Coronavirus and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Baptist HealthTalk
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Baptist HealthTalk
Coronavirus and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Jun 02, 2020 Season 1 Episode 20
Baptist Health South Florida, Dr Katia Apollon, Dr. Jonathan Fialkow

Life in 2020 is not turning out as we had expected. Just imagine what it’s like for women who are expecting! The novel coronavirus is causing increased anxiety and uncertainty for pregnant women and their loved ones.  What is known about how the virus affects mothers-to-be, their unborn children and newborn infants? Host, Dr. Jonathan Fialkow gets the latest information from Dr. Katia Magalie Apollon, a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Baptist Health South Florida on this episode of Baptist HealthTalk.

On June 24, 2020 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released this statement regarding COVID-19 and pregnancy:
ACOG Statement on COVID-19 and Pregnancy | ACOG

For more information about COVID-19 please visit