the spin drill Of course you already mentioned like drilling through the platform and hitting his underside and then the rock mushroom I can't remember what the bossfight was for that but they all had a boss fight related to him but I just thought they implemented them all very well. They were different enough from the existing power ups that they really did feel like good additions to the game so like I'm kind of with you. I think the cloud was probably my favorite one just getting to create those three platforms and it just lets you get higher and higher or yes further and further. I thought was probably the most useful of them. The Rock mushroom absolutely was just fun. You said Goron from adores mass that's a perfect analogy for it just rolling around you know taking out enemies destroying boulders destroying crystals you know I just thought that it was just fun because you're just literally a wrecking ball rolling through the level and then the spindle like I said they just did a good job of coming up with puzzles where you had to like be on the other side of the surface and drill through to get where you wanted to go so I just thought that they they were all three so different and incorporated so well that I thought they were all three very welcome additions to the game. Now Yoshi Yoshi wasn't left out when it came to power ups either he got three of his own he got the the dash pepperwood left which let you move at a really fast speed kind of similar to Mario Odyssey when you get the the the flat the fire flowers and you just taken off I can't remember the name of now off the top my head then the blimp fruit you know lets you basically inflate and you can blow out air to kind of navigate around a little bit and then the boat berry kind of lights up and show some hidden paths. So did you enjoy the OSHA power ups? Or were they just kind of indifferent to you?


Fuck that ball berry dude like, okay, the cool power up I guess you could say, but anytime where there's an invisible path. You give me something that shows the path, but you don't put a timer on that shit like No, I'm just not a fan of that. Is it difficult? Yes, it's difficult. And that's probably the reason why I don't like it but yeah, that bow flat bow bow bow bow bow bow bow. Like No, I did not care flowers berries. Who knows? I did not care for that one whatsoever. Other blimp firm. I thought that was pretty cool. Like, you know just getting fat, like you know as I am nowadays, if I can't open here like that, like okay, I can go this way I look like the blimp for Why can I not go up in the air just flow like that. Like, that's where I now know. It's a fancy game. I know. It's a video game. I know you'd put in code to make this work. But I want to do that too. So obviously, you know me being like, you know, dreaming of floating through the air with my fat body. I was definitely a fan of the blueford and may made me feel like you know, I felt better about myself. I was like, Well, yeah, I put on some weight. But look at Yoshi, man. He's huge. And he got put on that weight a lot faster than I did. Like I put it on pretty quickly, but I mean, Yoshi did a freakin fruit dude. And he is humongous


COVID pounds COVID pounds.


It has gone on before that, but yeah, well, I will say COVID like being home. I mean, it doesn't relate to a little bit because like you have all the snacks, especially with kids, there's all kinds of snacks and food and blah, blah, blah, and then put the dash pepper, like that one was very cool. And I like the constant. Like, you know, a pepper being high, like it doesn't really make you move fast. But peppers do this might relate a little bit, they speed up your metabolism and that kind of makes you stuff going fast. So that concept right there kind of made a little bit of sense but um, you know, I did like I didn't like all three of those. I didn't like the dash pepper. I did like those two. And I liked it like you look at you introduce Yoshi into the game. But then he also introduced this pet these powders for him. So like, yeah, we technically had 16 power ups instead of three. So yeah, like did they just didn't give Yoshi his regular mechanics actually added some more to him so that I really liked all that.


I did too. And I pretty much agree 100% on your feelings on the three different power ups like the blimp and the dash were both really fun the bulb and you know very much give or take. I will say if I did have peppers, it is going to speed up my movement to the bathroom. Yeah, absolutely happens. I will say that. But you know, that's really kind of sums up, like the big differences between galaxy and Galaxy too. And I think that now that we've kind of we've vented a little bit, we've talked about our preferences a little bit, I think it's time to jump into the actual galaxies of this game. There were 49 of them this time. So just like the last episode, we're not going to talk about every galaxy, we're probably we're gonna break it up by world and kind of maybe mentioned the ones that we thought were some of our favorites, you know, it's gonna go a lot faster than didn't last episode, I


can tell you all that.


