Design the Future

Lynn Simon on the systems of sustainability and radical resilience

January 28, 2021 Season 1 Episode 31

Lynn Simon is head of Real Estate and Workplace Services Sustainability at Google, a role that includes health, wellness, food, transportation, placemaking, amenities, and more. The built environment is central to her work, but it also includes all the systems that connect people to place. Recently, Lynn convened the Regen Lab to address what they called “radical resilience beyond the perimeter.” Lynn points out that “think global, act local” is still true, and for Google, which is in 54 countries and 648 buildings, that means considering equity in many places and in many ways. There is so much to learn, she says, by engaging the disenfranchised and indigenous communities.”I think we have to be intentional about all aspects of our lives and our work to bring in diverse voices.”