First Fifteen

The Law, Again (Deuteronomy)

Ron Oltmanns Season 5 Episode 19

God gave the Law to Moses at Mount Sinai. So why did Moses repeat the law again to the children of Israel in Moab 40 years later? We find out in today's episode.

Season five is focused on listening to and praying Bible stories or narratives.  In our podcast we take time to listen to God's word and turn it into prayer.

We aren't looking at any specific laws in this episode. Instead we consider the story of why Moses gave the law again and the final events before Israel entered Canaan. We listen to Deuteronomy 1 and 34, the first and last chapter of the book, to get a sense of the story taking place.  

Israel and Moses are camped in Moab just east of the Jordan River looking across into the land God has promised them, Canaan. Moses won't enter with the people; instead he dies and God buries him in an undisclosed location in Moab. It is up to Joshua to lead the people to take possession of the land and to live by God's law in it.  We pray this passage and learn to see the mercy of God giving us a second chance and a second hearing of his teaching. 

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