And that's, that's at the end. That's what really drove and I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here. Okay, that's what really drove home to me how much more I liked galaxy one and two is how little I remembered of these galaxies. Yeah, galaxy two until I went back and did this research. And I'm like, I don't remember that world. I don't remember that level. I don't remember that galaxy. You know, it's like it's the galaxy one levels. And you know, I keep saying galaxy galaxies. I mean, they but they stuck in my head was the levels from galaxy to just so many of them looked a brand new to me just because they I remember them. And that's not to say they're bad in any way, shape or form. Because after like,


you're going back, could you not remember them as well, because you only got two stars as to six in


them. That could be part of it, too. I feel like you're in and out like you said you take her on your first date and then you never talk to her again. It's it's it. There's a lot of factors. I think that go into that. But man, as we're going back and research in this this last week and being like, I don't remember any of this, I think you did a very good point, when you said you're only getting two or three stars in each one and then you're on to the next one. It makes them very forgettable. And that's one thing I'll always love about 64 and Galaxy one is like you got 567 stars in these levels, you spend time in them, and it makes them so much more memorable. But that's my soapbox before we actually get to the galaxies because there are some good ones and going back and researching this it did remind me that yes there are some really good ones so well let's start with world one and I'm going to kick it right to you what galaxies from World one jumped out to you the most


really world one was just a bunch of star galaxies that we kind of get you know in every single game Yeah, what was it called the fluffy bluff galaxy I liked that one because it was beautiful like he get to it in the star area I believe from what I remember has like you know a lot of water we talked a lot about in galaxy one like you know, just with water scenery. And sometimes if you get that water scenery like with I don't know yard I guess yard grass landscapes like it does look really beautiful. So for these kind of first gasps he's just been starting galaxies. There wasn't a lot to him but yeah, fluffy blood did stand out to me. I remember not liking spending that much these kind of galaxies that aren't desert but they try to be deserts like rocks. I'm not really big fan of any of those gwap fuck that man. No, I hate that galaxy so much, man I died so many times. And on the right side down. I didn't really care for that one either. And just really overall like Scott's To me, it really is. It's just kind of be repetitive throughout because you're not gonna hear us talk about as many galaxies because we just to be honest with you, we just didn't really care for them that much. not less than I think I'm having trouble with it already. Because I'm sitting here on trying to say something. I'm just like, look at these galaxies. I'm like, you know what, man? There's really just not that much too. So that's kind of my world one analysis. What about you?


Well, in general, I completely agree they're double levels for the most part, you know, you get introduced to a lot of the power ups you meet Yoshi. You get the spin drill you get you get the the cloud power up, so I get that, like they're introducing the mechanic So they're not going to throw too much at you. Fluffy bluff galaxy I did think was was my favorite of them as well, because not only was it a fairly pretty level, but you also have to climb, like all the way up the side of like a cliff, you know, fluffy Bluff, you know. So you're going up the side of a cliff and you're using the cloud mushroom to do it. So I'm completely with you. There's wasn't a lot in world one. It's an introductory world, it's teaching you the mechanics, I don't expect the best levels in the game to be the very first world so without further ado, we'll just move on world number two, and I will say this one, the one that stood out to me the most was the hightail falls galaxy you mentioned waterfalls, and world one and we are horse for waterfalls. I don't care what the game is. We love us some waterfalls so hightail falls galaxy stuck out for me mostly because it was just I thought just I love the beautiful waterfalls in the area and then I also was a big fan of the wild glide galaxy because it looked like a jungle or random forests and you got to like a glide hence the name on this animal called a flood hazard and I thought that was pretty cool it reminds me of like the the the birds from Skyward Sword yeah it only you control those a little bit differently but you so I thought the wild glide galaxy was very beautiful. I liked writing on the fluttered so those two stood out to me the most and then I will say the cosmic code guy yeah, cuz I love I love water levels I have in almost every game that I ever play water levels, especially Mario three 3d Mario games. Yeah, I love the water level. So cosmic Cove also jumped out to me is a beautiful one. I liked the underwater sections. What galaxies really jumped out for you in world number two,


I can tell you what's going through these galaxies I was writing down the ones that kind of wanted to stay down talk about a little bit and like a no I have right down to level a cosmic cosmic Cove was one of them. So absolutely love that level. Probably my favorite galaxies. Galaxy in the game. And then like you said with hightail falls absolutely love that love using the dash pepper on Yoshi, the verticality going around running sideways, upside down. Um, I really struggle with it. But just because, like you know, a lot of times I don't like something because I struggle with it. Um, this one I did, but I still did like that galaxy. So I'm kind of cosmic go hightail falls, and then Yeah, wow, glad it was okay. Like, you know, wasn't a huge fan on it. honeymoon galaxy. I can't remember this one too well, but I do remember liking it a little bit, I believe, based on the name that you used to be a lot in that level, which I'm always a big fan of the B power. I like to be powered. By the ones that stood out to me, I will say with all the browser levels, or browser galaxies in this game, like I just I was really disappointed. Like in galaxy, they had the same theme as a Super Mario 64 for the bow. Yes. And in the first two browser galaxies, they did have that theme, but it's a little bit of a remix. And I didn't like the remix as much as I did the original. So I was kinda upset that they took those away. And once again, I believe the first two were like lava level. So very unoriginal. Just really, yeah, like do something different on the first or second one. So overall, I'm not really not a big fan of at the browser level. So you're not gonna hear me talk that much about him. But I will just kick it to you right here. World three, which galaxy stood out to you?


Well, you know, me, I mentioned in the last episode that I'm always a fan of the haunted levels, like the Boo levels. And so hot haunted halls galaxy is one that immediately stood out to me. And I know you weren't such a big fan of those, based on the last episode. So that one,


I love the


theme though those places. Oh, I absolutely do too. And then, you know, we talked, we loved the motion controls when it came to like writing on the ball. In last episode, they brought that back for the rolling masterpiece galaxy. So that was a great throwback to the first galaxy game. I really enjoyed that aspect. Like the motion controls, I know I kind of railed on him a little bit last episode. That was one of the instances where it was really done well as controlling like that ball that you're writing on top of. And then I enjoyed the tall Trump galaxy just because it was a huge gigantic tree that on like one of the stars, you got to climb to the top of it. And then in another the stars, you got to slide all the way down. And I thought that slide was really fun. And I thought it was a great throwback to like princesses a what was named princesses secrets slide or whatever it was. And


the theme was the same too in that Oh, yes.


So I thought tall, tall trunk. Man all this alliteration is making it tough.


Maybe the beard to you now. Sorry, sorry, red, it could be the one that you're drinking.


Or pinkies up on this podcast. That's what happens when I run out of beer and get desperate.


Not kind of touch on a little bit of it called trunk I did really like the galaxy thought was kind of cool like a big treehouse, and then the add the slide was amazing. Um, the rolling mass pace. Just like the Is the game I did really like down right there? The beat block galaxy Oh fuck that thing they can go back to the flip switch or whatever it was the beat block was just as bad as they are but I just those two levels I absolutely hated those levels don't really have much else to say get through them right here frizzy flake I really didn't care about the haunted halls or whatever. honty hot man he's already house. Like I said I liked the theme and everything but other than that, it really didn't stay out too much for me kind of going on the world for as I bring him up and look at the galaxies because I can't really remember him. Talking about


world four, which ones you liked? Oh, now you're making me read through it really quick. Yeah, well, okay. starshine Beach, we love the beach levels. We love the water level. So starshine Beach was always going to jump out as a favorite of ours or at least for me, because any beach level, I think they just do a great job of one making it absolutely beautiful. And to just you know, you they still incorporate that water and the underwater sections. To me the beach levels are some of my favorite in any Mario game. So I was a really big fan of starshine Beach. But beyond that, I guess I will touch on the supermassive galaxy. Everything's huge, hence you name supermassive galaxy. And the only reason I kind of liked it was it was a throwback to tiny, huge islands. I thought yeah, Mario 64 earliest parts of it where you were you were tiny and everything else was huge. So I did like the supermassive galaxy had a nice little throwback to that, where everything else in the galaxy was just gigantic. But beyond that world, for In my opinion, was a little bit of a letdown. I didn't, nothing else really jumped out to me. We did get our second browser fight. And again, it was like you said you had the lava in space. The castle looks cool. Yeah, but I'm kind of with you that you know, the browser levels didn't really stand out to me. Damn. So I'd give my props to starshine Beach and supermassive galaxy What about you from world for?


Yeah, I agree. Just like you start Shawn beach We always love those big water level looks beautiful. Love the beach. I wish I could make it there sometime in the next years. I don't with kids right now. Kids. I'm like, I don't want to mess with that right now. So but yeah, supermassive galaxy I really liked that one flips Ville massacre that place I did not care for Bill whatsoever then kind of sweet mystery I did really liked that one. Um, there wasn't really a lot to it from what I remember. But I do remember like the backdrops being like you know doughnuts and stuff like that. Yeah, I know what to say donuts. excitedly draza and yeah, and all the food everything so I thought that was kind of unique and cool. Now the honey hop I think was talking about a honey galaxy a little bit earlier. I was actually thinking about honey hop I'm not really sure which one is which NASA I'll just say hey, you probably get to play with as a bee so like you probably a pretty like you know tree airy, a green, dirty green area with some honey in the bees. I'll probably like that one a little bit. But I'm not ready. I'm going to talk to you right here. So get ready for it. What galaxies Did you like? What do you name once you can go what what did you didn't like also? Oh, don't worry. Oh,


I think I've got one of those in here. But first I I do have to say I'm noticing a pattern here where you're throwing it to me to start


galaxies to man. Like if I go right to the galaxies. I'm not gonna know what the hell I'm talking about.


Well, I'm glad you mentioned like maybe one that I didn't like, because this one had one of my biggest disappointments in the game. And that was the slip saying gassy. Anyone who's listened to us back to our two guys playing Zelda days. You know, we love desert areas even like they just they look beautiful on any kind of technology, which you don't think a desert would look beautiful, but they always manage Nintendo manages to make some absolutely gorgeous desert levels. And even the one we got in the original galaxy. We both mentioned it is one that we loved. Like I love slippery sand land from Mario 64. I mean, it's just we've loved desert areas. The slip sand galaxy ends that streak with a whimper it Yeah,


and the theme was terrible to


the theme was terrible. And it was just like yes, there was sand but it was still against the backdrop of like outer space so it didn't really look like you're in a desert or anything like that. So to me I you're I'm glad you mentioned like hey, let's let's talk about when we didn't like because slips and galaxy, I thought was a massive letdown. There were one or two that I liked in here like the space storm galaxy kind of looked like you were climbing on a giant rocket or a space station. So I thought that one was a fun one. shiver burn galaxy was young similar to freeze flame from the first Super Mario Galaxy. I liked the lava and ice being side by side. So those two kind of popped out for me but man, I will always remember world five for being like ah slip, same galaxy. Oh,


it was cool. Going down that same slide though. Like how kinda behind you had to dodge all that stuff. And then it's very I think it's that galaxy. Mariana got like really narrow stuff I didn't really like that but like you said overall was just a really big lead down I believe one of the few maybe the only desert galaxy that we had in the game so I'm not really big on that one I did like shiver burn like you know the concept of lava and ice I believe in that galaxy like you could turn into what's the ice Mario whatever I ordered somehow there was ice on top of love I was like that shit makes no sense whatsoever now it didn't melt but the right to it melted like I noticed a game I know that physics is like engaged to always make sense look at Zelda but like dead right they just I can handle Gods yes it's a fancy world maybe the physics are different or it's not who gives a crap it's a video game but it's still like doesn't bother me bomb like there's no way that's possible but anyways, I do like when we get lava and fire beside it so that was really cool right there boom moon hey that when I thought that one was just absolutely terrible and there was one that was really dark the entire time and I think it might have been Blue Moon like we just like you use the ball berry I believe a couple times.


That's in world that's Oh flash but that's in world six. That's


still suck okay.


levels and I thought Blue Moon sucks. I'm


with you on that. I'm really there's nothing else really talked about. I mean, they were all kind of led down the whole game was a little bit of a lead. Yeah, you know, but I can't go on the world six can't talk about the galaxies in that one.


So world six, of course was the last of like the main worlds that we got to go to so you kind of have to start with you get the final browser fight in the browser's galaxy generator, which I thought was a very cool looking level it had some great platforming. The final browser fight was really fun I thought but overall for being like the final Okay, no, nevermind i take it back as I'm reading through this and reminding myself I know there's some pretty good ones in here actually. throwback galaxy. Yes. I love because I'm a whore for Mario 64 I it is one of my it's probably my favorite Mario game in the main line series it


is and then I don't know why you said probably right there like even I


know the answer to that one. And so like just getting a recreation of wams Fortress in the galaxy two engine was such a fun thing and it had that Mario 64 music with it. So I love throwback galaxy just from that standpoint. I liked a slimy spring galaxy again. It's an underwater level. I'm a big fan of underwater levels but I will say I did have another lead down here in world six. I saw a world or a galaxy called clockwork ruins galaxy. Yeah, I thought it was gonna be a throwback to like Tick Tock clock for a Mario 60 Yes, it turns out it's still a pretty level


like it's like Indiana Jones fill right there. Yes,


absolutely. The Indiana Jones field just a lot of moving parts to it. So it was a fun level it was a beautiful level but it threw me off a little because I was expecting a clock and a little bit I didn't get it so all in all world six was it was a pretty strong world But yeah, for the closing world. I thought it could be delivered a little bit better but what do you think? Well, that's


the entire game right there. It could deliver it a little better. Yeah, healthy monster like you know, just a fire world and a galaxy like you know, a lot of times against that backdrop backdrop of space. Like Yeah, place just look gorgeous. Really liked it. I was a fan of clockwork rooms that that was really cool. Like it had an Indiana Jones fail even though even Indiana Jones fail even though I'm not seeing those movies. So like, you know, I need to get on there like I was really really hung over but I was like too hung over to even watch movies. So like that's how bad I was. But I guess it just didn't grab me that day. But I do need to wash those but I didn't really like the galaxy. Like you know, this whole bunch of wood like fours kind of the platforming as a really big fan of that one. Yeah, throwback I'm not as big of a fan of Mario 64 I still would rank it probably as my third favorite Mario game but like the nostalgia I've talked about is not there for that one. So when you're trying to do like a throwback galaxy and the nostalgia is not there it doesn't really work as well for me as it did you but still isn't okay it was okay. Battle Bell blah not even waste my time on now. And all the other ones like I didn't care for any of the other ones. A slimy spring I was actually yeah, it was water. That was not even really a fan of that one. So overall, that's really all I had to say about world six. World s the special world. What galaxies Did you like in that one?


So I was a big fan of ours. I was ganked by earphone headphones right now I really like the rolling coaster galaxy because it was like a mystery to me of like Rainbow Road plus a roller coaster plus pinball plus your steering the rolling ball like we mentioned on one of the galaxies earlier. So to me of the special levels. Roller rolling coaster galaxy is absolutely the one that jumped out to me. I will give a special shout out to boss Blitz galaxy because I know there are a lot of people out there who kind of like that boss Blitz style. Yeah, we've talked about it some in our old Zelda conversations. I'm not necessarily as big a fan Just recycling bosses. I feel like it's kind of lazy design. But you know at the same time it's you know, doing a boss Blitz is it's something different. It's the only time they do it in the game. So those two set out to me the most I never got the Grandmaster galaxy cuz you had to unlock 100 140 frickin stars and I just wasn't doing that shit. So, I can't speak to that one. I think it'd be a fun challenge probably to try it out. But what worlds are what worlds what galaxies from World s jumped out to you?


Like you wrote a rolling coaster galaxy. Just a very fun time. Take the ball down this awesome Rainbow Road slide. I really really liked that probably one my favorites in the game along with cosmic Cove. Um, other than that, they're just a bunch of unoriginal ideas in this whole world like the stone cycle and you had that in the original Mario Galaxy. The boss Blitz boss Blitz was actually the bosses from Mario Galaxy, so I didn't really care for them when Mario squared I believe there's a constant like that in the original So overall, just not a lot good thoughts right there. Um, the twisty trials galaxy was not a huge fan of it, because it was extremely difficult, but it kind of did go back to sunshine, even though I had not played sunshine at that time. So Right, right, kind of like the flashback a little bit to that nowadays. I can appreciate that a little bit more, but um, it was kind of unique. It was difficult, like but you know, difficult in a good way. But um, other than that world s to be honest with you, it really wasn't that special to me, so didn't feel that special. Yeah, so that's kind of the galaxy wrap up right there. As y'all can see just overall compared to galaxy one, just really not a lot of stood out. Not a lot. They were great. I'm really the galaxies I feel were more about platforming than they were like, you know, looking beautiful, which I think is what the original galaxy did. So that's another part right there. Were at another point where like, you know, galaxy two just falls a little bit behind galaxy one like yeah, good platform. We made better platforming than galaxy one. But overall just didn't look as beautiful. Didn't stain as much you know, which kind of brings me to the music and apparently they use this like we said in the beginning an orchestra for this game and apparently they were like 70 songs total with the original compositions and the 20 arrangements from earlier games. I don't I don't know read got those numbers. I don't believe because everything that I heard was using a past Mario game or it was something used from galaxy if it was a new one. It didn't stand out that much to me it wasn't that great so overall that's my opinions on the music add just a huge lead down from galaxy one to stuff that never go back to and listen to again, like I do with galaxy so read what's your opinions on the music?


I'm generally with you when I saw and those came from I think Mario pedia or something like that. Yeah, Mario wiki one of those. Whenever I saw there were 50 original compositions. I'm like, Really? I feel like they're all like the same. Like you said the same songs over and over or they're


like a remix or a different sound. Does that count as a new composition? Well,


that's what I thought like the 20 arrangements of previous compositions would would cover those, but I don't think I heard 50 original sounds and I know it's a Mario game. So you're gonna get similar sounds I get that but I'm with you. The music didn't jump out to me that much. I guess they like included a double disc of the soundtrack with the Japanese version of the game, which I'm always a fan of. I don't think it ever made it to America, unfortunately. But you know, the music's not that great in general. The story it's a Mario story. It's Yeah, it's the same story as the original Mario Galaxy. The only thing is


like the original Mario Galaxy never happens like oh, Star festival again, like there's a lot to it like oh, galaxy number one never happened. We're just gonna do your own story right? Or whatever. But kind of go here with the story.


I did. Like the browser was like gigantic because the Power Stars and they made him massive. So it made him look really cool. And that includes in his boss fights in the cinematics you know what they are. But yeah, I mean, this story, he almost had Zelda goodness, we've talked way too much Zelda and kidnaps peach. And he says he needs he wants to build a giant Empire to fit his giant size. So he goes to the center of the galaxy, again, or the center of the universe, whatever. Again, we go rescue him again. And when he's defeated, it all comes undone. You do get to see the comet observatory at the very end and Rosalina I was a big fan of that part of the game right




I tell ya, I like that little reveal. You know, the Luma that's been following you around the whole time is reunited with her, steals Mario's hat as a souvenir. Goggin catchy thing and


honestly kind of relate to that a little bit.


Right. So Mario and peach just returned home on the starship Mario so you get an extra little post credit scene. If you get all 120 stars. It's basically just that's when Rosalina tells you about the green stars and you can go collect 120 more which buck that


I won't make that I hate that flipbook style like I absolutely hated that like that either. And then also I'll kind of mention like it took place in the story a little bit but also in the game. There was a lot more 2d in this game than ally I don't matter a little bit 2d. Mario Odyssey did it very well, but this game is kind of his force of felt like and I think that might have been around a time 2d Mario's was released so maybe they were doing it because of that reason or whatever but overall that the story like I said, kind of acted like galaxy one never happened and overall just not a big fan of the story which Morrow stories don't have to be great because it's all about the platform and stuff, you know. Yeah, I never judge a Mario story really hard but I thought galaxy for being a Mario game actually had a decent story. And this one like the most of the other elements, it took a little bit of a step back but nothing really more to stay to say on the story. Let's go to Reception and legacy. We kind of talked about this being critically acclaimed nice seven on Metacritic, it won numerous Game of the Year awards, I believe so a lot of copies not as much as galaxy because galaxy is better, but right. sell a lot of copies, but um, read kind of what's your overall, what's the legacy in like, in your mind of the game? i?


Unfortunately, for me, it just didn't leave much of one. Yeah. And yeah, like, it was just more to me, it was just more of the same. And I think that's maybe why we don't remember it quite as finely as we do the original because normally, yes, every Mario game kind of has the same bare bones to it, but they do something different. They innovate in some way. And to


interrupt you right here. Here's kind of opinion I have a cat feels like a beside game. But you know, it's true, like but I feel like they these are the galaxies that didn't make it into one maybe they recreate all these new galaxies. I don't know. But it feels like it was a beside and they put like these were the galaxies they didn't make it the galaxy one and then they made a new game out of that that's what it feels like to me


now and I'm completely with you and that's like we will always sit here and say like even though yes most like if you read some of the critical reviews for it they're like an improved on the original in every way. And I'm like yeah, there were some improvements but in general it's still it was too repetitive compared Yeah, like it was just too much of the same thing there needed to be a different concept in between galaxy and Galaxy two or they needed to take galaxy two in an entirely different direction. Yes, in my opinion, is that kind of your general consensus as well?


Yeah, really? I mean, I think you can see how excited like not everybody can see behind the scenes right we're really excited to talk about galaxy Oh hell yeah then we came to galaxy to we were like being do we gotta do this and we actually had to push this episode back a day because we start preparing so late we're like oh crap, we actually remember nothing about this game Now I know that doesn't matter to you all because you'll still be released on the same day blah blah blah. But just I mean, I was so excited about Super Mario Galaxy I was so excited again 3d All Stars and then when it came to to like the only reason that we did is because on this podcast if we talk about a game that has like you know a Sikh or you know 1234 we want to talk about those in like you know order so like you can knock all those out we don't take like you know a break and we just don't want to do it that way we want Yeah, we want to do them together like episode why so like it just was not that excited for gas to and I think that says a lie. It's just not that memorable. Still a great game. Still game I had a lot of fun with still a great platformer in terms of other platformers it's still one of the best it's still got that space aspect to it but the galaxies were led down like a lot of the power ups have already been used. There's a lot that was using galaxy like you said that they reuse in galaxy exactly it was not very innovative the story which is blocked the hub war was terrible so just so many things that set it back for me Yeah, we


said we were gonna be where we said we're gonna be happy about this


now Yeah, well this legacy legacy my ass there's nothing but thank you all kind of know how we feel about the game but I'm gonna wrap up and I can't do anything else.


No, I'm with you completely. It's just it's there.


It's Yeah, that's there. We got to talk about it because of damn superbug galaxy last episode. But next next episode, we're going to take a break from games because preparing these games going through 49 galaxies, it takes a lot of time and we got other shit that we got to do. So next episode, we're going to talk about the gaming industry as a whole. But um, here's the wrap up. All these links will be in the description. You can support us on Patreon or PayPal and indicate support financially. Please leave a review or rating it helps when people search for a video games podcast. And please go check out our tg PC gaming website. We have a ton of merchandise there, a very good blog and on that merchandise, those are affiliate products so we may earn a commission on purchases through our links read talk about some of the other stuff we got going on. While we're


out there on YouTube. Two guys playing Zelda and tgp z gaming, but Discord. discord is where we're really up, man. We have great gaming conversation. We talk Nintendo PlayStation, Xbox, we talk just we talk TV shows booze, like we talked about a lot of stuff on our Discord. It's about


red Swan, which we are going to be talking about later on today.


So it's just a great place to connect with with other gaming fans. It's been really our main avenue lately for communicating with with fans as well. So it's just fun to To talk shop with other people who love video games. We are also out there on social media on Twitter on Instagram Busted Buttons pc as mentioned next week next episode, we're just going to talk kind of what's going on in the gaming industry in general. I hope you guys enjoyed listening us listening to us talk about mario galaxy and Mario Galaxy to the last couple episodes. Even if you know you got to tell which one we liked a little bit more. Yeah, yeah. Thank you all for listening and we'll be back next episode.